• It Was Made for Us
    Sep 26 2024

    A devotional study about how God has made the scriptures directly for each and every one of us, and not just as a book that we have to search for relevance from.

    Romans 15:4 KJV
    For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

    Related Podcasts:

    • The Purpose of the Holy Scriptures
    • The Messages of the Bible are Broadly Applicable
    • Instruction By Way of Principles and Commandments
    • Precepts and Instructions are Built Upon, Not Replaced
    • Missing the Whole Point
    • Christ, Humanity and Salvation
    • The Bible is both Literal and Spiritual
    • Understanding Context is Helpful
    • God's Promises to me are sure

    • Teach Me Thy Statutes (at TrueWisdom)

    Support the show

    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

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    20 mins
  • 2024-Q3-13 Lesson Review: The Risen Lord
    Sep 21 2024

    The Risen Lord — Review of Lesson #13 of the 3rd Quarter of 2024 -

    The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here:


    The title of this quarter's theme is: The Book of Mark

    For the next 13 weeks (July to September 2024), we will take a look at the Gospel of Mark, and how it presents the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ and the plan of Salvation.

    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

    Related Podcasts:

    • Christ, Humanity and Salvation
    • Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?
    • Everlasting Covenant
    • The Divinity of Jesus Christ
    • Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
    • Do You Know What to Do?
    • End-Time Prophecy Primer
    • What is the purpose of Prophecy, anyway?

    • If Christ is NOT risen... (at TrueWisdom)

    Support the show

    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

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    39 mins
  • An Awesome Promise
    Sep 18 2024

    A devotional study about one of the most awesome promises to be found in all of scripture. Finally, everything we have struggled and suffered with will be gone. Let's take a look at these end time promises.

    Revelation 21:4 KJV
    And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

    Related Podcasts:

    • God's Promises to me are sure
    • For Such a Time as This
    • Do You Know What to Do?
    • End-Time Prophecy Primer
    • A Different Perspective on Current Events
    • What is the purpose of Prophecy, anyway?
    • Faith and the Christian Experience
    • What's the Point of Prophecy, anyway (at TrueWisdom)

    Support the show

    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

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    15 mins
  • 2024-Q3-12 Lesson Review: Tried and Crucified
    Sep 17 2024

    Tried and Crucified — Review of Lesson #12 of the 3rd Quarter of 2024 -

    The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here:


    The title of this quarter's theme is: The Book of Mark

    For the next 13 weeks (July to September 2024), we will take a look at the Gospel of Mark, and how it presents the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ and the plan of Salvation.

    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

    Related Podcasts:

    • Christ, Humanity and Salvation
    • Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?
    • Everlasting Covenant
    • The Divinity of Jesus Christ
    • Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
    • Do You Know What to Do?
    • End-Time Prophecy Primer
    • What is the purpose of Prophecy, anyway?
    • Precepts and Instructions are Built Upon, Not Replaced
    • Biblical Transitions are Consistently Implemented
    • The Future Is Manifest in the Past
    • God's Precious Word #8: Types and AntiTypes

    • If Christ is NOT risen... (at TrueWisdom)
    • What is "Blaspheming the Holy Spirit?" (at TrueWisdom)

    Support the show

    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

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    58 mins
  • Prophecy, Not Prediction
    Sep 11 2024

    A devotional study about the times that Jesus exhorted His disciples to take no thought to prepare for critical situations before councils and tribunals. Not only that, but we will look at how the promises given by Christ was manifested in the life of the deacon Stephen, and what it means for us today.

    John 14:29 KJV
    And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.

