• April 2023
    Apr 1 2023

    Mountain Top with Jesus Podcast! April 1st, 2023

    1. April: What does this have to do with difficult times and the battle for our mind and will to follow Jesus toward our home in heaven with Him and Our Father

      • We often think that happenings are just results of decisions or circumstances. While that may be so, there is also the element of unseen by the world, but recognized through the Holy Spirit of spiritual warfare. That battle between god’s love and Saitan’s hatred toward us as the heavenly Father’s Children • It attacks our physical being • Attacks our mental health • Most apparent to us, are emotional attacks which weighs us down the most • And the most unseen is the spiritual costs and long term results to us • Don’t be surprised by spiritual battles. The devil is doing all he can to draw us away from the Lord and into an area of existence which causes to loose sight of the final victory, final outcome of the war and the final destination • Next month, we will talk about the armor to be used against this battle

    Your Host!

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    31 mins
  • March 1st episode of MTWJ
    Mar 2 2023

    This month, we will discuss the temptations of Jesus after completing His 40 day fasting and prayer in the wilderness. We’ll look at the three temptations by the devil and what they mean and how they will effect us during difficult times both physically and emotionally. Discussion of the tempters tactics and the tools the Lord used to do battle against saitin. This is a great episode to help do battle against the liar, accuser and the one who wishes to defeat us and causes us to not follow the Lord!. Your Host:

    Support Mountaintop With Jesus by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/mountaintop-with-jesus

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    32 mins
  • From Egypt to Canaan: Overcoming Obstacles with Faith
    Feb 1 2023

    February Episode Notes:

    • Recap of previous episode's overview of the development of Israel as a nation
    • Focus on their deliverance from Egypt and journey to the Promised Land
    • Discussion of the stumbling blocks and temptations faced by the Israelites along the way
    • Analysis of the lessons that can be learned from their experiences, such as the importance of faith and perseverance in the face of adversity
    • Comparison of the obstacles faced by the Israelites to the challenges faced by modern believers and how to overcome them through faith in Jesus
    • Reflection on the consequences of being unfaithful and the importance of following God's guidance to inherit His blessings.

    Support Mountaintop With Jesus by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/mountaintop-with-jesus

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    31 mins
  • January: How did it all begin? The battle of good and evil!
    Jan 1 2023

    Mountain Top with Jesus podcast 2023, first six months discussions

    1. January: How did it all begin? The battle of good and evil!
    2. February: What examples do we see in the Old Testament?
    3. March: Examples and quotes from Jesus’s battles in the New Testament
    4. April: What does this have to do with difficult times and the battle for our mind and will to follow Jesus toward our home with Jesus and Our Father
    5. May: The armor to battle in this physical, mental and spiritual war!
    6. June: The snares to be aware of and how they may effect us

    Support Mountaintop With Jesus by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/mountaintop-with-jesus

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    30 mins
  • DEC 2022
    Dec 2 2022
    Episode Notes
    1. Emotions are often confused with mental understanding or capability

    Understanding what is physical, emotional and mental capabilities will assist you in hearing the Lord concerning people who may wish to be a part of your survival/support group. Recognizing capabilities and in capabilities will make your decisions as a group leader or your group members easier and more fitting to the person. Volume(s) could be written on this subject, but it is my hope that this short outline will help you think about matching persons to jobs.

    General statements:

    1. Most individuals want to be a part of a group when difficult times are at the door. (Safety in numbers)
    2. Everyone has something to contribute. Don’t waste people power when there will be more jobs than job doers!
    3. Keep in mind that many handicappers rise to the assignment because they respond to positive affirmation as workers who wish to carry out productive tasks rather than having everyone tell them that they cannot do anything to help the group.
    4. Realize that we all make mistakes and learn from them. It is no different for an individual with a lacking or diminished characteristic. A blind person didn’t see something once or a deaf person didn’t hear something which may have been important. But give them an opportunity to correct/learn and become better at the assigned task. Now if a lacking characteristic causes a pattern of problems, it may be time to find them a new task which better fits their capabilities. (patience)
    5. In Jesus, we are all:
    6. Damaged by our past learnings. (see earlier podcast, July, 2022)
    7. Sinners in the Lord seeking forgiveness and needing grace
    8. We all must be humble to accept our place in the body/group and realize that the dish washer is as important as rambo

    Physical attributes: These are the easiest to sport and perhaps deal with. Here are some thoughts about what people can do with different physical needs.

    1. Blindness: Could:
    2. Cooking/dishes/kitchen aid as this is in an area familiar to the person
    3. Radio monitoring, listening is a natural part of their lives
    4. Monitoring listening posts found at the perimeter
    5. Interview perspective members. People do not know how to disguise their voices. Again, listening expertise
    6. Deafness:
    7. Watching camera monitors. Visuals are an enhanced part of their life.
    8. Firing large guns as their hearing would not be affected or effect their concentration
    9. Perimeter watchers and part of camp guarding

    Emotional attributes:

    1. Perhaps the most difficult to assign. Some thought to help
    2. Perhaps unpredictable as uncontrollable thoughts or certain situations can provoke an here-to-fore unseen action by that person
    3. Use in areas in which the environment is as stable as it can be
    4. In prayers for this person, ask God to heal the fear/hurts which cause these negative reactions
    5. Are very intelligent and can problem solve in protected environments.
    6. Great organizers and possibility planners

    Mental challenges: Don’t overlook these individuals as they have great capabilities and unlike emotional provocations, they are pattern true and if they learn something, they will do it the same every time.

