• The Journey Continues: Publishing Secrets' Parting Wisdom and Beacon Show's Guiding Light
    Apr 4 2024

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    • A heartfelt reflection on the transformative journey we've shared through the "Leading with Grace" series
    • The exciting announcement of the launch of "The Beacon Show," a brand-new podcast that continues our exploration of servant leadership
    • A sneak peek into the inspiring content and visionary guests lined up for the first series of interviews on "The Beacon Show"
    • An invitation to join the new adventure and become part of a movement that seeks to navigate the present and shape the future


    Tamara "Tam" Jackson is a dynamic figure in the publishing world and a highly sought-after expert on authentic online visibility. Her journey from struggling to promote her work to establishing the thriving Christian Authors Network and dynamic Beaconship community showcases her tenacity and entrepreneurial spirit. More than personal success, Tam is driven by helping others succeed and now mentors authors, coaches, and entrepreneurs to foster a collective rise in thought leadership, influence, and success. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, Tam balances her commitment to serving others with her love for reading, traveling, hiking, kayaking, and spending time with her beloved labradoodle, Spencer. Her story is of perseverance, passion, and dedication to empowering others to transform the world through their work. Her vision for The Beacon Show stems from her unwavering belief that every Christian leader has the potential to become a beacon of guidance, hope, and inspiration. Through this new podcast, Tamara aims to bridge the gap between spiritual goals and the practical realities of leadership, equipping leaders with the wisdom and strategies to navigate their paths with integrity, purpose, and a heart aligned with Christ's teachings. Join Tamara on this transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual growth as she nurtures wise, compassionate, and resilient beacons of faith who inspire, transform, and illuminate the world with their God-given purpose.


    Ready to embrace the journey of transformation? Download Tamara's exclusive new ebook at https://beaconship.co/book/ and empower yourself to lead with purpose and passion.


    Beaconship is dedicated to empowering and uniting Christian leaders through mentorship and collaboration, enhancing their influence and potential. We are committed to molding visionary leaders equipped to redefine what it means to be a change agent in today’s digital landscape. To learn more, visit https://beaconship.co/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebeaconship

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebeaconship

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachtam/

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    4 mins
  • Leading with Grace Part 4: Legacy of Transformation
    Mar 29 2024
    In this episode, you’ll also hear:How to measure a leader’s true impactAn example of a biblical leader whose legacy still transforms lives today — and you can accomplish the sameQuestions to guide you in crafting a truly impactful legacyThe True Measure of Leadership“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya AngelouThese powerful words remind us that the true measure of our leadership lies not in our individual accomplishments, but in the lasting impact we have on the lives we touch.As Christian thought leaders and authors, we have the incredible opportunity to shape the hearts and minds of those who encounter our work. But we must ask ourselves: What kind of legacy do we want to leave behind? And how can we ensure that our influence extends beyond the fleeting moments of our own lives?The answer lies in crafting a legacy of transformation — one that ignites lasting change and empowers others to reach their God-given potential. This brings us to the heart of our discussion today. You see, a true beacon’s legacy is measured not by the momentary brightness of their light, but by the lasting change they ignite in the hearts and minds of others. Our goal as servant leaders is not merely to shine brightly for a season, but to kindle a flame in others that continues to burn long after we’ve passed the torch. It’s about using our platform, our wisdom, and our compassion to empower others to become transformative leaders in their own right. Our ultimate goal is to create a legacy of transformation to inspire and empower others to live out their God-given purpose and potential. Thus, to achieve this goal, the impact of our leadership should extend far beyond our own lives and accomplishments. A Biblical Leader with Transformative ImpactLet’s turn to the pages of Scripture for today’s example of a leader who was and is known for his transformative impact: the Apostle Paul. Paul was a dedicated persecutor of the early church, but his encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus radically changed the course of his life — and the history of Christianity. Through his writings, which form a significant portion of the New Testament, Paul’s legacy continues to shape the hearts and minds of believers worldwide. His letters to various churches and individuals — such as the books of Romans, Galatians, and Ephesians — contain timeless wisdom and guidance for living a life of faith and purpose. Standout aspects of Paul’s legacy are his unwavering commitment to the Gospel and his willingness to endure hardship for the sake of Christ. In 2 Corinthians 11:23-28, Paul recounts the many trials he faced, including imprisonment, beatings, and shipwrecks. Yet, through it all, he remained steadfast in his mission to spread the Good News and nurtured the spiritual growth of those he led.Multiplying Your ImpactAs we reflect on Paul’s legacy, it is