• Stop focusing on the journey if you want to manifest
    Mar 16 2024

    Tired of trying to manifest but not seeing results?

    Discover a new approach to manifestation that doesn't focus on the journey nor the destination and learn how to shift your mindset and your energy to create positive change. Explore insightful analogies like the melting ice cube to understand why patience and small, consistent actions are key to achieving your goals.

    Learn how to consistently manifest the life you were always meant to live in SHINE! our powerful and joy-filled group coaching program.

    Your life wasn't meant to be a struggle and a pale reflection of the richness and beauty you feel inside you!

    You came here to be fully expressed, to live a life that lights you up and to be part of the ripple of love and positive change flowing out into the world.

    Join us and let go of old patterns and limitations when you connect with who you truly are so you can fulfil your purpose and live as the Light you came here to be.

    Click to download our powerful tool that will help you

    Take our FREE Intuition Quiz

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    28 mins
  • What Story is Creating Your Life?
    Feb 14 2024

    Have you ever been curious why sometimes no matter what you do, no matter what you try, nothing seems to shift and change. It's as though you're in this loop of the same experiences the same feelings, the same people in your life, and you just can't seem to break the pattern. Or maybe you feel like that everyone else knows how to create the change, but you don't.

    What we're going to explore in today's episode is, what is the energy that is driving that continued loop the what we call the reality loop. It's an energy that cycles that keeps you stuck that hold is a holding pattern in many ways, that unless you know what's driving it, it's almost impossible to break it.

    Join us and we're going to explore that and also tell you the three steps you can use to break the pattern and create change.

    Your life wasn't meant to be a struggle and a pale reflection of the richness and beauty you feel inside you!

    You came here to be fully expressed, to live a life that lights you up and to be part of the ripple of love and positive change flowing out into the world.

    Join us and let go of old patterns and limitations when you connect with who you truly are so you can fulfil your purpose and live as the Light you came here to be.

    Click to download our powerful tool that will help you

    Take our FREE Intuition Quiz

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    Let's connect in our private community on Facebook 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♂️

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    29 mins
  • Simple Steps to Fix Trust Issues
    Feb 6 2024

    Do you struggle to trust yourself? Do you find that when you're trying to make decisions or navigate through complexity, that you end up in this loop of second guessing and doubting yourself? Are there times when you don’t feel confident that you are able to make a decision that feels right or in alignment with what is best for you?

    You see, trust is an essential foundation that allows you to navigate life in alignment with your Light and with who you truly are and while it can feel hard but it doesn’t have to be!

    So in today's conversation, we explore why it might be that you don't trust yourself and also how you can learn to have more certainty and confidence when confronted by difficult choices or in situations where there is confusion or a lack of clarity.

    SPOILER ALERT! We also share our views on why you should NOT trust other people, at least not in the way you might have been doing it in the past!!

    So tune in and discover how to start trusting yourself so that you can create the magical life you were always meant to be living.

    Ready to learn how to build your Trust Muscle? Then be sure to check out our Powerful Intuition Amplifier Method short course that shows you how to clear doubt and confusion so you can confidently trust your gut and your thinking when making decisions.


    Your life wasn't meant to be a struggle and a pale reflection of the richness and beauty you feel inside you!

    You came here to be fully expressed, to live a life that lights you up and to be part of the ripple of love and positive change flowing out into the world.

    Join us and let go of old patterns and limitations when you connect with who you truly are so you can fulfil your purpose and live as the Light you came here to be.

    Click to download our powerful tool that will help you

    Take our FREE Intuition Quiz

    Join us on Instagram

    Let's connect in our private community on Facebook 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♂️

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    33 mins
  • 3 Ways to Set Healthy Boundaries & Stop People Pleasing
    Jan 22 2024

    Do you ever feel that life would be so much easier on your spiritual path if it wasn’t for other people?! Do you find it easy to feel connected, peaceful and expansive when you are meditating or in nature but then you struggle to stay in that beautiful, yummy energy of who you truly are when dealing with family members or work colleagues?

    In this conversation, we're going to explore the 3 easy ways you can set clear boundaries to stop being triggered so that you can keep a clear energy field and stay in our Light, regardless of the people you're interacting with.

