
  • The Future of Our Planet- We Ask The Cards EP 75
    Mar 14 2025

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    Back at Maries home today

    We used our oracle and tarot to ask source, and the cosmic beings out there to help answer some questions about our future...about AI, the world economy and if we are going to make alien contact.
    We hope you enjoy, Tina n Marie xx

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    Available on YouTube too. A Cosmic Crone Conversation - YouTube and our sister channel A Cosmic Vibe .
    (7) A Cosmic Vibe - YouTube ambiant music and meditations.

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Witch's Familiar, What's It All About? EP 74
    Mar 7 2025

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    hI Everyone, a reminder we are a location podcast meaning, we sometimes dont have microphones with us and use basically what we have with us to record. We hope this doesn't take away the interest in the content we bring to you...enjoy this episode at your leisure, all the best Tina and Marie.

    There are many definitions for a witch's familiar. Here's a few, mainly folklore..
    1.Familiars usually are small household pets that serve as a witch's companion. According to legend, familiars are sort of like guides, who take the form of an animal
    2 Devil spirits, or familiars, as companions who took the form of animals. The first one is a cat, the second is a hedgehog (or hedge-pig), and the third is a harpy ("Harpier"), a monster from Greek mythology with the face of a woman and the body of a bird.
    3 The familiar was a low-ranking demon that assumed any animal shape, such as a toad, dog, insect, or black cat. Sometimes the familiar was described as a grotesque creature of fantasy, an amalgam of several creatures.
    Personally, we don't resonate with any of these meanings. They are outdated and we have long evolved from witches being evil and needing to be murdered.
    Neither of us have bothered with the need for a familiar, but both agree, our deceased dogs could have been defined as one.
    What do you think?

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    Available on YouTube too. A Cosmic Crone Conversation - YouTube and our sister channel A Cosmic Vibe .
    (7) A Cosmic Vibe - YouTube ambiant music and meditations.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Losing Faith In Your beliefs EP 73
    Feb 28 2025

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    This episode comes to you from the car in the mountains of Kyrenia.

    Sometimes everything goes wrong and you just want to give up. You lose hope of your dreams, and lose faith in yourself, others, and your beliefs. Whether it's your spiritual practices, your loss of enthusiasm, or a stroke of unfortunate events, it could be time to re think your strategy, or a complete change in your thought system.
    We all get bad days. We just need to decide to push through them, or find a new path

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    Available on YouTube too. A Cosmic Crone Conversation - YouTube and our sister channel A Cosmic Vibe .
    (7) A Cosmic Vibe - YouTube ambiant music and meditations.

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Auras - Reading Them & Their Colour Meanings EP 72
    Feb 21 2025

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    Today's conversation with me, Tina, and Marie, explaining auras- How to read yours or another, about their colours, and effect on health, in the mountains of Northern Cyprus.

    As promised the list we couldn't remember when recording.

    1st Layer of the Aura: The Etheric Body.
    2nd Layer of the Aura: The Emotional Body.
    3rd Layer of the Aura: The Mental Body.
    4th Layer of the Aura: The Astral Body.
    5th Layer of the Aura: The Karmic Body.
    6th Layer of the Aura: The Angelic or Buddhic Body.
    7th Layer of the Aura: The Ketheric Body.
    Please do look these up as we are no experts!
    Colours are;
    Blue Aura
    Strength, intuition, and a balanced approach to emotional responses., emotionally mature, communication skills, teachers

    Red and Pink Aura
    Emotions and the physical body, passion, anger, love, and pride, shyness or vulnerability—perhaps falling in love.

    Orange Aura
    Happiness, joy, warmth, and energy, passion in someone with an orange aura and can be challenging for others to keep at your pace.

    Yellow Aura
    Joy and fulfilment. Those with yellow aura are typically satisfied with their life, possessions, and surroundings, and they’re easy to please. Happy go lucky, easy going.

    Green Aura
    If you’re in a state of renewal or healing, such as a new job or moving on from a previous relationship, your aura maybe green. A green aura is predominately a colour of health, healing, and comfort, and those with a prevailing green aura could be considered healing entities.

    Black Aura
    Blockade of protection, perhaps sealing themselves off because they’ve recently been hurt emotionally or physically.

    White Aura
    Spiritual awareness. The color white is quite prevalent in yogis, gurus, counsellors, and those who have undergone a number of spiritual teachings. They’re often centred, aligned, and have a higher understanding of life and its complexities.

    Always looking to learn. Spiritual growth.

    Support the show

    Available on YouTube too. A Cosmic Crone Conversation - YouTube and our sister channel A Cosmic Vibe .
    (7) A Cosmic Vibe - YouTube ambiant music and meditations.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Meditation Music.. A Cosmic Crone Conversation was live. EP 72
    Feb 15 2025

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    Celestial, drumming, guided talk, handpan, native American..what sound do you prefer when meditating? We give some examples for different purposes, eg contacting ancestors, or celestial beings..
    Donations for the Yappy Valley Sanctuary send to PAYPAL sosdogs2017@outlook.com

    #podcast #crone #meditationmusic

    Support the show

    Available on YouTube too. A Cosmic Crone Conversation - YouTube and our sister channel A Cosmic Vibe .
    (7) A Cosmic Vibe - YouTube ambiant music and meditations.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Live update of Sanctuary from both of us EP71
    Feb 7 2025

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    Tina today had a full battery today so us crones joined up for our podcast. Tina does us her fairy ring too.
    Available on Spotify and other podcast platforms.

    PAYPAL - sosdogs2017@outlook.com

    Support us by either donating, clicking LIKE and to get more from us SUBSCRIBE

    #podcast #rescuedog #crone #conversations #animalsanctuary

    Support the show

    Available on YouTube too. A Cosmic Crone Conversation - YouTube and our sister channel A Cosmic Vibe .
    (7) A Cosmic Vibe - YouTube ambiant music and meditations.

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Cosmic Dogs EP 70
    Jan 31 2025

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    First broadcast live on YouTube
    Sitting writing thoughts about the dogs at the new Yappy Valley Sanctuary...thinking bout the changes for them and how it's effecting them and thought I would hop on to share....at the time of recording us crone's, are not able to chat
    Tina is still building in the mountains.
    You can also listen on Spotify all the past conversations we've had or watch here on YouTube.
    Thank for watching/listening and contributing. ...it's very much appreciated. Hit the like and subscribe to👍

    To donate go to PAYPAL sosdogs2017@outlook.com

    #rescuedog #podcast #conversation #doglover#cosmicjourney

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    Available on YouTube too. A Cosmic Crone Conversation - YouTube and our sister channel A Cosmic Vibe .
    (7) A Cosmic Vibe - YouTube ambiant music and meditations.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Mind Control, by others and you yourself LIVE EP 69
    Jan 25 2025

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    A live we did in between the setting up of the new dog santuary. Its a comple thing the mind but we home in on the controling of it....govermental or self.

    Support the show

    Available on YouTube too. A Cosmic Crone Conversation - YouTube and our sister channel A Cosmic Vibe .
    (7) A Cosmic Vibe - YouTube ambiant music and meditations.

    Más Menos
    43 m