
  • A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle - MICHAEL SCHRATT - Kingman UFO Crash (Crashes?)
    Sep 20 2024
    Michael Schratt (private pilot/aviation historian) has been investigating UFO encounters for over 25 years. Between 2008 and 2009, Michael meticulously reviewed a minimum of 50,000 cases which were preserved at the CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies) archives in Chicago. Michael has re-created dozens of highly credible UFO cases using drawings, illustrations and commissioned artwork. He has also investigated the Kingman UFO crash which has returned to widespread scrutiny thanks to Christopher Mellon’s recent release of an email chain suggesting the crash was rea. Michael has appeared on multiple media platforms including the following: Coast to Coast AM, History Channel, Paranormal Matrix, UFO Hunters, Fade to Black and, of course A Different Perspective. In addition, Michael has been a guest speaker at multiple UFO conferences including the following: Phoenix MUFON, Orange County MUFON, International UFO Congress, MUFON Symposium and UFO CON.

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  • Kevin Randle Interviews - ROBERT SWIATEK - Current UFO Sightings
    Sep 12 2024
    Rob has an undergraduate degree in physics and spent his career at the US Patent and Trademark Office working on intellectual property in a number of areas, most importantly in aeronautics and astronautics. (Ironically, he said since the latter includes circular aircraft, he can state he worked on flying saucers for the government.) His UFO involvement goes back to 1968 during what he called his larval stage, when ongoing sightings and the University of Colorado UFO study permanently nailed his attention. Once he arrived in the DC area with the PTO, he joined the Fund for UFO Research and subsequently was elected to the executive committee of that organization. Around 2006 as the Fund wound down due to the rise of the Internet and other factors (it still exists as an organization, however, although at the moment it's largely dormant), he was asked to join MUFON's board of directors, and continues to serve there to this day.

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  • A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle - The Kingman UFO Crash: A Controversial Claim
    Aug 21 2024
    The Kingman UFO Crash: A Controversial Claim
    The Kingman UFO crash is a controversial alleged incident that purportedly occurred in Kingman, Arizona, in 1953. The claim suggests that an extraterrestrial spacecraft crashed in the area, and that the wreckage was recovered by the U.S. government.
    Key points about the claim:
    Alleged crash site: The crash is said to have happened near Paradise Valley, just outside of Kingman.

    Government involvement: According to proponents, the U.S. Air Force responded to the incident and recovered the wreckage.

    Leaked documents: The claim is often supported by references to leaked government documents that allegedly confirm the crash.

    -Lack of official confirmation: Despite the claims, there is no official confirmation from any government agency, and many experts remain skeptical.
    The controversy:
    • Lack of evidence: There is no concrete physical evidence to support the claim, such as photographs or eyewitness testimonies that have been independently verified.
    • -Inconsistencies: The details of the incident and the leaked documents often vary, making it difficult to establish a consistent narrative.
    • -Government secrecy: Some argue that the government's alleged involvement in covering up the incident is a common theme in UFO lore, and that it's difficult to distinguish between fact and fiction.

    While the Kingman UFO crash remains a popular topic among UFO enthusiasts, there is no definitive evidence to support the claim. The lack of official confirmation and the inconsistencies in the available information make it a subject of ongoing debate and speculation.

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    41 m
  • A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle Interviews - ROBERT SHEAFFER - UAP and Disclosure
    Aug 16 2024
    Robert Sheaffer is a writer with a lifelong interest in astronomy and the question of life on other planets. He is one of the leading skeptical investigators of UFOs, a fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry cleverly known as CSI and his written the Psychic Vibration column in the Skeptical Inquirer for over 35 years. He is a founding director and past chairman of the Bay Area Skeptics. He has written books on a variety of paranormal topics and has appeared on many television and radio shows over the years. His book, Bad UFOs, is what is of interest to us here.

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  • A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle - DAVID JONES - The Roswell Memo
    Aug 1 2024
    Over the years, David Jones has had a variety of occupations, including shipping agent and short story writer, and has a degree in art history and classical studies. His research into the Roswell Incident began in the summer of 2022 and ended in the winter of the following year when his work on the Ramey Memo and the accompanying book was completed. He lives in the west Midlands and runs a small online shop selling art prints.

