• E.V. Hill and S.M. Lockridge
    Oct 2 2024

    In this episode, we dive into the lives and ministries of two remarkable preachers—E.V. Hill and S.M. Lockridge—whose passion for the gospel left a lasting legacy. Both men were known for their fearless preaching, unwavering devotion to Christ, and their ability to inspire generations of believers. Through their powerful sermons, they pointed countless people to the glory of Christ, never holding back the truth, even in the face of cultural and social challenges.

    Referencing Acts 4:13, we explore how these men, much like the apostles, were recognized not for their formal education, but for having been with Jesus. E.V. Hill’s determination to make the gospel central to his life and ministry, despite facing significant opposition, and S.M. Lockridge’s unforgettable sermon, “That’s My King,” which continues to resonate today, serve as powerful examples of faithfulness.

    This episode will challenge you to reflect on your own walk with Christ and inspire you to live a life where the gospel, the approval of Christ, and the glory of God are at the forefront. Tune in to learn from the lives of these men and how their ministries continue to impact the church today.

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    29 mins
  • Katharina Luther Part 2
    Oct 1 2024

    In this conclusion to Stephen's message, we explore the life of Katharina von Bora, a courageous woman who played a crucial role in the Protestant Reformation. Known primarily as the wife of Martin Luther, Katharina’s story begins with a daring escape from a convent in a fish barrel and evolves into an extraordinary partnership with one of history’s most influential figures.

    Drawing from Romans 1:17, we learn how the message of salvation by faith alone transformed both Martin and Katharina, shaping their lives and their ministry. This episode delves into Katharina’s journey from a devout nun to a woman whose strength, faith, and resilience not only supported Luther’s monumental efforts but also revolutionized the Christian home.

    You’ll discover how Katharina managed their household, raised six children, welcomed guests, and even engaged in theological debates around their famous dinner table. Through it all, she exemplified humility, commitment, and partnership in a time when women were rarely seen in such a light.

    Listen in to hear how Katharina von Bora’s legacy continues to inspire, showing that the Reformation wasn’t just about theology but also about transforming everyday lives and homes. Her story proves that even behind the greatest leaders, there are often unsung heroes making a world of difference.

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    29 mins
  • Katharina Luther Part 1
    Sep 30 2024

    In this compelling episode, we explore the life of Katharina von Bora, a courageous woman who played a crucial role in the Protestant Reformation. Known primarily as the wife of Martin Luther, Katharina’s story begins with a daring escape from a convent in a fish barrel and evolves into an extraordinary partnership with one of history’s most influential figures.

    Drawing from Romans 1:17, we learn how the message of salvation by faith alone transformed both Martin and Katharina, shaping their lives and their ministry. This episode delves into Katharina’s journey from a devout nun to a woman whose strength, faith, and resilience not only supported Luther’s monumental efforts but also revolutionized the Christian home.

    You’ll discover how Katharina managed their household, raised six children, welcomed guests, and even engaged in theological debates around their famous dinner table. Through it all, she exemplified humility, commitment, and partnership in a time when women were rarely seen in such a light.

    Listen in to hear how Katharina von Bora’s legacy continues to inspire, showing that the Reformation wasn’t just about theology but also about transforming everyday lives and homes. Her story proves that even behind the greatest leaders, there are often unsung heroes making a world of difference.

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    29 mins
  • William Cowper
    Sep 27 2024

    William Cowper's life was marked by deep sorrow, mental illness, and overwhelming despair, yet it was also filled with moments of profound faith, divine deliverance, and beautiful expressions of God's grace. Born in 1731, Cowper was a gifted poet whose hymns continue to touch hearts and point people to the gospel. His life’s trajectory was profoundly shaped by personal struggles with depression, as well as by the intervention of friends like John Newton, who guided him through dark times.

    It was Romans 3:24 that transformed Cowper’s heart as he sat in an asylum, broken and lost. Reading about the propitiation of Christ—how Jesus bore the wrath of God on our behalf—Cowper realized the depth of God's grace for sinners like him. The poet who struggled with self-doubt and mental anguish penned some of the most powerful hymns in Christian history, including "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood" and "God Moves in a Mysterious Way."

    In this episode, we explore how Cowper's life illustrates that God’s grace shines brightest in the midst of personal weakness. His story reminds us that even when we struggle with despair, God is faithful to guide us through and use us for His glory. You’ll be encouraged by the reminder that God works through every circumstance, weaving together a testimony of His grace, just as He did in William Cowper’s life.

    Scripture Reading: Romans 3:25

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    29 mins
  • George Mueller
    Sep 26 2024

    Born in Prussia in 1805, George Müller started life far from the godly figure he would become. As a teenager, Müller was involved in theft, gambling, and a life of rebellion. But God's grace turned his life around at the age of 20 when he attended a small prayer meeting, where, for the first time, he saw believers pray on their knees. This simple act of humility struck Müller deeply, and soon after, he gave his life to Christ.

