• Mass shootings and SSRIs, USSS and EDI, Apparatus on world stage, Liz likes Kamala and so does Vlad, DOJ and Foghorn Leghorn
    Sep 5 2024

    Today opens with what we have learned and some of what’s changed from yesterday’s breaking news on a school shooting in Georgia. I then dive into a study from earlier this year about SSRI’s and their link to suicide and homicide. I think we need a lot more transparency and a spotlight on these drugs meant to treat depression with a pill rather than other therapies and lifestyle changes.

    Next we discuss how we are just under two months removed from the attempted assassination and we still have nothing concrete from the US Secret Service. We have learned that their office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is putting a priority on finding candidates to nominate for an all-expenses paid trip to Disney World. Glad they have their priorities. We also discuss more revelations about the lack of training for the Butler, PA rally and more about the two sniper shots.

    It seems very convenient that the DOJ would suddenly allege that some of the new media voice on the right are paid agents of Russia. Even former Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, was trying to discuss Russian involvement (again) in our elections and then said Putin wants Trump because he’d be easier to deal with him. Of course, this still makes no sense based on how Putin was the most restrained when Trump was the president.

    Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney has decided to support and vote for Kamala Harris. It’s a striking difference given when she said about Harris just four year ago. Maybe she’s more worried that Donald Trump, were he to win, might release all of the details of those who trampled over the Constitution in their war against him these past four to eight years?

    Speaking of endorsements, seems Vladimir Putin has said he is in favor of Kamala Harris, because that is who Joe Biden is endorsing. Is Russia having fun at our expense? Does he prefer her? Maybe it is both at the same time.

    An undercover video has captured Nicholas Biase, Chief, Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice – SDNY, admitting all of the cases against Trump is lawfare and a mockery of justice. On video, he confirms everything we’ve said about the DOJ and their coordinated attacks on Trump.

    We close with a compilation of clips to remind you that Kamala Harris is nothing more than a sub-B grade actress, pretending to play something she is not, just to win the role of spokesperson for the country. In so doing, it made me think she just might be channeling her inner Foghorn Leghorn.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • School shooting, competition and lack of business experience, reinventing Kamala Harris and more of the Arlington hoax
    Sep 4 2024

    Today opens with my acknowledging a breaking news story about a mass shooting in a high school in Winder, GA. Long-time listeners know I do not comment on such emotional and “breaking” events like that until a few days have transpired. Too much changes, to many conclusions end up being walked-back and I don’t like to play in the speculation pool.

    This leads to my next topic and that’s about the economy and domestic policy related to commerce and industry. To star this, Kevin O’Leary, investor/developer and Shark Tank star recently told a CNN panel that many blue states are losing investment and jobs because of their bad economic policies.

    I then look at a study that measure the private sector experience of the Biden-Harris regime versus that of Donald Trump and it’s night and day. Maybe that explains why we had such good economic times and stability during Trump and we have had nothing but economic turmoil and pain with Harris and Biden.

    Victor Davis Hanson is asking the same question I have been asking since the coronation of Harris, can they reinvent her in time for the election? Her background as a Marxist/Communist should have her already disqualified and yet she is supposedly tied with Trump or beating him in polling.

    The Legacy/mainstream media is in the tank for Harris, trying to convince their audiences that this campaign is all about “vibe.” They are telling us, don’t worry about policy or accomplishments, just think about which one makes you feel “cool” and “hip.” They are running on emotion, not fact.

    We start to close with the ongoing media-created hoax related to Donald Trump and his visit to Arlington Memorial Cemetery. The late John McCain’s son has just come out and said he is so distraught over it, he is going to vote for Harris. Maybe we should remind Jimmy McCain about an ad his dad created specifically for his campaign, which had portions shot in Arlington. The final sound bite goes to Scott Jennings of CNN who addresses this latest installment of the Arlington hoax.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • CCP and Dems, Hamas and Israel, Gabbard breaks Bash, free speech, migrant crime, dueling Kamalas and biased Alexa
    Sep 3 2024

    Today’s show opens with a breaking news item about the FBI arresting a former top Aid to Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY). Linda Sun is being charged with being a foreign agent working direction for the CCP. What is it about Democrats who end up embroiled with members of the Chinese Communist Party?