    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

    Related Podcasts:

    • God's Promises to me are sure
    • For Such a Time as This
    • Do You Know What to Do?
    • End-Time Prophecy Primer
    • A Different Perspective on Current Events
    • What is the purpose of Prophecy, anyway?
    • Faith and the Christian Experience
    • What's the Point of Prophecy, anyway (at TrueWisdom)

    Support the show

    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

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    14 mins
  • 2024-Q3-11 Lesson Review: Taken and Tried
    Sep 9 2024

    Taken and Tried — Review of Lesson #11 of the 3rd Quarter of 2024 -

    The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here:


    The title of this quarter's theme is: The Book of Mark

    For the next 13 weeks (July to September 2024), we will take a look at the Gospel of Mark, and how it presents the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ and the plan of Salvation.

    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

    Related Podcasts:

    • Common Answers to Prayer
    • Everlasting Covenant
    • It Is All About Worship
    • Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?
    • Christ, Humanity and Salvation
    • The Divinity of Jesus Christ
    • Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
    • Do You Know What to Do?
    • End-Time Prophecy Primer
    • What is the purpose of Prophecy, anyway?
    • The Bible Balances Many Tensions
    • Instruction By Way of Principles and Commandments
    • Precepts and Instructions are Built Upon, Not Replaced

    • If Christ is NOT risen... (at TrueWisdom)
    • What is "Blaspheming the Holy Spirit?" (at TrueWisdom)

    Support the show

    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

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    45 mins
  • Take No Thought
    Sep 3 2024

    A devotional study about the times that Jesus exhorted His disciples to take no thought to prepare for critical situations before councils and tribunals. Not only that, but we will look at how the promises given by Christ was manifested in the life of the deacon Stephen, and what it means for us today.

    Luke 12:11-12 KJV
    And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say: For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.

    See also:

    • Matthew 6:25, 31-32 KJV
    • Matthew 10:19-20 KJV
    • Mark 13:11 KJV
    • Luke 12:11-12, 22-23 KJV


    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

    Related Podcasts:

    • God's Promises to me are sure
    • Having the Right Perspective
    • Faith and the Christian Experience
    • For Such a Time as This
    • Faith and the Christian Experience
    • The Right Thing at the Right Time
    • Do You Know What to Do?
    • How Should We Relate to the Cares of This Life? (at TrueWisdom)

    Support the show

    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

    Show more Show less
    20 mins
  • 2024-Q3-10 Lesson Review: The Last Days
    Aug 31 2024

    The Last Days — Review of Lesson #10 of the 3rd Quarter of 2024 -

    The Sabbath School Lesson study guide can be found here:


    The title of this quarter's theme is: The Book of Mark

    For the next 13 weeks (July to September 2024), we will take a look at the Gospel of Mark, and how it presents the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ and the plan of Salvation.

    If you have any questions or comments, please send them to: BibleQuestions@ASBzone.com

    Related Documents:

    • Summary of earth's final events
    • The Great Tribulation & the Time of Trouble
    • The Symbols of Revelation Chapter 13
    • The Name, Number, Mark and Image of 'The Beast'

    Related Podcasts:

    • Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
    • Do You Know What to Do?
    • End-Time Prophecy Primer
    • A Different Perspective on Current Events
    • What is the purpose of Prophecy, anyway?
    • The Great Tribulation vs the Time of Trouble
    • What Exactly is the Great Controversy, Anyway?
    • No Man Knoweth the Hour (at TrueWisdom)
    • Why Hasn't Christ Returned Yet - Part 1 (at TrueWisdom)
    • Why Hasn't Christ Returned Yet - Part 2 (at TrueWisdom)

    Support the show

    During many of our podcasts, you will hear us make reference to “The Key Principles of Effective Bible Study,” a document which outlines core concepts shown in the scriptures that will help you better understand many Biblical themes and doctrines. We have done a whole podcast series on these principles which can be found here (https://BibleStudy.ASBzone.com/357512/8572886).

    Lastly, we recommend that you check out https://TrueWisdom.buzzsprout.com for additional Bible Study podcasts, covering many different Bible topics, and done in a slightly different format from the podcasts on this channel.

    We pray that all of these resources will be very helpful to you in your Bible Studies.

    Show more Show less
    47 mins