
  • 041: Annuities Part 2 - Because Some Is Never Enough!
    Jul 5 2023

    Sometimes investment decisions (like saving for retirement) are black and white. No nuance or downsides.

    But when it comes to annuities, there are shades of grey that The Retirement Equals Freedom Podcast is here to help you understand.

    On this second of two parts, Host Josh Bretl shares FSR Wealth Strategies’ take on when, how and why certain annuities can make the perfect fit for clients whose portfolios need rounding out.

    You’ll learn about various types of vehicles to consider, what makes them appealing and potential pitfalls to avoid.

    Get to know the difference between immediate and deferred annuities and what distinguishes “protected income” buckets from “growth” buckets (from buckets of “fried chicken,” if – like Co-Host Dave Schmidt – you choose to go there!).

    You’ll also find out why Fixed Index Annuities have a lot to offer as a steady stream of low-risk income.

    If you’ve ever been intimidated (or put off) by the world of annuities, this is your invitation to take stock (on your own or with the help of a financial adviser) to determine whether they might make a good addition to your growing retirement nest egg.

    If you missed Part I of this series, click this link to listen to Episode 40, “What’s Annuities Got to Do With It?”

    If you haven’t already, please sign up for all the news you can use (+ lots of fun) at this link for the Retirement Equals Freedom podcast newsletter. You might also want to join the conversation at our private Facebook group, which you’ll find here.

    Click here to explore the services that FSR Wealth Strategies offers and schedule a discovery call with one of the team’s CPAs. When it comes to living your best life, it’s never too early to get started!

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    40 mins
  • 040: What’s Annuities Got to Do With It? - Part 1
    Jun 21 2023

    Annuities! For years now they’ve been dissed, maligned and misunderstood … which is why we’re setting the record straight on this episode of Retirement Equals Freedom.

    Host Josh Bretl, owner of FSR Wealth Strategies, explains why this particular investment vehicle has gotten a bad rap (Co-Host Dave Schmidt can relate) and how to educate ourselves on the facts.

    As always, it comes down to taking a holistic look at your financial snapshot, including timelines, mix of investments and overall goals.

    Sure. When it comes to annuities, there are some very real downsides. But in addition to outlining those, Josh is also helping us get clear about the fact that it’s not a black and white situation.

    Or, to put it another way, as our host warns: “If you ever think something is always good, no matter what, you’ve got a problem. And if you think something is bad, no matter what, you’ve got a problem.”

    This episode will help anyone who has shut the door on annuities to reconsider them as an investment option – one featuring growth as well as safety.

    If you’re intrigued and want to know more, join us for an upcoming Part II that will take a closer look at what annuities offer, how they work and whether they might be just what you need to round out and grow your retirement nest egg.

    Trigger Warning: If you’re partial to water chestnuts or have ever worked at a fast-food drive-thru window, the views expressed by your co-hosts may be upsetting. Jokes, we're just having fun.

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    35 mins
  • 039: Choosing the Right Retirement Financial Advisor: A Checklist for Success
    Jun 7 2023

    Clarity. Simplicity. Certainty. When it comes to turning our finances over to an expert, these are the three guiding lights that Host Josh Bretl, founder of FSR Wealth Strategies, wants us to keep in mind.

    Retirement planning represents a different phase of life and requires the right expertise, which is why this episode of Retirement Equals Freedom is focused on providing you an all-important checklist to consider before turning your valuable assets – and future well-being – over to a financial adviser.

    What are their credentials? Do they have solid knowledge of how to draw down assets – including how to sequence withdrawals and downstream tax implications? How about their style of communication and the quality of their team?

    These are just a few of the factors to consider before deciding to whom you want to entrust your hard-earned savings.

    If you’ve been planning all your life for a fabulous retirement, congratulations! But in order to get through the distribution phase of your journey, you’re going to want to have the right adviser in place.

    And after you listen to this episode, you’ll know just what you’re looking for as well as the right questions to ask. To put it another way (in the words of computer scientist Alan Kay): “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” FSR Wealth is all about helping you find the tools to do exactly that!

    Stay tuned for our next live episode of Java With Josh on Wednesday, June 21st. And in the meanwhile, check out this pod link resource for previous episodes of Retirement Equals Freedom and one-click access to your favorite platform for listening!

    If you haven’t already, please sign up for all the news you can use (+ lots of fun) at this link for the Retirement Equals Freedom podcast newsletter. You might also want to join the conversation at our private Facebook group, which you’ll find here.

    Click here to explore the services that FSR Wealth Strategies offers and schedule a discovery call with one of the team’s CPAs. When it comes to living your best life, it’s never too early to get started!