    Listen Now & Discover:

    • The importance of setting clear boundaries to stay in your light and protect your energy.
    • Looking at what triggers you in relationships and how to craft clear boundaries from a foundation of self-love and worthiness.
      • How clear boundaries transformed a challenging relationships to enable healthy co-parenting.

    Your life wasn't meant to be a struggle and a pale reflection of the richness and beauty you feel inside you!

    You came here to be fully expressed, to live a life that lights you up and to be part of the ripple of love and positive change flowing out into the world.

    Join us and let go of old patterns and limitations when you connect with who you truly are so you can fulfil your purpose and live as the Light you came here to be.

    Click to download our powerful tool that will help you

    Take our FREE Intuition Quiz

    Join us on Instagram

    Let's connect in our private community on Facebook 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♂️

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    32 mins
  • How to Protect Yourself from Negative Energies
    Jan 17 2024

    In a world where energies can weigh us down, staying centered and in your Light can be tricky!

    But here's a game-changer: As you build your energetic resilience [the woo woo part of your emotional resilience!] then you can shift from being sensitive and affected by the energies of people or places to a state of clarity and high vibration ... no matter what!

    Discover how in our latest podcast, where we share a powerful tool that you can use to stop having your energy drained so that you can stay in your Light to make it the dominant vibration in your life.

    Your life wasn't meant to be a struggle and a pale reflection of the richness and beauty you feel inside you!

    You came here to be fully expressed, to live a life that lights you up and to be part of the ripple of love and positive change flowing out into the world.

    Join us and let go of old patterns and limitations when you connect with who you truly are so you can fulfil your purpose and live as the Light you came here to be.

    Click to download our powerful tool that will help you

    Take our FREE Intuition Quiz

    Join us on Instagram

    Let's connect in our private community on Facebook 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♂️

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    28 mins
  • How to Live Life on Your Own Terms
    Jan 10 2024

    A powerful shift in consciousness occurs when we give ourselves permission to change our mind and our plans as our energy and sense of Self shifts.

    Often plans have been created by an outdated Taught Self view of life but because who you are isn’t static, you want to make sure that your goals and plans change and come into alignment with the frequency of your True Self to create the life you really want to manifest!

    Join Mary in this episode where she explores the power of living life on your own terms rather than feeling bound to stick with plans and commitments that no longer serve your True Self and discover how she learned to give herself permission to change course when her intuition signals a mismatch in energy.

    Plus you’ll learn a simple frequency practice that you can use to check if your intentions are truly in alignment with your Light and your essence.

    It's a timely conversation for the start of the year when so many of us are setting intentions and making plans, so be sure to tune in and discover how you can create a truly new year in 2024!

    Listen Now and Discover:

    • How to give yourself permission to live life on your own terms.
    • A simple frequency practice to check if your intentions are in energetic alignment with your True Self.
    • Why consistency isn't always the key to success and how to listen to intuitive Knowing.
    • How to create intentions, plans and commitments from a place of expanded consciousnessrather than from the energy of your past.
    • How to know when it's time to ditch old commitments that no longer serve your True Self.
    • The power of allowing your energy and intentions to fluidly shift over time for continued growth.

    Explore these Questions if you want to Go Deeper!

    • Reflect on the commitments and decisions you've made recently, and explore why you decided to do them and if they were from a place of should or expectation.
    • Use Mary’s guided process to feel your Saffron Heart space and an intention you’ve set to notice if they sit together in harmony or if there is a mismatch.
    • Become curious about what parts of the decision are in alignment with your expanded frequency and what parts came from an old identity.
    • Notice if tweaking is needed or if lovingly putting the intention aside is best.
    • Think of a time you overrode your intuitive Knowing and stuck to a plan out of obligation, and how following your knowing like Mary did in cancelling the New York event could have led to a better outcome.

    Your life wasn't meant to be a struggle and a pale reflection of the richness and beauty you feel inside you!

    You came here to be fully expressed, to live a life that lights you up and to be part of the ripple of love and positive change flowing out into the world.

    Join us and let go of old patterns and limitations when you connect with who you truly are so you can fulfil your purpose and live as the Light you came here to be.

    Click to download our powerful tool that will help you

    Take our FREE Intuition Quiz

    Join us on Instagram

    Let's connect in our private community on Facebook 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♂️

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    22 mins
  • Protecting Your Inner Peace in Difficult Family Dynamics
    Dec 19 2023

    Have you ever felt like the odd one out at family gatherings? Do you feel judged because of your spirituality and the fact that you see the world differently to your family and it seems to make it even harder to fit in, even though being spiritual is about us feeling and recognising our sameness with everybody and everything?