    Müller's legacy would be built on his unwavering faith in God's provision. Without appealing for funds or making his needs public, he trusted that God would provide for the thousands of orphans under his care. And provide He did. Müller established five orphan houses that cared for over 10,000 orphans throughout his lifetime. His faith and prayer life were an inspiration, and his ministry grew to distribute millions of Bibles, New Testaments, and Christian literature worldwide.

    What made Müller’s faith so powerful was his confidence in God's promises, particularly Romans 8:28 and Psalm 84:11. He lived out the belief that "no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly," trusting that all things—whether struggles or blessings—would work together for good in God's divine plan.

    This episode explores how George Müller's life became a testimony to God's faithfulness, showing the world that trusting in God is never in vain. His story will inspire you to rely more fully on the One who provides for every need.

    Scripture Reading: Psalm 84:11

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    29 mins
  • Charles Spurgeon
    Sep 25 2024

    Charles Haddon Spurgeon, often called the Prince of Preachers, was born on June 19, 1834, into a family legacy of pastors. Though raised by godly parents and grandparents who nurtured his faith, Spurgeon resisted the work of God in his heart. Despite hearing countless Bible lessons and family prayers, he once admitted, "I rebelled and struggled against God for as long as I could."

    At the age of 16, during a snowstorm that prevented him from attending his usual church, Spurgeon wandered into a small Methodist chapel. The pastor wasn’t present, so an untrained layman took the pulpit. His simple message from Isaiah 45:22, Look unto Me, and be ye saved, was all it took. That day, Charles Spurgeon looked to Christ and was saved.

    Within a year, he was preaching to small groups of villagers, and soon his ministry expanded. By the age of 19, Spurgeon had accepted the call to pastor a declining London church, and under his leadership, it grew rapidly. His powerful sermons, filled with biblical truth, practical wisdom, and unexpected humor, drew thousands.

    Despite physical ailments and seasons of deep personal suffering, Spurgeon’s devotion to preaching never wavered. His impact still resonates today, with his sermons and writings continuing to inspire countless believers. This episode uncovers Spurgeon's journey from a rebellious youth to one of the most significant voices in Christian history, pointing to his unshakable message: "Look to Christ and be saved."

    Scripture Reading: Isaiah 45:22

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    29 mins
  • John Newton
    Sep 24 2024

    John Newton, a man who earned the nickname "The Great Blasphemer," was a notorious figure in his early years, known for his rebellious life on the seas and involvement in the slave trade. Born in 1725 to a devout Christian mother and an unbelieving sea captain father, Newton’s early life was filled with the tension between his mother’s faith and the harsh realities of his father’s world. After his mother died when he was just seven, Newton's life took a dark turn. By the time he was in his teens, he had fully embraced a life of profanity and rebellion, even as God providentially spared him from the worst of the sailors' vices.

    But Newton’s journey toward faith was as tumultuous as the seas he sailed. He faced life-threatening storms, near-starvation, and time as a slave to African slaves. It wasn’t until a violent storm at sea that he cried out to God, beginning the long road to salvation. Though not immediately converted, Newton’s life started to change as he grappled with the weight of his sin. Over time, he fully embraced Christ’s grace and went on to become a beloved pastor and hymn writer.

    One of Newton’s most enduring contributions to the Christian faith is the hymn "Amazing Grace," a personal testimony of his life transformed by God’s mercy. Newton’s story is not just one of personal redemption but also of a man who played a key role in ending the slave trade, mentoring young reformers like William Wilberforce. This episode will explore how God used Newton’s remarkable transformation to bring glory to Himself and inspire generations with the power of grace.

    Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 17

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    29 mins
  • Hudson Taylor
    Sep 23 2024

    Hudson Taylor, one of the most influential missionaries to China, began life as a skeptic despite growing up in a Christian home. His journey to faith was deeply influenced by the prayers of his mother and sister, and a providential encounter with a Gospel tract that opened his eyes to the truth of Christ’s finished work on the cross. From that moment on, Taylor dedicated his life to spreading the gospel to unreached people in China.

    His faith was often tested in remarkable ways. From living in the slums of London to prepare for the hardships of missionary life, to trusting God for every penny when his employer forgot to pay him, Taylor’s life exemplified a deep reliance on God's provision. Despite numerous personal and professional challenges, including the deaths of his wife and children, Taylor’s mission work flourished. He founded the China Inland Mission and paved the way for nearly 1,000 missionaries to bring the gospel to the unreached interior of China.

    Hudson Taylor’s life was marked by humility, a steadfast commitment to God’s call, and an unwavering belief that God could use even the weakest vessels for His glory. This episode explores how Taylor’s deep trust in Christ’s finished work inspired a movement that transformed countless lives, including his own. Join us as we reflect on the lessons from his extraordinary life of faith and mission.

    Scripture Reading: John 19:30

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    29 mins