
  • ANNIVERSARY EDITION- Episode 9: Interview with Donald Treply
    Oct 11 2024

    The What's Odyssey Podcast is back! After five long months, Joshua shares his plans for this show's future with Donald Treply, the owner and founder of AIO Writer's Block. This episode also releases on "What's Odyssey Podcast Day", one of seven days set aside to celebrate AIO Writer's Block's recent anniversary. Among all that, the hosts discuss creativity and what it means to be an AIO fan creator.

    Visit Donald Treply's website here:


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    40 mins
  • Episode 8: "What's Odyssey?": From the Fans!
    May 21 2024

    During the What’s Odyssey Podcast’s season one break, Joshua looked to his Instagram followers to get one fan-suggested episode topic. Of all of them, “gaming addiction” was both the most suggested and the most responsive suggestion. So he looked into them. Video games are among the largest parts of world culture, but that may not be. a good thing for everyone. Joshua takes the controls and looks at the multiple opinions surrounding gaming in the last regular episode of the What’s Odyssey Podcast’s first season.

    The Grasp of Gaming additional resources:

    Do video games make people violent? - BBC News




    Guinness World Record for most YouTube subscribers goes to … a weird Swedish bro you’ve probably never heard of - The Washington Post


    Minecraft crosses 300 million copies sold as it prepares to celebrate its 15th anniversary | Windows Central


    The bestselling video games of all time | Digital Trends


    The Best-Selling Video Game of Each Year, Starting From 1995: LIST


    Should Kids Play Video Games? 10 Strategies for Safer Gaming


    The Health Effects of Video Games in Children and Adolescents - PubMed


    Number of Gamers Worldwide 2024: Demographics, Statistics, and Predictions - Financesonline.com


    GTA 6 Characters Guide: Main Protagonists, Leaks and more


    Video gaming audiences in the United States - Statistics & Facts | Statista


    61% of Americans, or 190.6M people, play video games | ESA | VentureBeat


    Smartphone 'addiction': Young people 'panicky' when denied mobiles


    Gaming addiction, problematic gaming and engaged gaming – Prevalence and associated characteristics - PMC


    The health effects of too much gaming - Harvard Health


    Video Game Addiction: What It Is, Symptoms & Treatment


    Addiction | Psychology Today


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    34 mins
  • Bonus: Episode 7 Bloopers!
    May 18 2024
    Things don’t always go as planned. In this bonus clip, hear all the hilarious sound bites that didn’t make the final cut of “What’s Odyssey Like for First-Time Listeners?”
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    3 mins
  • Episode 7: What's Odyssey Like for First-Time Listeners?
    May 11 2024

    In a new, dynamic format for the podcast, Joshua has five people listen to Adventures in Odyssey. Three of them have never heard a single second outside of this podcast. He gets their (often hilarious reactions) to Connie the Counselor, a 2017 episode entirely focused on Buck, Jules, Connie and Eugene.

    Listen to Connie the Counselor and get a free 14-day trial of the Adventures in Odyssey Club here (not sponsored):


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    43 mins
  • Episode 6: What's Odyssey to Fan Creators?
    May 4 2024
    Joshua gets more casual on the first week back on What's Odyssey in a while, with an episode interview with fellow fan creator John Tuttle III, who's helped a lot of fans in a lot of places. The two of them discuss episodes, projects, and lots more in this all-new episode of "What's Odyssey?". What we talked about: SONN: https://aiowritersblock.com/category/son-network/ Kevin McCreary: https://saygoodnightkevin.com The AIO Timeline episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3czXOvWmv6Tzm5Y97GZCwD?si=ITUz1ozdSqidb6wMVdy0Iw Misadventures in Connellsville: https://www.aiowiki.com/wiki/Misadventures_in_Connellsville Michael LaFaver episode (with links): https://open.spotify.com/episode/1L3l5ZVGT3g1Z3NPxzKknA?si=yWxWvELoQDSpruWXFHdF2g One Grand Party: https://www.adventuresinodyssey.com/one-grand-party/
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    30 mins
  • Episode 5: So...What's Odyssey? (AIO Timeline Episode)
    Apr 7 2024

    Joshua Mensah-Woode finally unravels all there is to Adventures in Odyssey from 1987 to the present in what he hopes is a new guide for anyone interested in Odyssey, both old and new fans. He breaks down eras, sagas, and episode arcs in the complicated mid-season episode of the What’s Odyssey Podcast.

    Get a fourteen-day free trial of the Adventures in Odyssey Club to listen to every episode here (not sponsored): https://www.adventuresinodyssey.com/

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    24 mins
  • Episode 4: The Rydell Re-Construction
    Apr 3 2024
    In the fourth episode of his growing podcast, Joshua veers from social issues for a moment and looks introspectively at the Adventures in Odyssey fandom. He gets in touch with his Odyssey fan roots or, more particularly, his Rydell fan roots. After breaking down the infamous Rydell Saga, Joshua tries to break down what went wrong with what ended up as Odyssey’s biggest recent mistake. He ends the show giving it a talk with Michael LaFaver. The Rydell Re-Construction References: AIO Audio News Interviews- The Alternate Rydell Saga AIO Wiki Podcast with Phil Lollar- AIOWiki Podcast #29 AIO Writer’s Block Posts- The Last Resort. (The Rydell Realizations Review) Michael’s Additional Work: https://returntogilead.com
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    37 mins
  • Episode 3: The "PK" Problem
    Mar 27 2024

    After spotlighting Adventures in Odyssey's takes on education and homeschooling, Joshua gets personal as he pulls Adventures in Odyssey episodes from two different AIO eras. He unveils the stereotypes behind the pastor's kid experience, then wonders how there could be a trend of questioning faith. He then proceeds to talk about the pastor’s kid experience, both the challenging and rewarding parts, with the daughter of a pastor of a successful local ministry.

    Additional references:

    10 key findings about the religious lives of U.S. teens and their parents | Pew Research Center www.pewresearch.org

    Prodigal Pastor Kids: Fact or Fiction? - Barna Group www.barna.com

    Research Shows That Spiritual Maturity Process Should Start at a Young Age - Barna Group www.barna.com

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    37 mins