• Stories Matter [Inspiring Purposeful Leadership]
    Aug 20 2024

    "I strive to create a safe place so people can do those dangerous things that Ajax was talking about." - Gayle Turner

    [Why This Is Important] - The main objective of this episode is to emphasize the importance of finding your "why" and living it in a way that elevates others despite the challenges in life. Becoming a person worth listening to and finding joy even amidst grief and difficulties is vital.

    [What you need to know.] - Ajax Greene and Shelli Jost Brady discuss the concept of coherence and the need to feel emotions without attaching to them. They emphasize the significance of finding purpose and the impact of telling stories that truly matter.

    [What you need to do.] - Reflect on exploring your "why" and how it aligns with what truly matters to you. Practice feeling emotions without getting attached to them and find ways to live your purpose in a way that uplifts others.

    [TAKE ACTION] Do this now - Take the time to reflect on what truly matters to you and how you can live your purpose in a way that brings coherence and joy to your life and those around you.


    Gayle Turner is President of The Storytellers Channel, Inc. https://storytellerschannel.com/ For close to five decades he has used the power of story to initiate and sustain change while growing leaders and building productive corporate and community cultures. Check out his LinkedIn profile to learn the rest of the story. https://www.linkedin.com/in/wgayleturner/

    Shelli Jost Brady is Founder & Catalyst at Alchemy Consulting and Chief Operating Officer at The Storytellers Channel, Inc. Check out her LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelli-jost-brady-94b44835/

    Download a FREE checklist of how to craft intentional stories to inspire results. https://storytellerschannel.com/inspire

    Ajax Greene is a polymath who has synergized being a world-class athlete, a successful business leader with a 40-year meditation practice into a focused mission to bring coherence to the global economy one person and one organization at a time. He believes brain coherence is the foundation that human and business success is built on.

    Check out Coherence Collaborative https://coherencecollaborative.com/ or his LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaxgreene/


    Gayle Turner, The Storytellers Channel, Shelli Jost Brady, Alchemy Consulting, Ajax Greene, Coherence Collaborative, joy, suffering, grief, loss, coping with life's challenges, finding joy, mission, helping others, living life, finding stories, storytelling, self-worth, coherence, wisdom, meditation, compassion, conflict, political environment, successful leaders, triggered, inner work, core values, man's inhumanity to man, Holocaust, Muscular Dystrophy Telethon, living your why, community, elevating others, finding joy

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    13 mins
  • Inner Work [The Foundation for Workplace Success]
    Aug 20 2024

    "One of the definitions in the dictionary of coherence is a group of people that are all on the same page." - Ajax Greene

    [Why This Is Important] - The main message of this episode is to become a person worth listening to so you can understand the importance of collaborative coherence in both personal and professional lives. This episode's message revolves around the idea of lifting humanity and the significance of coherence and collaboration in achieving this goal.

    [What you need to know] - Coherence and collaboration are key elements in creating a successful and united workspace. When individuals are centered and content within themselves, it becomes easier to collaborate and be in relationships with others in various circumstances. The focus is on building a foundation of stability and contentment within oneself, which leads to success in various areas of life.

    [What you need to do] - Reflect on the idea of finding contentment and stability within yourself before seeking to collaborate and unite with others. Consider the significance of aligning and elevating individuals in the workplace to ensure a successful and cohesive team dynamic.

    [TAKE ACTION] - Take a moment to evaluate your own sense of contentment and stability. Consider how this impacts your ability to collaborate and work effectively with others. Reflect on the importance of aligning and elevating individuals to create a successful and united workspace.


    Gayle Turner is President of The Storytellers Channel, Inc. https://storytellerschannel.com/ For close to five decades he has used the power of story to initiate and sustain change while growing leaders and building productive corporate and community cultures. Check out his LinkedIn profile to learn the rest of the story. https://www.linkedin.com/in/wgayleturner/

    Shelli Jost Brady is Founder & Catalyst at Alchemy Consulting and Chief Operating Officer at The Storytellers Channel, Inc. Check out her LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelli-jost-brady-94b44835/

    Download a FREE checklist of how to craft intentional stories to inspire results. https://storytellerschannel.com/inspire

    Ajax Greene is a polymath who has synergized being a world-class athlete, a successful business leader with a 40-year meditation practice into a focused mission to bring coherence to the global economy one person and one organization at a time. He believes brain coherence is the foundation that human and business success is built on.

