• 42 Fulfilling God's Plan; Pt. 6 - At Rome! (Acts 28:11-31)
    Aug 13 2023
    * This is the final message in this series on the book of Acts. As we have considered "The Acts of the Apostles," we have seen that it is more aptly titled "The Acts of the Holy Spirit." From the beginning, we have seen how the Holy Spirit empowered and filled the servants of God to distribute the message of redemption through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. * It is appropriate then, that the book should close with a testimony of Paul's evangelistic ministry in Rome. * Over the past couple of weeks, we have seen how God sovereignly oversaw Paul's travel to the city of Rome. * Today, that journey is finalized. This is Luke's final statement regarding the pattern of Paul's ministry and the faithfulness of God to truly send the gospel message to the "ends of the earth." * This message was presented on August 13, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 41 Fulfilling God's Plan; Pt. 5 - Malta (Acts 27:39-28:10)
    Aug 6 2023
    * This the 41st message in this series on the book of Acts. It is, as well, the penultimate of the series. * Over the past couple of weeks, we have seen the sovereignty of God guiding Paul to the city of Rome in order that he might have an audience with Caesar. * This has been accomplished, first of all, through Paul being imprisoned by Rome on account of false charges brought against him by the Jews, and the unwillingness of several Roman officials to perform the justice on his behalf that they clearly saw. * Within the judicial process at Caesarea, YHWH afforded Paul several opportunities to share Jesus with "important" Roman officials, and King Agrippa. * Last week we saw how God revealed His sovereignty as well on the journey to Rome by re-directing the ship twice in order to bring them to an unplanned stop on the journey - the island of Malta! * Today, we will examine some of the details of this stop at Malta - specifically, how YHWH delivered Paul twice during this episode and the impacts of these deliverances. * This message was presented on August 6, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 40 Fulfilling God's Plan; Pt. 4 - Shipwrecked (Acts 27:1-44)
    Jul 30 2023
    * Over the past couple of weeks, we have been considering the transition of Paul's ministry from proclaiming the gospel in a traveling ministry to the ultimate fulfillment of God's prophetic proclamation to him that Paul would bear His name before kings (cf. Acts 9:15-16) We have seen how God used Paul's wrongful imprisonment to begin the process of moving him along to Rome, just as Jesus had promised him (cf. Acts 23:11). * In the spring of 2020, we studied Paul's second letter to the church of Corinth. The title of the series was "Embracing Affliction" because that is the theme of Paul's letter. In 2 Corinthians 11, Paul provides a list of the afflictions and trials which he had endured up to the point of writing that letter. In the list, he states that he had been shipwrecked three times, and that he had spent a day and a night in the deep! What is truly amazing about that statement is that he wrote that letter to them prior to this voyage we will be considering today! * As we began that series, we considered from 2 Corinthians 1 the purpose of afflictions - the reason that we should "embrace" them. It is through these situations that "press us" we experience the encouragement of the Father of all encouragements ... in order that WE might be able to put courage into (encouragement) others who are going through pressing situations, and that we might reveal the presence and power of God to those who do not know Him! * Today, we will see how God - in His Sovereignty - orchestrated events in order to provide Paul an ideal opportunity to share His power and presence with a large group of prisoners, soldiers and sailors! * This message was presented on July 30, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 39 Fulfilling God's Plan; Pt. 3 - Before Agrippa (Acts 25:13-26:32)
    Jul 23 2023
    * Over the past couple of weeks, we have been considering the transition of Paul's ministry from proclaiming the gospel in a traveling ministry to the ultimate fulfillment of God's prophetic proclamation to him that Paul would bear His name before kings (cf. Acts 9:15-16) We have seen how God used Paul's wrongful imprisonment to begin the process of moving him along to Rome. * Last week, Paul appealed his case to Caesar. * Today, we see that while waiting at Caesarea to be transported to Rome, Paul has the opportunity to begin the final fulfillment of this prophecy - as he is afforded the opportunity to present the Gospel to King Agrippa. * Sadly, we also see today the two primary responses to the presentation of the Good News of Christ's death, burial and resurrection. * This message was presented on July 23, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 38 Fulfilling God's Plan; Pt. 2 - Appealing to Caesar (Acts 24:1-25:12)
    Jul 16 2023
    * Over the past couple of weeks, we have been considering the transition of Paul's ministry from proclaiming the gospel in a traveling ministry to the ultimate fulfillment of God's prophetic proclamation to him that Paul would bear His name before kings (cf. Acts 9:15-16) We have seen how God used Paul's innocent attendance at the Temple to fulfill a vow to begin the process of moving him along to Rome. * Last week, we began the final six week segment of our study of the book of Acts by beginning to look specifically at the Sovereignty of God being reveal in the transition of Paul to Rome. Specifically, we saw how God unveiled a plot by the Jews to kill Paul and moved the Roman commander to protect Paul with a force of 470 Roman soldiers in order to convey him to Caesarea. * Today, we continue this account with Paul being able to present his case before the secular authority. * This message was presented on July 16, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 37 Fulfilling God's Plan; Pt. 1 - Foiling the Plot (Acts 23:11-35)
