Speak Chinese Like A Taiwanese Local

By: Learn Chinese with Fangfang
  • Summary

  • Tune in to this thrilling podcast series updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:00 PM Taiwan time! If you're looking to learn Chinese and communicate more effectively with your Taiwanese friends and family, this podcast is for you! So why wait? Subscribe to "Speak Chinese Like a Taiwanese Local'' with FangFang today and start learning Chinese like a pro!"
    Learn Chinese with Fangfang
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  • #200 黎巴嫩爆炸案,跟台灣有關 Lebanon's Pager Attacks Linked to Taiwan’s product !?
    Sep 30 2024

    中東 zhōng dōng - Middle East

    牽涉 qiān shè - to involve

    以色列 yǐ sè liè - Israel

    黎巴嫩 lí bā nèn - Lebanon

    一批 yī pī - a batch (of goods)

    金阿波羅 jīn ā bō luó - Gold Apollo (company name)

    呼叫器 hū jiào qì - pager

    分發 fēn fā - to distribute

    真主黨 zhēn zhǔ dǎng - Hezbollah

    爆炸 bào zhà - explosion

    運送 yùn sòng - to transport

    情報部門 qíng bào bù mén - intelligence agency

    悄悄地 qiǎo qiǎo de - quietly; secretly

    植入 zhí rù - to implant

    爆裂 bào liè - to explode

    裝置 zhuāng zhì - device

    調查 diào chá - investigation

    進行 jìn xíng - to carry out

    內部通訊 nèi bù tōng xùn - internal communication

    顯示 xiǎn shì - to show

    通訊系統 tōng xùn xì tǒng - communication system

    滲透 shèn tòu - to infiltrate

    紐約時報 niǔ yuē shí bào - The New York Times

    法新社 fǎ xīn shè - Agence France-Presse (AFP)

    匿名 nì míng - anonymous

    供應鏈 gōng yìng liàn - supply chain

    某個 mǒu ge - a certain

    環節 huán jié - link (in a chain)

    埋藏 mái cáng - to bury

    設備 shè bèi - equipment

    炸藥 zhà yào - explosive

    引爆 yǐn bào - to detonate

    局勢 jú shì - situation (typically political or military)

    捲入 juǎn rù - to be involved in

    授權 shòu quán - to authorize

    危機 wéi jī - crisis

    發表 fā biǎo - to issue (a statement)

    聲明 shēng míng - statement

    強調 qiáng diào - to emphasize

    If you’ve been learning Chinese for a while but feel stuck or frustrated with your progress, I invite you to book a one-on-one trial lesson with me 😊 Together, we'll review your goals and create a personalized plan to help you improve your Chinese skills. Let’s make your learning journey smoother and more enjoyable!

    Book a one-on-one trial lesson with me ! 😊

    If you're just starting to learn Chinese and aren't sure where to begin, I warmly invite you to join my Chinese speaking course. 😊

    In this course, I'll guide you through pronunciation and teach you how to have simple daily conversations in Chinese. You'll learn how to order food, buy drinks, shop, ask for directions, visit the doctor, and even rent an apartment.

    I'll provide easy-to-follow conversation templates for various situations, so you can start speaking Chinese confidently in just two weeks. If you're busy, don't worry—you can learn at your own pace. This course will help you travel more smoothly in Taiwan and open the door to making local friends and having great conversations together. 😊

    Check out the 14-Day Chinese Speaking Accelerator

    Follow me on Instagram: fangfang.chineselearning !😀

    I hope you like today's podcast! Got feedback? I'd love to hear it! Rate my podcast show or leave me a review!

    Learn Chinese Podcast | Chinese Listening Practice | Learn Taiwanese Mandarin | Chinese Learning Podcast

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    8 mins
  • #199 師大夜市美食 Delicious food at Shida Night Market 🍜🍡🍚
    Sep 27 2024

    師大 Shīdà - National Taiwan Normal University

    研究所 yánjiū suǒ - Graduate school

    科系 kēxì - Academic department or program

    對外華語教學 duìwài huáyǔ jiàoxué - Teaching Chinese as a foreign language

    台電大樓 Tàidiàn dàlóu - Taipei Power Building (a MRT station in Taipei)

    古亭站 Gǔtíng zhàn - Guting Station (a MRT station in Taipei)

    師園鹽酥雞 Shīyuán yán sū jī - Shiyuan Salted Crispy Chicken (a popular food stall in Taipei)

    鹽酥雞 yán sū jī - Salted crispy chicken

    胡椒粉 hújiāo fěn - Pepper powder

    蒜香 suàn xiāng - Garlic aroma

    大蒜 dàsuàn - Garlic

    香氣 xiāngqì - Aroma

    調味 tiáowèi - Seasoning

    剛好 gānghǎo - Just right

    甜不辣 tián bù là - Fish cake

    米血 mǐ xuè - Rice blood cake

    雞皮 jī pí - Chicken skin

    不踩雷 bù cǎi léi - Reliable or not making mistakes (in context, it means not disappointing)

    咖哩飯 kālǐ fàn - Curry rice

    炸物 zhà wù - Fried food

    飲料喝到飽 yǐnliào hē dào bǎo - Free refills on drinks

    爽 shuǎng - Refreshing or enjoyable

    燈籠滷味 dēnglóng lǔ wèi - Lantern Lu Wei (a popular food stall in Taipei)