    Check out Coherence Collaborative https://coherencecollaborative.com/ or his LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaxgreene/


    Gayle Turner, The Storytellers Channel, Shelli Jost Brady, Alchemy Consulting, Ajax Greene, Coherence Collaborative, collaboration, coherence, team unity, business success, inner work, clarity, results, consumer society, downsizing, grief, happiness, vibration, frequency, consciousness, energy, conflict resolution, understanding, safety, relationship, contentment, stability, success formula, workspace, values, alignment, elevation, universal value, role, existence, appreciation

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    13 mins
  • Uncovering Your Values [Building A Foundation for Success]
    Aug 20 2024

    "Coherence is when we integrate all of the parts of our brain, our heart, and our gut into one operating system." - Ajax Greene

    Why This Is Important: The main message is to become a person worth listening to so you can elevate consciousness and lift humanity.

    What you need to know: Coherence involves integrating the brain, heart, and gut to operate as one system. Finding your "why" is foundational to any successful organization and individual. Authenticity and self-awareness lead to collaboration and respect for others.

    What you need to do: Reflect on your why and values. Dig deep collectively within your organization to achieve better results. Embrace your uniqueness and stay true to your values, allowing for more harmonious relationships and collaboration.

    TAKE ACTION: Reflect on your values and reasons for doing what you do. Explore ways to integrate the brain, heart, and gut for a coherent approach in decision-making and actions.


    Gayle Turner is President of The Storytellers Channel, Inc. https://storytellerschannel.com/ For close to five decades he has used the power of story to initiate and sustain change while growing leaders and building productive corporate and community cultures. Check out his LinkedIn profile to learn the rest of the story. https://www.linkedin.com/in/wgayleturner/

    Shelli Jost Brady is Founder & Catalyst at Alchemy Consulting and Chief Operating Officer at The Storytellers Channel, Inc. Check out her LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelli-jost-brady-94b44835/

    Download a FREE checklist of how to craft intentional stories to inspire results. https://storytellerschannel.com/inspire

    Ajax Greene is a polymath who has synergized being a world-class athlete, a successful business leader with a 40-year meditation practice into a focused mission to bring coherence to the global economy one person and one organization at a time. He believes brain coherence is the foundation that human and business success is built on.

    Check out Coherence Collaborative https://coherencecollaborative.com/ or his LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaxgreene/


    Gayle Turner, The Storytellers Channel, Shelli Jost Brady, Alchemy Consulting, Ajax Greene, Coherence Collaborative, coherence, rejuvenative economics, wisdom, purpose, organization, paradigm shift, respect, heart-centric, authenticity, storytelling, passion, competition, symbiotic relationship, inner work, collaboration, high tide, Jenga game, cliches, realization, humanity, marketer, brain, gut, heart, organization, market share, energy, tribe, unique, consciousness.

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    13 mins
  • Uncover Your Why [Building a Culture of Values]
    Aug 20 2024

    "Discovering Your Why: Unraveling the Core of Our Existence"

    Ajax Greene and Shelli Jost Brady share their powerful reasons for being in the world and how it shapes their professional and personal lives.

    [Why This Is Important] Objective: Uncover the importance of understanding your purpose and how it influences your actions and impact on the world. The main message is to become a person worth listening to so you can lead with purpose and influence positive change.

    [What you need to know.] Understanding your "why" goes beyond just motivations; it defines your contribution to the world. It drives your passion, actions, and ultimately shapes your legacy.

    [What you need to do.]

    1. Reflect on your own "why": Take the time to pinpoint your purpose and the positive impact you want to create in the world.
    2. Align your personal and professional endeavors with your "why": Ensure that your actions and decisions resonate with your core values and purpose.

    [TAKE ACTION] Do this now:

    1. Take a moment to journal about your "why" and how it influences your day-to-day actions.
    2. Join us for the next episode for a deeper dive into how understanding your "why" can lead to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.


    Gayle Turner is President of The Storytellers Channel, Inc. https://storytellerschannel.com/ For close to five decades he has used the power of story to initiate and sustain change while growing leaders and building productive corporate and community cultures. Check out his LinkedIn profile to learn the rest of the story. https://www.linkedin.com/in/wgayleturner/

    Shelli Jost Brady is Founder & Catalyst at Alchemy Consulting and Chief Operating Officer at The Storytellers Channel, Inc. Check out her LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelli-jost-brady-94b44835/

    Download a FREE checklist of how to craft intentional stories to inspire results. https://storytellerschannel.com/inspire

    Ajax Greene is a polymath who has synergized being a world-class athlete, a successful business leader with a 40-year meditation practice into a focused mission to bring coherence to the global economy one person and one organization at a time. He believes brain coherence is the foundation that human and business success is built on.

    Check out Coherence Collaborative https://coherencecollaborative.com/ or his LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaxgreene/


    Gayle Turner, The Storytellers Channel, Shelli Jost Brady, Alchemy Consulting, Ajax Greene, Coherence Collaborative, why, impact, culture, values, chessboard, organization, climbing rocks, Patagonia, Yvonne, founder, meditation practice, coherence, regenerative business practices, passion, humanity, peace, restorative justice, community building, balanced, harmony, self-employment, mindset, attitude, contribution, satisfaction, joy, work, paradigm shift, heart and head, ego mind.