    I then spend a little more time on the bodies of the 6 hostages who were executed by Hamas and how the Leftists are still on the side of the terrorists. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a fantastic response for the weak-kneed and anti-Semites. I then play a sound bite from Douglas Murray who always exudes logic and reason in his erudite responses to world issues.

    We then dive into a back and forth interview on CNN’s State of the Union between Dana Bash and Tulsi Gabbard. I wanted to spend time with this segment because Gabbard provides a master class on how to deal with paid propagandists in the Legacy/mainstream media.

    Following the discussion related to the latest hoax from the Left about Donald Trump politicizing the 13 fallen troops from Afghanistan, I play a compilation video taken from many of those Gold Star families. It’s hard not to tear up when listening.

    Next, I reiterate the need for free speech and remind the audience that Kamala Harris wants to take that away. She does not revere the Constitution and will have no problem instituting government controls over our very conversations.

    Contrary to the Left, the latest crime stats in NYC show 75% of all arrested today are illegals. While we are being sold the tale that migrants are not criminals, the reality is much different.

    Kamala Harris is pretending to be tough on border laws and immigration. But, she is reading new lines, pretending to play a different character. When we go back to her stance in 2019, we get a snapshot of the real intentions of Kamala Harris’s open borders plan.

    Sticking with Harris, she pretended to be on a call yesterday to avoid talking to reporters. The problem, she was using wired ear buds, but then, put the phone to her ear. She really isn’t very good a improv. However, she is apparently good with accents. She delivered the same speech on Monday to audiences in both Detroit and Pittsburgh, yet with two completely different dialects. She was acting!

    Finally, using my own video I did earlier today, it seems the people behind Alexa have a political bias. If you ask about Trump, she tells you she can’t be involved in politics. But, if you ask about Kamala Harris, she cannot sing her praises enough.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • Alan Sanders filling-in on The Erick Erickson Show - Monday, September 02, 2024
    Sep 2 2024

    On today's show, I was actually called to fill-in on the nationally syndicated Erick Erickson Show. I spent much of the first hour discussing the 6 hostages found executed by Hamas, how the Legacy/mainstream media covered it and how VP Kamala Harris pretended to be an expert on the region because she "studied the maps." We discuss freedom of speech, the economy, the Gold Star Families and the anniversary of Abbey Gate that the Left has decided to politcize as a means of demeaning Donald Trump. We also discuss the upcoming government funding bill and how Speaker Mike Johnson is attaching the SAVE Act to it. As we start to close the show, we spend time discussing government incompetence and how they are intentionally going after Elon Musk. The final topic is more of a thought exercise in whether or not you are strong of mind or weak. The government knows most are weak when it comes to standing up and questioning their narratives. That's yet another reason why freedom of speech is so important.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 hr and 44 mins
  • Tara's Top 10, the tactical blunder of the CNN interview, post-interview comments and is Independence right for you?
    Aug 30 2024

    As has been our tradition for several months now, today’s show opens with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News Items the Legacy/mainstream media either didn’t cover or didn’t cover properly over the past work week. It’s a great way to run through several news stories before diving into the rest of my stack of stuff!

    Needless to say, with the Harris-Walz campaign finally agreeing to a sit-down interview after more than 40 days, that was going to be our main topic to discuss. I believe it was a huge tactical mistake, because there was so much attention and pressure on this one interview. And, she did not do all that well.

    We discuss CNN’s Dana Bash doing her best to feed answers to Kamala to hearing Tim Walz say he has bad grammar and that’s why it sounded like he said he used weapons of war in combat situations. They are both performers, playing their professional wrestling roles per the scripts they received from their handlers.

    Next, CNN’s Scott Jennings continues to impress me with his sound analysis related to the 18 minute taped interview of Harris and Walz. He seems to be one of the few people in their panel discussions who is connected with reality. Similar to his own take that the interview did not go well, Brietbart news is reporting that the better market is now dumping their odds for a Kamala Harris win.

