• Identifying God's Calling Throughout Your Life - Prophetic Foundation Lesson 2
    Sep 12 2024
    Chosen From the Womb

    God's life-long plan for you

    You stepped into the prophetic because that's what God chose for you. Every day of your life has been a path to lead you to fulfilling your prophetic call. Today you find purpose in everything that you've gone through. Identify God's calling on your life in this episode.

    "God places His heart in you, gives you a love for His people, and puts His authority in your belly. We can't claim ownership for any of that."
    - Colette Toach

    Register for FREE Prophetic Mentorship: freepropheticschool.com

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    36 mins
  • Signs of the Prophetic Calling - Prophetic Foundation Lesson 1
    Sep 5 2024
    10 Signs You're Called to be a Prophet

    Because you want proof that God is with you.

    Anyone cain claim they see a prophetic call on your life but how do you if it's genuine? Well, you follow these signs that can be seen through out the word. If you check off more than half these signs then it's undeniable proof of your prophetic call.

    Let's jump in!

    "The prophet doesn’t see the need for a middle road! We are establishing a foundation for the Body of Christ here. We are issuing decrees that will uproot, build or tear down. You know, you don’t half tear down a building or half plant a seed. You either do it or don’t!"
    - Colette Toach

    Register for FREE Prophetic Mentorship: freepropheticschool.com

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • Lesson 13: Death, Resurrection and Glorification!
    Aug 15 2024

    How to tell how far you are in your prophetic training.

    There are 3 major markers that'll help you see how much progress you've made in your call. By the end of this episode you'll know..

    • The 3 landmarks in prophetic preparation
    • Prophetic ministry vs prophetic office
    • how to Identify your ministry and leadership training

    Get the clarity and direction you've been seeking God for.

    "It's in the times where you face tough circumstances were you see God use you in miraculous and powerful ways. You realize that it’s no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me" - Colette Toach

    Register for FREE Prophetic Mentorship: freepropheticschool.com

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    30 mins
  • Lesson 12: Death of a Vision
    Aug 14 2024

    When God gives you a vision but asks for you to give it up 😢

    As prophets we cling to the words God gives us. But we have to understand that some words are for a season and if don't give them up, we end up stunting our calls. This episode is going to help identify a vision God is telling you to give up and how to bury so you can receive a new one.

    A must listen for prophets in any form of leadership!

    "When you let go of the vision you've been tryng to force to happen, things begin to fall into place naturally. God wants you to fullfill your call but He wants to be in control of it" - Colette Toach

    Register for FREE Prophetic Mentorship: freepropheticschool.com

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    20 mins
  • Lesson 11: Pass Through Your Preparation Phase FAST!
    Aug 1 2024

    Your preparation phase doesn't have to take forever!

    There are 3 steps that God MUST take you through before you can exit the wilderness. Today, we discuss how you can get unstuck, out of cycles, and moving forward in your prophetic ministry. This will make up for lost time in your call.

    "If you find that you are not moving on and the pressure is increasing and you can't breath... good! God is trying to get you to lose control so He can gain control and let God live through your life." - Colette Toach

    Register for FREE Prophetic Mentorship: freepropheticschool.com

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    33 mins
  • Lesson 9: Your Face-to-Face Relationship with Jesus
    Jul 25 2024

    The Point of Prophetic Ministry!

    The key to open the door ahead of you is in your hand. You will learn how to unlock that secret place to come closer to Christ. Jesus wants that relationship with you prophet. For you to cry on His shoulder, to hear His gentle words bring comfort and closure. This is the element of coming closer into intimacy with Christ Jesus

    Take time to listen! Today's podcast will elevate you to new heights - grab that notebook!

    A Message from your Mentor:

    "Prophets you have a tender relationship with the Lord Jesus, it is just a matter of taking time to sit and listen to Him" - Colette Toach

    Register for Prophetic Mentorship: freepropheticschool.com

    Books Used in This Course:
    Practical Prophetic Ministry (Text-book): https://colettetoachstore.com/products/practical-prophetic-ministry

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    24 mins
  • Lesson 10: Enter the Secret Place
    Jul 25 2024

    The most intimate place you can be with Jesus

    There's a place in your relationship with Jesus where the world falls away and it's just you and Him. In this realm you'll learn the mysteries of heaven, discover God's heart, and fall in love with your savior.

    Today, we talk about 7 steps that open the door to the secret place with Jesus. This is the source of true prophetic ministry.

    A Message from your Mentor:

    “The Lord desires our glory and our praise, but it is only when we hearHis reply that we really get to know who He is” - Colette Toach

    Register for Prophetic Mentorship: freepropheticschool.com

    Books Used in This Course:
    Practical Prophetic Ministry (Text-book): https://colettetoachstore.com/products/practical-prophetic-ministry

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    31 mins
  • Lesson 8: Learning When to Stand up or Shut up!
    Jul 12 2024

    You will learn how and when to give those prophetic words.

    Timing is everything when it comes to giving prophetic words. God gives you words that are needed to be spoken on earth. Learn to wait on the Lord. Don't rush the process of speaking these words out prophet.

    Take time to listen! Today's podcast will elevate you to new heights - grab that notebook!

    A Message from your Mentor:

    "You can apply yourself in this area so that you can grow stronger in giving out prophetic words. God's throne room is always open to you!" - Colette Toach

    Register for Prophetic Mentorship: freepropheticschool.com

    Books Used in This Course:
    Practical Prophetic Ministry (Text-book): https://colettetoachstore.com/products/practical-prophetic-ministry

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    20 mins