• The Power of Sitting at Jesus' Feet: A Lesson from Martha and Mary
    Oct 4 2024

    Join David Spoon as he delves into the profound principle that Jesus used: prioritizing a deep, personal relationship with God above all else. Through the story of Martha and Mary, David highlights the importance of sitting at Jesus' feet and absorbing His teachings, contrasting it with the distractions of daily life that often pull us away from our spiritual focus. He emphasizes that while many voices may urge us to conform and please others, true fulfillment comes from following God's guidance and speaking His truth. With engaging anecdotes and reflections, David encourages listeners to embrace the one thing that truly matters in their spiritual journey. Prepare for a lively discussion filled with insights, humor, and encouragement as you explore how to deepen your faith and relationship with the Lord.


    David Spoon's latest broadcast is a vibrant tapestry of faith, personal anecdotes, and insightful commentary on the complexities of life and spirituality. The show opens with Spoon's trademark humor, as he navigates the challenges of modern communication, emphasizing the futility of trying to please everyone with our words. Through a series of relatable anecdotes and scriptural references, Spoon illustrates the impossibility of universal approval, suggesting instead that true fulfillment comes from aligning with God's directives rather than societal expectations. He draws a parallel to the classic film 'City Slickers,' where the search for a singular focus in life is humorously explored, ultimately leading to the conclusion that Jesus embodies this 'one thing' we should all seek—the deep, personal connection with the divine.

    As the show progresses, listeners are treated to Spoon’s reflections on the biblical figures of Martha and Mary, who represent the tension between action and contemplation. Martha, busy with preparations, is called out by Jesus for her worry, while Mary embodies the essence of devotion by simply sitting at Jesus’ feet. This narrative serves as a powerful reminder that amidst our daily distractions and responsibilities, it’s paramount to prioritize our relationship with God. Spoon encourages his audience to embrace this principle, asserting that engaging with God through prayer and worship is the foundation upon which everything else should be built. He stresses that while service is important, it should never overshadow the necessity of spiritual connection, which is what sustains us through life’s trials.

    The episode is punctuated with interactive segments, including trivia questions that engage the audience and foster a sense of community. Listeners are invited to share their own experiences, prayer requests, and insights, creating a dynamic atmosphere of mutual support and encouragement. By blending humor, heartfelt teaching, and interactive dialogue, Spoon crafts a show that not only entertains but also uplifts and inspires, making it a must-listen for anyone seeking deeper spiritual understanding and connection.


    • David Spoon emphasizes the importance of being open to God's leading and rearranging our plans.
    • The discussion highlights the futility of trying to make everyone happy with our words.
    • Jesus teaches the necessity of prioritizing our relationship with Him over worldly distractions.
    • The concept of focusing on one essential thing in life is explored through biblical examples.
    • Listeners are encouraged to share their praise reports and prayer requests during the show.
    • The episode features humorous interactions that illustrate the lightheartedness of the message.

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    57 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 10-4-24 part 1
    Oct 4 2024

    Join David Spoon as he engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Eddie Digarmo, a gospel music hall of famer, about the transformative power of music in Christian ministry. They explore the unexpected journey of Christian rock music that began in the early 1970s and how it shaped their faith and the faith of countless others. Eddie shares insights from his extensive experience in the industry, including the challenges he faced while introducing rock music into the church scene. The discussion highlights the importance of character and integrity over mere talent in the music world, as well as the significant impact of mentorship in fostering new artists. Listeners will be inspired by Eddie's reflections on faith, perseverance, and the role of divine guidance in his career, making this a compelling listen for anyone interested in the intersection of music and ministry.


    Eddie Digarmo's appearance on the David Spoon Experience is a compelling exploration of faith, music, and the evolution of Christian ministry. Eddie, a Grammy-nominated artist, shares his unique journey from a secular dance band to the forefront of the Christian rock movement in the 1970s. The conversation begins with Eddie recounting the initial struggles he faced in introducing rock music to the church, an endeavor that was met with skepticism and resistance. His anecdotes provide a vivid picture of the cultural landscape of the time, illustrating the challenges and triumphs of being a pioneer in a genre that sought to reach a new generation with the message of Jesus.

    As the episode unfolds, Eddie emphasizes the significance of character and integrity in the music industry, arguing that these qualities often outweigh raw talent. He shares insights into his experiences in mentoring young artists and recognizing potential in those who may not fit the conventional mold. David and Eddie engage in a thought-provoking dialogue about the legacy of artists like Larry Norman, whose influence helped pave the way for future generations of Christian musicians. Their discussion highlights the interconnectedness of the Christian music community and the importance of lifting each other up in faith and creativity.

    Towards the end of the episode, Eddie introduces his book 'Rebel for God,' which chronicles his experiences and the lessons he's learned throughout his ministry. He reflects on the joy of seeing lives transformed through music, emphasizing that the ultimate goal of his work has always been to bring people closer to Christ. With plenty of humor and heartfelt moments, the episode serves as a reminder of the power of music as a ministry tool and the importance of following one’s calling in the face of adversity. David's personal gratitude for Eddie's impact on his own faith journey adds a touching conclusion to an inspiring conversation that resonates with anyone passionate about music and ministry.


