
  • Self-care is important! Take care of you in 2022!
    Jul 7 2022
    Self-care is vitally important. Without self-care there is no real you pouring out and through. In this episode I will give you keys to starting & continuing self-care. Pleaseeeeee listen and apply and shift your life for the better. You've cared about others long enough! Not that you need to stop, but this time with balance and putting you 1st! If there's no self-care for you 1st, then who? Like, subscribe, hit the notification bell to be notified when new episodes load and definitely support. Click link to support in podcast, monthly at 99 cents, $4.99 or $9.99 your choice, but make a choice. Thanks, Luv Shan! 💛👍🏾🙌🏾💐💋 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/alicia-brown77/support
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    26 mins
  • "Attacking the Attack Against you!"
    May 26 2022

    I was greatly attacked in my health for a month and that is where this podcast title is derived from. Attacking the Attack against you! Do not succumb to the attacks that come in your life, but fight them out to the full end and win in them through prayer, praise and spiritual warfare and with God who is on your side. Never give in to attacks whether mentally or physically. Enjoy, listen, learn, gain wisdom and apply. ~ Luv, Shan

    Please support, by clicking link: https://anchor.fm/alicia-brown77

    Please click notification bell, follow and share this podcast and my other podcast as well. ~Thank you. 

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/alicia-brown77/support
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    31 mins
  • God is Love - "Loving you in your life"
    May 26 2022
    This 1st episode is based on 1 John 3:16 +"For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] ONLY begotten Son, so that whosoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life. Amplified Bible Version. When you know God's love you can learn how to love yourself, create love in your home, in your life & to others. Love is key to walking uprightly with God, walking in forgiveness, in relationships, friendships, family and making marriage, better. The right love is unconditional. Be loving, it's so worth it & the world needs more of it. Christian's are to walk in it for God so loved the world that He gave His BEST love to us. Love God. Love you. Love people. ~Luv, Shan! I 💜 U! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/alicia-brown77/support
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    11 mins
  • "Single Women, Listen UP!"
    Apr 26 2022

    "Singles Ladies Listen Up" is today's episode and it is so vitally important for you to listen and focus on being single in your single state in life and not have half or all of your focus on when you are going to marry. Your life should not be boggled down on when is he coming, but 1st focused on God, building yourself up in the word and in the natural state and enjoying your life as a single woman.

    I mentioned the author MIchelle McKinney Hammond in the episode one of my favorite books I read over and over again she wrote was "What to do Until Love finds you" ~ definitely get this book! 

    Please listen to this as many times as you need to encourage you, free and deliver you and keep you encouraged until that special someone comes from the Lord.

    Luv, Shan! 

    To Support: Please click the link in my podcast which is right under my trailer.  You can support me for .99 cents, $4.99 or $9.99 a month. Your support is greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/alicia-brown77/support
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    38 mins
  • "Stop the Stubborness"
    Apr 25 2022

    Stubbornness is a spirit. It is not of God and today you must free yourself of it and not carry it anymore in you, your mind or your heart.

    Walk in peace and do not let stubbornness rule over you! For what? For Why?

    Be the master over, stubbornness and do not let it master you another day.

    Study scriptures on Stubbornness.

     Here are a few: 1. Proverbs 1:23-24 Repent at my rebuke! Then I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make known to you my teachings. But since you refuse to listen when I call and no one pays attention when I stretch out my hand,

    2. Proverbs 29:1 A man who hardens his neck after much reproof Will suddenly be broken beyond remedy.

    Don’t deceive yourself and try to justify sin and rebellion.

    3. James 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

    Remember stubbornness is a hindrance, a weight you don't need to carry inside of you anymore. 

    Thanks for listening, Luv, Shan! 

    Support: Please click the link in my podcast which is right under my trailer or within the episode.  You can support me for .99 cents, $4.99 or $9.99 a month. Your support is greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/alicia-brown77/support
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    16 mins
  • "Weeding Out The Weak In You"
    Apr 19 2022

    Today's podcast is all about "Weeding out the weak in you" and being strong and strengthened within, flowing out.  Don't allow life, people, places and things to make you weak and have you decipher whether to take it and stay there and be bottled up, NO, get rid of that mindset and be Strong in the Lord and the power of His might!!!

    Life is definitely what you make and you want to make it strong in the Lord and not be a weak individual. Take today to start a positive and strengthened path to no longer be weak in any area of your life, but grow from a point of strength and stay humble unto God in and through it all.

    Luv, Shan 

    To Support: Please click the link in my podcast which is right under my trailer.  You can support me for .99 cents, $4.99 or $9.99 a month. Your support is greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/alicia-brown77/support
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    50 mins
  • "Letting Bygones be Bygones"
    Apr 18 2022

    Today's podcast, "Letting Bygones be Bygones" is so vitally important for you, your health and your mindset! Letting Bygones be Bygones is not simple, but you must master forgiving others and even yourself.

    Letting Bygones be Bygones ~ What does let bygones be bygones mean literally?

    : to forgive someone for something done or for a disagreement and to forget about it.

    Let's all do this if we haven't and let's stay this when matters of life and the heart arise we not walk in unforgiveness or hold it for days and let it go into months and years.

    Unforgiveness is when you are unwilling or unable to forgive someone for hurting, betraying, breaking your trust or causing you intense emotional pain. Forgiving is highly recommended, as there are various researches that have been carried out which shows that unforgiveness causes health issues including: Cancer. It's not worth our life span. We are valuable, know this and walk therein. 

    Remember, please let it all go and do Let God have it and handle it. ~ Luv, Shan.

    Support: Please click the link in my podcast which is right under my trailer.  You can support me for .99 cents, $4.99 or $9.99 a month. Your support is greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance! 

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/alicia-brown77/support
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    12 mins
  • "Never run from your responsibilities, BE RESPONSIBLE!"
    Apr 15 2022

    Today's podcast is all about being responsible. Never run from your responsibilities, BE RESPONSIBLE! Being responsible is key to having a good, focused & great life. Whether things get out of hand or very challenged you are responsible for how you react and handle it. Grow from irresponsibilities to being responsible. Practice being responsible, daily! Listen, take notes and re-listen if need be. I luv you. Shan.

    Please share on all your social media outlets, Follow me on Spotify, Amazon, Apple & Google Podcasts. Hit the notification bell, rate a 5, please and thank you and click the support link to support my podcast, it will be greatly appreciated. I will always intercede for you because that's who God made me be and do!

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/alicia-brown77/support
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    15 mins