• Cheers to the No Moon Conspiracy Theorists
    Aug 13 2021

    Join Melanie and Ana this week as they talk about their favorite science conspiracy theories and the psychology behind them. From faking the moon landing to Flat Earthers (and even making up their own conspiracy theories), tune in to our final episode of the summer season!

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • Cheers to Good Genes (and Not The Denim Kind)
    Aug 6 2021

    On their second to last episode of the first season, Ana and Melanie talk about human genes: what they are, what they mean for our health, and most importantly how they can make it so some people smell their pee after eating asparagus or smell ants while walking on the sidewalk, and some people don't. 

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Cheers to Firmi-cuties
    Jul 30 2021

    Join us on Over Drinks this week as we discuss the gut microbiome, as well as some of the cool things the microbes inside of us do! Can we blame the bacteria in our gut for that 2 a.m. pizza craving? Is eating garlic cloves when you're sick an urban legend, or just good for gut health?  And can poop transplants really make you healthier? Tune in this week to find out!

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Cheers to Moon Dust and Badass Women
    Jul 23 2021

    52 years ago, on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong took his historic first steps on the surface of the moon. That achievement would not have been possible had it not been for the team of (largely) men and (a handful of) women that tirelessly worked in the months leading up to the Apollo 11 launch. Today, Ana and Melanie celebrate the momentous accomplishments of five women who were crucial to the success of the Apollo 11 mission. Join them over Blue Moon beers as they talk female badass-ery, book recommendations, and realize a common theme amongst the Apollo 11 team members that may just be the key to living a long life.  

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    59 mins
  • Cheers to Mary Having a Little Typhoid
    Jul 16 2021

    Join Melanie and Ana this week as they explore the microorganisms that cause food-borne illnesses. Listen in as they cover the cruise ship virus, the tale of Typhoid Mary, and their mutual hatred for potlucks.

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • Cheers to Surviving to 400 Years Old
    Jul 9 2021

    Happy Shark Week! On this weeks episode of Over Drinks, Ana and Melanie talk about one of arguably the coolest creatures in the ocean (that have managed to survive all five major mass extinction events)! Join them as they talk about their favorite sharks (one of which is certainly just surviving, not thriving, at 400 years old), and share why they think its time for sharks to get a new reputation. 

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    59 mins
  • Cheers to GM-Hoes
    Jul 2 2021

    In this episode, Ana and Melanie break down Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)! From the history, to the technology, to the impact they have  on our daily lives.  Are we really 99% the same as a banana?  Are GM crops the way of the future or should they be a thing of the past? Listen this week to hear their drunk words and sober thoughts. 

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Cheers to Toxic Elephant Masculinity
    Jun 25 2021

    The topic of the day is Keystone Species! What is a "Keystone Species" and what do they do? What is the impact of getting rid of a keystone species from our environment? Do we all have the same memory from elementary school of someone mispronouncing the word "organism"? Ana and Melanie unpack it all here, over drinks.  

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    1 hr and 8 mins