By: Soul Rich Woman Instant Podcast Leader Woman Leader
  • Summary

  • Hello and Welcome to “The Warrior Goddess" Podcast. I’m Lina Masrina. I'm a celebrity blogger and a miracle's coach. For the past 13 years, I’ve been traveling to 47 countries. I was featured on local TV for English and International media with sponsorships from major brands and has published 3 books. I helped business owners, leaders, politicians, teachers, lawyers, and everyday people locally and internationally, to manifest miracles and success in their lives. In this podcast, I will share my personal journey, tips and ways for you to come home to yourself, shine from your heart including manifesting your dreams. I believe it's our birthright to be whole, happy, and abundant. So join me in this beautiful journey. Expect Miracles, everyday.
    Soul Rich Woman Female Entrepreneur Network
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  • 3: My Entrepreneurship journey. Finding the right mentor. Partnering with the Universe.
    Nov 24 2020
    Transcript for Ep3:Entrepreneurship journey. Finding the right mentor. Partnering with the Universe. Welcome to the Warrior Goddess show. I’m Lina and in this episode, I will be sharing with you my entrepreneurship journey and finding the right mentor, which is very important in your business' success. I love being an entrepreneur. I love being in charge of balancing life, work and family. It's a freedom I truly cherish. When I first started out being an entrepreneur, I had a woman mentor. I was totally clueless and I looked upon her as my leader. I was also newly divorced. I've already lost everything, so what's there to lose, right? Wrong. And so I listened to every word she say, do whatever she told me. And even shared my fans with her team. But I felt as if I was brought around in circles. From MLM, to seminars and programs. Eventually, I was abandoned. And even after all that "learnings", I'm totally clueless to how to even begin my business. Like a first love, the wound hurt me deep. And I did not get over it. I do my best to avoid women leaders and work with men. But then with men, they seem to be devoid of emotions. Focusing on goals, to do list and all that. No involvement with heart, or soul. It's difficult for me because whatever I do, I ensure that it's connected with my heart and soul. And so I roamed about trial and error in many extensive networks and programs till I came to soul rich woman. Here, I was guided to make the best use of everything we women have - body, heart, mind and soul. I was coached not just in life but in business as well. Just a perfect balance of what I need. And though it's just a beginning, I felt the window of my heart opened. And I'm gonna trust the process. the Universal jukebox. Meeting Grammy award winner singer, Jason Mraz. Universal Jukebox:There was a point in time when everything goes smoothly and soaring high for me that I had to take a moment to make a very big life decision.I've gone to my religious teachers for answers but they told me to pray and shared my challenges with the Creator. I did. (I wanted a divorce but unsure cos being a Muslim woman, and my former spouse is a good man, a good father and responsible for all of us, felt like no reason to separate cos it threatens my place in paradise (if a wife ask for divorce for no good reason, she will go hell... something like that) but we grew so apart, that we both speak in different languages) I was also working on my self debillating, almost paralysing fear, driving. So whenever I have time, I will practice driving around town with my girlfriends. So I noticed that whenever I turned on the radio, this new song appeared. It's a duet named "Lucky". And somehow it brought me tears to my eyes cos the main words were lucky I'm in love with my best friend.It struck a cord in my heart. I promised myself to marry my best friend but I gave up on love and married someone else whom I can learn to love, after marriage. I wanna be just like my grandparents who lived and loved blissfully together till the end of their lifetimes.Anyway, I also had a law of attraction teacher who helped me fine tune my manifesting abilities and certify me to be advanced law of attraction coach. He was featured in the Secret Movie.He told me to be aware of the clues given by the Universe. And thus I was very aware that this song seems to show up everywhere I was. Even in restaurants, malls, radio, everywhere.So I decided to take the clue and explore. I found out that the singer is of my age and he is a blogger! So I browse thru his postings and felt many similar things between us. And his songs were often feel good, love and all that makes me happy. That was the beginning of a self discovery and exploration of spirituality and new age.As I open a new door to the unknown, many more doors open in my heart. I then had a sudden urge to travel solo. Its been awhile since I last wander in wonder. I wanted to know if I still have my innate curiosity and a sense of adventure within me. In simple terms, the courage to get lost.I decided to venture alone to somewhere I've been before. Kuala Lumpur, capital city of Malaysia feels right.I took a flight there. And there was this urge within to go to a certain terminal at a certain time. Remembering my teacher's word of wisdom, I followed.I saw a small crowd waiting for somebody important to show up. Curious, I waited too. Within minutes, guess who I met?Jason Mraz and his entourage. I watched them in curiosity. And then when they were gone, I went down to check on my own transport to the city centre. And I saw some of the band members hanging around.I approached them and say hi. I got to know the groove line horns, a part of the band that played the wind instruments. Then I left for my own hotel.Next day, I wander about the city and saw many posters about Jason Mraz concert. But all tickets were sold out.I went to the mall. And guess who I met, again? Jason Mraz band ...
