• Core Stories: The Most Underrated Way to Change Your Life (Identity Shifting)
    Jul 11 2024
    Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for yt subs): https://www.clarkkegley.com/free-ques... The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making: • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide... There's a saying, 'It's not the thing; it's the thing behind the thing.' Have you ever noticed that in your life, it's not that you procrastinate, but rather the fear of it going wrong causes you to put things off? It's not that you're scared of relationships, but you're scared to get your heart ripped out. We call that 'the thing behind the thing,' and in this video, we're diving deep into the stories you tell yourself. MY FAVORITE TOOLS 🟣 Book List - read if you want to grow - https://kit.co/clarkkegley/best-books... 🔴 YouTube Gear - how I film my videos - https://kit.co/clarkkegley/youtube-gear 🔴 Studio Gear - make filming easier - https://kit.co/clarkkegley/studio-gear 🟡 Shortform - my fav book summaries - http://shortform.com/clark ⚫️ Notion - my digital "second brain" - SOCIAL / clarkkegley / clarkkegley / theclarkkegley WE'RE HIRING Apply to join the team: https://forms.gle/bQsQqqrJfiCU31nYA WHO AM I Hey there, I’m Clark Kegley, a former pro drummer turned self-improvement advocate. Here on YouTube, I provide guidance to help you transform into your 2.0 version. P.S. Some of the links in this description are affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you purchase through them. It's a great way to support the channel at no extra cost to you 👊 Video of Neurons Connecting courtesy of Dr Lila Landowski: © Lila Maree Landowski [originally published online 14/11/2019; video generated in 2010] VIDEO PREVIEW I can't emphasize enough how important this subject is. Once you see how it's affecting you, we'll discuss a 'film strip' of your life. We're also going to explore core stories and where they come from. Most people are running on three or four core stories, and that's it. These stories are literally controlling your entire life. I'll even pose a question or two on how you can address these issues. We often hear about the need to fix your limiting beliefs. It's all a mindset game, right? Here's why that perspective is flawed: you work in three layers—your thoughts, emotions, and core stories. Thoughts are on the outside, what we'll call beliefs. If you believe in yourself enough, you might take actions to build your business. If you have better thoughts, then you might feel successful or content. But it's not the thing; it's the thing behind the thing. What's behind thoughts? Emotions. Take driving, for example. When you're in a bad emotional state, your thoughts and actions change based on that emotion. Your thoughts are like files on a computer, and your emotions are the folders they're stored in. Change your emotion, and you'll notice your thinking changes as well. But there's one more layer, and that's what this whole video is about. What do you think this first layer is? It's your core story, also known as your identity or self-image. This is the most crucial element. Why does rewiring limiting beliefs often feel ineffective? Why does positive thinking feel so hard when we're in a low vibe? It's because most people try to change from the outside in, from layers three to one. But the fastest way you can change your entire identity and your life is to go from the inside out, from level one to three. When you change your story, your emotions and thoughts change too. Before we dive deeper into these concepts, let's briefly touch on what I mean by 'stories.' Since the dawn of humanity, information has been passed down through stories. This is literally how our brains evolved to store information—not with just ones and zeros like a computer, not with just linear thinking or absolute fact and logic. These are all tools, but we developed through passing down stories orally before written language. It was passed down around a campfire. Think of the last movie you watched. You probably can't recount every factual event that happened, but you can summarize the plot because that's what genuinely happens. In your life, have you ever questioned the story you're telling yourself about you? Let's continue exploring how your brain works because this is very important. Are you getting this? I hope this is making sense. You're essentially right here. Refusing to settle, Clark
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    21 mins
  • How I remember everything I read
    Jul 4 2024

    You can check out shortform (the book summary app I love) here: http://shortform.com/clark

    Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for youtube subs): https://www.clarkkegley.com/free-ques...

    The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...


    🟣 Book List - read if you want to grow - https://kit.co/clarkkegley/best-books...

