• 49: How to Talk About Money, pt. 1
    Sep 4 2024

    If you're a stewardship leader or a teaching pastor, you know that talking about money to the congregation is hard. It's not comfortable - for you or for the congregation. People get defensive when they feel that you're prescribing rules that don't make sense to them in their situation.

    Part of the problem is that over time, we've conflated the concept of stewardship with giving. Stewardship is about managing resources in a God-honoring way, recognizing that He is the owner. But when we run "stewardship campaigns", we're not teaching people about how to manage money in a God-honoring way. Instead, we're focused on raising money for the church. So people come to equate stewardship with giving to the church. Good stewardship means giving more; poor stewardship means not giving enough.

    Another part of the problem is that people in our congregations are in all different kinds of financial situations. So inevitably, when we prescribe rules, people respond with "You don't understand my situation." When we dive into the details of giving and tithing and treat these as one-size-fits-all topics, we miss out on opportunities to truly disciple our congregations in real stewardship.

    Join us as host James Lenhoff encourages and equips pastors and stewardship leaders to teach the "why" and "what" of stewardship. Learn how important stewardship teaching is in the context of overall discipleship and how to approach the topic Biblically with confidence. And come back for our next podcast episode, in which we'll take a look at the one-on-one conversations needed to teach the "how".

    To learn more check out www.GoodSenseMovement.org

    Email James at: JamesLenhoff@GoodSenseMovement.org

    You can see the full video of some of our podcast episodes on our YouTube channel.

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    17 mins
  • 48: Our Year In Review
    Aug 21 2024

    August 21, 2024 marks the one-year anniversary of The Faithful Steward. In this year, we've worked to bring topics to help individuals grow in their understanding and practice of stewardship and to help church leaders disciple their congregations in this important area. In this episode, we look at some of the highlights of the year past and anticipate some exciting topics for the year ahead.

    The year began with a foundational 6-part series on what it means to be a faithful steward. These podcasts are still among our most popular, covering topics such as the Diligent Earner, Prudent Spender, Generous Giver, Wise Saver, and Cautious Debtor. We tied these together into a holistic picture of stewardship and financial freedom.

    Our 3-part series on Marriage and Money helped couples understand the importance of being one in finances and navigate some of the complexities of bringing together disparate family backgrounds and money motivations. A key learning in this series was that most fights over money aren't really about the numbers - they're about the priorities and motivations behind those numbers. Crafting a set of agreed-on priorities for life and finances is key to couples getting - and staying - on the same page financially.

    A 5-part series on kids and money highlighted the importance of discipling our children in this area and also touched on some key milestones as they grow older.

    Financial rhythms was another key recurring topic, as we offered quarterly podcasts on seasonal financial reviews, a 2-part series on looking back over the past year and forward to the year to come, and our most recent episode on four key financial rhythms.

    Throughout the year, we've highlighted key topics for stewardship leaders, such as the significance of differentiating stewardship from giving and stewardship ministry from benevolence ministry. We emphasized the importance of training the entire congregation in stewardship and provided help for establishing a stewardship coaching ministry.

    Join host James Lenhoff as he reviews Year 1 of The Faithful Steward and previews some of our inspiring topics for Year 2.

    To learn more check out www.GoodSenseMovement.org

    Email James at: JamesLenhoff@GoodSenseMovement.org

    You can see the full video of some of our podcast episodes on our YouTube channel.

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    16 mins
  • 47: Four Financial Rhythms
    Aug 7 2024

    We've all had the experience of setting big goals at the beginning of the year and then getting to the end of the year and being disappointed at having fallen short. Maybe the goal was to lose weight. Maybe it was to get out of debt. Or maybe some other really good - but really big - goal.

    Goals are great for helping us envision the lives we want to have. Without them, we drift. But even with clearly defined goals, it's still possible to drift. Have you ever set a goal like, "I want to pay off X credit card by such-and-such a date"? Maybe the date comes and the card still has a balance. Why?

    As it turns out, goals are only part of the equation for success. Another key element is habits or rhythms we put in place to help us make progress toward those goals. Setting a goal of losing weight probably won't help without also establishing a rhythm of regular workouts. It's the same with finances.

    Podcast host James Lenhoff leads us through four key rhythms that will help ensure that we're on track for meeting our goals - or that will help identify when some of those goals may need adjusting. Join us, and establish the practices that will direct your journey to financial freedom and Christian stewardship.

    To learn more check out www.GoodSenseMovement.org

    Email James at: JamesLenhoff@GoodSenseMovement.org

    You can see the full video of some of our podcast episodes on our YouTube channel.

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    17 mins
  • 46: Courage to Change
    Jul 31 2024

    We've probably all been there. Life just isn't working. Our jobs aren't bringing the satisfaction we thought they'd bring. We're not as happy in that big house as we thought we would be (and the expenses are breaking us). Sometimes, we need to make a change - but change isn't always easy.