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    8 mins
  • 2: Why I start Podcasting. The soul why….
    Nov 24 2020
    Transcript for Ep2:Welcome to the Warrior Goddess show. I’m Lina and in this episode I will be sharing with you on… Why I'm doing the podcast...The reason being, to reinvent my legacy to have its own wings and spread to as many countries as possible. It has been a year since my mom departed. They say, time heals all wounds but not grief. I've not felt somewhat relieved by the time passing by. In fact I felt very turmoiled.I wake up each day, struggling just to be alive. I felt when my mom left, she took a big part of me with her.Thru out our 40 years together, I've been her "big sister" and she had always been confiding in me in everything. We laughed, we cried, in every part of our life. My BFF, my family, my teacher, besides my kids, my everything. Since she became a single mom, I often felt protective towards her. I've seen how she fought her way in life, doing her best to strive for a happier life. And no one came forward to stand with us, nor defend us until she married a wonderful man, my step-dad. I've seen how her family was against her being a divorcee and a single mother journey. But she did it anyway. Her partnership with my father was getting too toxic for her and her kids. She had to find a better way for all of us to live happy.When she left, though I've known it's important to leave a legacy, it felt suddenly to be of utmost important priority for me. She had always been there and now that she's gone, truly gone, to the point of not ever coming back, I felt the urgent need to roar out loud my message, my legacy. Time suddenly felt so fleeting. Life felt super short. For the past 13 years, I've been sharing my life ups and downs through my blog. It's my way of voicing out, an expression. It started out with the need to be a role model for my kids but now it has gone beyond that. But I need to get it out to the mass, pronto. I'm not gonna know how long I'm gonna live. Podcasting came into my life when I was asking the Universe, what's next? A window was opened. It felt sync to my heart. Grief still come and go but now I have a strong conviction to life live with a purpose. I can look forward to my everyday in empowering others with this legacy. And so while taking one day at a time, I hope to be the glimmer of hope by being my own bright light to others in need of a light at the end of the tunnel. A legacy of messages that I've learnt through out my life that I wished to pass on to many more future generations and hope they last beyond centuries even after when I'm already gone. This is the soul why, I started Podcasting. A beautiful intention to a new wonderful journey. This is my legacy. What is yours? Second story: Unfulfilled dream. I've always marveled at how beautiful music industry is. They get to engage their audience with their own beautiful vibe, energy and sound. And their fans can get to keep a piece of them to bring home close to their hearts. To play whenever the mood call for it or as a source of inspiration. When I was young, I wanted to be a singer but the adults around me "straighten out" my dream in influencing me to think rationally. They said that singing cannot provide for me or feed me in the long run. So I had to only think of 4 designated dreams that pays well - doctor, engineer, pilot, lawyer. Which none has the same affection on me as being a singer. Infecting people with my joyous sound, making them happy. I wanted people to have a "piece of me" that inspire them wherever they go to remind them of their own greatness.But my dream died when I was 5. And eversince I've been exploring myriad options, all my life. I explored being a fast food staff, sales person from selling pens, clothes to even lingerie then I tried being a model and a dancer when I was teenager. Later on, I became a civil servant as a technical officer in buildings, IT help desk staff, then a Quranic Teacher, a computer trainer in schools, a full time primary school teacher, a camp Facilitator, and many more. I’ve also became a seminar and event management leader handling major events held in auditoriums. Most of these career paths do not fulfill a certain longing within. A deep passion connected to my heart and soul. I wanted something that brings me great joy. So I broke out of the mould and became a blogger. This was the beginning of experimenting with my inner truth. And I’ve never stopped ever since. It brought me so much joy and fulfillment that my life creates ripples of love, inspiration and empowerment to many. This new podcasting idea brought me back to my original dream. It enhances my roles as a blogger, healer and a coach. These roles were united to create something more than I ever can imagined. I wanted to inspire people with my voice. And now I can do this and at the same time fulfill my childhood dream thru podcast.Best part is, it is being recorded and so people who felt inspired, my listeners and fans can bring a piece of me everywhere they go. And ...
