• David pt 6 David is hungry
    Sep 29 2024

    David on the run from Saul goes to the tabernacle. The priest gives him food and weapons, yet Saul's chief herdsman see him. This will not end well.

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    16 mins
  • Is He a Good God? Or is that just something you say
    Sep 29 2024

    Is He Good because you are blessed? Bank account full, new cars, big house?

    What if you lost those things? What if you lost a family member? Bank account dried up? Lost your job?

    Does that mean He is still Good?

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    20 mins
  • David pt 5 Jonathan finally understands
    Sep 26 2024

    David runs from Saul and seeks help. Jonathan does not believe his father has sunk so low. Yet, he agrees to help David and finds that Saul really is trying to kill him.

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    18 mins
  • David pt 4 Saul's family to the Rescue
    Sep 22 2024

    Saul is trying to kill David, Jonathan and Michal are helping him. Yet, they are not fully believing in the depths of their father's madness.

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    15 mins
  • Who will give him a stone?
    Sep 22 2024

    We serve a good and gracious God, one who wants to give good gifts. Yet, He doesn't give what we want, He wants to give us what we need for Heaven, not for here.

    We are here for a very short period, fix your eyes on beyond for that is where we will be forever more.

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    22 mins
  • Take my yoke upon you
    Sep 19 2024

    Jesus says come serve WITH me, work WITH me. Who else will do that or say that?

    His yoke is easy, his burden is light.

    Your free will is in play to make this choice to accept or reject Him. Once that choice is made your free will is over.

    Once that choice is made you have a master, whether Life and Christ or sin and death. There is no more free once you choose.

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    18 mins
  • A true "Living" Testimony
    Sep 15 2024

    Lazarus was raised from the dead.

    Lazarus was a tremendous witness for Jesus.

    The Chief priests conspire to kill Lazarus and Jesus for many were believing on Jesus because of Lazarus

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    11 mins
  • Death where is thy sting?
    Sep 12 2024

    When we lose folks in death, if they know Jesus there is a tomorrow. We will see them again.

    There will be sadness, there will be sorrow, but praise God there will be a tomorrow!

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    8 mins