    🔴 YouTube Gear - how I film my videos - https://kit.co/clarkkegley/youtube-gear

    🔴 Studio Gear - make filming easier - https://kit.co/clarkkegley/studio-gear

    🟡 Shortform - my fav book summaries - http://shortform.com/clark

    ⚫️ Notion - my digital "second brain" - https://affiliate.notion.so/pjrx7i091e9f


    https://www.instagram.com/clarkkegley https://www.tiktok.com/@clarkkegley https://twitter.com/theClarkKegley

    Refusing to settle,


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    15 mins
  • NEVER PROCRASTINATE AGAIN (and become productive AF)
    Jun 27 2024
    Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for youtube subs): https://www.clarkkegley.com/free-ques... The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making: • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide... What is the most prized skill of the 21st century? It's not intelligence, not social skills, not even confidence; it's focus. And does that feel like it's getting easier or harder for you? You're not alone. We're in an age of distractions. In 2007, it was estimated that you saw around 4 to 5,000 ads a day. You know what that number is estimated today? Over 10,000. 10,000 pieces of information trying to steal your focus away from you. And now, we've got what the metaverse coming, where we're all going to be locked in with our VR goggles, eyes literally peeled, and seeing like 20,000 ads a day. What's in this video is the solution, I promise, for someone who was super distracted, couldn't focus, used all the excuses in the world, to finally having something click, being able to lock myself down, and whatever I set my mind on, it gets done. We're going to cover what deep work is and what it's not, the three rules you need to know to work deeply, and the three best pieces of productivity advice. This video can be dense, but I promise it'll be one of the most important ones you watch all year. Full credit, this comes from Cal Newport's book 'Deep Work,' although this is not a book review, I'm pulling a lot from what's in here. Deep work is your ability to focus on a demanding task without distractions, not just any task, usually one that pushes your cognitive abilities. Now, obviously not everything is deep work, so there's also another type of important but different work called shallow work. Shallow work describes tasks that aren't cognitively demanding, things like answering emails, attending unproductive meetings, and more of just the day-to-day things that you have to do but aren't super cognitively demanding. Let's say you're a content creator; shallow work is answering your emails, using social media, planning, running payroll for your team, tweaking thumbnails, researching camera gear, etc. Deep work is filming and writing videos. Now, you're probably asking, well, okay, what is my deep work? Deep work is usually the things we're avoiding. If you wiped away everything and could only do one or two things that day, what would those one or two things be that actually like progressed you towards your goals? That's your deep work right there. So, that's deep work, that's shallow work, there's a third bucket called distractions, and these are what you want to minimize at all costs. The richest companies that ever existed are the social media companies, and they literally make these apps like slot machines, where it's random intermittent spikes, likes, notifications. So minimizing distractions is universal, and we all struggle with it. The more distractions that hijack your dopamine circuits, the less motivation you have. Remember, dopamine is that neurotransmitter that's for wanting, cravings, and drives. So if you're getting excess dopamine from all these distractions, no wonder you have less motivation to do your work, and no wonder you procrastinate more. So now that you know what deep work is, let's go over three reasons why it's really important for you and why it's super valuable and something you should prioritize. Our economy has moved away from Brute Force labor to more analyzing and applying information. The skills that are going to Succeed In This Modern economy are complex problem-solving, data analysis, computer programming, art—anything that requires deep work to really learn and execute. Put another way, your ability to work deeply is what is valued and will determine the future of if you're able to thrive in this economy or get wiped out with things like AI. Goldman Sachs estimates AI is going to replace 300 million jobs, and by 2030, McKinley's estimating it is between 400 million and 800 million; there will be new ones created from that, but that is a lot of jobs. So, this idea of job security that I'm just going to like learn a skill, and it's going to be secure, it doesn't really exist. The only thing that exists is if you know how to focus and you know how to work deeply, you're going to excel because the cognitively demanding tasks are the things that take a lot of presence and a lot of like you, that's the things that are going to stand out and be rewarded. Refusing to settle, Clark
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    18 mins
  • Surviving A Breakup: Your Ultimate Guide (No B.S.)
    Jun 13 2024

    Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for youtube subs): https://www.clarkkegley.com/free-ques...

    The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

    https://www.instagram.com/clarkkegley https://www.tiktok.com/@clarkkegley https://twitter.com/theClarkKegley

    We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: https://forms.gle/bQsQqqrJfiCU31nYA