important to consider the lasting impact we hope to have through our own leadership and work. Ask yourself:What kind of transformation do I want to ignite in the lives of others?How can I use my unique gifts and platform to inspire and empower those I lead?One practical way to craft a legacy of transformation is to focus on mentoring and developing others. Invest your time and resources in nurturing the next generation of leaders, just as Paul did with individuals like Timothy and Titus. By pouring into others and helping them grow in their faith and abilities, you multiply your impact and ensure that your legacy extends beyond your own lifetime.The Ripple EffectAs you reflect on the legacy you’re building through your leadership and work, let Paul’s example inspire you to remain steadfast in your commitment to Christ, and to crafting a lasting change in the lives you touch.Remember, your legacy is not measured by the accolades you receive or the momentary successes you achieve — it’s measured by the lives you transform, the hearts you inspire, and the ripple effect of your faithfulness to God’s call. So keep leading with grace and purpose, knowing that your legacy has the power to shape eternity. BIO:My name is Tamara "Coach Tam" Jackson and I am a published author, Facebook© Certified Digital Marketer, host of the Top 100 Publishing Secrets podcast, and founder of The Christian Authors Network (C.A.N.) Facebook© community. I specialize in helping mission-driven authors, coaches, and entrepreneurs increase their exposure, impact, and income through strategic self-publishing and digital media appearances. Just say yes and we will work together to attract a tribe of loyal followers that 1) "get you", 2) love what you do, and 3) are happy to invest in your book, business, cause, or movement. Plus, we will accomplish all of this without fake, salesy, sleazy, or manipulative tactics. Yes you CAN write, publish, and profit in a way that ...
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    8 mins
  • Leading with Grace Part 3: Authority with Nurturing
    Mar 22 2024
    In this episode, you’ll also hear:The essential balance a true leader must strike — and how to do itHow one member of our community leads with authority while nurturing othersOne practical step you can take to improve your servant leadershipThe True Essence of Leadership“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” -Ronald ReaganAs Christian thought leaders and authors, we have been entrusted with a unique platform by which to influence and guide others. And, as highlighted by the above words from Ronald Reagan, we understand that the true essence of leadership is the ability to inspire and empower others to reach their highest potential. But to exhibit this kind of leadership, we must continually ask ourselves: How can we best uplift and nurture those we lead?How can we strike the delicate balance between providing direction and fostering an environment where others can thrive and grow? Finding that balance can create a powerful ripple effect, not just within our immediate circles, but in the lives and communities we impact through our work. See, leadership is not just about guiding others — it’s about empowering them to guide themselves with wisdom and truth. Our authority as Christian leaders should be rooted in our faith and wisdom, while nurturing those we lead so they can grow and flourish under our guidance.An Example of Balanced LeadershipFor an example of a Christian leader who strikes that vital balance, look no further than a member of our own Christian Authors Network: JR Spear. JR is the author of The Success Guide To Building Your Coaching Empire, a strategic battle plan for motivated coaches and entrepreneurs. His journey from serving in Iraq to becoming a successful entrepreneur and consultant exemplifies the balance of authority and nurturing in leadership. In his book, JR provides a step-by-step guide to building a coaching business, emphasizing the importance of discovering your true purpose, creating an irresistible offer, and building a powerful team. These elements require a leader to exercise authority in setting the vision and direction, while nurturing team members to reach their full potential. JR’s leadership style is further evident in the Business Leaders Network, a community he founded for emotionally intelligent servant leaders. By creating a platform for entrepreneurs to educate, connect, and collaborate, JR demonstrates the nurturing aspect of leadership. He provides the resources and guidance necessary for members to grow and succeed, while also fostering an environment of mutual support and empowerment.Thank you, JR, for setting such an inspirational example of leading with strength and compassion!The First Step JR’s approach to leadership as seen in his book and the Business Leaders Network showcases the delicate balance between authority and nurturing. As established leaders, we must set clear goals and expectations, and doing so requires us to exercise authority. However, we must also invest in the growth and well-being of those we lead, which demonstrates a nurturing spirit. One practical way to achieve this balance is by regularly checking in with your team members as JR does with his network. Ask about their aspirations, challenges, and how you can support them. By providing guidance, resources, and opportunities for development, you can show how your authority is rooted in a genuine desire to see others succeed.Remember, your authority should be grounded in wisdom and exercised with compassion, always striving to empower and uplift those you lead. How can you apply these principles of authority and nurturing in your own leadership today? JR’S BIO:From Getting Blown Up In Iraq To Leading Entrepreneurs On How To Start And Scale Their Business…Hi, my name is JR Spear and I'm the founder of CREED Consulting