Sep 23 2024

    This show is all about blessings. I discuss with scriptural references and inspirational songs the reasons why God gives us blessings and what we must do to inherit the bounty of what is on hold for us. Are we thankful enough to Him for His divine providential care? Have we considered what it would be like not to have God in our life? We must consider the options of being in or out of His family. The only way to inherit all that our Heavenly Father has in store for us we must serve Him above all else. He has a blessing with each of our names on it that no one else can claim. Also, when we are blessed God wants us to open up our hearts and bless someone else. Why should we have so much and others so little? We are blessed to bless others and the more we give, the more we will receive. I am a living testimony of what God has done, is doing, and will do in my life, and if He has done it for me, He will do it for you. Trust Him and believe it to be true!

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    57 mins
    Sep 16 2024

    This is my back to school show to encourage and motivate students young and old. School, in my opinion, should be a combination of learning and fun, and a place where students are free to express their God given talents without being labeled as underachievers or compared to overachievers. I have taught both and in my thirty-one years of being an administrator and teacher in an urban school district, and found that all children have gifts and can be successful in school if given the chance, regardless of their surrounding environment. Their only need is for someone to care and recognize any needs that they may have, providing them the necessary help to correct those deficiencies. Children are often classified or put in special education classes for government funding, of which parents may be unaware. My prayer is that mothers and fathers or guardians will consume the contents of this show, share it with their children, and pass it on to others via my podcasts. We loved and valued our teachers coming up, and they loved us enough to ensure that learned. That is what made us who we are today.

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    56 mins
    Sep 2 2024

    We look to the author and finisher of our faith to supply our needs, whether they are emotional, physical, or spiritual. God, through His Son Jesus Christ, promises to give us everything that we need, although not everything that we want. He desires that we have full faith and trust in Him to provide these things and we must go to Him in prayer requesting specifically what we need and then patiently await the answer. Once received we must act accordingly and give thanksgiving to God for our blessings. Our Heavenly Father is not stingy. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and he clothes the birds of the air and the lilies of the field. Do you believe that He will do even more for us? Psalm 23 reminds us that “the Lord is our shepherd and we shall not want.” God shows favor to us in our weakest moments. He is a healer, way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, and light in the darkness. How much better could He be to us? In return for his goodness we must demonstrate true dedication, faithfulness, and thanksgiving to the all wise God.

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    48 mins
    Aug 12 2024

    The environment is in a critical state of disrepair as I see it. However, much of the damage that has been and is being done to planet Earth can be reversed if done in a timely fashion. Pollution of the air, land, and sea is worsening instead of getting better because of man’s inhumanity to man. Yes, we are our own worst enemy - humanity. While our interest is in comfort rather than protection of our natural resources including our children, we are in essence creating a much different world for future generations to live in than the one that we enjoyed growing up. This show is to motivate listeners everywhere to do whatever they can to control pollution, clean up their neighborhoods, and be kind to Mother Earth.

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    46 mins
    Aug 5 2024

    This is the first of several shows that I will do leading up to the Presidential election in the United States. I focus on the diversity of countries around the world who have had female leaders for years. We humbly remember the Queen Elizabeth II who reigned from 1952-2022, and there are many women around the globe currently holding positions of President, Prime Minister, and other positions. I remember Indira Gandhi who served as a stateswoman, Indian politician, and prime minister of India from 1966-1977 and then from 1980-1984 often referred to as “Iron Lady.” The United States has been blessed with a female in the White House, Vice President Kamala Harris. If not now then when? If not us then who? I quite John E. Lewis, “If not us then who? if not now then when?” (misquoted in the audio). Also, I’m reminded of President Kennedy when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”

    *Please note: I misquoted the name of President Kennedy in the show but should have been John Lewis.

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    44 mins
    Jul 29 2024

    The text used for this show is Proverbs 16 in entirety. My purpose in selecting this passage is to reinforce to others the totality of God’s control in our lives, and how choosing to follow His better way leads to abundant blessings unimaginable. Regardless of our desires and wants, only the Will of our Heavenly Father will be established in the end. We do not have the Lord’s eyes nor his thoughts. Thus, our knowledge is no competition with His wisdom. Essentially we are puppets dancing to the tune of a mighty puppeteer. Hence, as He guides our predestined path we must follow. Without God we can do nothing, like a ship without a sail, just floating in the water and going nowhere. Choose the straight and narrow way where blessings untold await.

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    51 mins
    Jul 22 2024

    God is faithful to His Word and we must believe and trust in Him to help us in times of need. Trouble has been in the world since its creation, and it will come to each of us in time. We must understand that God hears and answers all prayers. When we feel downtrodden and alone, God is near us. When our souls are tormented by principalities and powers of darkness, He is there to comfort us. He promises never to leave or forsake us. Through it all, we must learn to depend upon God’s grace and mercy to carry us through. Never give up. It is a precious gift to be in the family of God.

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    53 mins
    Jul 15 2024

    Many people fail to realize the importance of praising God in their daily lives. They often feel that their situations are bleak, not hopeful or encouraging and unlikely to have a favorable outcome. However, God has a treasure trove of blessings just waiting to be given to those who believe in his Word and have faith and trust in Him to help us in times of need. We must always remember to praise Him regardless of what life sends our way, and thank him for the bounty of His goodness that we have already received. If God never does another thing for us He’s done enough. However, with each morning comes new mercies. We must continue to praise Him no matter what. That is not a choice, but a command. God will never leave us or forsake us. A childhood hymn reminds us of this teaching early in life: Praise Him, Praise Him all the little children. God is love, God is love.

    Praise Him, Praise Him all the little children. God is love, God is love.

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    42 mins