• Great Tips on How to Run a Successful Workshop and Motivate Your Audience
    Oct 5 2024

    One of the benefits of being in business and academia for years is that we have a lot of experience running workshops. This episode is a brain dump of all the stuff you won’t learn in a book but is critical to the successful outcome of your program.

    The first and perhaps most critical step is breaking the ice. By setting a relaxed and open tone, you ease participants into the session, ensuring they’re ready to engage. A simple question at the start can do wonders—something as quirky as asking attendees to share something strange about themselves. This activity breaks down barriers and injects some fun into the proceedings, setting the stage for a lively and productive workshop.

    As a facilitator, it's vital to approach the workshop without a predefined answer or outcome in mind. Your role is to guide participants in finding solutions, ensuring participants take ownership of the results. This approach fosters a deeper connection to the material and encourages lasting change.

    For instance, when working with a client like Maersk Line, the world's largest shipping company, it’s important to ask the right questions and provide tools rather than answers. This method leads to better results and enhances the participants’ sense of accomplishment.

    Also, flexibility is key when it comes to planning your workshop. While having an agenda is important, adjust it as discussions evolve, allowing for deeper exploration of ideas and ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

    Similarly, consider the group dynamics when dividing attendees into smaller teams. Mixing personalities and ensuring a balance of perspectives can prevent dominant voices from stifling creativity and lead to more innovative solutions.

    In this episode, we dive into these essential strategies for leading a workshop that leaves a lasting impact. Drawing from years of experience, we explore practical tips to ensure your workshops are engaging, effective, and memorable for all participants.

    If you listen, you will also learn the following:

    • Ryan wrote a script for Broadway, and Colin is married to his stepsister. No, really.

    • How to effectively manage group dynamics by balancing personality types and seniority levels.

    • The importance of having a clear goal for the workshop and aligning all activities towards achieving it.

    • Why off-site workshops can prevent distractions and boost creativity.

    • The significance of determining the ideal team size for different workshop activities.

    • Techniques to ensure follow-through on workshop outcomes back in the workplace.

    • The impact of physical space on group energy and interaction during the workshop.

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    34 mins
  • Managing Rising Customer Expectations With Limited Resources
    Sep 28 2024

    Claire Dunwood has a pickle. She wants to know how to manage rising customer expectations with fewer resources than she used to have. This episode seeks to help her—and you—do exactly that.

    It’s pretty common to hear problems like this today. Responding to rising expectations is easy when there is no limit to the resources you can throw at it. Doing that same thing on a budget is a different kettle of fish.

    We kick off by exploring how expectations form. Expectations for experiences, even for those we've never had, are often built from adjacent or similar experiences, drawing on memories, media, or past interactions. Therefore, customers have preconceived notions about how their interactions with your brand will unfold, even before they’ve engaged with you.

    Claire noted that customer expectations seem to be constantly rising. Effective management of rising expectations requires identifying which aspect of the expectations is rising—rational, emotional, or sensory—and whether it aligns with your business goals. We discuss the importance of focusing on the aspects that drive the most value for customers rather than trying to meet every rising expectation.

    A key takeaway is the importance of focusing on what matters most to your customers, as highlighted by the Blue Ocean Strategy. This approach suggests excelling in the most important areas to your customers and letting go of everything else. Knowing your customers well is essential, as it helps you decide which expectations to meet and which to disregard, ensuring that you spend your resources wisely.

    In this episode, we share practical strategies for managing customer expectations, including understanding customer needs, proactive communication, setting clear boundaries, maintaining consistency, and leveraging technology. These strategies help balance the demands of rising expectations with the reality of limited resources.

    In this episode, we also talk about:

    • The formation of customer expectations from adjacent experiences

    • The categorization of expectations into rational, emotional, and sensory

    • The concept of outcome-based prioritization when resources are limited

    • The role of transparency and proactive communication in managing expectations

    • How to decide whether certain customers are worth the effort based on their expectations and profitability

    • Examples of businesses effectively setting and exceeding customer expectations

    • The importance of staying agile and responsive to customer feedback

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    28 mins
  • Personalization with Graham Hill
    Sep 21 2024

    Personalization is a developing area in Customer Experiences. With AI driving what could be possible, many of you might be wondering how you can best leverage its capability in yours. To that end, we invited our special guest, Graham Hill, Ph.D., to explore the rapidly evolving field of Personalization in Customer Experiences.

