• PP173 Finding the Fire
    Sep 16 2024
    The Song of Songs depicts love in marriage as an unquenchable fire. But where can we find such love? Today's relationship advice often leads to short-lived flames. We need an older wisdom to guide us. We need the ancient wisdom of Scripture. Already married and wanting to keep the fire blazing? Unmarried, but hoping to enjoy such lasting love some day? Our Bible passage gives us four surprising directions where to find the fire. Scriptures Referenced:Song 8:5-7 Visit PracticologyPodcast.com for more episodes.Follow the Practicology Podcast on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MandMsPodcast
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    22 mins
  • PP172 Courage for the Classroom
    Sep 9 2024
    No doubt you're doing cartwheels and backflips over your excitement to be back in the classroom... or is that just your stomach flip flopping out of anxiety for the changes that this new school year will bring? We don't know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future, and as the Lord taught Joshua, so we can take courage from God's presence and his promises in his word. Scriptures Referenced:Joshua 1:5-9 Visit PracticologyPodcast.com for more episodes.Follow the Practicology Podcast on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MandMsPodcast
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    18 mins
  • PP171 Holy Fruit
    Sep 2 2024
    Can produce from the grocery store really make you holy? Well... no. But Romans 6 does teach us about fruit that leads to holiness. Mike & Matthew wrap up their Romans 6 study by reminding us how much better it is to serve God rather than sin. Scriptures Referenced:Rom 6:20-23 Visit PracticologyPodcast.com for more episodes.Follow the Practicology Podcast on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MandMsPodcast
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    29 mins
  • PP170 Ya Gotta Serve Someone
    Aug 26 2024
    Which is better at making people holy, grace or law? For Paul it's no contest—grace wins every time. And in Romans 6:15-19, the apostle gives us 4 grace-based reasons to say no to sin and yes to righteousness: (1) you become a slave of the one you obey; (2) there are only two masters (and one of them is evil); (3) your conversion was a powerful rescue operation in your heart; and (4) don't you want to put in as much energy serving your new master as you did your old one? Scriptures Referenced:Rom 6:15-19 Visit PracticologyPodcast.com for more episodes.Follow the Practicology Podcast on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MandMsPodcast
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    29 mins
  • PP169 Count Yourselves Dead
    Aug 19 2024
    As Christians we are dead to our old master (Sin) and alive to our new master (God). So why do we still show up at our old workplace? It's not enough for us to understand the truth of Romans 6:1-10; we also need to count on it. Only as we bank on the truth that we are dead with Christ and alive to God will we consistently offer our skills and capacities to the cause of Christ. Holiness is a project for the whole of us—body, soul, and mind. (We apologize for a few moments of poor sound quality in this episode.) Scriptures Referenced:Rom 6:10-14 Visit PracticologyPodcast.com for more episodes.Follow the Practicology Podcast on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MandMsPodcast
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    26 mins
  • PP168 An Escape Room Approach to Romans 6
    Aug 12 2024
    Just like in an escape room, where you sometimes have to collect several keys in order to unlock the final one, Romans 6 requires you to figure out several puzzling clues before it yields its meaning. But when the meaning of Romans 6 does open up to us, it provides us the key to living the Christian life. Join Mike and Matthew in this escape room episode as they try to figure out four keys to understanding Romans 6 before the 60 minute time limit runs... Scriptures Referenced:Rom 6:1-10 Visit PracticologyPodcast.com for more episodes.Follow the Practicology Podcast on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MandMsPodcast
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    34 mins
  • PP167 Identifying with Christ
    Aug 4 2024
    A common misunderstanding with the gospel of grace is that people may as well continue to sin once they are saved, since our abundance of sin showcases God's abundance of grace. Of course this isn't true, and one reason we know it's not true is our baptism. But what does baptism have to do with not continuing to sin? And what does baptism really mean? Tune in for a concise explanation of baptism in the first episode of this year's Romans 6 summer challenge. Scriptures Referenced:Rom 6:1-5 Visit PracticologyPodcast.com for more episodes.Follow the Practicology Podcast on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MandMsPodcast
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    23 mins
  • PP166 Summer Challenge and Summer Break
    Jul 8 2024
    Announcing our fourth August Summer Challenge! Mike and Matthew talk everything you need to know for this year's memorization challenge, and announce a brief summer break in July for the podcast. Visit PracticologyPodcast.com for more episodes.Follow the Practicology Podcast on Twitter and Facebook
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    8 mins