
  • The Strategic Marketing System Summary & Next Steps
    May 18 2022

    Well, I hope you enjoyed what you’ve heard in this program.  I know we covered a lot with you.  We talked about the two most common market mistakes that businesses are making.  We talked about eliminating platitudes and implementing a complete marketing system.  We talked about the importance of business innovation and we talked in relative detail about how the Strategic Messaging Formula™ can allow you to craft messages that cut through a cluttered marketplace and cause your prospects and customers to draw the conclusion that they would have to be absolutely CRAZY to work with anybody else but you no matter the price.  

    We also gave you plenty of examples and case studies along the way.  Here is the shocking part, believe it or not what you learned is literally just the tip of the iceberg.  Implementing the complete Strategic Marketing Program in its entirety covers every facet of a company’s marketing plan. 

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    8 mins
  • Applied Business Innovation
    May 11 2022

    So, finally, let me give you a tool you can use to create your own business innovations.  We actually have 12 innovation formulas that we use that allow us to easily and scientifically find needs and desires in any industry or marketplace and then create unique innovations to fill those needs and desires that can easily be implemented by our clients.  Some are more advanced than others, but in every case a true and exclusive business innovation is developed so that our clients distinguish themselves in the marketplace.  For the sake of time, I can only share one of these innovation formulas with you.  This one is called The Ultimate Solution.  It's remarkably simple, yet powerful.  Here's all you need to do.  

    Write down on a piece of paper a negative situation that your customers could or would have when doing business with someone in your industry.  Let's say you're a doctor.  Write down the negative experiences that people have with doctors.  Now, there are a lot of them.  They can be problems related to fear or pain or cost or problems with insurance payments or the problem with just waiting too long.  Or whatever.  Just write down the potential negative experiences.  Then, ask yourself this killer question.  If your customers had the power to change anything in your business to solve this problem, what would they do to alleviate the problem?  In other words, what would the ultimate business do to ensure that this problem never existed?  What is the Ultimate Solution? 

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    4 mins
  • Business Innovation
    May 4 2022

    Component #6 is Business Innovation.  Most companies we work with already have an innovative inside reality. Their primary challenge is in effectively communicating it to the outside world.  However, perhaps one or two percent need our help to innovate their products or services so that they can market their unique identity in their target market.  We help them discover what products or services the market really wants, but nobody else is giving it to them.  It doesn’t matter what industry you are in.  The Strategic Marketing Program™ utilizes innovation formulas that have proven successful over and over again and that are designed in a way that makes them suitable for any type of business.   

    Some people call this a unique selling proposition or a USP, but we believe it is really your identity.  The idea here is that you need something legitimately unique about your business that make people feel that they should buy from you rather than your competitor.  Something that lets people know that you are not just a commodity and that you're not just like everybody else.  However, we call this a business innovation because the best way to come up with a USP or Identity is to innovate your business, service, or product and to give the marketplace exactly what they want.  Plus, once you come up with something truly innovative, it's incredibly simple to write headlines for that position.   

    Let me give you a few examples.  Let's say you innovated the car and you created the car that runs on sea water instead of gas or electricity.  Pretty innovative, right?  So, what would you say in your marketing?  What would be your headline?  I've got it, what about this?  Super Efficient and Environmentally Friendly.  No, of course not!  

    Do you see how utterly ridiculous those platitudes sound?  Well, that basically is the equivalent of what most companies today are doing.  

    Building great businesses with great products and services and then telling the marketplace that they are efficient and environmentally friendly.  In other words, platitudes.  No, writing a headline for innovative products and services is easy.  You simply make the innovation a Big, Fat Headline.  For example, in the case of a car that runs on sea water, you run a headline that says THIS CAR RUNS ON SEA WATER-exclamation point.  I'd probably add the sub- headline that says SERIOUSLY, so the headline and sub-headline are huge and it would say this:  This Car Runs on Sea Water, Seriously, and of course there would be a picture of the car there. 

