• Our Place in the Galaxy Episode 0006
    Feb 18 2024

    In episode 6 we discuss something that might turn off some of our listeners: UFOs and UAPs.

    Emory and I discuss our interest in this subject and both how and why this subject interests us. Don't worry, we're not conspiracy theorists. We approach it with a more critical lens. Emory also revisits last week's topic and talks about a TV show that was very special to them when they were younger. This revelation came up when Emory and I were recently having dinner conversation, and it came up, so I suggested mentioning it on this week's episode.

    If you have any thoughts on either of these topics, or anything else, please visit our Contact Page and drop us a line.

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    27 mins
  • Our Place in the Galaxy Episode 0005
    Feb 7 2024

    In episode 5 we talk about a very nice dinner we had with a good friend, and then we discuss the media that feels like warm comfort food to us. The kind of shows and films we return to over and over again when we're feeling down and out of sorts. Rich talks about two or three of his favorite television shows of all time, and Emory talks about a TV show and several video games that speak to them.

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    23 mins
  • Our Place in the Galaxy Episode 0004
    Jan 31 2024

    In episode 4 we discuss the events of the day, and some were quite startling. After that we get into a discussion about why the Right and Left can't come together on issues as basic as healthcare, and we discuss the reasons we think why. We each have a story to relate on this topic. And the good news is Emory gets to talk in this episode!  :-)

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    22 mins
  • Our Place in the Galaxy Episode 0003
    Jan 24 2024

    I had to edit episode 0003 one and a half times because my cat walked on the keyboard when I stepped out of the room, and literally deleted a bunch of regions and changed a bunch of settings. I figured it was easier to start over than to have to fight with the Undo key:

    In this episode we take a shallow dive into the deep subject of presidential politics. I'm told there is a big vote or something coming in toward the end of the year, and that we might want to brush up on things and talk about it. So we did.

    I've seen some recent data that unfortunately doesn't bode well for Team Blue, but there's a lot of time before the election. Nonetheless it still bothers us for many reasons, and we talk about them here.

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    15 mins
  • Our Place in the Galaxy Episode 0002
    Jan 18 2024

    This is a continuation of our introductions where we cover a few things about us that we did not cover in episode #1.

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    16 mins
  • Our Place in the Galaxy Episode 0001
    Jan 18 2024

    Welcome to episode number 1! This is an introduction episode in which we attempt to give you an idea what we're about and what we want to do.

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    15 mins