and Business Leaders Network...Since my return from the hot desert of Iraq in 2007 I've built several successful businesses ranging from the fitness and martial arts industry, marketing and advertising, to consulting...My mission is to arm small business owners with the right tools and resources needed to grow their business, giving them the direct path to bypass the struggles I had to endure so they can achieve the life and business they desire...Since 2017 I have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs 2x, 5x, even 10x their businesses by implementing the proper STEPS (Structure, Technology, Efficiencies, Processes, and Scalability).I’ve presented to audiences both large and small in a variety of different settings and contexts. As an author and presenter, I use personal stories, and life experiences to not only make a point but to keep the audience engaged and listening. They will leave with practical and applicable steps to take with them beyond what they learned. GET CONNECTED:JR’s Website: jrspear.com/speaker_jrThe Business Leaders ...
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    7 mins
  • Leading with Grace Part 2: Resilience & Vision
    Mar 15 2024
    In this episode, you’ll also hear:Why the gifts you have been given aren’t actually for youWhat resilience and vision really mean for Christian leadersHow one member of our community leads with perseverance and commitment to her visionHow to move forward even in times of uncertaintyThe Journey of Faith-Driven Leadership“The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.” C.C. ScottToday, we’re diving into a theme that resonates with every leader’s journey: rising with resilience and vision. You see, it’s in the crucible of trials that authentic leadership is refined. Resilience, then, is what allows us to emerge from those trials with a vision that transcends the immediate to embrace God’s greater purpose.Before we further explore the concepts of resilience and vision, however, let’s ground ourselves in Scripture. 1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in various forms.” This means that whatever gift you have received is not just for you — it’s for others around you. We must stay focused on using our gifts for others each day. When we do that — when we focus on the people we are called to serve instead of on ourselves — we arrive at a place of resilience and are inspired to “walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). This is the journey of faith-driven leadership. The Meaning of Resilience & VisionSo, as Christian leaders, what does it mean to have resilience and vision? Let’s break down each of those terms.ResilienceResilience isn’t just about bouncing back. It’s about growing, learning, and thriving, and often, that happens in the midst of adversity.Honestly, I haven’t learned much from my successes. Instead, the things that could be perceived as failures have caused me to learn and grow the most. I wouldn’t be who I am today, or where I am today, without those setbacks. Remember, setbacks can simply be setups for comebacks. So as you reflect on your own leadership journey, consider how pressure and challenges shape your ability to lead gracefully with conviction and fortitude. VisionA leader’s vision acts as a guiding star. It illuminates the path not just for the leader, but also for those they lead. Thus, a clear, compelling vision inspires action, provides direction through stormy seas, and mobilizes people toward a shared goal.An Example of PerseveranceTo illustrate the importance of resilience and vision, let’s take a look at the example of a remarkable member of our Christian Authors Network community: Aleta Allen. In just four years, Aleta has published two books and is working on her third. Her mission is to encourage everyday people to open their Bibles and let the Holy Spirit guide them, and she constantly shares on social media to support that goal. Despite her dedicated effort, however, Aleta has faced challenges in reaching her intended audience. Yet her resilient spirit stands out. She joined us for our 2-day workshop in February, then for a 90-minute social media workshop in March, and now she’s taking her commitment a step further by joining the Christian Author Success School so she can learn how to connect with her audience online.Aleta’s spirit of perseverance is a vivid example of James 1:12: “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”Resilience is about staying committed to the vision even when the path is unclear. As Proverbs 29:18 reminds us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Aleta’s clarity of purpose and faith guides and inspires us to consider the power of vision in our leadership. Thank you, Aleta, for being such a powerful example of perseverance and commitment to your God-given vision!The Power of VisionTake a moment now to reflect on your own vision for leadership and the challenges you have faced. How has your faith guided you through these trials?What vision propels you forward?How can you commit to remaining resilient in the face of adversity?Then, inspired by Aleta’s journey and perseverance, take some time to identify your vision and consider one step you can take this week, despite any challenges you’re currently facing, to move closer to that vision. Remember, resilience is embracing each setback as a step forward towards your greater purpose. True leadership and faith are forged in the fires of trials with a vision that sees beyond the immediate to God's greater purpose. Let's keep these words close to our hearts as we navigate our paths to leadership. And let’s look to Aleta’s story as a beacon of resilience and vision — one that reminds us that our faith and commitment can guide us through the trials, toward the impact we aspire to make. ALETA’S BIO:Aleta R. Allen was born in 1947 in Springfield, Massachusetts. She is the...
