雍正皇帝 - 雍正皇帝 [Yongzheng Emperor]
3 books in series雍正皇帝 1:九王夺嫡 - 雍正皇帝 1:九王奪嫡 [Yongzheng Emperor 1: Nine Kings and the Fight for the Throne] Publisher's summary

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Book 1
雍正皇帝 1:九王夺嫡 - 雍正皇帝 1:九王奪嫡 [Yongzheng Emperor 1: Nine Kings and the Fight for the Throne]
- By: 二月河 - 二月河 - Eryue He
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 32 hrs and 31 mins
- Unabridged
阿哥党争,杀机隐隐,龙庭易主,雍正险胜。改诏说,弑父说,继位说?一段历史,几多疑云,扑朔迷离,令人难解难分…… 阿哥黨爭,殺機隱隱,龍庭易主,雍正險勝。改詔說,弒父說,繼位說?一段歷史,幾多疑雲,撲朔迷離,令人難解難分……
Redundant with last book of KangXi
- By awconcepcion on 07-09-19
雍正皇帝 1:九王夺嫡 - 雍正皇帝 1:九王奪嫡 [Yongzheng Emperor 1: Nine Kings and the Fight for the Throne]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 32 hrs and 31 mins
- Release date: 10-23-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Book 2
雍正皇帝 2:雕弓天狼 - 雍正皇帝 2:雕弓天狼 [Yongzheng Emperor 2: The Internecine Struggle Beneath]
- By: 二月河 - 二月河 - Eryue He
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 34 hrs and 10 mins
- Unabridged
九王夺嫡,雍正险胜,紫禁城新桃换旧符。但树欲静而风未止,皇城内外,大江南北,仍杀机四伏。八爷党死而未僵,取代之心,咄咄逼人;专间将军年羹尧倨功自傲,拥军干政;连托孤重臣隆科多也脚踏两只船,擅派兵丁入禁苑…… 九王奪嫡,雍正險勝,紫禁城新桃換舊符。但樹欲靜而風未止,皇城內外,大江南北,仍殺機四伏。八爺黨死而未僵,取代之心,咄咄逼人;專間將軍年羹堯倨功自傲,擁軍干政;連託孤重臣隆科多也腳踏兩隻船,擅派兵丁入禁苑……
雍正皇帝 2:雕弓天狼 - 雍正皇帝 2:雕弓天狼 [Yongzheng Emperor 2: The Internecine Struggle Beneath]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 34 hrs and 10 mins
- Release date: 11-07-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Book 3
雍正皇帝 3:恨水东逝 - 雍正皇帝 3:恨水東逝 [Yongzheng Emperor 3: Sudden Passing]
- By: 二月河 - 二月河 - Eryue He
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 37 hrs and 34 mins
- Unabridged
年羹尧赐死,隆科多圈禁,但八爷党余威未尽。王府密议,欲借铁帽子王逼雍正逊位;乾清宫内,唇枪舌战,风浪迭起。一边是赫赫天威,雍正严惩骨肉众兄弟,一边是缠绵缱绻,强留酷似旧情人的弟媳…… 年羹堯賜死,隆科多圈禁,但八爺黨餘威未盡。王府密議,欲借鐵帽子王逼雍正遜位;乾清宮內,唇槍舌戰,風浪迭起。一邊是赫赫天威,雍正嚴懲骨肉眾兄弟,一邊是纏綿繾綣,強留酷似舊情人的弟媳……
雍正皇帝 3:恨水东逝 - 雍正皇帝 3:恨水東逝 [Yongzheng Emperor 3: Sudden Passing]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 37 hrs and 34 mins
- Release date: 11-07-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Sale price: $35.88 or 1 credit
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