    With decades of experience in customer relationship management (CRM) and Customer Experience, Hill shares valuable insights into how personalization, particularly with the help of AI, is reshaping customer interactions and driving business results.

    Hill explains that personalization operates on a continuum, ranging from broad, branded communications to highly individualized content tailored to a single customer’s needs.

    He also emphasizes balancing mass and personalized communication within a marketing strategy. While mass communication builds general brand awareness, personalized and individualized content can significantly enhance customer engagement and drive sales.

    Hill discusses the impressive impact of personalized communications, noting that customized content can be up to nine times more effective and individualized content up to 44 times more effective at eliciting customer responses than generic communications.

    However, he warns against over-personalization, advising businesses to consider their goals and the specific problems personalization can solve before investing heavily in these technologies.

    Hill also critiques traditional segmentation methods, advocating for outcome-based segmentation instead. By understanding what customers are trying to achieve and how they measure success, businesses can design more effective personalized communications that resonate with customers at different stages of their journey.

    The episode also features a case study from Hill’s work with Toyota Financial Services, where implementing personalized communication in the repurchase management program led to a significant increase in response rates—from 10% to 35%. Hill’s approach underscores the importance of clear goals, continuous improvement, and a customer-centric focus in personalization efforts.

    In this episode, we also explore:

    • The balance between mass communication and personalization in marketing strategies.

    • The significant impact of personalized and individualized content on customer engagement.

    • The importance of outcome-based segmentation for effective personalization.

    • The dangers of over-investing in new technologies without clear goals.

    • Practical steps for understanding customer needs and enhancing key interactions through personalization.

    • The role of AI tools in supporting but not overshadowing simple, effective personalization efforts.

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    39 mins
  • Why People Make So Many Crazy Excuses and What This Means for You
    Sep 14 2024

    Fair Warning: this episode regarding excuses was prompted by recent experiences with tradespeople during Colin’s kitchen renovation.

    No one likes excuses, least of all your customers. Lately, Colin has been hearing many amazing excuses about why something can or cannot be done in his kitchen project. It got him thinking about excuses and why people make them. Today’s episode explores the ideas of excuses and what they tell us about human behavior.

    Consider examples like long call center wait times blamed on “high call volume” or companies deflecting responsibility for faulty products or order issues by passing the buck to manufacturers. These situations highlight the commonality of excuses in everyday interactions.

    It is important to understand the difference between an excuse, which is used to avoid blame, and a reason, which acknowledges the cause of a problem and usually is followed by steps to make it right. Additionally, we explore the psychological motivations behind excuse-making, including our innate desire to see ourselves as right, and how this plays into consumer behavior and decision-making.

    One important concept that supports our behavior around blame is Confirmation Bias. When avoiding blame, we tend to favor information that supports our existing beliefs (i.e., that it is not our fault), even in trivial matters.

    Additionally, we delve into the concept of Fundamental Attribution Error, where we are more likely to attribute others’ mistakes to their character while excusing our own based on external circumstances. This human tendency to avoid blame and protect our ego is universal. However, the consequences bear a sharp contrast to the benefits of taking responsibility, especially in leadership roles.

    A case study from the UK’s Post Office scandal illustrates the severe consequences of excuses on a larger scale, where avoiding responsibility led to widespread harm and even imprisonment. From this, we draw lessons on the importance of honesty and accountability in both personal and professional contexts.

    In this episode, we explore the fine line between a reason and an excuse and examine how they function in various Customer Experiences.

    In this episode we also discuss:

    • The psychological need for self-preservation and its impact on excuse-making.

    • How Confirmation Bias affects our decisions and perceptions in everyday life.

    • The difference between taking responsibility and deflecting blame in customer service.

    • Real-world examples of excuses versus reasons in customer experience.

    • The potential long-term damage of excuses to trust and relationships.

    • Strategies for handling mistakes and building stronger customer relationships by owning up to errors.