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    8 mins
  • Leading with Grace Part 1: Service & Empathy
    Mar 8 2024
    In this episode, you’ll also hear:What to expect from the “Leading with Grace” seriesHow one member of our community exemplifies a spirit of service and empathyHow to measure — and use — your spark of potentialOne simple action you can take today to make an impactIntroducing the “Leading with Grace” Series!Welcome to “Leading with Grace,” a series where the light of faith intersects with the art of leadership, designed for Christian authors and thought leaders! This series is an expedition to the core of servant leadership as exemplified by our Lord Jesus Christ. In this series, we’ll uncover the seven leadership principles that can transform lives and the world, so you can be inspired to lead with a servant’s heart, uplift others through your words, and create ripples of positive change. Each of the seven principles will shine a light on the pathway to a servant leader approach, helping you not only walk in Jesus’ steps, but also stand on His shoulders and view the higher horizon of your calling. Whether you're scribbling your first draft or putting the finishing touches on your latest manuscript, these principles have the power to deepen your influence and elevate your impact. So if you're ready to step into your role as a change maker — to pen not only stories, but legacies — then “Leading with Grace” is where your next chapter begins! Get ready for an awakening, a rebirth into leadership that serves, heals, and harbors the greatest purpose. A Spirit of Service & Empathy“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”1 Peter 4:10What if the true essence of our potential is not measured by our individual achievements, but by our dedication to uplifting others? What if our greatest legacy is the kindness and understanding we spread through our acts of service?To kick off the “Leading with Grace” series, let’s examine the example set by a member of our own community: John Alexander, whose life exemplifies a spirit of service and empathy. John is a Texas resident, an author, and a cherished member of the Christian Authors Network, and he embodies the spirit of service through his passion for poetry and storytelling.After a successful career in high tech, John turned his full attention to writing, crafting stories and poems that have captured the imaginations and hearts of children and adults alike. But it's at the Frisco Senior Center where John's impact truly shines. He regularly shares his poems there, offering words of hope, encouragement, and joy to everyone present. John’s book of poetry, Timeless Tales: Rhymes from the Heart, and his Quiet Time Rhymes series are more than collections of verses — they are his gifts of empathy and understanding to the world. And his dedication reminds us of an essential truth: Your spark of potential is God’s gift to you; how you nurture it and serve others is your gift back to Him and to the world.Through his poetry readings, John transforms moments into memories, proving that service and empathy can amplify our impact, touching lives in ways we might never fully know.Thank you, John, for being such a luminous example of kindness and creativity in our community!How Will You Nurture & Channel Your Spark?Now it’s your turn. How can you channel your unique gifts into service? How can you allow empathy to deepen your connection to those around you and enhance your journey as an author?Here’s a simple step you can take today: Share your talent with someone who could use a moment of joy. This could be reading, writing, singing, or simply listening. Remember, the essence of service lies in sincerity and love. JOHN'S BIO:John Alexander lives in Texas with his beautiful wife and his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He spent his childhood in a small town in east Texas. He attended college at the University of Texas earning degrees in Physics and Math, then spent many years developing innovative communications systems. While still working, he began writing fiction in his spare time and published The Enclave, a mystery/suspense novel, in 2010.Since leaving high tech in 2014, he now spends full time pursuing his writing passion. John writes children’s books to capture their imagination and help them discover the love of reading early in life. He especially loves writing books that help elementary school children discover that reading is a fun adventure. The chapter books in the Amber-Autumn mystery series, including Christmas Garden, Grandfather’s Blessing, Golden Campout, and The Secret Room appeal to elementary school children. His first picture book, Words That Soar, won first place at the 2019 North Texas Book Festival. The Christmas Gift, published by Elk Lake Publishing, Inc., came out in 2019 and was a finalist in the 2020 North Texas Book Festival. His latest children’s book, The Young Artist, An Unpicture Book, was just ...