    Jul 9 2023
    * History can be aptly broken into "His Story." It is the account of what God has done in the world and amongst the nations. As we have been studying the book which is titled "The Acts of the Apostles" we can as well state that it could be more aptly called, "The Acts of God." Throughout the account written by Luke regarding the beginning of the church, we have seen the power and personal engagement of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - displayed in wonderful ways both in the lives of individuals, and multitudes, as He has overseen and interceded in affairs at the personal, local, and national levels. * We have seen how Jesus specifically called Saul of Tarsus to stop persecuting His church and to begin promoting His church, and then how He orchestrated Ananias to come and heal Saul - preparing each of them for the moment. Jesus told Ananias, "Go, for he [Saul] is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name's sake." (Acts 9:15-16) * Over the past two weeks, we have considered the preliminary phase of the final stage of the fulfillment of this proclamation by Jesus. Through Paul's compelling desire to be at Jerusalem for this feast, God was allowing tribulation to come into the life of Paul for a greater purpose. It was through this disturbance - this troublesome situation - that God was going to fulfill His plan through the life of Paul. * However, even this final phase wouldn't be without it's obstacles and trials. We are in the midst of a Spiritual War. Those who are serving the King will experience the attack of the enemy. Satan desires to foil the plan of God; he doesn't want the Gospel message to be proclaimed and will do whatever he can to dissuade and deter the servants of the King from making it known. * Lord willing, we will spend the final six weeks of this series considering the "Fulfilling of God's Plan" for, and through, the life of Paul. * This message was presented on July 9, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 36 The Disturbance in the Sanhedrin (Acts 22:22-23:11)
    Jul 2 2023
    * Paul had been pressing back to Jerusalem. As he had told the elders of Ephesus along the way, "And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me." (Acts 20:22-23) * Last week, we saw the beginning stages of this prophetic declaration. * Paul was fulfilling a vow to YHWH and submitting to the leadership of the elders of the church at Jerusalem, when he was falsely accused of bringing a Gentile into the temple. He was beaten and would have been killed if the Roman soldiers hadn't come to rescue him. * On the way to the barracks, the commander of the soldiers was told many different stories regarding who Paul was. He was shocked when Paul spoke to him in Greek to request the privilege to speak to the people. When Paul spoke to the people, he spoke to them in Hebrew. The people listened until he explained how Jesus the Messiah had sent him to the Gentiles. At the mention of this, the crowd again went crazy. * Today, we continue examining the account of the tumult and disturbance caused by the man of God simply declaring the word of God. As we study the passage, we need to remember that Paul was an ordinary man being used by God in an extra-ordinary way. However, Paul was an ordinary man who was sold-out for the service of the King. * This message was presented on July 2, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 35 The Disturbance in the Temple (Acts 21:15-22:24)
    Jun 25 2023
    * We have titled this exegetical study of the Book of Acts - "Unveiling the Mystery." That "Mystery" is the church. In our study of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, we saw the proclamation of how God had extended His grace in Christ Jesus to both the Jews and the Gentiles. In Christ, both Jews and Gentiles come to the Father, through the Spirit, as "one new man." Through the sacrificial death of Christ, and His ensuing victory over death, the middle wall of partition - the works of the law - had been removed. This new work was the result of the new covenant - and would be referred to as "the church." * God began "the church" through the original apostles of Christ. We saw how they gathered in prayer waiting for the power of the Holy Spirit to come upon them as Jesus had declared. Then 3,000 Jews were saved and added to their number on the day of Pentecost. * When persecution arose, the church scattered from Jerusalem and began to take the good news of redemption in Christ to other regions. God used Philip to take the Gospel to the Samaritans and He used Peter to open up the gospel to the Gentiles proper - at the house of Cornelius. * Saul of Tarsus had risen up to destroy that work and went as far as Damascus to arrest followers of "The Way." But, God had other plans for Saul and took him from being a persecutor of the church to being a promoter of the church! It would be Paul (as his name would become) who God would use to greatly expand the church into the regions of the Gentiles. * Today, we witness the full-circle of Paul's ministry in this mystery of the church. From favorite "son" to hated "enemy" ... all for the name of Jesus! * This message was presented on June 25, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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