• email marketing is dead
    May 24 2023

    Show notes are coming soon! In the meantime, let's connect!

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    15 mins
  • get out of your way
    May 17 2023

    Show notes are coming soon! In the meantime, let's connect!

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    18 mins
  • immediately yes
    Apr 14 2023
    immediately yes

    Investing in ourselves is a crucial step towards personal and professional growth. We must prioritize and make investments that will benefit us in the long run. One such investment is hiring assistants in our businesses, which can help us scale the business and focus on the most critical tasks. However, saying yes to these investments can be challenging, especially when unsure of the outcome.

    In this episode, I share the benefits of immediately saying yes to the investments that we need to make in ourselves. I talk about acting fast when investing in yourself, what happens when you don’t get your mind right when investing in yourself, and why black women are not scaling their businesses. I also discuss the criteria for investing in yourself and the effects of not investing in yourself. Tune in to learn more about this and other exciting topics!


    [01:18] The two mindset mini-journeys before making investments in yourself

    [01:58] The question: If not now, when?

    [04:41] The benefits of hiring an assistant

    [05:43] What happens when you don’t get your mind right when investing in yourself

    [07:08] Why Black women are not scaling in their businesses

    [10:16] The question: If not you, who?

    [11:46] The effects of not investing in yourself

    [15:28] The criteria for investing in yourself 

    [20:11] Key takeaways

    Notable quotes:

    • “We need to save ourselves and our businesses.”
    • “No one is going to invest in you if you are not going to invest in yourself.”
    • “It takes a village to raise a child and a village to run a successful business.”
    • “Money loves speed. The quicker you are willing to invest in yourself, the quicker your target audience will invest in you.”

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    22 mins
  • fear? we don't know her.
    Mar 29 2023

    Entrepreneurship is a challenging and daunting journey for anyone who embarks on it, but for women of color, fear can often be an ever-present companion. The harsh reality is that systemic oppression and discrimination can make entrepreneurship an uphill battle for women of color. Fear can manifest in many ways, from imposter syndrome to the fear of failure, and can hinder their success.

    In this episode, I share how the oppression of women of color has increased fear and reduced women's confidence in entrepreneurship. I talk about individualism in America and how it affects women of color, how Black exceptionalism has grown fear in women, and pushing in the state of hope by reframing failure. Tune in to learn more about this and other exciting topics!


    [01:47] Individualism in America

    [05:08] The incredible women in media

    [06:33] How Black exceptionalism grows fear in women of color

    [09:00] The letter from the teenage Black girl of the South

    [12:20] Ways that individualism and Black exceptionalism impacts the psychology of women of color

    [21:22] The state of fight or flight

    [24:01] Pushing ourselves into a state of hope

    [24:24] The power of reframing failure

    [28:40] The scripture that helped me to face my fears and be me

    Notable Quotes

    • “All people have sustained not because of how they do not work together but because of working together.”
    • “When we are constantly living in the state of fight or flight, we create barriers so we can fight them.”
    • “2 Cor 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”
    • “Breaking up with fear and pursuing a lifelong relationship with faith is the true explanation of entrepreneurship.”

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    33 mins
  • what had happened was
    Mar 22 2023

    When you first start your business, it can be challenging for anyone. Still, for Black women who are also trying to navigate a world where they're underrepresented in leadership roles and where they face discrimination at the intersection of their gender and race, well, it can be downright demoralizing. 

    There can be many obstacles to overcome when starting or running your own business. And those obstacles are even more significant when you're doing it as a Black woman. But if we work together and support one another as women of color in business, we can make change happen. In this episode, I share the “how’s it going” to episode one’s “how it started” of my story on how I got to where I am today. Tune in to learn more!


    [00:55] The story of how I got here today

    [02:40] Working with a Black woman principal

    [07:40] Journey into school leadership

    [11:20] Consulting in education

    [13:03] Working with the second Black woman principal

    [17:16] Fear of betting into myself

    [20:00] Launching my consulting business

    [22:00] Going back to class

    [22:40] Making $60,000 while teaching and consulting part-time in a pandemic

    [23:55] Proving to myself that I could bet on myself

    [24:58] The power of email marketing

    Notable Quotes:

    • “The world does not bet on Black women even though we built this place.”
    • “Black women have always embedded the entrepreneurial spirit to make something fire out of nothing.”
    • “Entrepreneurship is the safest place for Black women.” - Sable Mensah

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    32 mins
  • ok, so boom
    Mar 17 2023

    Hello and welcome to Leveled Up With LaTrice, the podcast that aims to equip Black women entrepreneurs with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in their businesses. I am your host, LaTrice, and I'm thrilled to have you tuning in, sis.

    I started this podcast to help other Black women entrepreneurs overcome the unique challenges and barriers we face in business. As a successful entrepreneur, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to navigate entrepreneurship as a Black woman. That's why I'm passionate about sharing tips and strategies for email marketing and creating solid sales funnels, which are essential for any entrepreneur looking to take their business to the next level. In this episode, I share my story on how I got into both entrepreneurship and podcasting. Tune in to learn more!


    [00:51] The purpose of the podcast

    [02:30] The story that got me to where I am today

    [03:30] The college experience that built my character

    [05:20] The internship at JP Morgan bank

    [11:56] How I turned down the $90,000 monthly salary to follow my dreams

    [15:58] My experience with Teach for America

    [19:38] How I got into entrepreneurship

    [20:51] The motivation behind my podcast

    Notable quotes:

    • “We can support each other and create a community where there isn’t one.”

    Connect with me:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leveledupwithlatrice/

    Website: https://leveledupwithlatrice.com/

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    25 mins
  • Trailer
    Mar 16 2023

    If you're a badass Black or Brown girl launching or growing a business, pull up a seat sis, this podcast is for you!

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    1 min