
  • How To Attract Younger Customers
    Sep 27 2024

    Millennials have become a bigger demographic than Baby Boomers – and that’s fine because they seem to have the same love for RVs as their older predecessors. But the problem is that many RV Park owners are doing a poor job of welcoming in this younger segment of customers. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review some basic steps to increase your share of the “younger generation”.

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    10 mins
  • Is 30 Days Of Diligence Really Feasible?
    Sep 13 2024

    Much has changed in America since the pandemic, and one of those net effects has been the inability to hit time targets. Thirty days of diligence has been the standard in the RV Park industry for decades, but is that really realistic today? In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the diligence process and determine what the important deal points are regarding the selected time period.

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    9 mins
  • The Power Of Negative News
    Aug 26 2024

    There’s little to like in the national news today. Between a pending recession, the war in Ukraine, the war in Israel, inflation and the highest interest rates in 40 years, there’s plenty to be depressed about. But all that negative news is great news for RV Park buyers. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore why all of the bad things going on in America right now is an “opportunity creator” for buyers.

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    10 mins
  • The Dangers Of Short-term Sellers
    Jul 28 2024

    The typical mom and pop seller has owned the RV Park for decades. But sometimes a seller has been running the property for a much shorter period, even a matter of months. What are the implications when a seller has been only a short-term owner? In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the risks involved in buying from one of these type of sellers, and how to mitigate them.

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    9 mins
  • Cancelling Deals Without Burning Bridges
    Jul 9 2024

    Every good RV Park buyer uses a contract that has a “due diligence contingency” and the purpose is to allow you to cancel the agreement if the deal does not meet your expectations. But the art form is to terminate the deal without burning any bridges. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review constructive steps to cancelling with the seller without causing hard feelings or being excluded by the broker to look at other deals.

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    11 mins
  • Really Undestanding Recourse
    Jun 26 2024

    We all know that a non-recourse loan is better than a recourse loan – but is recourse as bad as it sounds? In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the real risks of recourse debt as well as concepts to mitigate it and actually embrace it.

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    8 mins
  • Due Diligence Comes After – Not Before – You’re Under Contract
    Jun 11 2024

    How much research do you do on the property before you sign the agreement and put it in the title company? While you don’t want to waste your time, the truth is that too many RV Park buyers wait way too long before getting their deal locked up, and that’s a mistake. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to explore the strategy behind why you need to tie the RV Park up first, and do the diligence later.

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    8 mins
  • The Pending Power Of Lower Rates
    May 28 2024

    It would appear that interest rates are about to begin their descent after the fastest rise in 40 years. Beginning in 2022, Jerome Powell from the Fed decided to take the rates from 0.25% to 5.5%. However, that all appears about to turn and this will usher in some great advantages for RV Park investing. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review what these benefits will be.

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    8 mins