
  • Curing Hubby's Eczema Through Diet Alone
    Feb 21 2025

    I can't believe this is our 6th episode together! Learn how we talk about our family choices toward health. Like becoming more "farmy" if that is a word. We talk about eggs and all the ways we get the highest quality food for our family, outside of the grocery store! I am proud to announce my husband, Peter, had cured his own eczema through his diet, finally! After many years of struggle, and you can too!

    Here are some other topics we talk about in this episode:

    • Why the Carnivore diet is working for him
    • The medical system in this country is broken and how we worked around it
    • Why Kellogg got breakfast wrong
    • Should you bulk up for the winter and shred down for the summer?
    • Is Carnivore right for everyone?
    • Why google can be wrong sometimes

    To learn more about my book FROM MY LIFE TO MOM LIFE go here: https://amzn.to/41MCVF8

    To download your copy of my eBook “Hidden Veggie Secrets” go here: https://veggiesecrets.myrockerbeez.com/info

    For all other projects or to subscribe to my newsletter go here: www.myrockerbeez.com

    How to make your own soap video: https://youtube.com/shorts/w7mAQEHRadA?si=AZwcfkeuM9JvL9oy

    Get all the soap supplies on my blog: https://www.myrockerbeez.com/post/hand-soap-hack-save-money

    Connect with me on all social platforms @myrockerbeez, even tik tok!

    Special thanks to my husband, Peter Famiglietti, for being so open and honest about this amazing journey.

    Thanks to Scott Pugh for the wonderful announcements at the end of the show.

    As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support.

    Support the show

    Support the show by visiting this link. And thank you for listening, sharing, and being part of this amazing community!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m
  • Hubby's Weight Loss Journey Continued
    Nov 29 2024

    In this episode, find out what it is like to be a wife supporting her husband as he takes this difficult challenge. We talk about everything!

    How it was eating cow tail, or some people call ox tail.

    Rapid weight loss vs. how to see MORE results by doing LESS.

    Building muscle while losing fat. (Don't we all want that anyway?)

    BMR (basal metabolic rate) and how to find yours.

    Heart rates and how to get in the fat burning zone.

    I hope you enjoy this episode and please let me know in the comments if you learned something new here.

    To learn more about my book FROM MY LIFE TO MOM LIFE go here: https://amzn.to/41MCVF8

    To download your copy of my eBook “Hidden Veggie Secrets” go here: https://veggiesecrets.myrockerbeez.com/info

    For all other projects or to subscribe to my newsletter go here: www.myrockerbeez.com

    Connect with me on all social platforms @myrockerbeez, even tik tok!

    Special thanks to my husband, Peter Famiglietti, for being so open and honest about this amazing journey.

    Thanks to Scott Pugh for the wonderful announcements at the end of the show.

    As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support.

    mom podcast, parenting podcast, healthy podcast, podcast for moms, mom blog, fitness podcast, healthy living, self-help podcast, healthy podcast, 75 Hard, carnivore, moms

    Support the show

    Support the show by visiting this link. And thank you for listening, sharing, and being part of this amazing community!

    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Come Along on Date Night with Us!
    Nov 20 2024

    Sometimes when you go on a new adventure like 75-Hard Challenge or the Carnivore Diet, going on a Date Night can be challenging. Come along with us to see how my husband navigates this windy road. Will he stay on his plan, or will it go off the rails?

    We also talk about him getting headaches and what to do about it.

    Tracking calories, eating butter raw, and other random things discovered while doing this carnivore thing.

    Learn some sneaky tricks the food companies try to pullover on us regarding potato chips and tortilla chips.

    To learn more about my book FROM MY LIFE TO MOM LIFE go here: https://amzn.to/41MCVF8

    To download your copy of my eBook “Hidden Veggie Secrets” go here: https://veggiesecrets.myrockerbeez.com/info

    For all other projects or to subscribe to my newsletter go here: www.myrockerbeez.com

    Connect with me on all social platforms @myrockerbeez, even tik tok!

    Special thanks to my husband, Peter Famiglietti, for being so open and honest about this amazing journey.

    Thanks to Scott Pugh for the wonderful announcements at the end of the show.

    As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support.

    mom podcast, parenting podcast, healthy podcast, podcast for moms, mom blog, fitness podcast, healthy living, self-help podcast, healthy podcast, 75 Hard, carnivore, moms

    Support the show

    Support the show by visiting this link. And thank you for listening, sharing, and being part of this amazing community!

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Hubby's Carnivore Journey Cont...Most Graphic One Yet!.
    Nov 10 2024

    As I was editing this episode, I was literally getting sick to my stomach with some of the topics of this conversation. I’m not saying that doing the carnivore diet is gross, but it does come with some new bodily functions you may not be ready for.

    Hence, the warning in my title slide: THIS EPISODE IS NOT FOR THE WEAK. Please listen at your own risk. Full disclosure, some of the topics we cover are gross, and may not be your “cup of tea.” If not, scroll on. But for the brave, please know we will talk about the following: eating beef liver and beef heart, nose to tail, colostomy bag, poop, gas, a new type of urine, and diarrhea.

