• Episode 8: Communication: Promoting Open Dialogue
    Sep 13 2024

    Welcome to the eighth episode of Bias Busters, 15 Minutes with the Morris Perspective, hosted by Connie Morris. In this episode titled "Communication: Promoting Open Dialogue," we delve into the crucial role of effective communication in breaking down biases.

    Inspired by Peter Drucker's wisdom that "the most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said," we explore how to foster open and honest dialogue. Connie guides us through practical tips to enhance our communication skills, including active listening, asking open-ended questions, and using reflective responses. She emphasizes the importance of paying attention to nonverbal cues and creating safe spaces for meaningful conversations.

    Don't miss this insightful episode that empowers you to make a positive impact through effective communication.

    Together, let's bust biases and create a more understanding world.

    The Morris Perspective! Fridays at 5 PM CT

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 Get ready to kick off your weekends with The Morris Perspective podcast, hosted by Connie Morris, a new episode every Friday at 5 PM Central Time! 📅✨ It’s the perfect time for your mind and soul, where thought-provoking discussions meet a fun, relaxed vibe. Expect fresh perspectives, uplifting encouragements, and powerful insights that’ll have you nodding in agreement and maybe even shouting. Whether you’re winding down from a long week or gearing up for the weekend, The Morris Perspective is your go-to source for inspiration and reflection. Let's settle in, and let’s make Fridays at 5 PM our weekly hangout! 🙌🎧

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    17 mins
  • Beyond Prejudice: Ep 1: Breaking the Silence: Understanding Racial Bias
    Sep 11 2024

    Welcome to the Morris Perspective Podcast. I'm your host, Connie Morris. Today, we are kicking off our new series, "Beyond Prejudice," with the first episode focusing on understanding racial bias.

    Racial bias refers to unfair treatment, judgment, or prejudice toward individuals or groups based on their race or ethnicity. It manifests in various forms, including stereotypes, discrimination, microaggressions, and systemic inequalities. This episode emphasizes that racial bias is a problem, affecting people from all racial backgrounds, and calls for self-reflection and education to identify and unlearn these biases.

    We discuss how racial bias shows up in everyday life, from subtle assumptions to overt discrimination. These biases significantly impact individuals and communities, contributing to stress, lower self-esteem, and barriers to opportunities in education, employment, and housing.

    As racial detectives, it is our responsibility to seek out instances of racial bias and advocate for change. This involves challenging discriminatory practices, speaking out against racist attitudes, and supporting initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion.

    Throughout the episode, we share practical tools for recognizing and confronting our own biases. By reflecting on our own experiences and understanding the origins of our biases, we can work towards a more inclusive society.

    Join us as we break the silence and take steps toward creating a more equitable society for all. Reflect on your biases, share your experiences, and let's learn together. Stay tuned for our next episode when we dive into the history of racial bias. Until then, keep reflecting, keep learning, and keep on breaking the silence.

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    18 mins
  • Bias Detox: Ep. 2: Breaking the Habit of Stereotyping
    Sep 9 2024

    Welcome to the Morris Perspective Bias Detox episode, "Breaking the Habit of Stereotyping." This is the series where we clear out the mental clutter that holds us back—no juice cleanse required. I'm your host, Connie Morris, and today we're tackling something we've all been guilty of at some point: stereotyping.

    Stereotypes are like the fast food of our brains: convenient, but not exactly nutritious. Just as we detox our bodies from junk foods, it's time to detox our minds from unhealthy, over-processed stereotypes. In this episode, we break down how stereotypes form and, more importantly, how you can kick the habit and challenge them in your everyday life.

    We'll explore the origins of stereotypes, handed down through cultural norms, media, family, and personal experiences. Our brains love shortcuts, but these shortcuts often oversimplify and misrepresent the world around us, leading to unfair judgments and assumptions. To break free from these mental shortcuts, we need to pause, reflect, and challenge our preconceived notions.

    Discover practical steps to detox your mind: pause and reflect on your judgments, get curious about others, mix up your media consumption, check your social circle, and practice empathy. These techniques will help you see the world in a more nuanced way and make it harder for stereotypes to stick.

