
  • May a Kohen Soldier Duchen? Rav JB Soloveitchik Takes on the World
    Jul 7 2024

    Source Sheet

    • The prosecution cannot become the defendant: This is how we know that Hashem agreed to Moshe breaking the Luchos.
    • Yechezkel asked to change the ox in the Merkava.
    • Can a Kohen who killed someone duchen Birkas Kohanim?
    • Can he serve in the Beis Hamikdash?
    • Does Teshuva help? B'shogeg or Meizid?
    • Can soldiers in the IDF duchen?
    • R Ovadya Yosef and R Moshe Feinstein vs R JB Solevetchik

    Parshas Chukas

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Suicide, Korach's Cohorts, and the Most Controversial Sefer in Halacha
    Jul 5 2024
    Source Sheet Did Korach and the 250 people with him know they would die? If yes, why did they go through with it? Is suicide considered murder? One Gemara learns it from "Lo tirtzach" and another learns it from "Ach Es Dimchem" in Parshas Noach. What is the Nafka Minah between the 2? Does someone who commits suicide get Olam Habah? Does one do aveilus for them? Say kaddish? Can one put themselves in danger to save others? Was Shaul allowed to take his own life? (Rameh M'panu says Shaul was a gilgul of Lemech) Is one allowed to commit suicide as Teshuva? Can one take their life if they are suffering? R Shaul Berlin vs R Rephael Hamburger Parshas Korach
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    1 hr and 59 mins
  • Dassan and Aviram's Calculated Rebellion
    Jul 1 2024
    1 hr and 21 mins
  • Stirring the Pot of Machloikes: Righteous Act or Sin?
    Jun 30 2024

    Source Sheet

    • Yalkut Shimoni brings some of Korach's clever arguments.
    • Rameh M'panu says that husband and wife in story of Bava ben Buta and R' Meir were gilgulim of Korach and his wife.
    • Rav says in Sanhedrin that one who is involved in Machlokes transgresses a Lav.
    • Do you violate a Lav for being involved in a Machlokes?
    • If yes is it De'oraysa or Derabanan?
    • If yes, which Lav?
    • Rambam vs Ramban
    • Is it a Lav to challenge the Kehunah?

    Parshas Korach

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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • Come Let a Mysterious Mystic Blow Your Mind Away
    Jun 28 2024
    Source Sheet Zohar - Moshiach will first appear in the Galil. Gemara - Sanhedrin moved to Teveriah and the Geulah will begin in Teveriah. R Meir referred to himself as Moshiach. Machlokes between R Yehuda and R Meir if someone who does not act like a son is still a son or not. Story of Menashe and Yeshaya. Ben Ish Chai explains why was Yeshaya caught through his Tzitzis. Turnus Rufus vs R Akiva are the Yidden servants or sons of Hashem. Emes L'Yakov - Malach Michoel can only Pasken like R Yehuda and only Hashem can Pasken like R Meir. This is why R Meir is buried in Teveriah... Parshas Sh'lach
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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • If the Messenger is Hurt, is the Sender Responsible? A Journey Through the Responsa of the Ages
    Jun 27 2024
    Source Sheet Why did Moshe only daven for Yehoshua? Why is there a mitzva to pay on time? An unpaid Shliach is a basically a borrowed human? Ramban's letter. The Mordechai may argue or agree. Letters of Maharshal & Maharam. Destruction of Nov. Avner's death. Parshas Sh'lach L'zchus refuah shleima l'reb Avraham ben Chayah Rivkah
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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • Birkas HaTorah: the Students of the Vilna Gaon Quarrel on Whether They Can Debate With Their Master
    Jun 16 2024

    Source Sheet

    • Is Birkas Hatorah Deoraisa?
    • If Deoraisa, is it a separate mitzva?
    • Do you need a Brocho to think Torah?
    • Is thinking like speaking?
    • Is writing like speaking?
    • Can you write Sefiras Haomer?
    • Can witnesses write their testimony?
    • Do you need to say the words of Bitul Chametz?
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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • A Kabbalist, a Litvak, and a Chossid, Walk Into a Bar on Shavuos Night
    Jun 7 2024

    Source Sheet

    • When did the Minhag to stay up shavuos night start
    • Amazing stories with the kabbalists (R' Yosef Karo, R' Shlomo Elkabatz, R' Chaim Vital, Etc.)
    • What should we learn?
    • Should you learn Mishnayos or is one specifically not supposed to?


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    1 hr and 41 mins