• 150. 人気の航空会社ランキング。日系航空会社は本当に満足できる?私ちの本音レビュー。Popular Airline Rankings: Are Japanese Airlines Really Satisfying? Our Honest Review
    Sep 29 2024


    Recently, from a YouTube channel I’ve been into, I learned that Emirates Airlines has excellent service. Additionally, I heard an opinion that, despite consistently ranking at the top in popularity rankings, Japanese airlines are not actually that likable, and I was surprised because I completely agree. So, this time, we discussed the truth of these rankings based on popular airline rankings and our own experiences.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    31 mins
  • 149. マレーシア最終週!Tioman島でのダイビング体験。クアラルンプールとは違う魅力的な村の暮らし Final Week in Malaysia! Diving Experience on Tioman Island. Life in a Charming Village, So Different from Kuala Lumpur.
    Sep 22 2024


    This is the final story of my five-week stay in Malaysia. In the fifth week, I went to a small island called Tioman Island and went diving. Compared to the bustling city of Kuala Lumpur, life in the village on the island was simple, and the people were friendly and warm. It was a very quiet and comfortable place. I also had many wonderful encounters, and it was the week where I interacted with the most people and had the most valuable experiences during my five weeks. It’s a beautiful island that I definitely want to return to next year.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    33 mins
  • 148. マレーシアでの成長ストーリー。一人暮らし体験談と語学学校での友達作り。Growth Story in Malaysia: Living Alone and Making Friends at Language School.
    Sep 15 2024


    Tora talked about how he spent his time living alone in Kuala Lumpur while I was in Penang. He lived by himself in an apartment and attended a language school, but what kind of life was he actually leading? He talked about how he dealt with issues like the nasty shower and dirty toilet in the apartment, making friends through activities at the language school, and experiences like karaoke and bowling. He gave a detailed account of his week living alone overseas as a high school student

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    32 mins
  • 147. ペナン島への一人旅。アートと文化が交差する街の魅力。Solo Trip to Penang Island: The Charm of a City Where Art and Cultures Intersect
    Sep 8 2024


    After a five-week stay in Malaysia, we have returned to Japan. This time, we are talking about my trip to Penang Island, which I took during the fourth week. Penang Island is a fascinating city where art, history, and multiple cultures coexist. When traveling alone, you meet various people and make friends, which was also an interesting experience. I’m also discussing the troubles I encountered with Malaysia Airlines during this trip. Please enjoy the first part of the second half of my stay in Malaysia.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    32 mins
  • 146. マレーシア生活の報告 第三弾!Malaysia Life Update, Part 3!
    Aug 25 2024


    This is another update on life in Malaysia. How has life in Malaysia changed now that we’ve entered the third week? Unfortunately, due to poor internet connection, we can only provide minimal information this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    (Sorry it will be available after next week!)

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


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    33 mins
  • 145. マレーシアでの生活が楽しくなってきた?2週目の変化。Is Life in Malaysia Becoming More Fun? Changes in Week 2.
    Aug 18 2024


    It has been two weeks since we started living in Malaysia. In the first week, we were so focused on getting used to life here that we couldn’t really enjoy Kuala Lumpur, and we weren’t able to share many positive updates in the podcast. However, unlike the first week, by the second week, we’ve gotten a bit more accustomed to life here, and both of us can now speak more positively. Tora has made friends at school through badminton, and it seems like he’s started to enjoy school. I’ve also become friends with the gym staff, which made me realize how important it is to have hobbies when living abroad. Please listen to how much more positive our life has become compared to the first week.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    32 mins
  • 144. マレーシア生活1週目。海外生活の大変さと日本とのギャップ。First Week of Life in Malaysia: The Challenges of Living Abroad and the Gap with Japan.
    Aug 11 2024


    It’s been a week since we arrived in Malaysia. We’re talking about what we’ve experienced in our respective accommodations, the troubles we’ve faced, the struggles with riding the trains, and how the language school is going. After spending a week here, we’ve realized that this trip is far from just a holiday. But we’re definitely growing through it. Although this episode is filled with complaints, by the time we return, we’ll surely be stronger and ready to share our experiences!

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    32 mins
  • 143.マレーシアまでの空の旅。シンガポール航空と日本航空、どちらが良かった?Flight to Malaysia: Which was better, Singapore Airlines or Japan Airlines?
    Aug 4 2024


    Since the end of July, Tora-kun and I have been in Malaysia. This time, we are recording from Malaysia. Actually, from Japan to Malaysia, the two of us flew with different airlines. Tora-kun flew with Singapore Airlines, while I flew with Japan Airlines. Once ranked as the best in-flight service in the world, Singapore Airlines did not meet Tora-kun's expectations. On the other hand, I was very satisfied with the service on Japan Airlines. In this episode, we talk about our experiences and compare the in-flight services of these two airlines.

    The script is available here: https://www.makiko-japanese.com/

    I will update this episode on Youtube as soon as possible!! Please check out and

    subscribe to our youtube channel: ⁠www.youtube.com/channel/UChu8-tNd_4RyWo-iE5cr-Ow⁠

    email, comments, requests, also Japanese lesson inquiries: toranomaki.nihongo@gmail.com


    Please follow our Instagram, @toranomaki.nihongo

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    32 mins