
  • #26 Nyár - Summer - A1+
    Jul 14 2024

    In this episode, I talk about who likes or dislikes what in summer. You can vote on Spotify, so I want to ask you: do you like summer or not?
    If you'd like to read the podcast and come to speaking classes, join my monthly membership on my Ko-fi page, where there's lots more good stuff waiting for you: http://ko-fi.com/plainhungarian/tiers

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    8 mins
  • #25 “Olyan ez, mint a biciklizés: nem lehet elfelejteni.” - "It's like riding a bike: you can't forget it."
    Jun 28 2024

    I'll tell you why I had to learn to ride a bike twice, why I cycled 70 km with a guy I didn't know last summer, and what I'll be doing in 2025.
    You can download a transcript of the episode from my Ko-fi page: http://ko-fi.com/plainhungarian/tiers

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    7 mins
  • #24 Sport - A2
    Jun 14 2024
    • This episode is about sports because the European Football Championship starts today and the Summer Olympics in a month.
    • Subscribe to my newsletter so you don't miss the news and exclusive content.
    • Transcript and membership: http://ko-fi.com/plainhungarian/tiers

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    7 mins
  • #23 Nők a tudományban - Women in science - B1
    May 28 2024

    Imagine that a woman has to sell her jewellery to finance her medical studies. Why was Vilma Hugonnai, the first Hungarian woman doctor, forced to do this, and what social obstacles did she have to overcome? I present this fascinating story and the life of Mileva Marić, whose name is often overshadowed by that of her husband Albert Einstein. Both women struggled to find a place in academia and the world of science, and through their inspiring stories I shed light on the social challenges and prejudices of the time.
    If you'd like to read the podcast or would like to come to my Hungarian class to talk, join my club on Ko-fi: http://ko-fi.com/plainhungarian/tiers

    Képzeld el, hogy egy nőnek el kell adnia az ékszereit, hogy finanszírozza az orvosi tanulmányait. Miért volt Hugonnai Vilma, az első magyar orvosnő, kénytelen ezt megtenni, és milyen társadalmi akadályokat kellett legyűrnie? Ezt a lenyűgöző történetet mutatom be, valamint Mileva Marić életét ismerheted meg, akinek neve gyakran háttérbe szorult férje, Albert Einstein árnyékában. Mindkét nő küzdött azért, hogy helyet kapjanak az egyetemi oktatásban és a tudomány világában, és inspiráló történetük révén rávilágítok a korabeli társadalmi kihívásokra és előítéletekre.
    Ha szeretnéd elolvasni a podcastot vagy szívesen jönnél magyarórára hozzám, hogy beszélgessünk, csatlakozz a klubomhoz a Ko-fin: http://ko-fi.com/plainhungarian/tiers

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    20 mins
  • #22 Inspiráló nők - Inspiring women - A2+
    May 14 2024

    Szia! I'm Csilla and this is the Plain Hungarian podcast for Hungarian learners.

    In this episode, five people talk about the inspiring women they know. The reason for this topic is because there was Mother's Day recently. In the episode I talk about a wise grandmother, a physics sister, a single mom, a great Hungarian teacher and my mother-in-law. 😊

    It's spring, the birds are singing, and unfortunately you can really hear the birds in the podcast, but I hope you don't mind.
    If you'd like to read the episode, join my Ko-fi club, where you'll get a lot of useful stuff in addition to the podcast transcripts. You can check out the words in English and Hungarian, find grammar and cultural explanations, send in your questions every month and I'll answer them, join my Telegram community and meet me twice a month.

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    7 mins
  • #21 Színház, opera, mozi, koncert - Theatre, opera, cinema, concert - B1
    Apr 28 2024

    This episode will be about

    • many of my childhood memories and habits,
    • how my boyfriend and I used to celebrate our anniversary,
    • the movies I like
    • and why old German ladies cried when I recited a poem to them.

    Download the transcript from here: http://ko-fi.com/plainhungarian/tiers

    Ebben a részben szó lesz:

    • sok gyerekkori emlékemről és szokásomról,
    • arról, hogy hogyan szoktuk az évfordulónkat ünnepelni a barátommal,
    • milyen filmeket szeretek
    • és hogy miért sírtak a német nénik, amikor verset mondtam nekik.

    Töltsd le az átiratot innen: http://ko-fi.com/plainhungarian/tiers

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    11 mins
  • #20 A kedvenc ételeink - Our favourite foods - A2+
    Apr 14 2024

    In this episode, several people tell how they learned to cook, what their favourite dishes are, what they like to eat, and who cooks for them, and I also mention many traditional Hungarian dishes. Have fun, I hope you're not hungry! 🙂
    If you'd like to read the podcast, see pictures of the food and come to speaking classes, join my monthly membership on my Ko-fi page, where there's lots more good stuff waiting for you: http://ko-fi.com/plainhungarian/tiers

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    8 mins
  • #19 Betegség, pálinka és Harry Potter - B2
    Mar 28 2024

    🇺🇸 Hi! I'm Csilla, and this is the Plain Hungarian podcast for Hungarian learners.
    In this episode, I talk about why I went to Romania by train, why I drank a lot of pálinka and why I watched Harry Potter when I had the flu. I'll also talk about slicing cucumber, and the best Hungarian trips with my students, and I'm inviting you to a super five-day Hungarian trip, I hope you'll come, it's unmissable! 🤩
    Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWHSrl8NmRdRMblWzW4deIiTe-oUFlAYf97NYrKS8cQA87vQ/viewform

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    12 mins