• Everything Starts with a Seed
    Apr 9 2024

    In life everything starts with our thoughts and our words. We are living the seeds that we have sown. We must be careful at the words that we speak.

    Are you sowing seeds of love? Have you dug up seeds due to lack of faith or patience. Some seeds take time to grow and need a little nurturing. Are you pleased with your harvest? Be mindful of what seeds you are sowing.

    Be Encoraged,

    Dee Dee~

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    17 mins
  • Have You Lost Your Taste?
    Apr 2 2024

    The Bible tells us that we are the Salt of the earth. With salt, we must know when to use it and how much to use. Have you allowed "life" to cause you to be ineffective. Have you lost your taste? If so, it's okay. God is waiting on you to call on Him.

    Be encouraged,

    Dee Dee~

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    23 mins
  • Use What You Have
    Mar 26 2024

    God has trusted us with so many talents and gifts. Often times we make the excuse as to why we can't do or why we don't do. Ultimately, it's an excuse. God knew what He created when He created you. Discover you gifts and use them for the Glory of God.

    We can't measure gifts based on size. The human cells are very small yet they are very significant to the body. YOU are significant to the Body! Use what you have.

    Be encouraged

    Dee Dee~

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    18 mins
  • Gifts... are we using them for God's Glory?
    Mar 19 2024

    God allowed us to have what we have because He trusted us. He had blessed each of us with something that we can do to bring glory to His name.

    Are you operating in the gifts that God has blessed you with? Do you understanding what your gifts are? Have you allowed pride to contaminate the flow of the anointing? The Bible tells us to let a man examine himself. Allow this time to be "Self Reflection" time. What are you doing with the gifts that God has trusted you with?

    Be Encouraged

    Dee Dee~

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    19 mins
  • When there's a Shift in Your Routine Pt. 2
    Mar 12 2024

    Everything has its purpose! Many times we get distracted on the WHY it's happened that we fail to focus on the WHO can lead us from that place. God is so Faithful and very strategic. He knows the plans that He created for us. If your routine of life has shifted... there's a reason. Seek God for instructions and allow Him to lead you.

    Be Encouraged

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    18 mins
  • Rebalance
    Feb 20 2024

    We get so busy with "life" that sometimes we neglect ourselves. It's easy to carry the cares of others almost to the point to where it could weigh you down if you're not careful.

    Life is about making adjustments. We must learn how to shift and make adjustments. Are you at a place of feeling overwhelmed or borderline depressed. Please don't suffer in silence. We all need someone that who can help us with the adjustments of life.

    Are you at a place to where you need to reposition some things? Do you need to rebalance your life. Have you factored yourself into the equation. In this season, it's ok to make time for YOU!

    In this episode we discuss how I was off balance and how I knew that something needed to be done ASAP! I needed to learn that it's ok put myself at the front of the line sometimes. Life gives us signs. Are you ignoring your signals? Today is a great day to examine your life and make the necessary adjustments for YOU! Do you need a Rebalance?

    Be Encouraged through this Journey,

    Dee Dee~

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    18 mins
  • Setback to Setup!
    Feb 13 2024

    Sometimes the most frustrating this is to feel as if you can't get ahead no matter how hard you try. Have you ever felt as if each time you make one step ahead you take two steps back. Sometimes things must decrease in order for them to increase. Also, sometimes things must die so that they may live again.

    In this episode we discuss how sometimes God positions us so that we can move higher in Him. Often times we can't see the increase. God's promises are not based on a feeling. God honors His Word.

    Your setback could be your setup for your next level.

    Be Encouraged,

    Dee Dee~

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    16 mins
  • What's Standing in Your Way?
    Feb 6 2024

    God has so many promises for His Sons and Daughters. All of His promises are yes and amen according to 2 Corinthians 1:20. We must learn to accept God's promises.

    In this episode, we discuss

    Psalm 84:11 New Living Translation
    For the LORD God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.

    Ephesians 3:20 New King James Version
    Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us

    God wants to bless us abundantly. Do you have things blocking the flow of God? If so, ask God to help you. He's waiting on you. We must be in position to receive God's promises.

    What's standing in your way? Self Examination time!

    Be Encouraged,

    Dee Dee~

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    21 mins