• Married Women Need to Pay Attention
    Feb 28 2025

    Chris Boyd and Jeff Perry welcome Dr.Laura Mattia to the podcast. The conversation focuses on the premise that while money is not the key to happiness, using it wisely can help us pursue our dreams, elevate our status, gain independence, and contribute to meaningful change in the world. The trio digs into why many married women are not involved in the personal finance and
    investment decisions of their household and the risks associated with such
    disengagement. For more information about Dr. Mattia, see the link below:


    For more information or to reach Chris Boyd or Jeff Perry, click the following link:


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    38 mins
  • Is 80% enough?
    Feb 24 2025

    Is 80% enough? – Chris Boyd and Jeff Perry explore the question of how much you
    will likely be spending in retirement. The pair begins the conversation with the age-old
    rule that retirees only need 80% of their pre-retirement income in retirement. Chris and
    Jeff explore the “retirement smile” and how it can be a good predictor of retirement cash
    flow. More than just a podcast about money, Chris and Jeff discuss the various ways
    many retirees over and under spend their expected retirement funds. Chris puts the entire
    episode into why having an annual review with your financial planner is critical to
    staying on course in retirement.
    For more information or to reach Chris Boyd or Jeff Perry, click the following link:

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    31 mins
  • Family Planning – not what you are probably thinking?
    Feb 21 2025

    Family Planning – not what you are probably thinking? – Families talk about finances
    in different ways. Some are incredibly open about the realities of their financial
    situations; some only discuss it when they need to; others consider talking about money
    as off-limits. If your family isn’t having open and honest conversations about finances
    and wealth, it’s time to reevaluate. Chris Boyd and Jeff Perry dig into these issues and
    more as they offer their commentary and advice on including family members in your
    financial and estate planning. See related article linked below:


    For more information or to reach Chris Boyd or Jeff Perry, click the following link:

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    44 mins
  • Challenges to an early retirement
    Feb 17 2025

    Challenges to an early retirement – Chris Boyd and Jeff Perry explore the risks and
    challenges to retiring early. Chris and Jeff start the episode with how some clients have
    an undefined desire to retire early, and frequently fail to consider the various details.
    Chris outlines why savings must be abundant as an earlier retirement means not only
    spending sooner, but also fewer years of savings and less compounding as you spend
    assets. Chris and Jeff discuss the need for greater tax diversification, especially if retiring
    before age 59 ½. Chris explains the option of using Equal Periodic Payments. Chris and
    Jeff explore the need to plan for how you will manage health care insurance and costs, as
    well as the long-term impacts of inflation.
    For more information or to reach Chris Boyd, Russ Ball or Jeff Perry, click the following
    link: https://www.wealthenhancement.com/s/advisor-teams/amr

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    30 mins
  • Fires - Are You Properly Covered?
    Feb 14 2025

    Fires - Are You Properly Covered? – With the recent fires in California, many
    homeowners across the country are wondering if they are properly covered. Chris Boyd
    welcomes Special Guest Doug MacDonald, CPCU to the episode. Joining them is Jeff
    Perry. The conversation begins with an outline of what homeowners’ insurance covers
    and what it does not. Specific topics reviewed include coverage limits, earthquakes, and
    flood risks. Doug offers advice concerning the value of a guaranteed replacement
    endorsement. For more information about Doug MacDonald, check out the link below:
    For more information or to reach Chris Boyd, Russ Ball or Jeff Perry, click the following
    link: https://www.wealthenhancement.com/s/advisor-teams/amr

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    38 mins
  • How much can I take?
    Feb 10 2025

    How much can I take? – How retirees determine a safe withdrawal rate is one of the
    most frequent questions clients ask their financial advisors. Chris Boyd, Jeff Perry, and
    Russ Ball review a recent Morningstar article (see link below). The conversation
    includes the pros and cons of relying on the standard rate of 4% as well as the risks of
    using stagnant rules in financial planning. Jeff raises the concept of cash flows as
    suggested by the “Retirement Smile” concept and Chris highlights the need for
    determining an annual withdrawal amount in the context of a comprehensive financial


    For more information or to reach Chris Boyd, Russ Ball or Jeff Perry, click the following
    link: https://www.wealthenhancement.com/s/advisor-teams/amr

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    31 mins
  • Free Yourself
    Feb 7 2025

    Free Yourself – Chris Boyd, Jeff Perry, and Russ Ball dig into the value of time and
    when engaging a financial advisor can have a meaningful impact on free time as well as
    your financial plan. The trio share commentary how handing over the reins of your
    portfolio can reclaim precious hours, rediscover your passions, and live a life enriched by
    experiences and moments that money alone cannot buy. The AMR Team is offering a
    complimentary guidebook titled, “Unleashing your time: The unexpected freedom of
    delegated investing.”
    For more information or to reach Chris Boyd, Russ Ball or Jeff Perry, click the following
    link: https://www.wealthenhancement.com/s/advisor-teams/amr

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    31 mins
  • What’s new for Social Security in 2025?
    Feb 3 2025

    What’s new for Social Security in 2025? – With some 73 million Americans relying on Social
    Security for monthly income, there is a lot of interest in the recent changes to Social Security
    benefits. Jeff Perry and Russ Ball discuss the recent updates, including the repeal of the Windfall
    Elimination Provision (WEP), 2025 cost of living adjustment, and changes to income levels
    related to income taxes. Jeff and Russ informed listeners how to check on their future benefit
    estimates. Jeff and Russ also discuss best practices for retaining important documents, including
    income tax supporting data, military records, and more.
    Check out our previous podcast on Social Security Fairness and the repeal of WEP:

    For more information or to reach Chris Boyd, Russ Ball or Jeff Perry, click the following link:

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    36 mins