• Show 183: The Development of Sin
    Oct 14 2024
    Sin arises generally in the following manner:
    1. First of all an evil thought comes into the mind, which in itself is not sinful. (Temptation.)
    2. If evil thoughts are not instantly expelled, they awaken in the mind complacency in what is evil, and that is already a venial sin.
    3. The evil desire next arises; this has a turpitude corresponding to that of the sinful action towards which it is directed.
    4. Finally comes the resolution to commit the sin.
    5. If occasion then presents itself for the sin, the exterior act is committed.
    6. By the repetition of exterior sins the habit of sin, or vice, is contracted.
    7. Every outward sin and every vice brings, as its own punishment, other sins and vices of a different nature in its train.
    8. If any vice is firmly rooted in the soul, it oftentimes brings after it sins of the worst type, and those that are said to cry to Heaven for vengeance; finally it produces complete obduracy in the sinner.

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    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    25 mins
  • Show 182: Sin
    Oct 10 2024
    1. He who wittingly and willingly transgresses one of God’s commandments is guilty of sin.
    2. Sin is in its essence an unlawful turning towards the creature and turning away from God.
    3. Sin is the one only evil upon earth; it robs man of the supernatural beauty of the soul, it makes him resemble the devil, and brings misery upon him even while he is on earth.

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    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    23 mins
  • Show 181: The Different Kinds of Christian Virtue
    Sep 18 2024
    1. The virtues that unite our soul to God are the three theo logical virtues: Faith, Hope, Charity.
    2. Those virtues which have the effect of bringing our actions into conformity with the moral law, are called moral virtues. These we gain for ourselves by our own exertions and the assist ance of divine grace, after we have received sanctifying grace.
    3. The principal moral virtues are the seven capital virtues: Humility, obedience, meekness, liberality, temperance, chastity, diligence in what is good.
    4. All the moral virtues proceed from the four cardinal vir tues: Prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude (Wisd. viii. 7).
    5. All perfect virtues spring from the love of God and are in separably united together by that same love (1 Cor, xiii.).
    6. The greatest and noblest of all the virtues is charity.
    7. The virtues can always be increased.
    8. All perfect virtue is lost immediately upon falling into mortal sin, for thereby the love of God is lost, without which there can be no perfect virtue.

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    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    29 mins
  • Show 180: Virtue
    Sep 17 2024
    1. Virtue consists in proficiency in the practice of good works and the tendency of the will towards what is good, resulting from persevering exercise.
    2. It is only perfect virtue, i.e., those acts of virtue which are performed for the glory of God, which will be rewarded after death.
    3. Virtue can only be acquired and increased by dint of strug gle and self-conquest ; for many obstacles have to be encountered, inward hindrances, the evil proclivities of the human heart, and outward hindrances, the contempt and persecution of men.
    4. Virtue procures for us real happiness both in time and in eternity.
    5. Virtue makes us resemble God, and admits us to the friendship of God.

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    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    22 mins
  • Show 179: Good Works
    Sep 16 2024
    1. The name of good works is given to such voluntary actions on the part of man as are in conformity with the will of God, are performed for the love of God, and consequently will be re warded by God.
    2. The good works most pleasing in God's sight are these: Prayer, fasting, and almsdeeds.
    3. Even the most trifling works are pleasing to God if they are done with the intention of promoting His glory.
    4. Good works are necessary to salvation.
    5. Through good works the sinner obtains the actual graces which are necessary for his conversion; the just man obtains an increase of sanctifying grace, eternal felicity, and the remission of the temporal penalty of sin ; furthermore his prayers are heard, and sometimes earthly blessings are bestowed on him.
    6. We can apply to others, either to the living or to the dead, the merit of our good works.
    7. We ought to let our good works be seen of men, in order to set them a good example.
    8. We ought to make diligent use of our earthly riches, as well as of our life here below, for the performance of good works.