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    33 mins
  • 038: When It Comes to Taxes, It’s All in the Planning!
    May 24 2023

    When it comes to Tax Prep versus Tax Planning? Hands down, planning is king!

    Host Josh Bretl, founder of FSR Wealth, is showing us the difference between putting together the info we need to file our taxes (always a short-term nuisance!) and positioning ourselves to minimize what we actually owe when April 15th rolls around (a long-term proposition).

    As you’ll learn on this episode of Retirement Equals Freedom, whatever stage of life you’re in – from raising young kids to enjoying those golden years – there are important tax implications. It’s about creating a proactive (and tax efficient!) strategy for investing, drawing down and managing your assets all along the way.

    Find out how IRAs, 529s, HSAs, RMDs, 401ks – the whole alphabet soup – are part of a holistic, tax-savvy vision for your abundant future!

    The show wraps with a quick-fire round of – you asked for it! – “Get to know Josh and Dave” (with apologies to Dave’s mother and Bambi) as well as a DR2R that is more deep dish (pizza) than deep thoughts.

    Speaking of deep thoughts, some of the subject matter we tackle can get pretty complex. If you’re wondering whether now is the time to consider hiring a professional, don’t miss our next episode! Josh will be running down the list of things to look for in a qualified financial planner.

    Episode Extras

    • Check out Jerry Palotta’s popular series of kids’ books, "Who Would Win?" 
    • Interested in trying DIY tax prep? TurboTax and H&R Block are two of the biggies.
    • Click here if you would like to learn more about the Schmidt family vacation spot: Door County, Wisconsin.
    • R=F's new private Facebook group. Come hang out!

    Did you know you’re just one click away from a pod link resource with all the latest and greatest about Retirement Equals Freedom? Click here.

    If you haven’t already, please sign up for all the news you can use (+ lots of fun) at this link for the Retirement Equals Freedom podcast newsletter. You might also want to join the conversation at our private Facebook group, which you’ll find here.

    Click here to explore the services that FSR Wealth Strategies offers and schedule a discovery call with Josh. When it comes to living your best life, it’s never too early to get started! 

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    34 mins
  • 037: Waking Up to Bank Failures and What It All Means
    May 10 2023

    It’s been a bumpy ride for banks lately – but context is everything! That’s why Josh Bretl, our fearless host and founder of FSR Wealth Strategies, is here to decode the collapse in recent weeks of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and First Republic.

    When we talk about these bank failures and the role of the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.) in bailing them out, it’s important to understand the customer base of the institutions involved.

    You’ll learn on this episode of Retirement Equals Freedom about the three key factors that have driven topsy-turvy ledger sheets and exposure for banks in general – but most especially among those serving primarily high-tech players holding lots of cash.

    Interest rates at an all-time low converged with pandemic stimulus checks that produced a massive influx of cash deposits.

    What happened next (you’ll have to tune in!) had everything to do with how those deposits and other cash holdings were invested and what occurred when interest rates started to rise.

    Some banks – like those that specialize in serving the tech industry – have proved especially vulnerable. Risk mitigation is critical for just such situations, explains Josh, but you can rest assured that the banking system overall is fundamentally sound.

    And remember: any account with a balance of up to $250,000 will always be covered by the FDIC.

    It’s been a wake-up call for many of us who have been in an economic “dream state” the past 15 years, but there are fortunately lots of great financial planning strategies to help you navigate our new economic realities.

    Josh and his Co-Host, Dave Schmidt, also leave you with some bonus advice to help manage the stress: Be kind. Go out there and live your life. We can make the world a better place!

    Want to understand why it’s actually a bad thing for yields on investment vehicles like U.S. Treasury Bonds when interest rates go up? Listen to Episode 19 of Retirement Equals Freedom: "Do Bonds Have a Place in My Portfolio?"

    If you’re feeling queasy about the recent banking roller-coaster, now may be the time to chat with Josh directly. He and the team at FSR Wealth Strategies are dedicated to ensuring your personal finances are safe – and growing! Click here to schedule your free 15-minute call.

    Finally, here are a few fun links to explore if you’d like to dive into our podcast community:

    • Sign up for FSR’s page-turner of a newsletter here.
    • Join the R=F private Facebook group at this link.
    • Visit this pod link resource to get one-click access to your favorite platform for listening to past episodes!
    • You haven’t read "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"? Book 1 is the very best!
    • Click here for more about the behind-the-scenes FDIC negotiations that brokered the deal for Chase Bank to take over First Republic.

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    32 mins
  • 036: De-Mystifying Medicare - Part 2
    Apr 26 2023

    Medicare. The beauty and the terror!

    This episode of Retirement Equals Freedom features a first-ever guest, David Wylly of Medicare Solutions Network, who is here to liberate us from our fear of the unknown!

