
  • Normalize Heir to the Empire
    Feb 20 2025

    If everyone just listened to Loose Canon the world would be a better place! During this episode, Nick and Chris discuss the weird phenomenon of people insisting on "normalizing" everyday things people do that are mildly outside of the norm. In the back half of the episode, our hosts share their thoughts on Heir to the Empire Timothy Zahn. They often remark on which ideas did or didn't make it into the sequels, how to pronounce Joruus C'baoth, why everyone is always searching for Luke Skywalker!

    Want more energy and essential vitamins for your day but want to limit your caffeine intake? Visit https://www.magicmind.com/swlc to get up to 48% off with my code: SWLC20

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Essential Clone Wars: Rebels in Ryloth
    Jan 29 2025

    In this arc, we are introduced to an important family in Star Wars and see how Ryloth fits into the bigger picture. Ryloth is one of the more hotly contested planets in the galaxy consisting of political intrigue, heroism, and explosive battles.

    The Ryloth arc occurs in season 1 episodes 19-21. You may want to watch these episodes beforehand for a full understanding, but if not we provide a play-by-play of the biggest moments of each episode. Not only that, but we recap the most important takeaways and review the arc as a whole.

    Want more energy and essential vitamins for your day but want to limit your caffeine intake? Get 45% off (only in January) the Magic Mind bundle with our link: https://www.magicmind.com/swlcjan.