    1. Need to be trained
    2. May not be able to construct new ways of assembling or completing new tasks which do not fit their teaching
    3. May need a trusted partner to assist in the learning of activities in the beginning stage of skill acquisition
    4. Once a skill has been mastered, very faithful and correct in carrying out that skill
    5. A big heart of feeling which makes them great empathizers

    The above are only general statements and as we all know, exceptions exist because we are individual children created uniquely by our Father. So, please recognize that I don’t mean to generalize and leave something out or not address your particular situation, but only mean the above as a guide to start thinking or research for the leader.

    Your host

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    25 mins
  • Mountain Top with Jesus
    Nov 1 2022
    Episode Notes


    1. (From the march outline) Bad or unchristian like decisions are often made based upon faulty non-christian driven upbringing or societal cultural teachings and practices In our upbringing or the lack of, we learn many things. We learn them from many individuals in our growing/formative years. We’ll examine these sources and outcomes and needed changes we need to make so that we are living with and in harmoney with the Lord. 1. Who do we learn from? 2. What do we learn? 3. How does this shape our responses? 4. How do we retain Godly ways and change those behaviors which we need to change? 5. How long does this process last? 6. What’s our rewards for changing? Next Month:
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    36 mins
  • Emotional support for a decision
    Oct 2 2022
    Episode Notes

    This month is the discussion of how emotions support decisions which lead to actions. Although a decision may be the first spark toward completing a task or action, it must be under girded with emotion to provide a supportive structure to complete that activity and do it in a quality manner with a positive attitude.

    1. Emotions are the bridges that support actions. This is the heading listed in the march episode. 1. What is the source for this action? a. Your idea b. The Lord’s leading c. Discussion with pastor, brother/sisters or scripture reading d. A Christian book in which the Lord spoke to you directly through the Holy Spirit e. Maybe even a song 2. Is this a new action? 3. Is this a long considered action? a. If so, what has brought you to this point of decision making b. Have you prayed, sought advice or simply let it percolate between the Lord and yourself? 4. Have you discussed this action with? a. The Lord (through prayer) b. Your pastor/elder of your church c. Brothers and sisters in your spiritual family or small group d. Consulted the word of God, the bible to ensure that there are not obvious commandments or advisements concerning what you are considering e. A Christian expert in the field of this decision 5. How has the Lord led you in this action? a. Positive affirmation in prayer b. If you have let this cool for a period of time, did the Lord bring you back to it and nudge you? c. Does something about this keep coming up in your life in ways in which you know it must be the Lord bringing it to your attention. (His voice through the Holy Spirit of His Father and your Lord) 6. Do you trust His encouragement to complete this action? a. Read scripture which is encouraging to this activity b. Learning skills needed to complete action through studying on-line or in personal training and/or books 7. If He has called you, how will it turn out despite the road to get there? a. What are His promises in the word? b. Who will go with you? 8. What are your fears, inabilities or hesitations? a. Fears b. Inabilities c. Hesitations i. Can’t see the other end ii. Will the Lord go with me on this journey iii. I’m not . . . 9. Who can you share with for support, insight and encouragement? a. The Lord in prayer and seeking Him every step of the way b. Other like minded people who are following the Lord, asking for their prayers, any answers they may receive and recommendations that they receive from the Lord as you proceed 10. When success greets you at the other end of the project, who will receive the praise and thanks? a. Built an alter of thanks (like the Old Testament) as a reminder 11. Will you have grown in your journey with the Lord through difficult times? a. Learned to trust Him in a greater way b. Learned from mistakes which were made along the way of completing this action c. Ask Him to keep charting your course and drawing you closer to Him as your Father and Lord by teaching you through the Holy Spirit in new assignments!
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    38 mins
  • relationships during difficult times
    Sep 1 2022
    Episode Notes

    Emotions support relationships, not only here on earth, but that is also true between us and the Lord Relationships go through phases. We will look at these phases as they pertain to development during difficult times There are a different set of relationship types and reasons durring difficult times. Differences are listed below: 1. May have to develop relationships much faster. No luxury of a lot of time 2. May have to be decided upon in a snap decision timing 3. May not have much development time 4. Persons may come from different backgrounds and different cultures, but the Lord is calling you to accept and develop relationships with them 5. Introduction: a. Acknowledgement and acquaintance b. Learning basics about the person or the baby steps with the Lord 6. Bases for the relationship. What’s is it built on? a. Growing in knowledge of that person or the Lord b. Spending time with the person or the Lord i. Bible studies ii. Others in your group or church iii. Seeking out that person or the Lord and just talking to them c. Learning how the other person or the Lord interacts with you and your life i. Interested in you ii. Listen to your life and situation iii. Does what they say they will do, either for others or you d. Over time, can you trust them? i. In personal information sharing ii. In getting things accomplished iii. Trust worthy in reciprocating your confidentiality or not gossiping about you to others 7. Relationship growing and maturing a. Time together or working together b. How your sharing of your life and needs are received 8. Friend develops into a greater relationship 9. Heavenly verses earthly

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    27 mins