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    28 mins
  • Is Marketing Ethical? A Deep Dive into Scarcity Tactics and Ethics
    Sep 7 2024

    In this episode, we tackle a thought-provoking question from one of our listeners: Is it ethical to use urgency as a marketing tactic?

    This question sparked a deep conversation about the ethics of digital marketing, particularly the use of scarcity to drive sales.

    We feature insights from Daniel Bisett, partner and CXO at WeRock DM, and Marketing Professor at UT McCombs, who shares his thoughts after watching "The Social Dilemma" and wrestling with the impact of digital marketing on mental health.

    Bisett discusses the ethical concerns of creating false urgency in marketing, comparing it to the stress and pressure felt by consumers during high-stakes purchases, like a kitchen remodel. He argues that manipulating customers with "FOMO" (Fear of Missing Out) can lead to hasty, anxiety-driven decisions, which ultimately harm the customer and the brand’s reputation.

    Instead, Bisett advocates for building trust and long-term relationships by offering genuine value rather than pressure-filled transactions.

    Bisett’s message and our subsequent discussion challenge marketers to reflect on their tactics and consider the long-term implications of their strategies, not just for their business, but for their customers' well-being.

    In this episode, we further explore whether using behavioral science in marketing crosses ethical lines, especially when marketers understand more about customer behavior than the customers themselves. We also delve into the nuances of ethical intent, the role of empathy, and the importance of transparency in marketing practices. We also discuss how companies can ensure they are not just making sales but also treating customers with dignity and respect.

    In this episode you will also learn:

    • The ethical implications of using behavioral science in marketing.

    • The difference between needs-based selling and manipulative sales tactics.

    • The role of empathy in ethical marketing decisions.

    • How intent and transparency can help marketers stay on the ethical side of business.

    • Real-life examples of ethical and unethical marketing practices.

    • Strategies for building long-term customer relationships based on trust and value.

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    33 mins
  • Is Empathy Over-Hyped? What is Its Role? Why Bother?
    Aug 31 2024

    In this episode, we dive deep into the concept of empathy and its significance in Customer Experience Management. We challenge common perceptions of empathy, explore its connection to emotional intelligence, and examine how both concepts can enhance your experience management efforts.

    We begin with a discussion on the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EQ), referencing some compelling statistics:

    • Emotional intelligence influences 58% of job performance.

    • 90% of top performers at work have a high EQ score.

    • The demand for EQ skills is projected to grow six-fold in the next three to five years.

    • Employees with empathetic leaders report a 76% increase in engagement and a 61% boost in creativity.

    • Restaurants managed by individuals with high EQ see a 22% annual profit growth.

    • EQ interventions in the workplace can reduce employee turnover by 63%.

    • 75% of Fortune 500 companies have utilized EQ training tools.

    Our guest, Sandra Thompson, an emotional intelligence coach from Ei Evolution, shares her insights on empathy within the context of EQ. She emphasizes the necessity of using empathy skills, which involve asking questions and truly listening to understand another person’s feelings and interpretations, rather than projecting our own emotions onto their experiences.

    We also explore the idea that traditional empathy might be too contextual, as emotions are personal and can lead to misunderstandings if the emotional context differs. Thompson’s concept of “walking in the customer's shoes” is dissected, with the notion that while some shared experiences can foster empathy, unique contexts might still cause disconnects.

    We break down empathy in emotional intelligence into three approaches: bad (not caring), good (walking the experience as if you were a customer), and better (experiencing as a customer and asking questions to understand their feelings). This layered approach is essential for effective experience management and creating genuine connections with customers.

    In this episode we also explore:

    • The impact of empathy on job performance and employee engagement.

    • How empathy and emotional intelligence can reduce employee turnover and increase profitability.

    • The role of emotional intelligence in leadership and its effect on creativity.

    • Strategies for developing and implementing emotional intelligence skills in the workplace.

    • Real-life examples of how empathy and EQ improve customer experiences.

    • The importance of self-awareness in emotional intelligence and managing personal emotions.

    • Practical tips for enhancing empathy skills through active listening and inquiry.