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    34 mins
  • The Kenobi Timeline Part 1 with The Brothers Krynn
    Jan 23 2025
    The Brothers Krynn come back on the pod to share their fan fiction idea, The Kenobi Timeline. Inspired by the Legends novel, Secrets of the Jedi, the story follows the what-if scenario of Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan's lover, Siri secretly having a child. From there events unfold unexpectedly, especially with lesser-known companions of Anakin and Obi-Wan who are the focus of the narrative. Each of these characters has a fully fleshed-out backstory with motivations that weave into but never contradict the events of the Prequels. As you listen along, you can refer to the character glossary provided by the Brothers Krynn: Tahlon Kenobi: son of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi (Kenobi), Wields a double-sided Blue lightsaber, his style is Form IV (Ataru variant) Talanis Salazzar: Mandalorian warrior woman, 5 years older than Tahlon. Number one Mandalorian bounty-hunter after Jango Fett Darael Feran: Trandoshan Jedi Master, Wields double-sided Green lightsaber, his style is Form III (Soresu variant), Melirah Stardust’s master before leaving the order to join the Jedi, who chose to leave to work with Dooku in the CIS Melirah Stardust: A young Jedi, same age as Anakini with Red hair, born on Tattooine to a Moisture Farmer, she is hot-headed, yet dreams of being a healer. She was Darael Feran’s padawan. She is the most gifted seer of her generation. Her style is Form VI (Jar’Kai) (Form IV Ataru Variant) Her right-handed lightsaber is yellow, her left-handed one is blue Mi’kraan Darklighter: A young Jedi, born on the same day, same hour as Melirah, though the two are not related, they share a bond with each other. She is tall and blonde haired, statuesque, the more beautiful of the two. A gentle soul who specializes in diplomacy and teaching younglings. She dislikes violence in all its forms, and has requested to resign her military position, but has been refused. A favourite of Yoda. Her style is Form VI (Jar’Kai) (Form III Soresu variant) Her right-hand lightsaber is Green, her left-hand is Yellow Fergus Feld: One year older than Anakin, a personality like Sturm Brightblade (Dragonlance), is fanatically loyal to the order, and a good friend of Tahlon. He does not trust Anakin and thinks he will turn to the darkside, and in extension dislikes Obi-Wan, a favourite of Yoda, who was abused by his master, Yaduu. His lightsaber style is Form V, and Form VII (Shien/Djem-So and Juyo) his lightsaber colour is blue Grrwyan: A wookie Jedi Tahlon grew up with. He dislikes Tahlon. His style is Form V (Shien/Djem-So) His lightsaber colour is Blue Ivec’leba: A twi'lek initiate Tahlon grew up with, she was sold into slavery, and liberated by Millennia Far’lin. She dies in Tahlon’s arms when he is an initiate Jedi Master Chirus: A half-Blind Solustan jedi, who exposed his previous padawan’s affair with another jedi, which led her to commit suicide, which traumatized. He later becomes Tahlon’s master, and is three years older than Dooku. He dies on Geonosis. His apprentice was a young woman by the name of Yasmina Shen. Her former lover fled with her child to the outer rim, and founded a Jedi cult which her widow and son will end up fighting in the clone wars on the side of the Republic, as Chirus made peace with him three years before he died. Chirus’ style is Form VI (Niiman) His colour is Green. Millennia Farland: The daughter of a deceased freedom fighter of Ryloth, Millennia picked up his torch and his movement to liberate all the Twi’leks from the Hutts and the Exchange, she has since become the Senator of Renkloth. (We set the planet in the neighbouring star system next to Ryloth.) She is a firebrand, who is friends of Tahlon, hates the Hutts and consistently pushes for Republican interference in twi’lek affairs, and has become disillusioned with the Senate. She is also given a military commission for the Grand Army of the Republic. Alpha Squad: Tahlon’s personal Commando unit. They consist of RC-1515 “Quinze” (Leader), RC-9888 “Zuko” (Demolitions), RC-0109 “Nate” (Weapons) and RC-2898 “Wyatt” (Tech Specialist) RC-1515 “Quinze”: The leader of Alpha Squad, he has a sardonic sense of humour, similar to that of Qui-Gon Jinn. He is also strict, and at times inflexible, and is very shy around beautiful women. He is force sensitive. RC-9888 “Zuko”: The Demolitions expert of Alpha Squad, he is argumentative, severe, who complains a lot, and has a bit of a temper. He is always arguing and fighting with Nate, and yet the two consider each other almost twins. RC-0109 “Nate”: The weapons expert: He is chatty, gabby, cheerful and friendly. Nate loves heavy-grade weaponry. He considers his voice a gift from the force. He also loves show tunes and pretty women. RC-2898 “Wyatt”: The Tech specialist, he is sarcastic, a little vain about his appearance, he has a superiority complex in regards to his IQ, and is the quiet member of the team, even as he considers himself a connoisseur of ...
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    1 hr and 44 mins