    And maybe you've noticed that old emotional triggers and patterns of behaviour that you think you've dealt with resurface so that you feel trapped in dynamics that you know don't reflect who you truly are or how you would normally feel in other situations.

    If you can relate to any of these, then join me in this timely conversation with DZAR as we delve into the heart of these struggles of feeling different, of battling judgement, and of the challenge to stay in your True Self amid the expectations and the family dynamics that seem to throw you straight back into old versions of you.

    Plus we'll share with you a practical tool that you can use to navigate family interactions with more inner peace, compassion and awareness.

    Listen Now and Discover:

    • Family as a Collective Consciousness: Understanding the concept that a family is not just a group of individuals, but a collective energy, sharing common themes yet consisting of diverse energies and experiences.
    • Past Lives and Their Influence on the Family Dynamic: Explore the intriguing idea that family members have had a variety of past lives, contributing to the complex interplay of energies and relationships in the present.
    • Habitual Behaviour in Family Interactions: Discussing how old habits and roles are often resumed in family settings, and the challenge of moving beyond these to embrace new dynamics.
    • The Impact of Family Dynamics on Personal Change: Explore how family reactions to personal change can be a reflection of individual growth, and the importance of maintaining self-awareness and integrity in these situations.
    • How to Build Your Emotional Resilience: Learn a practical tool that helps you build your emotional resilience and deal with judgement and conflict within family interactions.

    Explore these Questions if you want to Go Deeper!

    • Do you feel different from your family? How does that shape your identity and your interactions with them?
    • What are the old ways of being that you find yourself defaulting to in family environments, and how do they impact your Knowing of self?
    • How do you navigate the balance between fitting in with your family and maintaining your individuality and personal growth?
    • How do your family's perceptions and judgments affect your sense of self, and how do you respond to the challenges you experience?
    • Take time to beco

    Your life wasn't meant to be a struggle and a pale reflection of the richness and beauty you feel inside you!

    You came here to be fully expressed, to live a life that lights you up and to be part of the ripple of love and positive change flowing out into the world.

    Join us and let go of old patterns and limitations when you connect with who you truly are so you can fulfil your purpose and live as the Light you came here to be.

    Click to download our powerful tool that will help you

    Take our FREE Intuition Quiz

    Join us on Instagram

    Let's connect in our private community on Facebook 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♂️

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    35 mins
  • The Hidden Power of Identity in Manifestation
    Dec 7 2023

    Do you ever feel a disconnect between your deepest desires and your current reality? You're not alone. Many of us struggle to bridge the gap between our inner knowing and the outward manifestation of our dreams. But what if the key to unlocking your true potential lies not in changing the "how," but in transforming the "who"?

    In this episode recorded at a recent live workshop, we embark on a journey into the powerful world of Expanded Consciousness as the key to shifting our ability to manifest with certainty.

    We explore why most manifestation techniques fail to address the root cause of our limitations and discover a new approach that focuses on creating a lasting shift at the identity level to alter your future.

    Listen Now and Discover

    • How to unlock the secrets of Expanded Consciousness to access your true potential and manifest your desires with greater ease.
    • Why there might be a gap between your inner Knowing & your outer reality using the powerful “Bridge of Collaboration" model for insight.
    • How to tap into the field of consciousness and co-create your reality with the Universe.
    • The magic of the Aligned Manifestation Method to manifest your desires with greater power by bringing together your mental, emotional, and energetic states.
    • How to reconnect with your true essence and step into the life you were always meant to live.

    And if you'd like to watch the full workshop just send us an email and we'll share the link with you!

    Your life wasn't meant to be a struggle and a pale reflection of the richness and beauty you feel inside you!

    You came here to be fully expressed, to live a life that lights you up and to be part of the ripple of love and positive change flowing out into the world.

    Join us and let go of old patterns and limitations when you connect with who you truly are so you can fulfil your purpose and live as the Light you came here to be.

    Click to download our powerful tool that will help you

    Take our FREE Intuition Quiz

    Join us on Instagram

    Let's connect in our private community on Facebook 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♂️

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    36 mins