    • Eddie Digarmo shared how he unexpectedly ventured into Christian music in 1972, bridging his past experiences with faith.
    • The importance of character and integrity in artists is emphasized over mere talent, shaping successful careers.
    • The conversation highlights the challenges of introducing rock music into the Christian community during the early years.
    • Eddie's journey illustrates the power of mentorship and the impact of Christian rock on his faith.
    • The discussion reflects on how various artists influence each other, creating a legacy in Christian music.
    • Digarmo's insights on maintaining a humble spirit in ministry resonate with listeners seeking authentic faith.

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    31 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 10-3-24 part 2
    Oct 3 2024
    58 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 10-3-24 part 1
    Oct 3 2024
    30 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 10-2-24 part 2
    Oct 2 2024

    1) It’s Wednesday, and it’s time for the classics. And by classics, I mean things I like to teach. We’re going to talk about the portrait of a walk, but let me explain what that means. I want to look at Christianity from a very unique text in the Book of Acts. While it’s true we’re closing in on finishing the Book of Acts, it doesn’t preclude us from looking at various portions and applying them to us specifically.

    2) We’re going to examine when Peter was in prison. This comes from Acts chapter 12, and we’ll be looking at verses seven through ten. When I was younger and reviewing this text, the Lord made it clear that Peter’s experience was very similar to the experiences we have as Christians from beginning to end. What emerges more than anything else are the various stages of our faith.

    3) If you keep in mind as we examine this text, Peter is facing certain death. James, of Peter, James, and John, had recently been put to death, and that pleased both the Jewish leadership and the Roman authorities. So the next logical step was going to be Peter. He was up for death, and there was nothing that was going to change that. Except when God shows up—anything can happen.

    4) The key to understanding and applying this will lie in seeing where you are in the various stages of this discussion. What you’re going to find is that you might be in multiple stages at different points and in different places, and none of that is bizarre or weird. If you’re stuck in a particular area as we review this, that should be your prayer point to the Lord to help you grow up in it and continue moving to the next area. All of this is to enhance our walk with God. If we’ve got some other agenda, this is not going to help us. Kapish?

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    57 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 10-2-24 part 1
    Oct 2 2024

    A) David goes on to say, "I will praise his word." Why does David say he will praise God’s word? Because God’s word represents God’s truth, God’s declaration, God’s faithfulness, and God’s righteousness. David is not worshiping the word of God; he is worshiping the God of the words. I love my Bible more than any other book on Planet Earth. It is in many ways my best friend from a nonhuman point of view. But it is simply my best friend because it contains the very words of my Best Friend. We don’t worship the book; We worship the Author.

    B) It is important to note that the charge of bibliolatry does not claim some Christians literally bow down before a Bible and worship it, as if it were an idol. While there may be some strange cult out there that literally worships the Bible, that is not what bibliolatry is referring to. The accusation of bibliolatry is that some Christians elevate the Bible to the point that it is equal with God, or to the point that studying the Bible is more important than developing a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ (What is bibliolatry? | GotQuestions.org).

    C) Because this has become somewhat of an issue in the church, I’m going to finish this address by making it quite clear. Jesus said in John 5:39, "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about Me." Everything points to Jesus. Anything else is not right.

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    30 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 10-1-24 part 2
    Oct 1 2024

    1) Here we are in chapter 7 of Romans, picking it up right at verse 5, and Paul is not pulling any punches. He’s made it quite clear that we are all under the bondage of sin until the deliverance of Jesus Christ. Chapters 1-3 put everyone in the crossfire of being in sin. Chapters 4-5 make it clear that faith is the ticket to the grace that God has given us all. Chapters 6-8 talk about our new position, current struggle, and solution to the problem.

    2) But going back to the text, verse 5 says, "When our old nature controlled us, the sinful desires were at work within us." In other words, when we allowed the old us to control things before Christ, our sinful nature went haywire. But now that we have a new position in Jesus Christ, we have the ability not to allow that to take place, though many of us do not seem to avail ourselves of that.

    3) Brother Ace calls in, and it's phenomenal to hear his voice. Additionally, Dave spends extra time praying for Israel, the United States, the victims of the flood and hurricane, as well as for the supply problems.

    4) Brother Sergio calls in to answer the trivia question and asks a phenomenal question. He asks if God is now getting angry. Dr. Dave goes to great lengths to explain that while God's anger is manifesting, due to His justice, His mercy will also manifest for those who believe. Any country cannot continue in sin (including America) and have no consequences. It’s not a balance sheet of good and bad. It’s whether God is acknowledged.

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    57 mins
  • The David Spoon Experience 10-1-24 part 1
    Oct 1 2024

    A) Jesus' response is quite classical. He says, "Why do you call me good? Only God is good." This is Jesus' way of saying, "You are asking a teacher for wisdom and advice, but you don't recognize who you're actually asking. You are asking God; you just haven't figured that out yet, but you will in about 60 seconds."

    B) Jesus tells him that to receive eternal life, he must keep the commandments. This might seem confusing because Jesus sets the whole thing up by saying, "If you keep the commandments," and then lists all the commandments related to mankind. He doesn't mention any of the first three, and there's a reason for that.

    C) In his own self-justification and defense, the rich young man claims he's kept all of them. But then Jesus drops the one commandment he wasn't expecting: "Go, sell everything you have, give it all away to the poor, and then come follow me." The commandment to "come follow me" is for everyone and encapsulates the first three commandments. The young man understood how to treat people well from a human perspective, but he didn't grasp the divine perspective of a relationship or commitment to following God.

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    30 mins