• Is HR Helping or Hindering Culture
    Aug 16 2024

    Welcome to Protect Your Patch podcast. Leave us a message and tell us how we are doing. Thank you for your support!

    A survey conducted by Gartner of HR leaders on their priorities for 2024 revealed that for the first time, organizational culture is in the top five priorities second only to leader and manager development. The survey further revealed that the reason culture is new to the top five priorities for HR leaders this year is, "largely because HR leaders believe they don’t measure culture effectively nor do they know how to truly drive culture change."

    Wait, what?

    Leadership and culture are two sides of the same coin that can be an enabler of success or it can create an environment where an organization flounders. HR is a critical function in organizations so this begs the question: Why has culture only now popped up in the top five HR priorities for 2024?

    Doc and Rich discuss the HR role in culture in this episode of Protect Your Patch.

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    40 mins
  • Is Your Check Engine Light On?
    Aug 12 2024

    Welcome to Protect Your Patch podcast. Leave us a message and tell us how we are doing. Thank you for your support!

    When the check engine light in your car comes on, do you have a tendency to ignore it? Hoping that if you don't look at it, it will go away? But the next time you start your car, there it is once again shining bright on your dashboard. It could just be a minor maintenance issue, or a sign that there is something very wrong.

    How about as leaders? We don't have that check engine light to warn us that we need some personal maintenance, or that there is something very wrong.

    Doc and Rich talk about the importance of heeding the warning signs in our leadership abilities on Protect Your Patch.

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    23 mins
  • Being Prepared for the Unexpected
    Aug 3 2024

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    We tend to assume that leadership takes place under stable circumstances. Many of our theories of leadership conceptualize leadership under these “normal” and stable conditions. However, there is likely no situation where leadership is more important than during a time of crisis. It is a guarantee that at some point in a leader's career, they will be faced with some type of crisis. How you handle that crisis and move your team through those trying times is what separates the pros from the amateurs.
    Leaders who are prepared to face potential crises possess qualities such as resilience, courage, the ability to think strategically under pressure, and emotional intelligence.

    Doc and Rich unpack the importance of being prepared for difficult times on Protect Your Patch.

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    25 mins
  • The Courage to Lead
    Jul 22 2024

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    Progress often comes at a high cost, and leaders making crucial decisions to secure their organization’s future may not always be viewed favorably. Even when change management processes are correctly followed, some may still resist the decision. Many hesitate to embrace new paths because it means stepping out of their comfort zones and facing uncertainty or unfamiliarity. This can also trigger fears of failure, loss, or the unknown, which can inhibit risk-taking.
    For these reasons, leaders must lead with courage. They must face crises head on and make a firm stand for their decisions, especially when it comes to protecting the people that people they lead.

    Rich and Doc discuss why courage is a critical element of leadership in this episode of Protect Your Patch.

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    28 mins
  • The Power of Vulnerability
    Jul 8 2024

    Welcome to Protect Your Patch podcast. Leave us a message and tell us how we are doing. Thank you for your support!

    The traditional notion of leaders as indestructible and solid as a rock can create unrealistic expectations and pressures, leading to burnout and a lack of genuine connection. Embracing vulnerability allows leaders to break away from these stereotypes, creating a more sustainable and humane approach to leadership.
    The decision to be vulnerable builds trust and authenticity, it encourages open communication, fosters resilience and growth, enhances connection and empathy, and promotes psychological safety.

    Join Rich and Doc as they discuss the importance of vulnerability in this episode of Protect Your Patch.

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    25 mins
  • A Legacy Driven Culture
    Jun 19 2024

    Welcome to Protect Your Patch podcast. Leave us a message and tell us how we are doing. Thank you for your support!

    What is a legacy-driven culture? A legacy-driven culture is one that evolves and progresses in alignment with an organization’s purpose, vision, and mission. It is adaptable, able to withstand the test of time, and can pivot as necessary to remain competitive and successful in today’s business environment.

    Do you have what it takes to lead a legacy-driven culture?

    Doc and Rich outline what a legacy-driven culture is on Protect Your Patch.

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    29 mins
  • The Master Key
    Jun 14 2024

    Welcome to Protect Your Patch podcast. Leave us a message and tell us how we are doing. Thank you for your support!

    Have you ever had a set of master keys? The keys that can open any door and allow access to what lies beyond? How about the key that provides access to great culture, improved retention, attracting great talent, employee satisfaction, inspirational onboarding, and the list goes on. What is the key that can open the door to all of these and more? Leadership!

    Not just any type of leadership, but leadership fueled and driven by legacy-inspired, transformational leadership.

    In this episode of Protect you Patch, Doc and Rich discuss the key to all aspects of organizational, and personal success.

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    32 mins
  • Time Waits For Nobody
    Jun 6 2024

    Welcome to Protect Your Patch podcast. Leave us a message and tell us how we are doing. Thank you for your support!

    A recent poll found that on average, people waste over 12 hours a week on non-value-added stuff. If you extrapolate that out, that's 624 hours a year, equivalent to 26 DAYS. That means we lose 26 days a year, or almost a month, to non-value-added activities! That does not include the time we are sleeping, only waking hours.

    What if we could take back that time and apply it to our personal development? What if we took that time to improve our organizations, our teams, our families, and our communities? What if everyone on your team focused on the same value-added exercises such as working with an executive coach? The possibilities are endless.

    So the next time you are asked the question, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years," instead of mumbling through some cheesy answer that equates to I plan on wasting 5 months on stuff, you could say I plan on investing 3,120 hours into being a better version of myself.

    Join Doc and Rich on the Protect Your Patch podcast as we discuss the importance of time management and personal development.

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    24 mins