  • The Kenobi Timeline Part 4 with the Brothers Krynn
    Jan 23 2025
    The Brothers Krynn come back on the pod to share their fan fiction idea, The Kenobi Timeline. Inspired by the Legends novel, Secrets of the Jedi, the story follows the what-if scenario of Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan's lover, Siri secretly having a child. From there events unfold unexpectedly, especially with lesser-known companions of Anakin and Obi-Wan who are the focus of the narrative. Each of these characters has a fully fleshed-out backstory with motivations that weave into but never contradict the events of the Prequels. As you listen along, you can refer to the character glossary provided by the Brothers Krynn: Tahlon Kenobi: son of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi (Kenobi), Wields a double-sided Blue lightsaber, his style is Form IV (Ataru variant) Talanis Salazzar: Mandalorian warrior woman, 5 years older than Tahlon. Number one Mandalorian bounty-hunter after Jango Fett Darael Feran: Trandoshan Jedi Master, Wields double-sided Green lightsaber, his style is Form III (Soresu variant), Melirah Stardust’s master before leaving the order to join the Jedi, who chose to leave to work with Dooku in the CIS Melirah Stardust: A young Jedi, same age as Anakini with Red hair, born on Tattooine to a Moisture Farmer, she is hot-headed, yet dreams of being a healer. She was Darael Feran’s padawan. She is the most gifted seer of her generation. Her style is Form VI (Jar’Kai) (Form IV Ataru Variant) Her right-handed lightsaber is yellow, her left-handed one is blue Mi’kraan Darklighter: A young Jedi, born on the same day, same hour as Melirah, though the two are not related, they share a bond with each other. She is tall and blonde haired, statuesque, the more beautiful of the two. A gentle soul who specializes in diplomacy and teaching younglings. She dislikes violence in all its forms, and has requested to resign her military position, but has been refused. A favourite of Yoda. Her style is Form VI (Jar’Kai) (Form III Soresu variant) Her right-hand lightsaber is Green, her left-hand is Yellow Fergus Feld: One year older than Anakin, a personality like Sturm Brightblade (Dragonlance), is fanatically loyal to the order, and a good friend of Tahlon. He does not trust Anakin and thinks he will turn to the darkside, and in extension dislikes Obi-Wan, a favourite of Yoda, who was abused by his master, Yaduu. His lightsaber style is Form V, and Form VII (Shien/Djem-So and Juyo) his lightsaber colour is blue Grrwyan: A wookie Jedi Tahlon grew up with. He dislikes Tahlon. His style is Form V (Shien/Djem-So) His lightsaber colour is Blue Ivec’leba: A twi'lek initiate Tahlon grew up with, she was sold into slavery, and liberated by Millennia Far’lin. She dies in Tahlon’s arms when he is an initiate Jedi Master Chirus: A half-Blind Solustan jedi, who exposed his previous padawan’s affair with another jedi, which led her to commit suicide, which traumatized. He later becomes Tahlon’s master, and is three years older than Dooku. He dies on Geonosis. His apprentice was a young woman by the name of Yasmina Shen. Her former lover fled with her child to the outer rim, and founded a Jedi cult which her widow and son will end up fighting in the clone wars on the side of the Republic, as Chirus made peace with him three years before he died. Chirus’ style is Form VI (Niiman) His colour is Green. Millennia Farland: The daughter of a deceased freedom fighter of Ryloth, Millennia picked up his torch and his movement to liberate all the Twi’leks from the Hutts and the Exchange, she has since become the Senator of Renkloth. (We set the planet in the neighbouring star system next to Ryloth.) She is a firebrand, who is friends of Tahlon, hates the Hutts and consistently pushes for Republican interference in twi’lek affairs, and has become disillusioned with the Senate. She is also given a military commission for the Grand Army of the Republic. Alpha Squad: Tahlon’s personal Commando unit. They consist of RC-1515 “Quinze” (Leader), RC-9888 “Zuko” (Demolitions), RC-0109 “Nate” (Weapons) and RC-2898 “Wyatt” (Tech Specialist) RC-1515 “Quinze”: The leader of Alpha Squad, he has a sardonic sense of humour, similar to that of Qui-Gon Jinn. He is also strict, and at times inflexible, and is very shy around beautiful women. He is force sensitive. RC-9888 “Zuko”: The Demolitions expert of Alpha Squad, he is argumentative, severe, who complains a lot, and has a bit of a temper. He is always arguing and fighting with Nate, and yet the two consider each other almost twins. RC-0109 “Nate”: The weapons expert: He is chatty, gabby, cheerful and friendly. Nate loves heavy-grade weaponry. He considers his voice a gift from the force. He also loves show tunes and pretty women. RC-2898 “Wyatt”: The Tech specialist, he is sarcastic, a little vain about his appearance, he has a superiority complex in regards to his IQ, and is the quiet member of the team, even as he considers himself a connoisseur of ...
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    1 hr and 49 mins
  • No Red Dye in my Skeleton Crew
    Jan 21 2025