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    13 mins
  • Listening to Values [Impact of Corporate Greed]
    Aug 20 2024

    "How can you care for the land if you don't care for the people?" - Ajax Greene shares a powerful story about the impact of organizational values on people and the environment.

    [Why This Is Important] - The main message is to become a person worth listening to so you can understand the importance of organizational values in transforming lives and the environment. The episode message highlights the need to align personal and business values to create meaningful impact.

    [What you need to know] - Organizational values can deeply impact employee morale, customer satisfaction, and ultimately the environment. Balancing financial goals with ethical practices is crucial for sustainable success.

    [What you need to do] - Understand your personal and business values. Assess whether they align with your actions and the impact they have on others. Take steps to integrate values into decision-making processes and organizational culture.

    [TAKE ACTION] Do this now: Reflect on your values and how they align with your actions and impact on others. Start integrating your values into your decision-making process and organizational culture for positive transformation.


    Gayle Turner is President of The Storytellers Channel, Inc. https://storytellerschannel.com/ For close to five decades he has used the power of story to initiate and sustain change while growing leaders and building productive corporate and community cultures. Check out his LinkedIn profile to learn the rest of the story. https://www.linkedin.com/in/wgayleturner/

    Shelli Jost Brady is Founder & Catalyst at Alchemy Consulting and Chief Operating Officer at The Storytellers Channel, Inc. Check out her LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelli-jost-brady-94b44835/

    Download a FREE checklist of how to craft intentional stories to inspire results. https://storytellerschannel.com/inspire

    Ajax Greene is a polymath who has synergized being a world-class athlete, a successful business leader with a 40-year meditation practice into a focused mission to bring coherence to the global economy one person and one organization at a time. He believes brain coherence is the foundation that human and business success is built on.

    Check out Coherence Collaborative https://coherencecollaborative.com/ or his LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaxgreene/


    Gayle Turner, The Storytellers Channel, Shelli Jost Brady, Alchemy Consulting, Ajax Greene, Coherence Collaborative, not for profit, private land trust, fired employee, head ranger, organization greed, employee treatment, senior management, poor pay, benefits, top management, 9.90 tax forms, ProPublica, values, American commerce, marketing, salespeople, consumer, product, innovation, excellence, clean air, clean water, surplus, deficit, respect, humility, trust, pharmaceutical companies, differentiation, human values.

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    13 mins
  • Uniting Differences [Promoting Respect in Business]
    Aug 20 2024

    "To have an effective business, you need an effective balance of all personality types."

    [Why This Is Important] - The main message is to become a person worth listening to so you can understand the significance of balancing different personality types in the workplace. The episode message is to emphasize the importance of respecting various roles and personalities in a team for business success.

    [What you need to know] - The story shared by Ajax Greene exemplifies how different personality groups in an organization approach the same problem of moving the copy machine, showcasing the diversity of perspectives and approaches in a team.

    [What you need to do] - Understand the significance of balancing different personality types in a team, acknowledge the value of diverse perspectives in problem-solving, and respect the different roles and personalities contributing to the overall success of the business.

    [TAKE ACTION] - Recognize and appreciate the diverse perspectives and personalities within your team, and ensure there is balance and respect for all roles to achieve effective business outcomes.


    Gayle Turner is President of The Storytellers Channel, Inc. https://storytellerschannel.com/ For close to five decades he has used the power of story to initiate and sustain change while growing leaders and building productive corporate and community cultures. Check out his LinkedIn profile to learn the rest of the story. https://www.linkedin.com/in/wgayleturner/

    Shelli Jost Brady is Founder & Catalyst at Alchemy Consulting and Chief Operating Officer at The Storytellers Channel, Inc. Check out her LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelli-jost-brady-94b44835/

    Download a FREE checklist of how to craft intentional stories to inspire results. https://storytellerschannel.com/inspire

    Ajax Greene is a polymath who has synergized being a world-class athlete, a successful business leader with a 40-year meditation practice into a focused mission to bring coherence to the global economy one person and one organization at a time. He believes brain coherence is the foundation that human and business success is built on.

    Check out Coherence Collaborative https://coherencecollaborative.com/ or his LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaxgreene/


    Gayle Turner, The Storytellers Channel, Shelli Jost Brady, Alchemy Consulting, Ajax Greene, Coherence Collaborative, personality groups, team building, organization, accountant, integrators, HR, producer, entrepreneur, effective business, balance, respect, values, rainmaker, deliverer, technology, sound man, geek, sales, communication style, well-rounded teams, leadership, checklist, language, innovation, integrity, alignment, community needs, money laundering, trustworthiness, Yogi Berra

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    13 mins
  • Cultivating Entrepreneurial Culture [Engaging and Retaining Talent]
    Aug 20 2024

    Ajax Greene emphasizes the importance of engaging in the world of regenerative business and challenges conventional wisdom about profitability.

