• Episode 52: Devas: Unseen Set-Builders of the Earth
    Aug 26 2024

    Shakespeare once wrote the famous line: 'All the world's a stage' - but who actually creates that stage?

    Alongside the human spirits on Earth, there are also 'Devas' or Nature Spirits. Acknowledged and revered by the ancient civilisations but largely forgotten about in present times, Devas are the architects of the natural world.

    Join Michael and Tony to learn more about this fascinating subject in today's episode.

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    13 mins
  • Episode 51: Spiritual Healing
    Aug 12 2024

    Spiritual Healing, the application of Light to restore balance to any situation within a person or a world situation that requires adjusting.

    In today's episode, Michael and Tony discuss the ancient art of Spiritual Healing and how it works. Learn how to benefit from the perfect form of healing.

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    13 mins
  • BONUS EPISODE: Wolf at the Door
    Aug 5 2024

    One of the major concepts examined by Michael and Tony is 'The Field'. In simple terms, ‘The Field’ is the Earth’s sentient, interactive energy field created and sustained by everyone’s thoughts, feelings and actions. The Field is fed by our thoughts as individuals and as a collective, responding to this input by delivering back to us more of whatever we infuse it with. Unfortunately at the moment, the majority of humanity’s actions and thoughts are negative, and so The Field is negative too.

    It can be a challenge to present such an important concept in a way that can be quickly considered and understood by anyone not conversant with the concept. One day, Michael and Tony were discussing this and felt it would be a good idea to create a short animated film to introduce the concept in an entertaining yet highly informative way to souls new to non-denominational spiritual possibilities. As they chatted, key soul group guide ’the Persian Gentleman’ appeared to Michael, saying he would script the film and also suggest the direction the visuals for it might take...

    You can watch the film by following the link below. In the meantime, this special bonus podcast features Michael and Tony discussing the details of how 'Wolf at the Door' was made.

    Here’s the result: ’Wolf at the Door’… please help to expand spiritual awareness globally by sharing this animation with friends, relatives and any and all souls you feel might benefit from it: https://youtu.be/X1N3V-9aTdw

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    9 mins
  • Episode 49: A Bigger Family Than You Thought...
    Jul 29 2024

    How do we define family? Mums, dads, aunts and uncles? Does they have to be related by blood?

    Today, Michael and Tony talk about our spiritual family, what that means and how we are all linked together, both on Earth and in the spiritual realms.

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    12 mins
  • Episode 48: A Matter of Time
    Jul 15 2024

    It's an age-old question - what is time? Does it really exist as we perceive it?

    Today, Michael and Tony discuss the past, the present and the future and everything in-between. An enlightening episode which will have you thinking differently about the way you understand time.

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    12 mins
  • Episode 47: Why do messages through Mediums seem so trivial?
    Jul 1 2024

    A subject close to Michael's heart - Why do messages through Mediums seem so trivial?

    Why does your grandad's spirit not like the colour you've used to paint the front door? Why does that even matter? In this episode, Michael - with his 40+ years experience as a Medium - explains all.

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    11 mins
  • Episode 46: The Thinning of the Veil
    Jun 17 2024

    *Please note that there is some mild interference in the audio quality of this episode due to a problem with the microphone. We hope you are still able to enjoy it.

    What actually is the Veil? Why is it so difficult to communicate with souls on the other side?

    In today's episode, Michael and Tony discuss the barrier between our worlds, brought about by our collective thoughts. Michael explains what we can do on an individual level to open up access to higher communicational vibrations for us, and for future generations.

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    12 mins
  • Episode 45: Spiritual Vision Versus Tunnel Vision
    Jun 3 2024

    In the quest for material gain, money and power, many of us have lost our ability to 'see' clearly.

    In today's episode Michael and Tony discuss our blinkered state and how much more fulfilled and happy we can become once we open our eyes to our spiritual truth.

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    10 mins