
  • The Saluting Marine - SSGT Tim Chambers
    May 27 2022

    SSGT Tim Chambers is a Marine Corps Veteran, Author, Motivational Speaker, Highschool Mascot, and AMVETS Spokesperson. Most people know of him from standing at attention in Washington D.C. for Rolling Thunder every Memorial Day Weekend. He also visits Veterans throughout the year in hospitals, homes, and even on their deathbeds. Tim pays for everything out of his own pocket, but you can help by becoming a Sponsor, making a donation or purchasing products from his website at The Saluting Marine.

    Sponsored by Tar Heel Construction Group who is always looking out for active Military, Veterans, First Responders and the community.

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    1 hr and 34 mins
  • Locked In During The Baltimore City Riots
    Mar 30 2022

    Victoria Yassem was a manager at Michael Kors in Baltimore City. Riots broke out in April of 2015 and she had to barricade herself and others in the bathroom of the store because rioters were trying to break in. Meanwhile, her husband Eric, a Baltimore County Police Officer was home watching things unfold on the news, feeling helpless because he couldn't get down to Baltimore City.

    Sponsored by Tar Heel Construction Group who is always looking out for active Military, Veterans, First Responders and the community.

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • Four Years Three Months Twenty Three Days Seven Hours And Fifteen Minutes Served - Marine Mark Sadzinski
    Feb 10 2022

    Mark Sadzinski served in the Marines for Four Years, Three Months, Twenty Three Days, Seven Hours and Fifteen Minutes. Most people that serve start counting down to their final day during their last few months or year, not from day one. Mark has a reason he knows the time down to the minutes and he explains it on this episode.

    Sponsored by Tar Heel Construction Group who is always looking out for active Military, Veterans, First Responders and the community.

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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • Too Damn Big For The Tank - Marine and Retired Maryland State Trooper George Wooden
    Jan 11 2022

    George Wooden served in the Marine Corps and joined the Maryland State Police afterwards. George tells us why he didn't get the MOS he wanted in the Marines and his work in the Maryland State Police and how much everything has changed since he retired.

    Sponsored by Tar Heel Construction Group who is always looking out for active Military, Veterans, First Responders and the community.

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    1 hr and 36 mins
  • Shot In The Head At Point Blank Range And Survived - Former Baltimore City Police Officer Gene Cassidy
    Dec 10 2021

    Gene Cassidy is a former Baltimore City Police Officer. He was patrolling Baltimore's Western District when he noticed a person he thought was wanted. Gene was shot in the head during the ensuing brawl. His life was spared, but he lost his sight completely, irreversibly, and permanently. 

    Sponsored by Tar Heel Construction Group who is always looking out for active Military, Veterans, First Responders and the community.

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    54 mins
  • Happy 246th Birthday Marines
    Nov 9 2021

    What happens when you have 4 Marines sit down to talk about the time they served? Oh, and for the Marine Corps Birthday? The discussion is interesting and unfiltered.

    Sponsored by Tar Heel Construction Group who is always looking out for active Military, Veterans, First Responders and the community.

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    1 hr and 46 mins
  • Lifetime Oath Trailer
    Nov 3 2021

    Coming November 10, 2021!!!

    A monthly podcast featuring men and women that have serve or served in the military or as a first responder. These men and women have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America... a Lifetime Oath


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    3 mins