    As we wrap up this bias detox episode, remember that breaking the habit of stereotyping takes time, effort, and persistence. If you enjoyed this episode and want more tips on keeping your mind clutter-free, subscribe to the Morris Perspective Podcast. Share this episode with a friend, because who couldn't use a little bias detox in their life?

    Thank you for joining Connie Morris on this journey to break the habit of stereotyping. Keep questioning, keep learning, and remember: your mind is the most valuable real estate, so let's keep it clean. Until next time, stay curious and stay committed.

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    13 mins
  • Episode 7: Education: A Tool to Reducing Bias
    Sep 6 2024

    Hello and welcome back to Bias Busters, 15 minutes with the Morris perspective. I'm your host, Connie Morris, and I'm excited to have you here on our seventh episode, Education: A Tool to Reducing Bias. Today, we're talking about the power of education in combating bias. Connie will be providing tools such as books, online educational resources, and documentaries to assist you in your learning bias-busting journey.

    Education is a powerful tool for combating bias. By expanding our knowledge and understanding, we can challenge our assumptions and develop more inclusive attitudes and behaviors.

    Thank you for joining us on today's episode of Bias Busters. Please subscribe so you never miss an episode.

    The Morris Perspective! Fridays at 5 PM CT

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 Get ready to kick off your weekends with The Morris Perspective podcast, hosted by Connie Morris, a new episode every Friday at 5 PM Central Time! 📅✨ It’s the perfect time for your mind and soul, where thought-provoking discussions meet a fun, relaxed vibe. Expect fresh perspectives, uplifting encouragements, and powerful insights that’ll have you nodding in agreement and maybe even shouting. Whether you’re winding down from a long week or gearing up for the weekend, The Morris Perspective is your go-to source for inspiration and reflection. Let's settle in, and let’s make Fridays at 5 PM our weekly hangout! 🙌🎧

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    15 mins
  • Beyond Prejudice: Intro: Breaking the Silence: Uncovering Racial Bias
    Sep 4 2024

    Welcome to the Morris Perspective Podcast. Hosted by Connie Morris. In this introductory episode of our new series, "Breaking the Silence on Beyond Prejudice," we dive into the critical topic of racial bias. This episode sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of racial bias, its impact on society, and the steps we can take to address it.

    Throughout this series, we will cover a range of topics, including the history of racial bias, understanding its various forms, and practical tools for addressing it in our daily lives. We aim to provide insights, tools, and actions to foster a more inclusive and equitable world.

    Join us as we uncover the subtle and overt manifestations of racial bias, discuss strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion, and explore ways to become effective allies to marginalized communities. Together, we can work towards creating lasting change and a more just society.

    Download our free resource, "Breaking the Silence: A Public's Handbook for Uncovering Racial Bias," at morrisbiasinitiativellc.com and follow along with each episode. Share your thoughts and experiences on our social media page and be part of this conversation.

    Thank you for tuning in. Stay tuned for our first full episode, where we will delve deeper into understanding racial bias and its various forms. Keep reflecting, keep learning, and don't keep silent. This is The Morris Perspective.

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    10 mins
  • Bias Detox: Ep 1: Unmasking Implicit Bias: Your Quick Guide to Mental Detox
    Sep 2 2024

    Welcome to Bias Detox, a quick guide to identifying implicit bias. This series from the Morris Perspective Podcast is designed to help you tackle bias in your everyday life. I'm your host, Connie Morris, and today's episode is all about identifying implicit bias. Those sneaky, unconscious attitudes and stereotypes influence our actions, without us even realizing it.

    We detox everything else these days—our bodies, our closets, even our social media feeds. So why not detox our minds too? After all, if you're willing to drink chaos smoothies to cleanse your bodies, we should be just as willing to clear out the biases that are cluttering up our thoughts. In just a few moments, I'll give you a quick overview of what implicit biases are, share a simple assessment tool, and provide practical steps you can take right now to start recognizing and addressing your own biases.

    Whether this is a new topic or you're a seasoned pro looking to freshen up your perspective, this episode will give you the tools you need to start your mental detox. So grab your metaphorical shake and let's get to purging out those biases. Remember, identifying implicit bias is just the first step in a much larger journey towards understanding and overcoming bias. Just like any good detox, it's something you'll want to revisit regularly.

