Component #6 is Business Innovation. Most companies we work with already have an innovative inside reality. Their primary challenge is in effectively communicating it to the outside world. However, perhaps one or two percent need our help to innovate their products or services so that they can market their unique identity in their target market. We help them discover what products or services the market really wants, but nobody else is giving it to them. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in. The Strategic Marketing Program™ utilizes innovation formulas that have proven successful over and over again and that are designed in a way that makes them suitable for any type of business.
Some people call this a unique selling proposition or a USP, but we believe it is really your identity. The idea here is that you need something legitimately unique about your business that make people feel that they should buy from you rather than your competitor. Something that lets people know that you are not just a commodity and that you're not just like everybody else. However, we call this a business innovation because the best way to come up with a USP or Identity is to innovate your business, service, or product and to give the marketplace exactly what they want. Plus, once you come up with something truly innovative, it's incredibly simple to write headlines for that position.
Let me give you a few examples. Let's say you innovated the car and you created the car that runs on sea water instead of gas or electricity. Pretty innovative, right? So, what would you say in your marketing? What would be your headline? I've got it, what about this? Super Efficient and Environmentally Friendly. No, of course not!
Do you see how utterly ridiculous those platitudes sound? Well, that basically is the equivalent of what most companies today are doing.
Building great businesses with great products and services and then telling the marketplace that they are efficient and environmentally friendly. In other words, platitudes. No, writing a headline for innovative products and services is easy. You simply make the innovation a Big, Fat Headline. For example, in the case of a car that runs on sea water, you run a headline that says THIS CAR RUNS ON SEA WATER-exclamation point. I'd probably add the sub- headline that says SERIOUSLY, so the headline and sub-headline are huge and it would say this: This Car Runs on Sea Water, Seriously, and of course there would be a picture of the car there.