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    7 mins
  • Chase Your Dreams Now with Dee Dee Patterson (Re-Air)
    Mar 1 2024
    In this episode, you’ll also hear:The story of Dee Dee’s successful online dating experience — and how she almost settled for less than she’d always prayed to findHow writing her book turned out to be easier than she’d anticipatedTips on crafting an outline that will help the writing flow naturallyThe importance of getting honest, constructive feedback on your writingDee Dee’s advice for the writer who is hesitating to start (or finish!) their bookDon’t Settle for LessIn her book When You Meet Your Match: My Match.com Marriage, Dee Dee Patterson shares what she’s learned from ten years of marriage after meeting her husband online. Prior to that online meeting, however, Dee Dee explains that she was actually in a relationship with someone else — someone she was planning to marry. But though Dee Dee loved the idea of getting married, she realized that she was settling for less than God’s best.“I was in my late 20s and I wasn’t married yet, and so I was excited about the idea that someone wanted to marry me,” she explains. “But deep down inside, I felt like he did not have the qualities that I always dreamed of when I pictured my future husband.”Trusting that God had a different plan, Dee Dee broke things off and spent some time enjoying being single. That was when she saw an advertisement for an online dating site. Although Dee Dee didn’t believe in online dating at the time, she decided to give it a try. But this time, she wasn’t going to settle. “I did a search for my perfect guy,” she recalls. “And it was almost just to prove that it wouldn’t work.” To her surprise, however, one man on the site met all of her “perfect guy” criteria. At first, Dee Dee hesitated, not wanting to make the first move, but finally she reached out — and the rest is history. Now, Dee Dee says she’s thankful she didn’t settle for someone who wasn’t exactly right for her. If she hadn’t listened to God’s prompting, she wouldn’t be in the amazing marriage she has today. Writing a Book: Not So Complicated After All?Dee Dee says she always wanted to share her story. But after writing an outline for the book that is now My Match.com Marriage, she put it aside for several years. Then Covid-19 hit, and Dee Dee found herself at home, out of work for four months. Wanting to use the time for something productive, Dee Dee pulled out her outline, made a few changes, and started writing. When she was finished, she found an editor, who helped her improve the content and provided instructions for selling the book on Amazon. “I was surprised at how easy it was,” Dee Dee says. “Because when you think of [writing and publishing a book], it's such a big task. But it didn't seem complicated once I did it.”One reason the writing flowed so easily for Dee Dee was because she had that outline to work from. Pulling from her journalism background, she had chosen ten main points to write about, and structured the book so that each chapter focused on one of those points. Not only does this kind of outline make the writing process easier (and often faster), but it also helps keep the book’s content organized so readers can navigate it easily and find the information they need. Finally, Dee Dee made sure to get reliable feedback. In addition to hiring an editor and getting her husband’s perspective on the personal stories she was writing about, she also asked a trusted family member to read it and give constructive criticism. Dee Dee knew this person would be honest with her even if the book was terrible, which made their positive response even more encouraging. Life Is ShortMaybe you, like Dee Dee, have a story to share, but you’re hesitating to take that first step and get it out into the world. If that’s you, Dee Dee cautions you to remember that “life is short, and you might as well chase your dreams now, because now is the best time to do it.”None of us is promised a future. But writing a book is a great way to leave a legacy that will remain long after you are gone. It may seem daunting, but as you move forward, you may just find, as Dee Dee did, that it’s not as complicated as it seems. BIO:Dee Dee Patterson is a wife and mother with three children who are all under 6 years old. Before she met her husband, she was frustrated, disappointed, and scared that her dream of being a wife and mother would never come to fruition. One day she did a very specific search on Match.com for her dream guy. She got one result! After contacting the man, they dated for a year before getting married. She has been married for over a decade and is in a happy and loving marriage after meeting her husband online. She wrote a book about what she and her husband do to have a happy marriage. She also blogs about going from dating to her dream life as a wife and mother at www.deedeepatterson.com to help other people get to their dream marriage. GET CONNECTED:Website: ...
