• Advanced | “自动驾驶安全员”成热门岗位 | “Autopilot Safety Officer” is a Hot Job | Mandarin Chinese Story
    Sep 28 2024

    “Autopilot safety officer” has become a popular position in the job market. Companies such as Turnip Express (a company owned by Baidu), Xiaomi Automobile, and DiDi are all hiring in large numbers. These companies reportedly get an average of 600 resumes a day.
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  • Beginner | 我妈打算在感到无聊的时候学习英语 | My mom plans to learn English when she's bored | Mandarin Chinese Story
    Sep 28 2024

    Gao Jin's mother used to shop when bored but realized it's unhealthy. Now, she plans to learn English to travel abroad, though Gao doubts her commitment.
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  • Intermediate | 好的官员如何走上贪污之路 | How good officers go down the path of corruption | Mandarin Chinese Story
    Sep 28 2024

    In fact, quite a number of corrupt officials had a good work record before they became corrupt. However, as the temptation of power is too great, many businessmen do whatever they can to draw in officials and themselves. This has made many officials accept bribes without their awareness.
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  • Beginner | 线下商场都开始亏钱了 | Offline malls have started losing money | Mandarin Chinese Story
    Sep 21 2024

    Both Zhang Li and Gao Yue prefer online shopping. They both agree Online shopping's rise leads to less street shopping. For this, Zhang Li's mom decides to sell her commercial properties.
    Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your level. Full text in Chinese, daily quiz to test your understanding, one-click dictionary, new words, and more.
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  • Advanced | 【对话】我记得上周你说你们单元有个电梯运行异常 | [Conversation] I remember last week you said there was an elevator in your unit that was not functioning properly | Mandarin Chinese Story
    Sep 21 2024

    Zhang Jun was trapped in an elevator yesterday, but maintenance arrived promptly. It was the elevator that he felt strange last week. Wang Jun was surprised that even Zhang Jun knew the elevator had something wrong, he still took it.
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  • Intermediate | 【对话】张杰公开别人手机号的这个行为可能涉及侵权 | [Conversation] Zhang Jie's act of disclosing someone else's cell phone number may involve copyright infringement | Mandarin Chinese Story
    Sep 21 2024

    Singer Zhang Jie was stormed by the internet because he “disclosed” someone else's cell phone number during a concert. Lin Meng and Zhang Ying are discussing the incident.
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  • Beginner | 去北京工作会让我有新的烦恼 | Going to work in Beijing will give me new worries | Mandarin Chinese Story
    Sep 14 2024

    Gao Jin tells Li Yang that he now has two opportunities to work in Beijing. Li Yang knows that Gao Jin has always wanted to work in Beijing, so he is happy for him. However, Gao Jin says that working in Beijing will give him new worries. And his new worries are...
    Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your level. Full text in Chinese, daily quiz to test your understanding, one-click dictionary, new words, and more.
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  • Intermediate | 00后奥运冠军备受关注 | An Post-00 Olympic Champion is in the Spotlight | Mandarin Chinese Story
    Sep 14 2024

    Pan Zhanle is the men's 100-meter freestyle champion at this year's Paris Olympics. He is also the world record holder in the 100-meter freestyle. And he outdid himself and broke his own record at the Paris Olympics.
    Join other motivated learners on your Chinese learning journey with maayot. Receive a daily Chinese reading in Mandarin Chinese, for your level. Full text in Chinese, daily quiz to test your understanding, one-click dictionary, new words, and more.
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    1 min