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    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    31 mins
  • Show 178: Works of Mercy, part 2
    Sep 11 2024
    1. We ought not to do good to our neighbor in order to be seen and praised by men, for in that case we bave our reward on earth (Matt. vi. 1),
    2. We must do good to our neighbor for Christ's sake.
    3. We should do good to our neighbor promptly and pleasantly.
    4. We are only required to give alms of our superfluity.
    5. We must only give alms out of what is our own, and only give to those who are really poor or who are unable to work.
    6. In giving alms, preference should be shown to our rela tives, our fellow Catholics, and those who are in the greatest need.

    1. Almsgiving obtains for us the remission of our sins; that is to say the sinner obtains the grace of repentance, while the just man receives the pardon of venial sin, and the remission of the temporal penalty.
    2. By almsgiving we obtain an eternal recompense, provided that at the time we are in a state of grace.
    3. Almsgiving brings down upon us temporal blessings: God increases our means and gives us bodily health.
    4. Almsgiving is a means of obtaining a speedy answer to prayer.
    5. By almsgiving we make the poor our friends; they pray for us, and their prayers have great power with God.

    1. For every act of mercy done to us, we are bound to render thanks first to God and then to our benefactor; for God requires of us that we should be grateful for the benefits we receive.
    2. By our gratitude we obtain fresh favors, whereas ingrati tude brings misfortunes upon us.

    1. Poverty is no disgrace in God's sight; to be poor in vir tue and in good works is the only thing of which one need be ashamed, for it leads to eternal damnation.
    2. The poor save their souls more easily than the rich.
    3. God often sends poverty upon a man for his salvation.
    4. The poor are beloved by God.
    5. The poor man who leads an upright life will never be forsaken by God; nay, more, he will enjoy happiness and con tentment in this world.
    6. The poor are not warranted in wresting from the rich the alms which they have a right to expect; they should rather bear their lot patiently and rely on help from God.

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    Read about my new book: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2023/12/a-daily-catholic-devotional-reflections.html

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    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    47 mins
  • Show 177: Works of Mercy, part 1
    Sep 10 2024
    1. Earthly riches do not of themselves make us better in God's sight.
    2. Earthly goods have their value, however, because with them we can earn eternal felicity.
    3. God is the Lord of all earthly riches; we are only His stewards.

    1. Christ has strictly enjoined upon us to assist our neighbor who is in need with our earthly goods; for He will only grant everlasting happiness to those who have helped their fellow-men who were in need.
    2. The rich are chiefly bound to assist the needy.
    3. Even the poor man can help his neighbor who is in need.
    4. He who has not helped his neighbor who is in need, will find no mercy with God.
    5. The assistance we give to the needy, of whatever nature it may be, is an alms, or work of mercy.
    6. The works of mercy are either spiritual or corporal, accord ing as the necessities we relieve are spiritual or corporal.

    1. The corporal works of mercy are: (1), To feed the hungry; (2), To give drink to the thirsty; (3), To clothe the naked; (4), To harbor the stranger; (5), To visit the sick; (6), To ransom the captive; (7), To bury the dead.
    2. The spiritual works of mercy are: (1), To instruct the ignorant; (2), To counsel the doubtful; (3), To admonish sin ners; (4), To bear wrongs patiently; (5), To forgive offences willingly; (6), To comfort the afflicted; (7), To pray for the living and the dead.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-uncensored-catholic--5855002/support.

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    Missio Dei's site is: https://www.missiodeicatholic.org/

    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    32 mins
  • Show 176: The 9th and 10th Commandments of God, part 1
    Sep 9 2024
    In the Tenth Commandment God forbids us to endeavor to pos sess ourselves of the property of another by unlawful means.
    1. In our own day a large proportion of the so-called Socialists or social democrats aim at depriving their fellow-men of their private property by unjust means.
    2. All who endeavor by unlawful means to deprive their neigh bor of his personal property, live in a state of mortal sin.

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    Missio Dei's site is: https://www.missiodeicatholic.org/

    Confirmation, an Autobiography of Faith

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    34 mins