
  • Zodiac Academy: Restless Stars Part 1
    Mar 11 2025

    Finalmente~ The last book of Zodiac Academy begins! And it starts with a bang. We ended the last book with the introduction of possibly the Biggest Bad Guy on our list. What does Clyde have up his sleeve? What could his motivations be? Will the authors wrap this up successfully? All is up in the air as Darcy and Tory escape their prison to find someone has been impersonating them.. and boy it doesn't look good. Plus, Darius struggles with a bit of treasure addiction while everyone tries to get their hands on the fated gemstones. What do those do again? Ah, well.. It's probably not important. Join us this week as we discuss all of this and more.

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    1 hr and 28 mins
  • Zodiac Academy: Sorrow and Starlight Part 5
    Mar 5 2025

    Welcome back readers! We have arrived at the final part of Sorrow and Starlight. Its a thrilling finale full of rescues, death, and horrifying shadow monsters that skitter across ceilings. Yeah, Seth is traumatized and so are we. Join us this week as we discuss Tory's brave venture into the underworld, Darcy becoming Christy's new favorite character (shadow beasts!!!), and the logistics of the upcoming book. How can the authors tie up this story with a new Big Baddie introduced at the end? We're shocked to say the least. We'd love to hear your thoughts.

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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • Zodiac Academy: Sorrow and Starlight Part 4
    Feb 26 2025

    Listen, readers... Don’t judge us too harshly for this one, okay? This series may have fried our brain cells in new and horrifying ways. By the end of this episode, we might be as polarizing as this book series. This week we discuss Franny’s sacrifice, Washer’s “gift” to Tory (and Caleb and Seth?), and the revelation of the bonded men. Shenanigans will occur. Will Max and "Twinklestud" be able to save Gabriel? Will Seth be traumatized forever? Will Darcy and Orion EVER be free of Lavinia and the curse? We’d love to hear your thoughts as well. Join us on this week’s episode.

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    2 hrs and 2 mins
  • Zodiac Academy: Sorrow and Starlight Part 3
    Feb 18 2025

    Welcome back, readers! This week's episode rings in with some new POVs and the beginnings of a plan to retrieve Darcy and Orion from Lavinia's clutches. Things are looking rough for our twin flames, but fear not. An unlikely ally (or three) may keep our protagonists out of harm's way. Plus, there are still so many questions to answer. Will Darcy be able to overcome the curse? Who will Tory turn to when her most trusted confidants are gone? Will Darius ever be able to return to us? Did Darcy really see a falling star and FORGET to tell Orion??? And WHY does Caleb think flashing a peace sign is code for Seth sleeping around?! Join us this week for part three of Sorrow and Starlight.

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Zodiac Academy: Sorrow and Starlight Part 2
    Feb 12 2025

    Last week, we discussed the intense loss and heartache caused by the end of Heartless Sky. The sorrow is not over, but there's definitely some light in the darkness. This week, Tory barrels her way through the Library of the Lost in search of answers to her star vow, while we learn of Lionel's plot to wield Gabriel as a toll in his war. On the upside, Leon has a plan to thwart Gabriel's visions...how will that go? Plus, an unlikely ally joins our cause. Hang onto your nummy pouches and join us for this wild ride.

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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • Zodiac Academy: Sorrow and Starlight Part 1
    Feb 4 2025

    After the truly devastating ending from the last episode, we return to what some say is the hardest book in the series. It looks like the first chapters live up the name. As Tory, Xavier, and the rebels grieve over the loss of many loved ones, Darcy and Orion's fates are once again thrown into peril. A deal is struck, and more lives are on the line. Tory and Gerry rescue the heirs, along with their parents, in an awe-inspiring showdown at Acrux Manor... but will it be enough of a win to stoke the fires of the rebellion? Join us this week to find out.

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • Zodiac Academy: Heartless Sky Part 6
    Jan 30 2025

    A day late and an aura short, am I right? Or in this case... we might be short many things, including some important members of the series, and a sizeable chunk of our rebel army. We may have caught the mysterious murderer, but we're not celebrating. A new prophecy unfolds as we watch our favorite moments from this book - divine or not - unravel in an instant. Join us this week for the heartbreaking end of Heartless Sky.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Zodiac Academy: Heartless Sky Part 5
    Jan 21 2025

    We must've been drinking some Rainbow Juice for this episode because we're full of giggles. It's one of the most entertaining sections of Heartless Sky yet! The A.S.S. club gets up to crazy shenanigans after Tory and Darcy's return. Darcy and Orion become exhibitionists. Tyler gets... taken down a peg. And Xavier finally gets that prank in on Gabriel! Join us this week for cowboy hats and rhinestones galore.

    P.S. Happy Onyx Storm day!

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    1 hr and 24 mins