    並列 bìngliè - Ranked together or listed together

    必吃 bì chī - Must-try

    大排長龍 dà pái cháng lóng - Long queue

    滷味 lǔ wèi - Braised food

    料 liào - Ingredients

    滷蛋 lǔ dàn - Braised egg

    豆干 dòu gān - Dried tofu

    豆皮 dòu pí - Tofu skin

    王子麵 wángzǐ miàn - Prince noodles (a brand of instant noodles)

    滷汁 lǔ zhī - Braised sauce

    青蔥 qīngcōng - Green onion

    阿諾可麗餅 Ānuò kělì bǐng - Arno Crepe (a popular crepe brand in Taipei)

    可麗餅 kělì bǐng - Crepe

    香蕉巧克力口味 xiāngjiāo qiǎokèlì kǒuwèi - Banana chocolate flavor

    抹醬 mǒ jiàng - Spread or sauce

    創意 chuàngyì - Creative

    口味 kǒuwèi - Flavor

    玉米鮪魚可麗餅 yùmǐ wěiyú kělì bǐng - Corn and tuna crepe

    可甜可鹹 kě tián kě xián - Can be sweet or savory

    薄脆 báo cuì - Thin and crispy

    餅皮 bǐng pí - Crepe skin

    甜點 tiándiǎn - Dessert

    正餐 zhèngcān - Main course

    創意市集 chuàngyì shìjí - Creative market

    冰火菠蘿油 bīng huǒ bōluó yóu - Pineapple bun with butter (a Hong Kong dessert)

    If you want your life in Taiwan to be more comfortable, fun, and stress-free, I warmly invite you to join my Chinese speaking course. In this course, you'll learn simple conversations for everyday situations like ordering food at night markets, asking for extra spice on your salted crispy chicken, or customizing your bubble tea with just the right sweetness and ice level. We’ll also cover how to ask for directions, use the MRT, take a taxi, shop for clothes, visit the doctor, and much more. Check out the 14-Day Chinese Speaking Accelerator

    If you've been learning Chinese but still find it hard to express your thoughts fluently or want to discuss complex topics like economics, news, or the environment in Chinese, you can book a one-on-one trial lesson with me. Let’s set your goals and achieve Chinese fluency together! Book a one-on-one trial lesson with me ! 😊

    Follow me on Instagram: fangfang.chineselearning !😀

    I hope you like today's podcast! Got feedback? I'd love to hear it! Rate my podcast show or leave me a review!

    Learn Chinese Podcast | Chinese Listening Practice | Learn Taiwanese Mandarin | Chinese Learning Podcast

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    12 mins
  • #198 台灣特有種動物 Taiwan's Endemic Animals
    Sep 25 2024

    特有種動物 tè yǒu zhǒng dòngwù - endemic species (animals unique to a specific area)

    台灣石虎 Tái wān shíhǔ - Taiwan leopard cat

    小型 xiǎo xíng - small-sized

    貓科動物 māo kē dòngwù - felid (cat family) animal

    深色 shēn sè - dark color

    斑點 bāndiǎn - spots, dots

    攻擊性 gōngjī xìng - aggressiveness

    誤以為 wù yǐwéi - to mistakenly believe, to misidentify

    野生 yěshēng - wild, not domesticated

    瀕臨絕種 bīn lín jué zhǒng - endangered, on the brink of extinction

    台灣黑熊 Tái wān hēi xióng - Formosan black bear

    胸前 xiōng qián - on the chest

    V字型 V zì xíng - V-shaped

    斑紋 bān wén - pattern, stripe

    昆蟲 kūnchóng - insects

    肉類 ròu lèi - meat

    蜂巢 fēng cháo - beehive

    帝雉 Dì zhì - Mikado pheasant (a bird species native to Taiwan)

    鳥類 niǎo lèi - birds

    顯眼 xiǎn yǎn - eye-catching, conspicuous

    暗 àn - dark (in color)

    亮麗 liàng lì - bright and beautiful

    羽毛 yǔmáo - feathers

    紫藍色 zǐ lán sè - violet-blue color

    光澤 guāngzé - luster, sheen

    尾巴 wěibā - tail

    橫條紋 héng tiáo wén - horizontal stripes

    鮮豔 xiān yàn - bright, vivid

    搶 qiǎng - to compete for, to vie for

    Are you planning to travel to Taiwan or move here? Let's learn some Chinese together to make your life in Taiwan easier and more fun! I will teach you how to shop at night markets, order drinks at bubble tea shops, and talk with locals. Even if you get sick or lost, you can follow my templates to communicate with Taiwanese people anytime. Check out the 14-Day Chinese Speaking Accelerator

    If you've been learning Chinese but still find it hard to express your thoughts fluently or want to discuss complex topics like economics, news, or the environment in Chinese, you can book a one-on-one trial lesson with me. Let’s set your goals and achieve Chinese fluency together! Book a one-on-one trial lesson with me ! 😊

    Follow me on Instagram: fangfang.chineselearning !😀

    I hope you like today's podcast! Got feedback? I'd love to hear it! Rate my podcast show or leave me a review!

    Learn Chinese Podcast | Chinese Listening Practice | Learn Taiwanese Mandarin | Chinese Learning Podcast

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    8 mins

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