• Are you a Project Manager in Disguise? Learn How to Turn Everyday Skills into a Six-Figure Salary!
    Feb 20 2025

    🎙️ Episode Alert: Ever Wondered What Exactly a Project Manager Does? 🚀

    Ladies and gents, tune into this electrifying conversation and level up your skills while padding that pocketbook! 💸 Have you ever wondered what exactly a project manager does? Spoiler alert: It's hotter than "buttah" and paying off in big bucks! You might not know it yet, but you could already be a project manager in disguise.

    Join us with the fabulous Tamara McLemore – project management superstar, subject matter expert, master coach, and the ultimate "IT Girl" in Information Technology and Project Management. Dive deep into how project managers are securing the bag, and discover how your existing soft skills can transform into a lucrative and fulfilling role. And guess what? No techie skills required! 💼💡

    🚀 Projected career growth: 7% 💰 Average median salary: $98,000 according to the Department of Labor for 2023 and it's likely more now! Bonuses? ✅. Flexibility ?✅. Don’t miss out on this engaging episode! Elevate your career, expand your horizons, and make it rain $$$. 🎧✨

    Tune in now and unleash your inner project manager! 💪🏽📈

    • #CareerChange

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    • #CareerPivot

    • #ProfessionalGrowth

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    31 mins
  • Love & Marriage: Go Together Like A Horse & Carriage - We Talk To Financial Strategist Nikki Tucker , She Helps Protect You & Your Money
    Dec 10 2024

    In this episode we talk to Nikki Tucker, a financial counselor and strategist and the Founder of The FIIRM Approach. She’s on a mission to demystify love, marriage and the D word (divorce) when it comes to money honey. In the event of the D Word, many women get the short end of the stick, letting what they don’t know hurt them. Don’t be that girl, sis. Find out what you don’t know and make sure you understand your options. Who knew that financial literacy also involved pre-nups and understanding your spouse’s money mindset, heartset and actions could help foster a healthy, lasting love. Tune into learn more about how to “money right” in love and marriage so you don’t get left by the horse and carriage.

    #money #financialliteracy #marriage #moneymindset #blackwomen #assets #finances

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    37 mins
  • When We Fight! We Win! It’s Not Just a Presidential Slogan, It’s a Rally Cry for Black Women in 2024 and Beyond.
    Oct 28 2024

    When We Fight! We Win! It’s Not Just a Presidential Slogan, It’s a Motto for Black Women in 2024 and Beyond.

    Tune in to this dynamic conversation with Monique Pearson, international motivational speaker, mindset coach, military strategist, veteran and travel expert and travelpreneur. We discuss critical leadership skills that we can learn from Madame Vice President, Soon-To-Be-President Kamala Harris. Yes, we said it. And we are standing on business. This year started off with a bang, and many attacks on Black women in high places of leadership from the rise and fall of Dr. Claudine Gray to the continuous active erosion of fundamental civil rights progress, we quickly saw VP Kamala Harris reignite the Hope of America with her unique background that helped her make an unlikely political ascension from District Attorney to now just a heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the world. Against all odds, we discuss the unique power and preparation that we can all harness to rise in our own spheres of influence and to be our authentic selves. Ladies, it’s time to “Pop Out” and show the world who you have always been in this pulsating conversation to help you walk in who you are, who you were called to be, and who you are becoming. You betta walk!


    #corporate #blackwomeninbusiness #workforce #futureofwork #career #careerdevelopment #blackjobs #blackauthors #blackwallstreet #blackentrepreneurship #cominginhot #richblackwoman #blackwomen #wealth #KamalaHarris #boss #professionaldevelopment #culturallycompetentadvice #blackbooks #blackwomenauthors #careertips #careeradvice #liverichly #richblackwoman #whenwefightwewin #travel #military #blackveterans #blackwomentravel #motivation #moniquepearson #speaker #bestsellingauthor #swole

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    38 mins
  • The Hip Hopera We've Been Waiting For - Deborah Jane Burke's Latest Film: Strange Fruit is Here
    Sep 24 2024

    Join me for this inspiring conversation with Deborah Jane Burke, a dynamic Hollywood Film & TV writer and producer. Fun fact: as a student at Stanford, Deborah wrote and produced a Hip Hopera that starred Issa Rae as a student! Since then, she has worked with networks including FOX, TBS, BET, PBS and so much more.

