
  • Humans Like Humans (Part II)
    Jul 22 2024

    The Season Finale!! SLDD wraps up Season 1 with Part II of Humans Like Humans. Because they just...do. Scientifically.

    In this episode we cover -

    • "The big project" - where to listen to We Really Could - Lisa's next podcast that is launching SOON!
    • Throwing out your back deal shopping - should you soldier on when you see the discount swimsuits? Will you piss on the floor of a store called Cheap As Fuck? All valid questions.
    • Table setting on this political moment and WHY humans liking humans is more relevant than ever.
    • The science of humans being obsessed with each other - lots of phrases and concepts that super smart people have developed, including the liking gap, social illusions, the spotlight effect, the proximity effect, and more! And most importantly - what would you do if a worm about 200 miles from here hated you?
    • A horrifying and frankly - annoying - theory that everything is no one's fault, even when it's a political movement built by a single man with an unhinged thesis of casting others as OTHER. Sucks to hear, but that's all...no one's fault in particular.
    • Belonging - a topic so big and wide Lisa could spend the rest of her life thinking about it and still die on the cliffhanger. What does it mean to belong? Who is motivated to belong? Why does it matter?
    • What comes next? WE REALLY COULD! Go subscribe to Lisa's new podcast, coming in <4 weeks (exact date TBD) and buckle up and get ready for a basic bitch to make the case for the future.

    Silly little ding dongs is a podcast by Lisa Lorraine Carson. Lisa is currently taking muscle relaxers, doing physical therapy, and gazing at a pile of DEALS.

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    46 mins
  • BDE on the 4th of July
    Jul 5 2024

    Lies lies lies! Seeings as Part II of Humans like humans is neither done nor good, we are riffing on the 4th of July in lieu of making good on promises to you, dear listener. In fumbling-the-ball episode, we cover the following -

    • The adorability of seeing young children externalizing their feelings to kind, empathetic adults; unrelated - the possibility of romanticizing said children enacting said externalizations. Whatever.
    • Light overview of "the big project" that Lisa is bringing to press...like...soon!
    • The human muscle for assuming other people are pieces of shit because they don't care about what you care about, re: geo political conflict and/or the criminalization of homelessness.
    • Big dick energy - a cultural history of the acronym itself and feelings about it's implications for America and the 4th of July.

    Silly little ding dongs is a podcast by Lisa Lorraine Carson. Lisa spent the 4th of July sitting by her parents pool doing absolutely fuck all with her cat. It was nice.

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    23 mins
  • Humans Like Humans (Part I)
    Jul 1 2024

    In today's episode we discuss all things subjective to Lisa's theory that HUMANS LIKE HUMANS. Despite all the evidence to the contrary lol.

    In this episode we will cover -

    • Sound check - must it always be flat??
    • Getting a PhD in Math - what do you, like......do?
    • The Body is Not An Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor - discussion in the imperative to respect what we don't understand - it's fun!
    • A brief history of a the west side highway in NYC park and spirited retelling of the juxtaposition between beauty / being poo-ed on.
    • The isolation and loneliness of the pandemic, and how it atrophied Lisa's "be outside with the people" muscle.
    • The different kinds of love, according to the Greeks. Eros, Philia, Pragma, Agape, etc. Spitballing on a sound bite from Stephen Colbert talking to Anderson Cooper about the choice to see suffering as gifts from God (i.e. Agape).
    • What happens when humans (who like humans) can't get their fix - how do we feel? What do we think? How do we cope?

    Seeing silly little ding dongs in your life? Call the hotline! 615 669 9129

    Silly little ding dongs is a podcast by Lisa Lorraine Carson. Lisa is a sometimes anxious, sometimes lonely, artist who lives between Nashville and NYC, where she can be found keeping her distance from dogs in the park.

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    36 mins
  • So You're Dating a DJ (feat. Constanze)
    Jun 21 2024

    Too tired to write show notes. Lisa's OG (Original German) friend Constanze joins us for a conversation about being 24, dating a DJ, male hygiene, and sending the universe the signal that *YOU DON'T NEED THIS*

    Silly little ding dongs is hosted by Lisa Lorraine Carson. Lisa can be found ordering martinis in New Orleans with a beautiful German woman, giving young (confused but hot) female wait staff advice about men.

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    22 mins
  • Beefing with the world: is it worth it? (no)
    Jun 14 2024

    Beefs, problems, bad blood. This episode is all about the things under Lisa's skin, including things that are actually under her skin, i.e. pathogens from deep cleaning the squalor of a grifter (more on this soon).

    In this episode we cover all things "having a beef" and dig into a few of Lisa's beefiest beefing, including but not limited to -

    • Ridley Scott (obviously)
    • JK Rowling (obviously)
    • Stephanie Meyer - dot dot dot-ing your way out of explicit content for kids. But hindsight is 2020 and looking back on the creative choices now, Lisa gets it.
    • Fingerling potatoes, daddy long legs spiders, and raspberries - who is this naming terrorist and how can he, she, or they (suck it, JK) be brought to justice?
    • Cottage cheese - is it appropriate for eyeliner?
    • Would you kill your son if it meant you could kill Osama Bin Laden? You don't have to answer that - but do consider if it's a reasonable or normal question for a 12 year old girl (Lisa) to ask her grandfather.
    • Love - we always do this!!!!!! It always ends with a discussion of love and beauty. Because beefing with the world just...isn't worth it.