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    11 mins
  • Professionalized Image
    Apr 27 2022

    The fifth step in the Strategic Marketing Program is having a professionalized image.  Now for the sake of time I am not going to review this step in detail.  The point here is simple and obvious.  If you want to dominate you must always act and look like the consummate professional.  Professionalized image directly impacts the amount of confidence your prospects have in you.  Remember what you learned earlier, the amount of money someone is willing to give you is directly proportional to the amount of confidence they have in your ability to provide them with the goods and services that they want or need

    So just remember, in everything you do look like a professional, act like a professional, and be a professional.  The market deserves it.  

    Consider it your duty. 

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    1 min
  • Systematized Sales Process
    Apr 20 2022

    Step 4 in the Strategic Marketing Program is to create and implement a systematized sales process.  This is one of the most overlooked aspects of a complete marketing system.  Those who utilize it will increase sales and maximize efficiencies while simultaneously driving revenue and lowering cost.  Sounds good right?  It almost sounds too good to be true but it’s not.  It’s just called the guaranteed results that come from hard work done right. 

    A lot of what we do here comes from Michael Gerber’s book called “The E-Myth.”  If you have never read that book than you need to read it.  It’s one of the bestselling business books ever written and it’s worth its weight in gold.  In short, Michael Gerber describes the reason why most businesses fail and that reason is that most small business owners are experts at their trade or craft but they’re not experts at running a business.  It’s a big difference and it’s the difference that makes the difference.  Michael’s solution to the problem is to create and implement systems in your business to do the heavy lifting for you so that your business is a streamlined and nearly automated machine that makes money for you without your need for constant and perpetual oversight.  That’s the oversimplified explanation of what the book’s about.  But that’s the gist of it.   

    So in our case we have created this step in the Strategic Marketing Program to ensure the entire sales and marketing process is systematized.  We don’t want to leave anything to chance especially considering how much work is involved in creating our marketing programs for our customers. 

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    24 mins
  • Comprehensive Internet Marketing Suite
    Apr 13 2022

    The next step, step 3 is to implement a comprehensive internet marketing suite.   

    Now I am not going to spend much time on this because the content here is quite voluminous and it doesn’t make for good audio training content because it’s based on techniques and strategies and it involves internet technology, software, special tips, and all sorts of other granular details that become a bit overwhelming to have to listen to.   

    In short, the purpose of point 3 in the Strategic Marketing Program is to develop and automate an online marketing program that serves as the backbone for your internet marketing system.  This includes building a website that is used as a marketing tool that actually has a sales and marketing function as opposed to just being an online brochure.   

    We also ensure that for those companies where it’s relevant that you have an effective social media program and an online video presence where your companies' videos are all featured on your own YouTube channel.  We’ll teach you search engine optimization techniques that actually work and that can help you get found on the Internet by your prospects who are searching for you.   

    We’ll help you develop online omnipresence.  Many companies talk about your online presence, but we encourage you to have online omnipresence. 

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    3 mins
  • Automate
    Apr 6 2022

    The fifth and final component is Automate.  This simply means that now that your prospects are connected with you in the marketing system, you must create content to automate the follow-up process. Companies and individuals are notoriously bad about following up.  Fortunately, software is available today to assist in this process.  Even then the software will not give you the best bang for your buck if you don’t properly craft your message in follow-up sequence. 

    I’m going to show you exactly how to accomplish this in the next few podcasts.  The acronym for this Strategic Messaging Formula™ is CCEIA: Capture, Connect, Educate, Incentivize, and Automate: Remember the acronym and you won’t forget the process. 

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    10 mins
  • Incentivize
    Mar 30 2022

    The fourth component is Incentivize.  In this step you have to give your prospect an incentive to take the next step in the buying process.  This is often accomplished by giving your prospect an offer to get a free marketing tool of some sort, like a special report, a video, a series of videos, an audio program, or anything like that.  However, you don’t always have to give away a marketing tool.  Often you can give them a coupon, an exclusive discount, a special limited opportunity, or any other low risk or high value offer.  Whatever it is, just remember you are incentivizing your prospect.  You are simply getting them to take the next step in the buying process. 

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    7 mins