    Skeleton Crew is red dye-free, making it safe for consumption for US citizens, including RFK Jr who once wrestled a grizzly bear with one hand tied behind his back. That's right, the SWLC has declared Skeleton Crew to be 100% non-GMO, seed oil, and DEI-free. Jacked, tan, freedom-loving, Zyn-enjoying listeners should tune in to this episode now!

    Want more energy and essential vitamins for your day but want to limit your caffeine intake? Get 45% off the Magic Mind bundle with our link: https://www.magicmind.com/swlcjan.

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Joruus C'baoth and Hybrid Work
    Jan 8 2025

    On today's episode, Chris shares his thoughts on an early interaction between Grand Admiral Thrawn and Joruus C'baoth in Heir to the Empire a novel by Timothy Zahn. Their conversation reveals much about their personalities, how they view power, and what it means to be sovereign.

    Chris also dives into the reality of hybrid work and how it relates to Joruus C'baoth!

    Want more energy and essential vitamins for your day but want to limit your caffeine intake? Get 45% off the Magic Mind bundle with our link: https://www.magicmind.com/swlcjan.

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    35 mins
  • The Kenobi Timeline Part 3 with the Brothers Krynn
    Dec 18 2024
    The Brothers Krynn come back on the pod to share part 3 of their fan fiction idea, The Kenobi Timeline. Inspired by the Legends novel, Secrets of the Jedi, the story follows the what-if scenario of Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan's lover, Siri secretly having a child. From there events unfold unexpectedly, especially with lesser-known companions of Anakin and Obi-Wan who are the focus of the narrative. Each of these characters has a fully fleshed-out backstory with motivations that weave into but never contradict the events of the Prequels. Want more energy and essential vitamins for your day but want to limit your caffeine intake? Visit https://www.magicmind.com/swlc now to get up to 48% off your first subscription or 20% off a one-time purchase with code SWLC20 at checkout. As you listen along, you can refer to the character glossary provided by the Brothers Krynn: Tahlon Kenobi: son of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi (Kenobi), Wields a double-sided Blue lightsaber, his style is Form IV (Ataru variant) Talanis Salazzar: Mandalorian warrior woman, 5 years older than Tahlon. Number one Mandalorian bounty-hunter after Jango Fett Darael Feran: Trandoshan Jedi Master, Wields double-sided Green lightsaber, his style is Form III (Soresu variant), Melirah Stardust’s master before leaving the order to join the Jedi, who chose to leave to work with Dooku in the CIS Melirah Stardust: A young Jedi, same age as Anakini with Red hair, born on Tattooine to a Moisture Farmer, she is hot-headed, yet dreams of being a healer. She was Darael Feran’s padawan. She is the most gifted seer of her generation. Her style is Form VI (Jar’Kai) (Form IV Ataru Variant) Her right-handed lightsaber is yellow, her left-handed one is blue Mi’kraan Darklighter: A young Jedi, born on the same day, same hour as Melirah, though the two are not related, they share a bond with each other. She is tall and blonde haired, statuesque, the more beautiful of the two. A gentle soul who specializes in diplomacy and teaching younglings. She dislikes violence in all its forms, and has requested to resign her military position, but has been refused. A favourite of Yoda. Her style is Form VI (Jar’Kai) (Form III Soresu variant) Her right-hand lightsaber is Green, her left-hand is Yellow Fergus Feld: One year older than Anakin, a personality like Sturm Brightblade (Dragonlance), is fanatically loyal to the order, and a good friend of Tahlon. He does not trust Anakin and thinks he will turn to the darkside, and in extension dislikes Obi-Wan, a favourite of Yoda, who was abused by his master, Yaduu. His lightsaber style is Form V, and Form VII (Shien/Djem-So and Juyo) his lightsaber colour is blue Grrwyan: A wookie Jedi Tahlon grew up with. He dislikes Tahlon. His style is Form V (Shien/Djem-So) His lightsaber colour is Blue Ivec’leba: A twi'lek initiate Tahlon grew up with, she was sold into slavery, and liberated by Millennia Far’lin. She dies in Tahlon’s arms when he is an initiate Jedi Master Chirus: A half-Blind Solustan jedi, who exposed his previous padawan’s affair with another jedi, which led her to commit suicide, which traumatized. He later becomes Tahlon’s master, and is three years older than Dooku. He dies on Geonosis. His apprentice was a young woman by the name of Yasmina Shen. Her former lover fled with her child to the outer rim, and founded a Jedi cult which her widow and son will end up fighting in the clone wars on the side of the Republic, as Chirus made peace with him three years before he died. Chirus’ style is Form VI (Niiman) His colour is Green. Millennia Farland: The daughter of a deceased freedom fighter of Ryloth, Millennia picked up his torch and his movement to liberate all the Twi’leks from the Hutts and the Exchange, she has since become the Senator of Renkloth. (We set the planet in the neighbouring star system next to Ryloth.) She is a firebrand, who is friends of Tahlon, hates the Hutts and consistently pushes for Republican interference in twi’lek affairs, and has become disillusioned with the Senate. She is also given a military commission for the Grand Army of the Republic. Alpha Squad: Tahlon’s personal Commando unit. They consist of RC-1515 “Quinze” (Leader), RC-9888 “Zuko” (Demolitions), RC-0109 “Nate” (Weapons) and RC-2898 “Wyatt” (Tech Specialist) RC-1515 “Quinze”: The leader of Alpha Squad, he has a sardonic sense of humour, similar to that of Qui-Gon Jinn. He is also strict, and at times inflexible, and is very shy around beautiful women. He is force sensitive. RC-9888 “Zuko”: The Demolitions expert of Alpha Squad, he is argumentative, severe, who complains a lot, and has a bit of a temper. He is always arguing and fighting with Nate, and yet the two consider each other almost twins. RC-0109 “Nate”: The weapons expert: He is chatty, gabby, cheerful and friendly. Nate loves heavy-grade weaponry. He considers his voice a gift from the force. He also loves show ...
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    2 hrs and 8 mins
  • Assembling a Crew for the Perfect Star Wars Adventure!
    Dec 3 2024

    Our hosts are assembling a crew! With a budget of $15, they must choose from a list of pilots, gunners, wise persons, annoying kids, droids, and wild cards to complete their crew. This task is fraught with conundrums - will they spend up for OT Obi-Wan or settle with ST Old Luke for a mere $1? How will the crewmates mesh? Will Cancelled Gina Carano and Rey be able to coexist? Or will Gina's offensive tweets create a toxic crew environment?

    Listen now to find out which characters they chose across the Star Wars Universe to have the perfect adventure with!

    If you want to play the game yourself, here is a copy of the crew grid: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-ot30EzBwgATJ1A0tD99XjDVYl-HAE-5ykkPX4T1-lY/edit?usp=sharing

    Get Magic Mind at 50% off with the Black Friday offer, available only through my link until December 6th: https://magicmind.com/starwarsbf

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    1 hr and 17 mins