    If you find this episode helpful, be sure to subscribe to the Morris Perspective Podcast so you never miss a chance to detox your mind from bias. And hey, why not share this episode with friends or colleagues who might benefit from a little mental spring cleaning of their own? Thank you for joining me, Connie Morris, on this quick guide to identifying implicit bias. Keep reflecting, keep learning, and remember, the only thing we want to keep in our minds is good vibes. Everything else, we detox. Until next time, stay mindful, stay committed, and keep that mental clutter in check. This is The Morris Perspective. Until we meet again, goodbye.

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    23 mins
  • Episode 6: Unlocking Empathy: The Power of Perspective Taking
    Aug 30 2024

    Welcome back to Bias Busters 15 Minutes with the Morris Perspective. I'm your host, Connie Morris, and I'm thrilled to have you join us for our sixth episode, Perspective Taking: Seeing Other Viewpoints.

    In today's episode, we explore the transformative skill of perspective-taking and understanding others' viewpoints. Inspired by Wayne Dyer's quote, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change," we dive into exercises designed to help you see the world through different lenses.

    First, we step into our neighbor's shoes, imagining their daily routines and challenges to build empathy and reduce biases. Next, we take on the "office swap," inspired by the TV show Undercover Boss, to understand the stresses and motivations of our coworkers.

    We also discuss practical tips for developing perspective-taking skills in our daily lives, such as active listening, asking open-ended questions, seeking diverse experiences, and reflecting on our own biases.

    Join us as we challenge our assumptions and strive to create a more compassionate and understanding world. Don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share the podcast with others. Together, let's bust bias and embrace empathy.

    Thank you for tuning in. Until next time, stay open-minded, and let's bust bias together.

    The Morris Perspective! Fridays at 5 PM CT

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 Get ready to kick off your weekends with The Morris Perspective podcast, hosted by Connie Morris, a new episode every Friday at 5 PM Central Time! 📅✨ It’s the perfect time for your mind and soul, where thought-provoking discussions meet a fun, relaxed vibe. Expect fresh perspectives, uplifting encouragements, and powerful insights that’ll have you nodding in agreement and maybe even shouting. Whether you’re winding down from a long week or gearing up for the weekend, The Morris Perspective is your go-to source for inspiration and reflection. Let's settle in, and let’s make Fridays at 5 PM our weekly hangout! 🙌🎧

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    15 mins
  • Introduction: Rethinking Bias: Journey to Inclusivity
    Aug 26 2024

    Welcome back to the Morris Perspective Podcast! In this episode, we invite you to explore a fresh perspective on life challenges, focusing on the often-overused term: bias. We call it the B-word, and we're here to make you rethink everything you thought you knew about it.

    Join us every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5 p.m. Central Time for powerful episodes that go beyond the surface. We'll uncover hidden biases, share real stories of overcoming prejudice, and challenge the way we all see the world. Don't miss our special monthly episodes called "Rethinking Bias," where we flip the script and offer revolutionary solutions to today's challenges.

    Here's a sneak peek of what's coming in September:

    • Monday - Bias Detox: Start your week by identifying and purging hidden biases that shape your thoughts and actions. These episodes provide practical steps to cleanse your perspective and navigate life with a clearer, more objective outlook.
    • Wednesday - Breaking Down Prejudice: Dive into the roots of prejudice with powerful stories of overcoming barriers. These episodes offer actionable advice on dismantling stereotypes and institutional racism in our personal and professional lives.
    • Friday - Perception Shifts: End your week by challenging your current worldview. We'll explore how shifting your perceptions can lead to greater inclusivity and understanding, offering advanced tools and exercises to implement transformative changes in your daily life.

    Don't forget our monthly "Rethinking Bias" episodes on the last Friday of every month, where we dive deep into cutting-edge solutions and fresh perspectives that will change the status quo and empower you to navigate bias like never before.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey towards a more inclusive and understanding world. Be sure to subscribe, share, and leave a review. Connect with us on social media and let's inspire change, one perspective at a time. Visit our website at themorrisbiasinitiativellc.com and check out the Rethinking Bias Academy for more resources.

    Until next time, stay committed to your growth and journey of understanding inclusivity. This is Connie Morris signing off.

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    12 mins