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    8 mins
  • 1: Who am I ?
    Nov 24 2020
    Transcript for EP1Welcome to the Warrior Goddess show. I’m Lina and in this episode, I will be sharing with you my personal story.I’m a curious child. Since the day I can walk, I have wandered thru villages and into people's homes. I got lost often but I always ended up safe and happy with strangers.But my childhood is a bit challenging. My parents were divorced when I was 10. We had to move into my grandparents’ home, a 3 room flat where me, younger brother and mom squeezed in with 7 other aunties and uncles, alongside my 2 grandparents.Growing up, I was often rejected by friends. I desperately wanted to belong and so I became a people pleaser. But I wasn’t happy. I ended up going my own way after I was betrayed badly. And so since young, I’ve always thought myself as different.My single mom had to work 2-3 jobs to buy a home and to pay for our everyday expenses. I too went out to work at the age of 14 at McDonald's, getting paid 2.80 an hour.So while my friends were busy socialising and hanging out, I was busy serving others in the fast food industry. I hang out with adults and we often shared about our life experiences.My grandfather and mom had great work ethics and I learn to be efficient worker like them. Though my jobs were part-time, I ensure I was on time and fulfil my sales job to my best. Often my employers were happy with me that I was promoted fast and handle more responsibilities.After polytechnic and an advanced diploma certificate in hand, I wanted to pursue my degree and Masters someday but my parents were not able to pay for it. So I work as a civil servant.Mom remarried and migrated to Europe. I was left behind to handle a home debt. Feeling abandoned, I decided to create my own happy family. I married a nice man and gave birth to 2 wonderful sons.I chose to be a homemaker because when I was young, I seldom get to see my parents. They were busy working. I was often left alone at home. I wanted my kids to have at least one parent at home, to witness their growth and get as much love from me. So that they grow up feeling whole and loved.I got restless after 5 years of being a stay-at-home mom. My identity has gotten lost in between serving my family. And I wanted to live life passionately and with a bigger purpose. To be seen, heard and matter to the bigger world. I decided to blog.I blogged about halal food and 6 months after, I got popular. Soon my name rose to fame and many medias wanted to interview me. I became famous and got many sponsorships and advertisements. I was also showcased on local and international TV, radio stations, magazines and invited to write a weekly on a Malay newspaper.After I completed reviewing many halal food in Singapore, I expanded to Malaysia and Thailand. My family went everywhere I go. I was very happy.As my name rose, my partnership with my spouse was not good. Our views and perspectives no longer sync with each other. Eventually we decided to go on our separate but harmonious ways.I went on a solo world tour. For about a year and a half, I covered about 27 countries. I also went on empowering seminars and programs locally and internationally. I even volunteered to give back to others for the beautiful lessons learnt. I’ve created many businesses and failed many times. One of my businesses was to create my own travel show. I had 10000 subscribers and more than 100,000 viewerships in my YouTube and wanted to create an official show of my own. My first attempt was in Singapore. It was not successful and I went to Malaysia thinking, Halal food has a wider audience there. Though a prominent bank wanted to invest in us for our show in TV3, somehow, the whole deal crashed through. And we failed once more. The third time was when a celebrated Indian film director wanted to use my story for a movie in India. But again, it did not materialize.So I came back, feeling dejected and rejected. My childhood memories started to haunt me. I was unable to face my kids. I felt that I've let them down. I wanted to be a role model for them but I failed many times. It was a great downer for me. I've wasted so many precious time, resources, money, energy and tears to these projects but I failed. I also had a team to support. And I went spiraling downwards.I hit upon a dark night of the soul. It was unlike anything I ever experienced. It felt like my body, heart, mind and soul was put into a Universal blender. A spiritual awakening then, occurred. And I decided to go on a new awakened path rather than the halal food blogging I started with.I changed drastically. I remove my scarf. I explore other spirituality options. I wanted to be the real me. I can no longer pretend to be the many identities I've adopted to feel belonged in the world. But I also lost millions of fans, and many more sponsorships and advertisements. Nevertheless, I felt true happiness within. I am being me, regardless of whether the world approved or not. I then went on retreats. On a ...
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    10 mins


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