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    17 mins
  • The graph that changed my life: STOP chasing ‘better’ and START getting REAL
    Jun 9 2024
    Get the 11 questions to change your life now (free gift for youtube subs): https://www.clarkkegley.com/free-ques... The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making: • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide... / clarkkegley / clarkkegley / theclarkkegley We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: https://forms.gle/bQsQqqrJfiCU31nYA This video might be the most important thing we can talk about. We're talking about your dark side. Now, I don't mean dark as in evil—we're not talking about blood rituals hooded in a forest where we're chanting. I mean the dark side that we all have within us. It's the reason you self-sabotage your goals, it's the reason you push good people away in relationships, and it's the reason that's holding you back from making the amount of money you want. The good news is that once you know this chart that we're talking about in this video, change can happen really fast for you. We're keeping it really simple and real, so without further ado, I'll explain this chart. We'll apply it to you in several areas such as money, relationships, happiness, and then I'll give you the solution of how to fix this. I do want to give credit to Sam Ovens, where I picked up this chart from for the first time, and it changed my life. Here we have a basic oscillation chart, and you'll notice right here there's negative 1, 2, and 3, and then there's positive 1, 2, and 3. This represents your life, gaining +3, minus +3, gaining +2, minus +2, +1, minus one. Well, what does that net out to? It nets out to zero, as if you didn't have any of the positives because they're wiped out by some of the negatives. This is the cycle that controls your life, and this part right here is what is known as your dark side, or you can use the word your shadow side—the parts of you that are holding you back or self-sabotaging. And until you recognize this cycle, it's going to run your life. To kick this off, when I was 25, I was struggling financially, and it wasn't that I didn't work. I was working three jobs in college at once. I'd been working unofficially since I was 12 and got caught shoplifting Red Bulls wearing eyeliner and a My Chemical Romance shirt—thought I was really punk rock, story for another time. Parents like, "We're not paying for this, dude." I had to get a job and work as a golf caddy, carrying rich people's clubs and watching them throw fits when they missed the ball and break a club—it was real-life Happy Gilmore. "Son of a b, why didn't you just go home? Are you too good for your home?" So, I added up all the jobs because I was like, "Dude, I've been working since I was 12 years old, how do I have not a single dollar to show for this?" And I realized this lesson: I would make money, and then bills would come up, and then I would make some money, and I would spend it. I would make some money and find a way to spend it, and that netted out to $0. And that pattern didn't go away. Making more money, say $10,000 a month—good amount, I thought so too—until I looked back on the year of my first six-figure year. "How do I only have $5,000 left over?" This pattern appeared again where I would make $10,000, and I would spend $8,000, $9,000, $10,000, and it netted out to zero. And that's when I got really frustrated. I'm like, "I didn't work those 20 jobs by 25 for fun. I worked them to get ahead, yet I had nothing to show for it." This is the easiest way to illustrate this point: it's not about the money you make; it's about the money you keep. And that if you make a million dollars but you spend a million and one, you are worse off than the person who's making 50 and saving 30. Refusing to settle, Clark
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    14 mins
  • The 5 Journaling Techniques That Changed My Life
    May 25 2024

    Here are the 11 questions to change your life (free): https://www.clarkkegley.com/free-ques...

    The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making: • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...

    / clarkkegley

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    / theclarkkegley

    We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: https://forms.gle/bQsQqqrJfiCU31nYA

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    14 mins
  • The Easy Way to Extreme Discipline: 5 Mindset Hacks
    May 15 2024

    Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE: https://www.clarkkegley.com/free-case...

    In this video, we're talking about how you can build more self-discipline. These are the five mindset shifts you can make to be more effortlessly disciplined.

    The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making: • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide...

    / clarkkegley

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    / theclarkkegley

    We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: https://forms.gle/bQsQqqrJfiCU31nYA

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    11 mins
  • How to Stop Wasting Your Life (Avoid These 5 Things)
    May 9 2024
    Ready to change your life? Work directly with me & my team to create the 2.0 you in under 10 weeks. APPLY HERE: https://www.clarkkegley.com/free-case... Welcome back! In this video... we're talking about how to stop wasting your life. We'll go over why you might have more time than you think, and how to reclaim the top 5 life-suckers draining your time from you. The best part? I'll show you why you have more time than you think! Coming Up: Unlock Your Hidden Time: Discover how to reclaim thousands of hours from everyday distractions.- True Productivity: Learn the shocking truth about why feeling 'busy' doesn’t mean being productive (and how you can change that).- Screen Time: How to drastically reduce your screen (easy tricks)- Break free from the social media comparison trap.- Practical Tips: Get actionable steps to maximize your energy, not just manage your hours, for a more fulfilled life. and much more! The Best of Series | 10-years In The Making: • THE BEST OF - Clark Kegley | Top Vide... / clarkkegley / clarkkegley / theclarkkegley We're Hiring! Apply here to join our team: https://forms.gle/bQsQqqrJfiCU31nYA Thanks! Refusing to settle, Clark
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    15 mins