    Sandra Thompson Contact Details. Website: www.eievolution.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cxeisandra/
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    31 mins
  • Rules To Help You Decide When To Fire Your Customers To Increase Profit
    Aug 24 2024

    In this episode, we challenge the conventional wisdom of customer-centricity and discuss why firing a customer is sometimes necessary. While it may seem counterintuitive, knowing when to let go of a customer can benefit your business in the long run.

    We outline five critical rules to help you determine when it's time to part ways with a customer:

    Rule #1: Fire customers if they cost too much. Some customers drain more resources than they generate in revenue. It's crucial to track these costs accurately and address the imbalance. If you can't rectify the situation, it's time to let them go.

    Rule #2: Fire customers if they don't align with your brand. Your brand's values should resonate with your customer base. If a customer's values conflict with yours, maintaining the relationship can harm your brand's integrity and alienate your core audience.

    Rule #3: Fire customers if they don't fit with your future. As your business grows, some customers might no longer fit your strategic goals. Prioritize resources for future growth by letting go of customers who don't align with your long-term plans.

    Rule #4: Fire customers if they are too risky. If a customer's business model or payment practices pose a significant risk, it's safer to part ways. Overcommitting to one client or taking the undue risk can jeopardize your business stability.

    Rule #5: Fire customers if they abuse your employees. Support and protect your employees from abusive customers. Ensuring a respectful work environment is critical for employee morale and long-term success.

    Understanding these rules will help you make informed decisions about maintaining customer relationships that align with your business goals and values. Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to let go.

    In this episode, we also explore:

    • The importance of knowing your customer cost metrics and tracking them accurately.

    • How to handle awkward conversations with customers about cost imbalances.

    • Examples of brand alignment, including the Colin Kaepernick and Nike story.

    • Strategies for soft-firing customers without abrupt severance.

    • Recognizing when your growth trajectory requires pruning your customer base.

    • Identifying and mitigating business risks associated with certain customers.

    • The impact of customer behavior on employee well-being and company policy.

    • Insights on post-pandemic changes in customer behavior and their effect on businesses.

    • The balance between customer-centricity and business sustainability.

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    32 mins
  • How Do We Marry AI And The Human Interaction To Create A Great Experience?
    Aug 17 2024

    In this episode, we explore the role of AI in customer experiences and whether it will replace human interaction. Ali Cudby, CEO of Alignment Growth Strategies, shares insights on leveraging AI to build customer relationships effectively. We discuss practical AI tools that enhance customer experiences and streamline efficiency.

    There are a couple of helpful AI tools Cudby mentions. For example, Synthesia generates AI voiceovers for video scripts, making updates easy and translating content for global audiences. Also, Absorb uses AI to create prompts-based presentations, reducing time and effort. Cudby describes how these tools allow for more accurate customer communication while freeing up time for personalized interactions where it matters most.

    Cudby (alicudby, Alignment Growth Strategies), the author of Keep Your Customers, emphasizes that while AI is a valuable tool, it cannot replace genuine, personalized experiences delivered by empathetic humans. Customers must feel seen, heard, and valued to build trust and loyalty.

    The episode also highlights the importance of context in customer experiences and how AI can assist without overshadowing human value. We also touch on the potential risks of AI, such as the creation of fake videos, and the importance of verifying authenticity, especially during critical times like elections. Schema matching helps us identify inconsistencies in AI-generated content, ensuring we make better judgments.

    The discussion includes the concept of Blue Ocean Strategy, which advises focusing efforts on what drives the most value for customers. By maximizing resources in areas that matter most, businesses can avoid spreading themselves too thin and achieve greatness.

    In this episode, we also discuss:

    • The significance of AI tools in customer education and training.

    • The balance between AI efficiency and human empathy in customer interactions.

    • The impact of AI on content accuracy and time management.

    • Real-life examples of AI and human synergy in customer service.

    • The role of schema matching in identifying AI-generated fakes.

    • Strategies for optimizing customer experiences using the Blue Ocean concept.

    • The importance of context in understanding customer emotions and needs.

    • How to determine the value AI brings to your customer experience efforts.

    • The potential pitfalls of over-relying on AI in areas where human touch is crucial.

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    32 mins