• EPISODE 36 - Michael Anderson: Resisting Fatherhood
    Jul 8 2024

    Everyone told him it would be the happiest time in his life.

    "You'll see your child and feel a love like never before."

    It didn't happen.

    And the disconnection between "What I should feel and what I did feel" grew as Michael Anderson hid behind being busy.

    A crisis point in his marriage forced him to look at his own need for healing. "Parenthood shines a light on all of the unhealed places in your soul."

    Michael now serves as a therapist helping parents feel more connected with their families. This fascinating discussion offers gems of wisdom regarding handling our internal critic with curiosity, how to empower children to face mistakes and frustrations healthily, and underscores that perfection isn't the path to true connection.

    "Connection is on the other side of vulnerability. And vulnerability is on the other side of discomfort," he shares.

    Stopping to be silent and to reflect on the emotions that make us feel uncomfortable can help us reconnect with ourselves and then others.

    Michael Anderson's first children's book, Jungle Tails: No More Mistakes offers families a wonderful opportunity to share the truth that messing up is normal and a necessary part of the learning process. Get your copy here: https://a.co/d/fgMP6YX and follow Michael on LinkedIn.

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    41 mins
  • EPISODE 35 - Ron Wittman: When You Lose Your Four-Legged Friend
    Jun 24 2024

    This is a love story about a man and his dog, Rafa the Frenchie. Rafa's sensitive tummy (as well as his brother, Roddick's) inspired a man whose background was NOT baking to create healthy treats for them. It's always a joy to see the smiling face of Ron Wittman at the La Jolla and Little Italy farmers markets in San Diego. But for several weeks in 2024, he just couldn't bring himself to bake. Quite unexpectedly, Rafa succumbed to cancer. Losing his constant companion was a crushing blow, but something beautiful to honor Rafa's life was birthed: A fundraiser to support the National Canine Cancer Foundation. Though the loss of a pet is at the heart of this interview, Ron's story includes inspiration for anyone who has had to reinvent their lives or who has entrepreneurial dreams. He also shares his own cancer diagnosis and how he not only survived but thrived. For the healthy dog treats he creates, visit www.squishyfaceandco.com, and to honor Rafa and contribute to the National Canine Cancer Foundation, visit https://www.squishyfaceandco.com/community.

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    32 mins
  • EPISODE 34 - Kim "Kid" Curry: Choosing Acceptance Over Anger
    Jun 10 2024

    A successful disc jockey with fans in DC, San Antonio, and all over the country, "Kid" Curry had reached the pinnacle of his career running the #1 rated radio station in Miami.

    He was 50 and in the sweet spot of success... ...when the diagnosis came. Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Within three years he went from walking with a cane to using crutches to needing a wheelchair. Not only affecting his body, MS made him feel like his brain was "on fire" and his personality turned angry. That's when his wife said, "You've got to stop being angry at being in this wheelchair." This shift from anger to acceptance is only part of Kim "Kid" Curry's MS story. It's about a beautiful partnership with his wife, who never left his side and who he now cheers on as she operates as a hugely successful CEO. This new chapter of her success and the three books he's written since leaving broadcasting would have never happened without MS. Kim's commitment to a positive outlook shines through this interview, which covers a host of other topics, like why men don't talk about MS, the impact of vitamin D on his medication, how repealing The Fairness Doctrine changed broadcasting, and how he decided what was once scary is now "really pretty good." Learn more about Kim and his books at https://www.krcurry.com.

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    33 mins
  • EPISODE 33 - Evans Duren: Making Peace With Purpose
    May 27 2024

    If you've ever struggled with the question, "Am I fulfilling my purpose in life?" you'll find this interview with Evans Duren thought-provoking.

    Author of the book, Send Me, he recounts the tension between thinking "serving God" had to look one particular way - a way quite different than the hugely successful sales career he'd established.

    For a Christian like himself, Evans equated ministry with the confines of a church, congregation, or pulpit. For those not fitting within that mold, too often, they can judge themselves harshly and feel outside of "the will of God."

    Breaking down those old paradigms and making peace with using his unique gifts and talents is just part of the story he tells.

    This conversation covers church hurt, the universal calling to love, the importance of not judging, and how he made peace with his purpose.

    "Between your ears and your heart, a lot is going on," Evans shares.

    And when working through these weighty topics, he encourages reaching out for help.

    Find out more at www.evansduren.com. The book, Send Me, is available on Amazon at https://a.co/d/h1qBOha.