    Although this episode is very educational, it is graphic. But hoping it can serve as a look into what really happens behind the closed door of the bathroom! LOL! This is a podcast where we talk about everything. Welcome to “A Mommy and a Mic!”

    To learn more about my book FROM MY LIFE TO MOM LIFE go here: https://amzn.to/41MCVF8

    To download your copy of my eBook “Hidden Veggie Secrets” go here: https://veggiesecrets.myrockerbeez.co...

    If you are curious about the pork belly recipe (man gum) we spoke of, go here: https://www.myrockerbeez.com/post/por...

    For all other projects or to subscribe to my newsletter go here: www.myrockerbeez.com

    Connect with me on all social platforms @myrockerbeez, even Tik Tok!

    Special thanks to my husband, Peter Famiglietti, for being so open and honest about this amazing journey.

    Thanks to Scott Pugh for the wonderful announcements at the end of the show.

    As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support.
    mom podcast, parenting podcast, healthy podcast, podcast for moms, mom blog, fitness podcast, healthy living, self-help podcast, healthy podcast, 75 Hard, carnivore, moms

    Support the show

    Support the show by visiting this link. And thank you for listening, sharing, and being part of this amazing community!

    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Carnivore Diet and Bone Broth
    Nov 6 2024

    If you have ever thought about doing the Carnivore Diet that is sweeping the media, take a listen. I interview my husband on this healthy podcast where we follow him along this 75-Day journey.

    I have always considered him a caveman anyway, so eating meat has never been a problem for him. Find out the nitty gritty of what to eat and when to eat it. Also, learn WHY he is doing this as a personal choice.

    And by now I am sure you have heard about "bone broth." I have been drinking it for six years and it has improved my life in so many ways! If you don't know about it yet, not to worry. We talk about bone broth, at length, to give you a chance to understand what the hype is about.

    Show Notes:
    My Book for pregnant women

    Hidden Veggie Secrets Book

    Bone Broth Recipe

    Pork Belly Recipe

    Bearded Butcher Podcast

    Dr. Ken Berry Podcast

    Special thanks to my announcer. Scott Pugh. And to my husband, for allowing me to chronicle his journey!

    Support the show

    Support the show by visiting this link. And thank you for listening, sharing, and being part of this amazing community!

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • 75-Hard Challenge and WHY My Husband Is Doing It!
    Oct 23 2024

    Listen in as I interview my husband for the first time. This is his debut on my podcast "A Mommy and a Mic." He decided to take on the 75-Hard Challenge that has been making its way around the internet. What is it and why would someone choose to do this? Will he finish? Will he fumble? Find out in this season of "A Mommy and a Mic!"

    Learn more about 75-Hard Challenge https://andyfrisella.com/blogs/articl...

    Link to get my book FROM MY LIFE TO MOM LIFE on Amazon:

    Link to Hidden Veggie Secrets eBook

    Special thanks to my announcer, Scott Pugh.

    Support the show

    Support the show by visiting this link. And thank you for listening, sharing, and being part of this amazing community!

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Food School: FAT
    Oct 7 2024

    And we are back, with the third and final episode of my Food School Series: FAT! I believe this is the one Macronutrient that is most misunderstood. Is it bad for you? Does eating fat make you fat? I will answer these questions and more as we jump off the diving board together into the deep end! Let's learn something new.

    My paperback book FROM MY LIFE TO MOM LIFE on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3emeh7b

    Listen to my Audiobook here:

    Hidden Veggie Secrets eBook: https://veggiesecrets.myrockerbeez.com/info

    Subscribe to my recipe blog here: https://www.myrockerbeez.com

    Follow me on all social media @MyRockerbeez, even Tik Tok!

    Remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel at My Rockerbeez!

    Special thanks to my announcer, Scott Pugh.

    As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support.

    mom podcast, parenting podcast, healthy podcast, podcast for moms, mom blog, carbohydrates, healthy living, self-help podcast, healthy podcast, Christian Podcast, carbs, moms

    Support the show

    Support the show by visiting this link. And thank you for listening, sharing, and being part of this amazing community!

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Food School: Carbs
    Jun 26 2024

    If you are trying to get healthy, but don't know where to start, you are in the right place!

    In this episode, my main goal is to break down all the myths surrounding carbs, and there are so many. If you get confused with "Low Carb", "No Carb", "keto", or other diet fads you have heard of, it all ends here.

    Take a listen and get back to basics with me!

    Buy my paperback book FROM MY LIFE TO MOM LIFE on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3emeh7b

    Listen to the audiobook FROM MY LIFE TO MOM LIFE here:

    Watch the movie about McDonald’s SUPER SIZE ME here:

    3 Ingredient Cookie Recipe:

    Perfect Potatoes Every Time Recipe:

    Subscribe to my recipe blog here: https://www.myrockerbeez.com

    Follow me on all social media as My Rockerbeez, even Tik Tok!

    Special thanks to my announcer, Scott Pugh.

    As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support.

    #mompodcast #parentingpodcast #healthypodcast #podcastformoms #momblog #carbohydrates #healthyliving #self-helpPodcast #healthypodcast #ChristianPodcast #carbs #moms

    Support the show

    Support the show by visiting this link. And thank you for listening, sharing, and being part of this amazing community!

    Más Menos
    46 m