• Newish? Everything's Changed. Have You? Part 7 - The Law Can't Deliver - Pastor Ryan Russell
    Oct 21 2021

    From the beginning, laws have been an important part of society. Throughout time, laws have existed to protect people, yet history also displays the power the law has to effectuate injustice and oppression. The parasite that is sin has corrupted the purpose and power of laws, even since Biblical times. So if we can’t rely on the laws of this world (whether well-intended or not), where can we look for security and hope? We continue our series, New-ish?: Everything's Changed. Have You?, to discuss this very issue that Paul addresses to the Church in Romans 7. Only God’s law is perfect, pure, good, holy and righteous. Laws of this world can only restrain evil. They can’t purge it. Listen with us to our newest message, The Law Can’t Deliver, and discover that where the law fails, Christ prevails!

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    50 mins
  • Newish? Everything's Changed. Have You? Part 6 - A Fruitful Marriage - Pastor Denzel Wright
    Oct 20 2021

    The Gospel tells us all have fallen short of the glory of God and, because of our sin, deserve death. Yet it doesn't end there. In Jesus, God has given us the gift of eternal life - a brand-new life that starts today! But...can it really be that easy? Maybe today you feel stuck in your old way of life, your old habits, struggles, and vices. If that's you, join us as we continue our series, New-ish?: Everything's Changed. Have You?, by uncovering how we can live "in the new way" gifted to us in Jesus. Listen with us to our newest message, A Fruitful Marriage, as we unpack the truths of Romans 7:1-6.

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    38 mins
  • Newish? Everything’s Changed. Have You? – Part 5 – Freest Slave – Deacon Eddie Cartiledge
    Oct 7 2021

    Whether in conversation, on the news, or plastered across our newsfeeds, "freedom" is a hot topic these days. There are countless opinions on what true freedom is and how it should look today. And, just as people are talking about freedom, they're talking about slavery - a word with deep pain packed into it. But maybe the reason these buzzwords run so deep in our culture is not only because of our nation's history, but because each one of us is engaged in a spiritual battle between slavery and freedom. Join us as we continue our series, New-ish?: Everything's Changed. Have You?, as Paul reminds us that everyone is a slave to sin, but through Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, Christians are free! Listen with us to our newest message, The Freest Slave, and ask yourself the question, "Whose slave am I?"

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    38 mins
  • Newish? Everything’s Changed. Have You? – Part 4 – A New Master – Pastor Ryan Russell
    Oct 7 2021

    We all see the constant conflict in our world, but did you know there’s a spiritual battle happening as well? There is a struggle between who controls our hearts, whether our sinful, fleshly desires or God's Holy Spirit. But here's the good news: If you've placed your faith in Christ, we know who wins this war! Join us as we continue our series, New-ish?: Everything's Changed. Have You?, as Paul seeks to bring us to the scary realization that sin is a power that seeks to master us. But the story doesn't end there. Jesus' death and resurrection have given us victory over sin and death! The question is, does your life reflect this truth? Listen with us to our newest message, A New Master, and determine who you're allowing to rule your life!

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    50 mins
  • Newish? Everything’s Changed. Have You? – Part 3 – The New Life of Grace – Pastor Drew Clarkson
    Oct 7 2021

    According to Scripture, baptism is an important step of obedience after you've accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. At Woodside, when someone is baptized, we have the opportunity to hear their testimony of faith. Have you ever wondered why? Join us as we continue our series, New-ish?: Everything's Changed. Have You?, to discover why Paul uses the topic of baptism in Romans 6 to remind us how we are to walk in our faith. Through baptism, we're reminded that followers of Jesus have died to sin and been given new life in Him! The question is, are you living in that new life or going

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    44 mins
  • Newish? Everything’s Changed. Have You? – Part 2 – May Grace Reign – Pastor Denzel Wright
    Oct 7 2021

    Who is your representative? Despite your first thought, we aren’t asking about your favorite government official. Reality is, just as we're represented politically in this nation, all people are also represented spiritually by one of two individuals. Wondering who? Join us as we continue our series, New-ish?: Everything's Changed. Have You?, to discover who these two representatives are and which one is ruling your life. Listen with us to our newest message, May Grace Reign, to understand how our lives are ruled by one act from one person. The question is, which one?

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    39 mins
  • Newish? Everything’s Changed. Have You? – Part 1 – Only Sinners Welcome – Pastor
    Oct 7 2021

    Are you a good person or a bad person? That’s a hard question to answer without some kind of twist in your stomach. Today we begin our new series, New-ish?: Everything's Changed. Have You?, with a big claim: God only saves bad people. Join us as we venture through Romans 5:1-11 to uncover the truth about God's salvation. Over the next seven weeks, we'll decipher whether we're living in the freedom available to us through Jesus Christ, or trapped in the patterns of our old life. Listen with us in our first message of the series, Only Sinners Welcome, and find hope in our new life in Christ!

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    37 mins
  • Smoke & Mirrors, Part 6- Fallen Purpose: Nihilism
    Oct 7 2021

    Over the last five weeks, we’ve examined five different places our culture tells us to look for fulfillment in this world. Like the writer, we hope to leave a lasting mark, enjoy the best this life has to offer, and accumulate the greatest knowledge and possessions we can in our lifetime – and we find ourselves forever hungry for MORE. Today, at the close of our series, Smoke & Mirrors: Deciphering Truth in a World of "truths," we come to our final question: does anything in this world truly matter? Is there any meaning to this life? Listen with us in today’s message, Fallen Purpose: Nihilism, as we turn to the pages of Ecclesiastes and discover that God is life!

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    47 mins