    Deborah's latest project is a bit strange shall we say...stranger than fiction but inspired by real life!

    Deborah takes us on an audio journey with her current project --the award-winning independent film Strange Fruit: The Hip-hopera. Find out how a recurring nightmare turned into an artistic venture and tells a tale of contemporary and historic truth that we can all learn from. It's not just a film; it's a modern approach to storytelling in which we tell our own stories to ignite critical conversations about the construct of race in our country, all while doing so to the musical beats and lyrics of hip hop. Broadway here we come!

    A child of Guyanese immigrants who were one of the only Black families in suburban Orange County, Cali; Ya’ll the neighbors couldn’t handle it and moved! Their loss, and our gain, for the breathtaking resilience and brilliance that is Deborah Jane Burke of House of Deborah Jane Studios. Check out her film and how you can support her work on the Big Screen.



    Follow her creativity at @strangefruit_hiphopera!

    #film #television #blackexcellence #blackwomen #blackhollywood #blackwomeninfilm #richblackwoman #blackpodcasters #hiphop

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    28 mins
  • Rich Tips from Dr. Tashion Macon, Author of Coming In Hot: A Blueprint for Black Women Setting the World Ablaze
    Aug 6 2024

    In this episode we speak with the magnetic Tashion Macon PhD, MBA – a multi talented sister on a mission to give you the keys to unlock and rock your corporate world girl! A culturalist, marketing communications strategist, and a powerful woman of faith whose professional experience lives at the intersection of pop-culture, philanthropy, policy, psychology and theology.

    She is the President of Strut Agency where she manages multimillion dollar marketing campaigns and directs international agency partnerships. Dr. Macon is renowned for her strategic acumen having worked for iconic brands such as T-Mobile, PepsiCo, AT&T and many other brand giants.

    Dr. Macon's upcoming book, Coming in Hot: A Blueprint for Black Women Setting the World Ablaze, is a game-changer and couldn’t be more timely with the announcement of Vice President Kamala Harris’ run for the presidency and the Black Girl Magic of the Olympics. "Coming in Hot" delves into the corporate workplace with a historical and cultural lens on the multitude of not-so-fun issues faced by Black women. But don’t fret Black Girl, Dr. Macon provides an actual and practical blueprint for success. It’s a sweet read and you won’t be able to put it down. Dr. Macon gives special insights on how WE can ascend to positions of power without compromising our well being and our unique cultural DNA.

    Check her out at: https://www.tashionmacon.com/

    #corporate #blackwomeninbusiness #workforce #futureofwork #career #careerdevelopment #blackjobs #blackauthors #blackwallstreet #blackentrepreneurship #hrtrends #cominginhot #richblackwoman #blackwomen #wealth #KamalaHarris #boss #professionaldevelopment #culturallycompetentadvice #blackbooks #blackwomenauthors #careertips #careeradvice #liverichly #richblackwoman

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    37 mins
  • Artificial Intelligence Meets The Streets For Good - Dr. K.O. Creator of Talent Nova A Solution To Help The Previously Incarcerated Find Jobs
    Aug 5 2024

    Dr. Khalilah “KO” Olokunola is an expert in the field of human resources and technology, leading a new effort known as Talent Nova that uses technology and artificial intelligence to change how we support justice-impacted talent and to help the previously incarcerated leverage AI to change their lives, contribute their human talents and help transform how we see talent and the workforce. Her innovative approach has earned her recognition as one of the Top 20 HR Innovators by AIHR, and one of the Top 22 Conscious Business Leaders by Conscious Company Magazine. Among the formerly incarcerated herself, she brings a first-hand perspective to the fair-chance hiring process. She was also former Chief People Officer for TRU Colors, she spearheaded a groundbreaking initiative to employ second-chance hires and active gang members with the shared goal of unifying communities and reducing violence. Currently she leads REENGINEERING HR, an innovative HR firm. Listen in to the Straight BARS that Dr. K.O. drops. She’s simply ah-mazing, refreshing and doing the work using artificial intelligence (Talent Nova) to help give others a second chance at living on purpose and living with purpose. Check out www.talentnova.com and share it with someone who could benefit.