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    27 mins
  • The Ministry of Writing with Jeaninne Stokes (Re-Air)
    Feb 23 2024
    In this episode, you’ll also hear:The importance of obeying God’s call, even if you don’t think you’re qualifiedHow God supplied “manna” for Jeaninne during her writing journeyHow to write your story in a way that helps people connect with itWhy Jeaninne refers to writing as a ministryWhat kind of writers this world needs right nowJeaninne’s advice on returning to your “burning bush” for renewal and motivation when the journey gets toughObeying the Call to LeaveIn her book Lessons from the Writing Wilderness, Jeaninne Stokes shares the story of leaving her full-time job to pursue a ministry in writing — or, as she puts it, “leaving the ‘Egypt,’ if you will, of my career, journeying through the wilderness of preparation, and then finally entering my promised land to become an author.”Jeaninne says she truly loved her job at the time. So when she first heard God calling her to leave, she ignored the prompting for about a year. But God kept trying to get her attention. From an audible voice telling her it was time to go to the words “never be afraid to give up the good to go for the great” mysteriously appearing on her computer screen, the nudges from God became too obvious for her to continue ignoring them. Despite not knowing why God wanted her to leave her job — or what she was supposed to do once she left — Jeaninne obeyed. Now, she encourages others to be obedient to God’s call, even if it doesn’t seem to make sense. “God will not reveal anything else to you as to what He wants you to do until you take that first step of obedience,” she explains. “And that's what I had to do.”Preparing in the WildernessAfter taking that first step of obedience, Jeaninne found herself at home alone, uncertain of what to do next. But that alone time allowed her to ask God for guidance and to listen for His answer. “When you make yourself an available instrument,” she says now, “God will start speaking and making His plans known.”The first answer Jeaninne received was to get up at 4:00 AM every morning, go to her office, read the story of Moses and the Israelites, and write down the lessons she learned from it. Only after she obeyed this call did Jeaninne begin to understand the purpose for it. “God started speaking to me and saying, ‘I'm having you read this because you're going to be going on a similar journey. I've called you out of your Egypt and put you into the wilderness to prepare for a writing ministry,’” Jeaninne recalls. Although she didn’t necessarily want to undergo this “wilderness” period of preparation, Jeaninne came to understand over time that it was necessary. “Before you can do anything great, you’ve got to prepare for that great,” she explains.For Jeaninne, preparation meant not only becoming a better writer, but also growing in her faith and learning to trust in God’s provision and guidance. She didn’t consider herself qualified for ministry, but as she continued to follow God’s leading, He continued to provide exactly what she needed for each day — just as He provided food and water for the Israelites in the wilderness. Learning to Be VulnerableAlthough Jeaninne had written numerous devotionals, Lessons from the Writing Wilderness was especially challenging to write, because it required her to be more vulnerable and transparent in her writing than ever before. Sharing her personal struggles and hardships with the world was difficult — but it was also important.“I came to realize that people need to hear your story,” she says. “People connect with your story.” Through transparently sharing the story of her writing journey, Jeaninne has been able to help others who are going through similar “wilderness” experiences by offering them hope and encouragement.It was a difficult journey, but Jeaninne says that once her book was finished, she felt a strong sense of closure and relief. “I felt like I had given birth, and that I was now able to really go out and help other aspiring Christian writers,” she adds.Understanding the Ministry of WritingFor many people, ministry is something that happens from the pulpit of a church or out on the streets. But, as Jeaninne has learned, writing can be a powerful ministry as well. What’s more, Jeaninne argues that writing is an essential ministry.“The world needs good writers,” she says. “The world needs people who are willing to write from God's perspective and not our own, in light of the hope and hurt and all that’s going on in our world. God calls people He wants to use to write, to share His Word, to spread His gospel. And it took me a while to understand that if I'm doing that as a writer, then that is my pulpit.” As writers, we can share the good news of Jesus with a much wider audience than we might otherwise be able to reach. So it’s vital that we obey God’s calling on our lives and write the message He has given us to share with the ...