    Change can be hard for any number of reasons:

    • Fear of the unknown: We're not happy, but we're safe where we are.
    • Sunk costs: We've invested too much in our career, or house (or whatever) and don't feel like we have the freedom to change.
    • Expectations of others: We're concerned about what others will think if we make that career change or sell that house.

    And so we stay "stuck". We tell ourselves that we don't have a choice, but in reality we do have choices. There are alternative paths, each with its own consequences - but there's always a choice. Of course, not all choices will lead us where we were hoping to go - and so again, we stay stuck.

    When it comes to stewardship, the major financial decisions we make - career, house, etc. - are more than just financial. They're impactful, not just for us but for our families and others. Join us as podcast host James Lenhoff helps us think clearly about choices and having the courage to change.

    To learn more check out www.GoodSenseMovement.org

    Email James at: JamesLenhoff@GoodSenseMovement.org

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    24 mins
  • 45: Diligent Earning vs. Quiet Quitting
    Jul 24 2024

    We've all had those days at work when we're not at our best. Maybe we're tired, or facing problems at home. Maybe we're even a little burned out.

    But for some, especially during and since the pandemic, these days have become the norm. The pandemic gave rise to the term "Quiet Quitting", where people show up at their job but don't really add much value. They do just enough to avoid getting fired, but their minds and hearts are far away from work.

    As believers, we're called to work diligently and bring honor to God with our work. While the world thinks of work as trading time for money, the believer understands that work should be trading value for money.

    God designed work before the Fall. And the Fall has had some consequences - work is no longer always fruitful or rewarding. Sometimes it's just toil. But God still calls us to honor him in our work.

    Podcast host James Lenhoff explores the rationale behind quiet quitting and shows how the believer is called to a higher standard of work.

    To learn more check out www.GoodSenseMovement.org

    Email James at: JamesLenhoff@GoodSenseMovement.org

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    17 mins
  • 44: 3 Components of Financial Success
    Jul 17 2024

    Do you ever feel guilty when you think of financial success? When you plan for how much you need to save for the future, rather than immediately giving it all away? When you look to take that next step in your career into more responsibility, more authority, and more income?

    As believers, we can fall into one of two traps when it comes to thinking about money. We can treat it as though it's inherently evil, something to be avoided as much as possible. Or we can assume that it's our birthright as "kids of the King". And God does call some people to lives of poverty, while blessing others with great riches.

    But God puts most of us somewhere between these two extremes. Scripture exhorts us to diligent earning, generous giving, wise saving, prudent spending, and treating debt with caution. And much of that can look like the same wisdom that some in the world have. The difference is not in the process or in the numbers themselves, but in the purpose. While the world accumulates and spends wealth for its own pleasure and purposes, believers manage their resources as stewards of God's provision.

    Podcast host James Lenhoff shares three critical components of financial success that help keep us on track with God-honoring purpose: Boundaries, Balance, and Accountability.

    To learn more check out www.GoodSenseMovement.org

    Email James at: JamesLenhoff@GoodSenseMovement.org

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    19 mins
  • 43: Can Money Buy Happiness?
    Jul 10 2024

    Can money buy happiness? We all know how we're supposed to answer that question. "No, of course not. Money can't buy happiness."

    And yet we've all experienced those moments of joy and happiness from something we've wanted for a long time and finally bought, or that family experience that we paid for and that created lasting memories. And many of us have encountered the difference between the anxiety of not having enough and the contentment of knowing that our income covers our expenses.

    Proverbs shows us the wisdom of balance:

    "Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread.

    Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the LORD?’

    Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God." (Proverbs 30:8-9)

    Scripture warns us of the deceitfulness of wealth and gives us plenty of examples of those who have been drawn away from God by the allure of money and what it can buy. But it also gives us examples of wealth used for God's honor and lives lived in fullness and contentment as a result. How do we avoid the former and achieve the latter?

    Join us as host James Lenhoff discusses the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective on what money can - and can't - do.

    To learn more check out www.GoodSenseMovement.org

    Email James at: JamesLenhoff@GoodSenseMovement.org

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    18 mins
  • 42: The Dangers of Being a HENRY
    Jul 3 2024

    Most of us equate being rich with a high income. If we're earning well into the six figures, we're rich. But cash flow is not the measure of wealth. Wealth is measured in net worth - the difference between what we own and what we owe. And for many high earners, that difference can actually lead to a negative net worth.

    A HENRY is a High Earner who's Not Rich Yet. A HENRY has the potential of being wealthy due to a high income. But that won't happen automatically. Realizing that potential takes vision, discipline, and a sense of priorities.

    The doctor fresh out of medical school, with tens of thousands of dollars (or more!) in school loans, is a good example of a HENRY. And there's danger here. A HENRY often feels rich and acts rich - spending to chase a lifestyle that might suit their income, but that doesn't reflect their actual net worth.

    Join us as podcast host James Lenhoff speaks to the dangers facing HENRYs and outlines some key choices to help HENRYs build a lifestyle of stewardship.

    To learn more check out www.GoodSenseMovement.org

    Email James at: JamesLenhoff@GoodSenseMovement.org

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    21 mins