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  • A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle - KEVIN DAY - US Navy Witness to Nimitz UAPs and Tic-Tac
    Jul 24 2024
    Kevin M. Day is a 21-year Navy veteran. Serving his entire career in San Diego and Hawaii, he completed 8 Western Pacific Deployments and visited many of the countries that touch the sea between the West Coast of the United States and the Middle East. Retired from active duty in November 2007, he works as a Systems Engineer from his home in Phoenix, Arizona. He is pursuing in Master of Science degree in Systems Engineering and writes short stories in his spare time. His book is Sailor’s Anthology with is a fictionalized account of the NIMITZ TIC TAC UFO encounter that happened in November 2004 off the coast of San Diego. In 2008 when he wrote the story, many involved were still in active duty. He chose to fictionalize the historical record in the effort to protect the identities of those still serving. When he tried to tell others his story, he could tell that nobody really believed him or they believed there had to be a more prosaic explanation. Not knowing what else to do, he wrote the short stories and self-published them in the Library of Congress to hide in plain sight what has now become contemporaneous evidence of the actual event. He hoped that if the TIC TAC encounter became public knowledge, his book might serve as evidence now. The plan worked. He says that you can now hold a piece of history.

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  • A Different Perspective With Kevin Randle - The 2024 Roswell Festival
    Jul 20 2024
    Kevin D. Randle has, for more than thirty-five years, studied the UFO phenomena in all its various incarnations. Training by the Army as a helicopter pilot, intelligence officer and military policeman, and by the Air Force as both an intelligence officer and a public affairs officer, has provided Randle with a keen insight into the operations and protocols of the military, their investigations into UFOs, and into a phenomenon that has puzzled people for more than a century. Randle's educational background is as diverse as his military experience. As an undergraduate at the University of Iowa, he studied anthropology. Graduate work included journalism, psychology and military science at the University of Iowa, California Coast University and the American Military University. He has both master and doctoral degrees in psychology and a second master degree in the Art of Military Science. During his investigations, Randle has traveled the United States to interview hundreds of witnesses who were involved in everything from the Roswell, New Mexico crash of 1947, to the repeated radar sightings of UFOs over Washington, D.C. in 1952, to the latest of the abduction cases. Randle was first writer to review the declassified Project Blue Book files while they were still housed at Maxwell Air Force Base and before they were redacted, among the first to report on animal mutilations and among the first to report on alien abductions. He also was the first to report the alien home invasions and among the first to suggest humans working with the aliens. Randle has written extensively on UFOs beginning in 1973 with articles in various national magazines. He had published many books about UFOs starting with The UFO Casebook in 1989 and continuing with Crash in 2010. Randle was away from his UFO studies while recalled to active duty with the Army in Iraq from 2003 to 2004. He recently retired from the Iowa Army National Guard as a lieutenant colonel. - www.KevinRandle.blogspot.com

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  • A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle Interviews - DAVID MARLER - National UFO Historical Records Center
    Jun 27 2024
    David has had a lifelong interest in the subject of UFOs. He joined The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in 1990 as a Field Investigator Trainee. Since then, he has served as Field Investigator, State Section Director, as well as Illinois State Director. David is currently an independent UFO researcher.

    During his tenure with MUFON, he had conducted numerous investigations into alleged UFO sightings and related experiences. He has discussed the subject of UFOs on numerous radio and television news programs. He has also lectured on the subject to various school and adult audiences over the years.

    He is also the Executive Director of the National UFO Historical Records Center, which is a collection of material, reports and a repository for data from around the world. Dozens of UFO researchers have donated their files to the Center.

    David received his Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville (SIUE). He received his Certification in Hypnotherapy from Mottin and Johnson Institute of Hypnosis in St. Louis, Missouri.

    David is a Registered Polysomnographic Technician (RPSGT) and assisted in diagnosing and treating patients that suffered from various sleep disorders for several years at a major St. Louis-based medical facility. He has worked within the medical field for over twenty years. His book is Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation. He might by the world’s foremost authority on triangular-shaped UFOs.

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