
  • Captain's Dilemma - Paper Cargoes
    Feb 26 2025

    The carriage of paper rolls at sea requires careful consideration to prevent cargo damage and ensure vessel stability. Paper rolls are highly sensitive to moisture, physical damage, and shifting during transit. Putting to sea in heavy weather can bring about hidden problems with such sensitive cargoes.

    As he goes about his pilot duties Barry is lucky enough o be able to discuss the challenges of the carriage of various cargoes with the masters of the vessels that he pilots. One such discussion had prompted this incredibly interesting podcast.

    Barry discusses the challenges of carrying paper, the masters decision to delay sailing due to the weather and other hazards that may exist in the carriage of drawing paper rolls.

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    We are MCA accredited and offer orals Prep, via e learning, blended learning and 121 sessions via Teams as well as many other courses and educational support.

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    24 mins
  • When the UN Requires Maritime Investigation.
    Feb 18 2025

    The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is an international treaty that establishes a comprehensive legal framework for all activities in the world's oceans. Often referred to as the "Constitution of the Oceans," it outlines the rights and responsibilities of nations regarding the use of maritime resources and the protection of the marine environment.

    The convention reinforces the principle that a vessel's flag state has an ongoing responsibility for activities on board, including safety and accident investigations. Even if an accident occurs in international waters, the flag state plays a critical role in the investigation process, as does the port state if it falls within it's territorial waters.

    Barry discusses UNCLOS, how it compels flag states to investigate and gives examples of recent report activity; not just by the UK's own MAIB, but by other flag state bodies. Accident investigation is pivotal to ongoing maritime safety and engagement with these agencies is crucial in refining how we safely operate ships.

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    We are MCA accredited and offer orals Prep, via e learning, blended learning and 121 sessions via Teams as well as many other courses and educational support.

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    26 mins
  • Pilot Launch Coxswain
    Feb 9 2025

    Boarding pilots 12 miles off Portsmouth in all kinds of weathers is a developed skill. Launch coxswains are directly responsible for the safety of all aboard their launch and ultimately have the unenviable job of coaxing in ships to board them. Barry talks to Paul Tomlinson - a 27 year veteran of pilot launch driving - about the challenges faced by crews as they strive to board pilots safely.

    The interview was recorded around and onboard Pilot Launch Majestic just before putting to sea for what was another successful big ship boarding.

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    We are MCA accredited and offer orals Prep, via e learning, blended learning and 121 sessions via Teams as well as many other courses and educational support.

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    13 mins
  • Electric Shock or Enclosed Space - both are lethal!
    Jan 28 2025

    Enclosed space accidents on ships typically involve asphyxiation, toxic gas exposure, or falls due to lack of oxygen. These incidents occur in spaces like cargo holds, ballast tanks, fuel tanks, pump rooms, and void spaces. However a recent report by the MAIB into the electrocution of a chief engineer on a super-yacht highlights some concerning issues.
    Was the poor fellow electrocuted or had he collapsed onto the terminals for some other reason. The actual sequence of events will never be fully known, but the report highlights some rarely documented risks. Barry discusses the incident, debates definitions of enclosed spaces and brings our attention to these hidden but lethal risks.

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    We are MCA accredited and offer orals Prep, via e learning, blended learning and 121 sessions via Teams as well as many other courses and educational support.

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    19 mins
  • The Trump Maritime Orders
    Jan 22 2025

    In a series of recent executive actions, U.S. President Donald Trump has reignited discussions surrounding American influence in key maritime corridors. His policies concerning the "Gulf of America" and the Panama Canal have sparked geopolitical tensions and raised questions about global trade stability.
    One of Trump’s most controversial proposals has been his call for the United States to regain control of the Panama Canal, which was handed over to Panama in 1999 under the Torrijos-Carter Treaties. Trump argues that growing Chinese influence over canal operations poses a national security risk, citing the presence of Hong Kong-based Hutchison Ports, which operates terminals at both ends of the canal. Barry discusses the effect of these two executive orders and how they may affect the price we pay for all our goods.

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    We are MCA accredited and offer orals Prep, via e learning, blended learning and 121 sessions via Teams as well as many other courses and educational support.

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    17 mins
  • The Dark Fleet
    Jan 16 2025

    In the vast and sometimes unregulated expanse of the world’s oceans, a clandestine network of vessels operates beyond the reach of international law. These ships, commonly referred to as the “dark fleet”, navigate global waters without a legitimate flag state, engaging in activities that range from sanctions evasion to illicit trade, environmental crimes, and human trafficking. Their lack of legal oversight makes them a serious threat to maritime security, environmental protection, and geopolitical stability. Barry explains how and why these ships exist.

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    We are MCA accredited and offer orals Prep, via e learning, blended learning and 121 sessions via Teams as well as many other courses and educational support.

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    15 mins
  • Seafaring Generations
    Jan 7 2025

    Society has labelled the generations starting from the Silent Generation in the 1920's to the latest generation - known as Generation Alpha. They have been labelled based upon their socio, economic and technological place in history. But how do these generations relate to our seafarers? Barry discusses some of the possible traits of seafarers base upon their generational label and considers what kind of seafarers generation Alpha will make. We are all individuals but the generation labels help identify our place in technology at sea. From no screen to small screen changes are afoot.

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    We are MCA accredited and offer orals Prep, via e learning, blended learning and 121 sessions via Teams as well as many other courses and educational support.

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    20 mins
  • Nibbling Away at Digital Obstacles - SOLAS 24 Changes
    Jan 2 2025

    Ongoing digitisation of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System forms a significant part of the new standards being enforced under SOLAS 24. With these changes comes a further recognition of the importance of incorporating data and AI into the everyday tasks faced by seafarers. The expediency of alerting authorities and other vessels when urgent help is required to save life, can only improve when those signals are digitised and contain advanced data.

    Barry discusses the SOLAS 24 changes, how AI is being introduced in a positive way and what we can expect the IMO to deliver in the 2024 updates. SOLAS is 50 years old this year - it’s time for digital change.

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    We are MCA accredited and offer orals Prep, via e learning, blended learning and 121 sessions via Teams as well as many other courses and educational support.

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    29 mins