    #artificialintelligence #AI #workforce #futureofwork #career #careerdevelopment #blackjobs #Machinelearning #technology #blacksintech #humanresources #blackwallstreet #blackentrepreneurship #hrtrends #reengineeringhr #richblackwoman #blackwomen #wealth #KhalilahOlokunola #massincarceration #fightpoverty

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    28 mins
  • The Revolution will Be Led by the Well Read! Author Karen E. Osborne Talks About Her Novels, Why Reading is Revolutionary and Other Happy Musings.
    May 1 2024

    Welcome to the Rich Black Woman podcast! In this episode, we’re thrilled to introduce you to Karen E. Osborne, an extraordinary author, motivational speaker, and advocate for giving back. Let’s dive into her fascinating journey as she became an author in her 4rth Act! Find out what her favorite book is and why it’s one we should all have in our library.

    Uncover the real secret powers of reading and books and why reading really is a rainbow. Shout out to Levar Burton. So take a look, it’s in a book…this rainbow of a conversation has a pot of gold for your heart, mind and soul. #liverichly #richblackwoman #authors #blackwomenauthors

    • Award-Winning Novels:

      • Reckonings: A gripping family saga with suspenseful twists.

      • Tangled Lies: An award-winning murder mystery that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

      • Getting It Right: Recognized by Essence Magazine as a Best Read—a testament to Karen’s storytelling prowess.

      • True Grace: Inspired by her grandmother and set in 1924 Harlem during the vibrant “Harlem Renaissance.”

    Karen’s path to becoming an author was unconventional. She spent over forty years as an academic administrator and co-owner of The Osborne Group, where she worked as a consultant, trainer, and motivational speaker. But her passion for writing eventually led her to pursue a full-time career as a novelist.

    • Karen hosts: “What Are You Reading? What Are You Writing?”—a platform where she supports fellow authors and discusses literary works.

    • Easter Seals (FL): As chair of the board of directors, Karen advocates for the differently abled.

    • 📧 Email: KarenEOsborne@gmail.com

    • 🌐 Website: Karen E. Osborne

    • 🎥 Video Podcast: What Are You Reading? What Are You Writing?

    • 📘 Facebook: Karen E Osborne, Author

    • 🎬 YouTube: Karen E. Osborne

    • 🐦 Twitter: @kareneosborne

    • 📸 Instagram: WriterKarenOsborne

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    46 mins
  • Taraji Said Pay ME! Teachings from Taraji to Secure the Bag in 2024
    Jan 6 2024

    Starlet Taraji P. Henson set it off at the end of last year with her honest and authentic breakdown of how she continues to be undervalued and underpaid in Hollywood; even as an A-list actress in the prime of her career. Why did this resonate so strongly with Black women across every industry from Hollywood to high-rise buildings? If you're a Black woman in the workplace you can relate to finding out folks with less experience, education and acumen are making wayyyy more than you for the same gig.

    Say whaaattt???

    So how do we not have a pity party but be uplifted and empowered and how do we secure the bag despite the haters? Inquiring Rich Black Women want to know! Tune into this episode where I give specific tangible tips and advice that you can enact “tah-day" to ensure you get your paper to work for you. Let’s get it ladies!

    #compensation #payme #paytransparency #equity #wealth #blackwomen #careeradvice #blackbloggers #salarynegotiating #taraji #tarajiphenson #blackwallstreet #richblackwomen


    Harvard Study: http://tinyurl.com/4ycce3vd



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    23 mins