    Seeing silly little ding dongs in your life? Call the hotline and tell us! 615-669-9129

    Silly little ding dongs is a podcast by Lisa Lorraine Carson. Lisa is a happy go lucky fool who sees the best in people and does not know the geographic position of Germany to the sea.

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    37 mins
  • Grifting, Gratitude, and a Bucket & a Mop: Deep Thoughts While Deep Cleaning
    Jun 7 2024

    What would Carrie Bradshaw do if she sublet to a far filthier version of Anna Delvey? Probably call someone else and escape to Cabo with Big. Let it be known: Lisa isn’t Carrie. So she is on her hands and knees scrubbing up 5 months worth of delusion. Nothing like hard labor will make you think long and hard about your life choices.

    In this episode we discuss -

    • Sticking it - the importance of nailing the dismount. If you have to go hard on any one part of the project, go hard on the final 2%.
    • ADLs - Activities of Daily Living; i.e. all the things you’re doing without thinking about it: brushing your teeth, doing the dishes, not living in complete and total squalor.
    • Citibike - the joys of living in a bicycle culture like the that of the Netherlands, but with so much more trash and suffering.
    • “Fade Into You” by Mazzy Star - a 90’s revival indie grunge song that came into Lisa’s life before someone from Netflix put it in a show.

    Silly little ding dongs is hosted by Lisa Lorraine Carson, a renter living between NYC and Nashville. She is currently on her hands and knees scrubbing out 5 months of poor judgment.

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    27 mins
  • You're Not Ugly, You're Just Poor: The Blepharoplasty
    May 31 2024

    #09: You're Not Ugly, You're Just Poor: The Blepharoplasty

    Beauty is everywhere, perfect and strange. And yet. Lisa is aware that age is a hitman and it's stalking her house. So what we can do to beat back age with a stick, and just generally optimize oneself for maximum good-looking-ness?

    Introducing a new content series - You're Not Ugly, You're Just Poor - in which Lisa does the homework for you on what procedures can address various facial, body, and/or aging pain points - how can we transform into liquid aliens (a la Bella Hadid)?

    Each episode of You're Not Ugly, You're Just Poor will focus on a specific procedure and will dig into the technicalities, like what said procedure addresses, how it's performed, who famous has it, and how much it might set you back.

    In the first installment of You're Not Ugly, You're Just Poor, we discuss the blepharoplasty. Otherwise known as, the eye lift. This episode will cover -

    • Kasey Musgrave's divorce and why she might want to go back in for a rewrite on one specific song.
    • General discussion of the varying standards of men and women when it comes to attractiveness, including background on the Rosie O'Donnell / Donald Trump feud and the rage that can be inspired by being deemed unf*ckable by a (certain kind of) man.
    • To park or not to park in those spots that are all, reserved for expecting mothers. Girl, you don't know my life.
    • Taylor Swift conspiracy theories that actually seem believable from a media/SEO strategy stand point.

    Is the hitman targeting YOU? Call the hotline (615-669-9129) and tell us what procedure for the next installment of You're Not Ugly, You're Just Poor!

    Silly little ding dongs is hosted by Lisa Lorraine Carson, a 34 year old woman who is actively seeking an upper bleph and a brow lift.

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    46 mins
  • Our blind spots, seen via vintage sci-fi movies
    May 24 2024

    Our blind spots, seen via vintage sci-fi movies

    If you haven’t seen Ridley Scott’s 2012 blockbuster Prometheus, well, no need - Lisa will essentially narrate the entire film. But consider seeing it anyway because it’s her favorite movie! And it has something to show us - not about the future and/or creation - but about what we miss in our contemporary lives.

    In this episode we’ll discuss -

    • Dating someone with full body alopecia and it’s implications for how you may or may not respond to the big bald aliens in Prometheus
    • Women’s wear in space - when is a kitten heel warranted? Has anyone culled through Stanley Kurbrick’s journals to get a sense of how he responded to the invention of Keds?
    • The dynamics of being hot in space - when is it acceptable to have discussions about being barren? Should you consider finding a casual fling in order to stay on the ship during “make contact with aliens” outings?
    • What we would do in space - we’re definitely not planning to be apart of afore mentioned “make contact with aliens” team, right? Like we’re more suited for high level big picture stuff, right? Or if not that, basic janitorial work - right?
    • In defense of death - hear me out…what if it’s not as bad as we think? What if the whole idea of “saving” oneself from death is as silly as saving yourself from being born? Please note that we’re not testing any of these theories.

    Silly little ding dongs is hosted by Lisa Lorraine Carson, a sci-movie junkie with a vendetta for how Ridley Scott decides to use his precious time left on this planet. If you are reading this, Ridley, you need to get out a piece of paper and a pen and start WORKING on wrapping up the narrative loose ends in the Prometheus franchise or so help me god…

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    36 mins