• Walking Between Worlds
    Jun 27 2024

    The path of the mystic has drawn me deep into the inner worlds. Returning to our fragile Earth and my own vulnerable self, I become a place where the worlds come together. In this meeting something comes alive; an unnamable, unknowable Essence takes on form, receives a heartbeat and a breath. And we can participate in this mystery, our individual consciousness be awake to divine beauty and wonder, witness Its oneness.

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    21 mins
  • Series 4 - My Own Story: A Return to Love
    Jun 6 2024

    My own story has been a journey of love. Sitting at the feet of my teacher I experienced a love that was all-embracing, and which took me on its path, back to the Beloved and also into life. Half a century later a new quality of love has returned, simple and most ordinary, a living light in the web of creation which stretches to the stars and beyond. And because love belongs to oneness, I know that this love I feel belongs to all that exists as well as the primal emptiness I experience in deep meditation. It is my own story and also my gift to life, to the Earth, to the heart of the world.

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    20 mins
  • Into the Light and Back Again
    Dec 14 2023

    A final piece that describes part of my own journey into the light and back again, a personal description of the landscape of light and love into which I was taken, and how this landscape has defined much of my later years. I also hope that the angels and devas that have become the companions of my old age will at some time in the future be a part of a reawakening world, an animate Earth becoming fully alive.

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    13 mins
  • Angels and Devas
    Nov 16 2023

    We are surrounded by many unseen worlds of angels and nature devas, spirit guides and elemental beings, and yet we have cut ourself off from these worlds, their wisdom and guidance. We are helped in so many mysterious ways about which our present culture knows nothing. This short reflection reminds us of the multidimensional world in which we live, these hidden companions of our journey in life.

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    20 mins
  • Love and Prayer
    Oct 19 2023

    Praying for the Earth as a living being, I feel the love that runs through all things, every cell and every star. I sense that love is really all we have to give, and the meaning behind every experience that touches the soul. Love is life’s greatest gift and our greatest gift back to life. And especially at this time the Earth is calling out to be loved, to be held in the heart, in prayer and thanksgiving.

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    12 mins
  • Listening to the Wind
    Sep 21 2023

    In this time between stories, where are the visions to guide us, the dreams to follow? How can we understand the conflicting forces that define our world and our shared future without this deeper wisdom? We have to learn once again how to listen to the rivers and wind, and to open the door to the visionary worlds that guided our ancestors.

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    12 mins
  • Trailer: Stories for a Living Future, Series 3: Stories of the Heart
    Sep 14 2023

    In this third podcast series I return to familiar themes: living at the end of an era, in a time of great dying, and yet holding a thread to a living future—a thread woven in ancient memories as well as visions of a new way to live with the Earth and Her more-than-human inhabitants. But this series is also more personal, what it means for me as a mystic to grow old in such a darkening landscape, hearing the Earth cry.

    These are stories of the heart, words which belong to the depths of my soul as well as to the empty places I have wandered, the visions I have seen, the beauty and sorrow I have come to know. And always a return to what is simple, which sings with the beauty and wonder of our shared existence—the blue heron in the lagoon, feathers sometimes ruffled against the wind, the red-tailed falcon that came to sit on a branch outside my window, my love for the Earth.

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    1 min
  • Awakening
    Sep 7 2023

    As an interlude between Series 2, From the Edge of the World, and Series 3, Stories of the Heart, I want to go back to the beginning, to a talk “Awakening” given in 2007. This talk explores the foundational question of the relationship between our own individual spiritual journey and the Earth changes taking place which I have described in the previous podcasts, in particular how our spiritual awakening belongs to the whole of life.

    In the early years of this century this spark of a global awakening was fully present. Sadly over the years since it has been covered over by the distortions and polycrisis of the present time. But it still remains in the seeds for a living future, waiting to be awakened.

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    56 mins