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    39 mins
  • EPISODE 32 - Shirlee DiBacco: A Mother's Fierce Love
    May 13 2024

    "We will either spend money on this therapy or we will be paying for her funeral." There was no way out. Shirlee DiBacco's daughter was slowly dying from addiction. The doctor's answer? A suboxone prescription. As she watched her once vibrant daughter fade into suicidal depression, she frantically searched for answers. The lifeline of hope she found was illegal in the United States. But it saved her daughter's life. In this interview, you'll learn about Shirlee's journey to Costa Rica, where the plant medicine, Iboga, rescued her daughter from the abyss and gave her a new, healthy life. The ripple effect of this one journey has saved others from hopeless addictions, depression, and toxic cycles born from trauma...including Brenda Viola, who is Shirlee DiBacco's sister. For the estimated 20 million people suffering from addiction, this interview offers hope. And it bears witness to the power of love; the fierce love of a mother who shattered her comfort zone to save her daughter's life. Learn more at https://www.awakenyoursoul.co/

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    48 mins
  • EPISODE 31 - Jaime T: Making Alcohol Insignificant
    Apr 29 2024

    Oh no...what did I say? What did I do? And then, the apology tour begins.

    For many who don't identify as alcoholics, they struggle with the hangxiety of the day after. And because cultural norms often link a good time with alcohol consumption, many are trapped. In this thought-provoking episode, Brenda shares her complicated relationship with alcohol, particularly in the aftermath of losing her life partner. "It was easier to numb myself than feel the painful feelings." Enter guest Jaime T of @HypeGirlHealing. She helps "wellness-minded gals break free from the moderation madness with alcohol." A gray area drinking coach, Jaime coaches those who have come to the place in their lives where they realize alcohol is doing more harm than good.

    "Something clicks when you don't give up on yourself," she shares. Empowering clients to get off of what she calls the "un-merry go round", she believes that in leaning into the nudge to make alcohol insignificant, your best days can be ahead of you. As in each episode, The Alchemy of Pain is a no-judgment zone. Alcohol use is not demonized in this conversation. However, for those who wonder if their drinking is problematic, you'll find insights and resources to help.

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    35 mins
  • EPISODE 30 - Britt Elam: Presence Over Perfection
    Apr 15 2024

    "My worst fear is that my child would grow up to feel about herself the way that I feel about myself." This revelation changed the course of Britt Elam's life; a life that to observers looked perfect: a beautiful baby, life partner, a good job. Though all of the boxes of a happy life seemed checked, what others couldn't see or hear was the harsh, internal chatter pummeling her every day. When perfection is the impossible standard, everything seems a failure. Not wanting to model this unhealthy pattern to her daughter, she began the work of breaking the familiar cycle. It started with figuring how who she didn't want to be...and led to giving herself permission to hope and dream for a better future. You'll find deep wisdom in Britt's insights on connecting with our inner guidance, knowing our worth, being in "flow", and the beauty of presence over perfection. A holistic coach, Britt Elam lives this exhortation: "Once you find out how to heal your pane, teach others." Follow her and learn more on Instagram @brittelam_holisticcoach.

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    27 mins
  • EPISODE 29 - Pattie Cornute: All or Something, The Lipedema Fitness Story
    Apr 1 2024

    A prisoner of a chair. For a woman who thrived on being active her entire life, the crushing blow advised by her doctor was almost as debilitating as the disease taking over her body - lipedema. You know someone with lipedema. Everyone does. Over 10% of all women have the condition, though most remain undiagnosed and filled with shame. For these women, it's not "calories in, calories out" because despite their best efforts, fat grows disproportionately on their bodies. At one point, Pattie was a size four on top; twelve on the bottom. The condition worsened after the birth of her daughter and as it accelerated with no answers from her medical team, she turned to Google...and finally found a body that looked like hers. Once diagnosed, this active, vibrant woman was told exercise could make it worse...and that's the last thing anyone with lipedema wants. But after missing a family event and determined not to let life pass her by, she decided to push against the advice given and started working with her husband, a fitness coach, to do something; anything. It started with a hope to be able to get up if she fell. Or to walk to the mailbox. Now, Pattie Cornute has over 13,000 followers who are inspired by her fitness regimen. She even founded a triathlon to raise awareness about this debilitating condition. In this interview, you will learn about lipedema and perhaps have your own "Aha!" moment. Even more, you will be inspired by a woman who defied all to obey her inner voice. Pattie Cornute is a case study in resilience. Learn more about her @LipedemaFitness and about lipedema at www.lipedema.org.

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    47 mins