    [Why This Is Important] - The main message of this episode is to become a person worth listening to by embracing a holistic approach to business, as discussed in the story about Zingerman's and the importance of leaving the world better than we found it. The episode message is to consider the moral and financial benefits of regenerative and holistic business practices.

    [What you need to know.] - Businesses engaging in ESG practices often produce better financial results than those solely focused on profitability. The majority of businesses are not publicly traded, and there's a desire among many to leave the world in a better state than they found it.

    [What you need to do.] - Embrace a holistic approach to business, consider the moral and financial benefits of regenerative practices, and create opportunities for employees within the business.

    [TAKE ACTION] Do this now - Reflect on how your business can leave a positive impact on the world and consider embracing regenerative and holistic business practices for long-term success.


    Gayle Turner is President of The Storytellers Channel, Inc. https://storytellerschannel.com/ For close to five decades he has used the power of story to initiate and sustain change while growing leaders and building productive corporate and community cultures. Check out his LinkedIn profile to learn the rest of the story. https://www.linkedin.com/in/wgayleturner/

    Shelli Jost Brady is Founder & Catalyst at Alchemy Consulting and Chief Operating Officer at The Storytellers Channel, Inc. Check out her LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelli-jost-brady-94b44835/

    Download a FREE checklist of how to craft intentional stories to inspire results. https://storytellerschannel.com/inspire

    Ajax Greene is a polymath who has synergized being a world-class athlete, a successful business leader with a 40-year meditation practice into a focused mission to bring coherence to the global economy one person and one organization at a time. He believes brain coherence is the foundation that human and business success is built on.

    Check out Coherence Collaborative https://coherencecollaborative.com/ or his LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaxgreene/


    Gayle Turner, The Storytellers Channel, Shelli Jost Brady, Alchemy Consulting, Ajax Greene, Coherence Collaborative, authorities, regenerative, leaving money on the table, ESG, profitability, transformation, return on investment, holistic, unicorn, Zingerman's, brand extension, micromanagement, questioning authority, leadership, entrepreneurial mindset, innovation, total solution, efficient, advertising agency, motivation, Interviewology.

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    13 mins
  • Aligning Company Values with Customer Expectations
    Aug 20 2024

    "If the employees do not understand what the company is telling the world, then we can't expect them to live up to it when the customers show up." - Gayle Turner

    [Why This Is Important] - The main message is about becoming a person worth listening to so you can understand the impact of organizational values on customer experience and ultimately transform the lives of employees and customers. The episode message seeks to highlight the importance of aligning organizational values with customer expectations.

    [What you need to know] - In this episode, we delve into the impact of organizational values on customer experience through the lens of mergers and acquisitions, pharmaceutical industry observations, and consumer demands for sustainable products.

    [What you need to do] - Take action to ensure that employees understand and embody the values communicated by the organization. Also, consider aligning with consumer demands for sustainable products to not miss out on potential opportunities.

    [TAKE ACTION] Do this now - Reflect on your organizational values and assess if they are effectively communicated and embraced by employees. Additionally, consider the demand for sustainable products and explore if there are untapped market opportunities.


    Gayle Turner is President of The Storytellers Channel, Inc. https://storytellerschannel.com/ For close to five decades he has used the power of story to initiate and sustain change while growing leaders and building productive corporate and community cultures. Check out his LinkedIn profile to learn the rest of the story. https://www.linkedin.com/in/wgayleturner/

    Shelli Jost Brady is Founder & Catalyst at Alchemy Consulting and Chief Operating Officer at The Storytellers Channel, Inc. Check out her LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelli-jost-brady-94b44835/

    Download a FREE checklist of how to craft intentional stories to inspire results. https://storytellerschannel.com/inspire

    Ajax Greene is a polymath who has synergized being a world-class athlete, a successful business leader with a 40-year meditation practice into a focused mission to bring coherence to the global economy one person and one organization at a time. He believes brain coherence is the foundation that human and business success is built on.

    Check out Coherence Collaborative https://coherencecollaborative.com/ or his LinkedIn profile to learn more. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajaxgreene/


    Gayle Turner, The Storytellers Channel, Shelli Jost Brady, Alchemy Consulting, Ajax Greene, Coherence Collaborative, organization values, customer impact, best product, total solution, lowest cost, mergers and acquisitions, operating models, company culture, customer experience, pharmaceutical companies, mission statements, vision statements, drug research, innovation, distribution network, values manifestation, consumer demand, sustainable products, environment, consumer preference, health care cost, employee understanding, customer fulfillment, company promises, brand fulfillment, customer satisfaction, corporate values, business decisions, consumer behavior, market demand

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    13 mins