    Host Josh Bretl, Founder of FSR Wealth Solutions, runs through a list of key questions covering everything we need to know about this federal health care program and how it can directly impact our quality of life. (If you missed Part I, you might want to get the basics by clicking here to hear Episode 35.)

    You’ll learn in Part II why it’s important to be an educated consumer and where some potential red flags are hidden – especially as you approach age 65 and a blizzard of insurance pitches hits. Supplements.

    Advantage programs. Options. Parts A, B, C and D. These Medicare components aren’t as daunting as they might seem, especially once explained by Dave W., FSR Wealth’s preferred expert on the topic.

    When it comes to smart retirement planning, Josh and Dave W. (not to be confused with our regular co-host, Dave S.) have an unmistakable message to share: Staying engaged is huge.

    The choices we make about health care have real consequences. It’s definitely not something to set and forget. So don’t run and don’t hide. Instead, find out how you can take charge!

    A great place to start is with Dave’s Medicare Master Class he gave at FSR's quarterly client event, which friends of FSR are invited to attend for free at this link. You can also reach out directly through to Medicare Solutions Network or by giving Dave a call at 630-809-9758.

    And don’t worry! Your co-hosts will be back next time with their signature segments, “Get to Know Josh and Dave” and “Dave Relates to Retirees.” (Cue the DR2R jingle!)

    Want to chat with others in the FSR community? Join the conversation at our private Facebook group, which you’ll find here!

    If you haven’t yet subscribed, click here to have FSR news you can use – and lots more fun stuff – delivered straight to your inbox. You’ll also find great resources about all things R=F at this pod link resource, including one-click access to your favorite platform for listening!

    Whenever you’re ready to schedule a free discovery with one of our team, please visit this site. We look forward to meeting you and exploring how FSR Wealth Strategies can help you create the retirement you have worked for and deserve!

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    28 mins
  • 035: De-Mystifying Medicare - Part 1
    Apr 12 2023

    Medicare with all its parts and options intimidates a lot of us – with good reason. But Host Josh Bretl, Founder of FSR Wealth, and his prize pupil, Co-Host Dave Schmidt, have got our backs!

    In the first of what will be a two-part blockbuster, the Retirement Equals Freedom team is bringing us the ins and outs of a federal health care benefit from which we all stand to, well … benefit.

    The trick is figuring out how Medicare works and the right strategy for our individual situations.

    You’ll learn on this episode about the difference between Parts A, B, C and D as well as key safeguards to consider when putting together your plan.

    So don’t shy away from Medicare. There are people who can help you sort it out and ensure that you own your health care – how much you spend or waste as well as your quality of coverage in retirement.

    Taxes, investments, health insurance – it all matters and R=F is here to turn those dreams of freedom into your retirement reality!

    Stay tuned for next week when we get more granular in Pt. II of our Medicare debrief. You’ll meet trusted advisor Dave Wylly of Medicare Solutions Network and have more fun learning this stuff than you can possibly imagine!

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    35 mins
  • 034: FSR’s Mic Drop Mission Statement 2.0
    Mar 22 2023

    From its inception, the Retirement Equals Freedom Podcast has been laser-focused on providing practical info to help folks prepare for their golden years.

    But on this very special episode Host Josh Bretl, founder of FSR Wealth Strategies, is letting us in on a secret!

    As he and Co-Host Dave Schmidt explain, their team’s positive energy and client success are about more than the nuts and bolts of tax strategy, investments and savings.

    What else is there?

    Well, it’s personal!

    Far from a cookie-cutter formula, the collaborative FSR approach to financial planning is customized to each individual’s story, and all kinds of dreams.

    They care about where clients are stuck and, with their tools and expertise, know how to get past those stumbling blocks by reducing unnecessary anxiety, clarifying what’s possible and building the plan to make that vision – your ideal retirement – a reality.

    And sooner than later! It’s all about making lives better and, says Josh, that “makes us feel really freakin’ good.”

    You’ll hear about the mindset shift that occurred when the whole FSR team got together recently to define and celebrate what it is that makes their approach so unique.

    Join Josh and Dave as they reflect on their core values and why it’s so important to fall in love with what you’re “for” – professionally, personally and in planning the best part of your life!

    Don’t miss all the fun and informative nuggets in our biweekly podcast email club. Join at this link!

    Click here to learn more about or listen to previous episodes of The Retirement Equals Freedom Podcast. Or join the conversation over at our private Facebook group, which you can find here.

    Click here to explore the services that FSR Wealth Strategies offers and schedule a discovery call with one of the team’s CPAs. When it comes to living your best life, it’s never too early to get started!

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    32 mins