    With only 18 minutes, it’s obvious there was no way to really dive into several different topics. Had I been able to have a full hour with her, I go through a list of questions I would have liked to have seen her answer, especially with so many other stances she is trying to sell us as opposed to the direction she’s been taking us already.

    As we start to wind down, heading into the long, Labor Day weekend, we need to lighten things up a bit. So, we first turn to comedian Jim Gossett with his newest release, a parody song of how we are wasting away in Kamalaville. Then, Nicole Shanahan, RFK’s pick for VP, releases a great new ad about a production called, “Independence.”

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 hr and 35 mins
  • Kamala always talks to 8 year olds, the Mafia treatment, Stiller's oxymoron, gross v net, migrant takeovers and The Lion King
    Aug 29 2024

    Today opens with a new game we can all play together. I play a soundbite from Kamala Harris and you have to guess the age of the audience to whom she is addressing. It’s a lot of fun. However, there isn’t a lot of variety. Once you know the answer to one situation, you pretty much have the answer for all of them.

    Then I circle back to earlier in the week with my thoughts on why would Mark Zuckerberg decide to send that letter to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Chair of the Weaponization Committee. I think we are seeing the result of Facebook feeling they have been living under a Mafia-style protection racket for too long.

    We then continue our analysis of how people who should be intelligent enough to know Kamala Harris is the current Vice President, still seem to think she’s never been in office before in her life. Today, we use actor Ben Stiller as the most recent example. He is a living version of an oxymoron.

    The emotional support animal to Harris, Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) wants you to believe they are going to lower taxes for the vast majority of Americans, while sticking it to the corporations, since they are all doing “just fine.” So, I take a look at Walz’s fiscal record since being elected to run his state. It’s abysmal. Plus, the more you tax corporations, the more it hurts the average American.

    I take a moment to address the dual-interview tonight between Harris and Walz on CNN. The media is bending over backwards to make it look like every team running for the White House has done a tandem interview. Yes, that’s true. But, in over 20 years, none of them did that for their first interview. The Presidential nominee always had several solo outings first.

    ABC News reports they are not going to change the debate rules for Harris. They are going to keep the same ones they had agreed to when Biden was still the elected nominee.

    We move to a situation in the Sanctuary city of Denver, CO and how it is spilling into nearby Aurora. It seems Venezuelan gangs are taking over whole apartment buildings and crime is growing out of hand. We hear from Councilwoman Danielle Jurinksy about it and concerns from her constituents.

    Similarly, an independent journalist discovered three hotels on the same street in the Bronx, NY are all being secretly turned into migrant shelters. As she was recording, several moving trucks arrived with brand new furniture to give to the illegals.

    I then spend some time illustrating the different between gross profits and the net. It’s a concept many don’t really understand, which allows politicians to use that ignorance to their advantage.

    This leads to word today that Dollar General stock had dropped more than 26%, prompting the CEO to address the fall off. He said their core customer are “financially constrained.” For some reason, this reminds me of the parallels in the plot line of The Lion King. Remember what happened when someone stepped into the kingship who didn’t earn it?

    Finally, we get a great sound bite from RFK, Jr’s selection for VP, Nicole Shanahan. Once again we have a left-leaning person who admits she had been completely misinformed about what “MAGA” really is. She comments that the “coming together of these two groups over the last week...has been really glorious.”

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • Broaden your world, CNN gets Kamala-Walz, Taliban gets millions, Gabbard on Trump, media help and fake letters
    Aug 28 2024

    Today opens with some of my thoughts about broaden our own worlds by volunteering and supporting local non-profits in their mission. It’s a longer, more philosophical view of how I look at my own world and how it helps with my own analysis of politics and world events.

    Then we dive into the news! First up, after almost 40 days of hand-wringing, debating, arguing and crying, it looks like the Harris-Walz interview will happen with CNN’s Dana Bash. It will not be live and Harris insists on having her emotional support animal there in the guise of the fake Tim Walz.

    The Harris-Biden regime says they “mistakenly” gave $239,000,000 dollars to the Taliban. This Administration LOVES to try to by friends and allies.

    Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is denying RFK’s request to remove his name from the ballot, yet she is fighting to remove Cornel West’s name. The former hurts Trump, while the latter helps Harris.

    On the heels of endorsing Trump, Tulsi Gabbard appeared on a couple of shows to first explain why she sides with him. She was then asked if our government has already devolved into an oligarchy? She believes we have, with a cabal of folks running everything behind the scenes.

    The Legacy/mainstream media is all-in on trying to aid Harris, too! Politico wants you to believe that JD Vance is making up a connection between Harris the and the Biden regime. ABC News doesn’t even really know what she stands for, needing to be schooled by Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR). The Hill thinks the Afghanistan disaster was due to Trump. Only CNN’s Scott Jennings thinks the tandem interview finally announced by the Harris-Walz campaign is going to come across as “weak sauce.”

    Oh, home prices took another record jump yesterday. Since Harris took office, the cost of home ownership is at its highest in three decades. The median house payment has risen $1000/month and overall housing costs are up nearly 50%.

    As we close out, in our world of AI, we are going to see more and more attempts at fakery. And, since that’s the nom de plume for the Harris-Walz campaign, why not fake a letter from Tucker Carlson to Harris praising her “common sense gun control” schemes. Unfortunately for the kids who run her X account, there are tools to detect AI craftsmanship and that letter was considered 100% AI generated. Carlson even confirmed that to The Gateway Pundit.

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • Gabbard joins, Kennedy talks apparatus, Meta censored, Mayorkas perjured, USSS left this out, Walz lies and Kamala carnage
    Aug 27 2024

    Today’s show opens with yet another new addition to the Trump team! This time we welcome another former Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard to aid in the policies and initiatives of the Donald Trump campaign. At the same time Gabbard was discussing having just left Arlington National Cemetery on the anniversary of losing 13 Americans in the Biden-Harris surrender and retreat from Afghanistan, CNN’s Jim Acosta called it a political stunt and repeated the debunked “suckers and losers” hoax.

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. tells Tucker Carlson about how he was treated when trying to reach out to the Harris campaign. In the end, he said he was told it’s not about her, but about the apparatus. Well, whether you call it the Deep State, the Apparatus or the unelected bureaucratic class, it’s not democratic and is not anything close to a Constitutional Republic.

    Out of nowhere, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of META, decided to write Congress and admitted Facebook censored Americans at the behest of the White House and the Biden-Harris administration. We spend some time wondering about why now? I may have more thoughts on that in the coming days. But, remember, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified under oath that no one pressured anyone to censor speech.

    Remember, since 2015, Kamala Harris mocked the idea of a wall at our southern border? She often called it a Trump “vanity” project. It’s amazing how she is stealing yet another Trump initiative and trying to make it her own. Even Axios had to call her out on that.

    For now, a judge has put a halt on a Biden-Harris plan to instantly give amnesty to over a million illegals. It’s still working through the court system, but there is a block on yet another unconstitutional plan from this administration.

    How did the former Director of the US Secret Service and its current Acting Director find a way to lie under oath without technically lying? You put a policy in place where you say no requests for more resources will be approved. So, when asked, were any specific requests denied, they can say “none” given everyone knew those requests would fall on deaf ears.

    Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) once again finds himself lying and over-embellishing his history. In one instance, he acts as if he was selected by Harvard University to teach in China. That’s untrue. And, he made it look like the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce awarded him, when they clearly never did.

    This all points to some infighting reaching a boiling point behind closed doors for Harris and Walz. They cannot figure out how to trust her in public and because she has changed her positions based on each new day’s rewrites to the movie she’s in, they can’t trust Walz to know what to say, either.

    Finally, we close on an alarming study of mental health self assessments that have been collected on 8th, 10th and 12th grade students going back as far at 1991. Something happens around 2013-2014 that causes a sharp rise in feelings of depression and unworthiness in our youth. Could it be tied to when Obama canceled parts of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948?

    Take a moment to rate and review the show and then share the episode on social media. You can find me on Facebook, X, Instagram, GETTR and TRUTH Social by searching for The Alan Sanders Show. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page!

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    1 hr and 18 mins