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    32 mins
  • This Waiting Season with Candy Arrington (Re-Air)
    Feb 16 2024
    In this episode, you’ll also hear:How Candy came to write and publish a book dealing with a very difficult subject, despite people telling her a publisher wouldn’t want to pick it upWhat Candy has learned about waiting well — and why waiting doesn’t have to be negativeHow to tell if you have enough material to write a book rather than an articleTips on blogging consistentlyCandy’s advice for the writer who wants to land a publishing dealFinding Inspiration to WriteCandy Arrington says she has always enjoyed writing. As a child, she constantly made up stories for herself, and she chose English as her college major. But it wasn’t until much more recently — while on a church retreat with her husband — that she decided to write a book. “The Lord woke me up early, one morning, and I just had words swirling in my head,” Candy recalls. “I got up and grabbed my journal and began to write.” Later, Candy shared some of what she had written with others at the retreat. To her surprise, multiple people asked for a copy of her words to take home. “That was my first indication that perhaps writing was something that could minister to others, not just a personal way of processing emotions and thinking about things,” she says.Candy’s first book, Aftershock: Help, Hope and Healing in the Wake of Suicide, deals with a heavy but important topic, and it was born from personal experience. After a traumatic experience involving an acquaintance, Candy collaborated with a Christian counselor to write the book — and, in the process, learn to better understand why this kind of tragedy happens and how to deal with it. Through Aftershock, Candy endeavors to dispel common misconceptions about suicide and to offer hope and healing to those who have lost loved ones in this manner. Trusting God to Bring it All TogetherWhen it was time to find a publisher for Aftershock, Candy explains that God opened all the right doors at just the right times. While attending a Christian writers' conference, she knew she would have to act fast to secure a meeting with the specific editor she felt drawn to. There were hundreds of fellow writers at the conference, and that particular editor only had three meeting slots available. It seemed impossible that Candy could make her way through the crowd in time, but God had other ideas.“As I walked across the room, it was like the parting of the Red Sea,” Candy says. “Everybody just moved aside, and I could see this editor's name on the table. And I just stepped right through that opening and put my name on the last appointment on that list.” Although the editor turned Candy’s book down, she pointed Candy to another agent, who invited her to share her book idea at breakfast the next day. Candy was disappointed to see that she wasn’t the only person he’d invited, but she gave her pitch anyway and handed over her book proposal. Then something amazing happened. Each person at the table shared how their lives had been impacted by suicide. Even though the agent had intended to reject her idea, the stories that the other people shared convinced him that there was not just an audience for Candy’s book, but a need for it to exist. “If I had tried to orchestrate that breakfast table, it would never have happened,” Candy says in retrospect. But because she trusted God enough to keep going when things didn’t turn out the way she expected, God rewarded her by pulling it all together in even better ways than she had planned. Learning to Wait WellCandy’s latest book, Life on Pause: Learning to Wait Well, also deals with an important topic: having patience and trusting God when life isn’t going the way one wants it to. Periods of infertility and financial insecurity tested Candy’s patience over the years, and she admits that during many of these times she did not “wait well.” But one morning, while reading the Bible, she came across the words “Thus far, the Lord has helped us” (1 Samuel 7:12). “I started thinking about all the thus fars in our lives,” she says. “And in doing that, I realized that this waiting season didn't have to be a negative thing, that it could be a time when we benefited from just watching for the Lord at work. Not feeling like we had to make something happen, but just trusting and waiting.” In our fast-paced society, we’re often taught that if we don’t act quickly and make things happen, we’ll miss out. As a result, waiting can feel scary and frustrating. But the more we focus on God’s faithfulness, the more we can learn to let those fears go and trust that God will come through yet again, in His own perfect timing. Learning from ExperienceAlongside learning to wait well and trusting God to provide, Candy’s publishing experiences have taught her several important practical lessons for success as a writer. Create an Annotated OutlineIn Candy’s experience, many aspiring authors have a great idea — ...
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    39 mins