
    Jul 12 2024

    Wellllls, Wellllls, Wellllls! What do we have here! Why it's a hot damn brand spanking new episode of Kooks, Cranks, & Iconoclasts! Not only that, but it's also what is hopefully the first of many with one of the co-hosts in the captain's chair! That's right! This one right here's a certified fresh Chris Wells joint, where we'll be delving into the vast sampler platter of various black cults and cult leaders! We've got The Moorish Science Temple, Nation of Islam, The 5% Nation of Gods & Earths, Black Hebrew Israelites, Nuwaubian Nation & a veritable smorgasbord of religious based race hate, all of which is liberally seasoned with a big fat dash of true crime! Act now and you'll also receive an all new "What's Weird This Week?" and...AND! All this also includes a surprise guest as our buddy Taylor makes an appearance as well! IT'S A GODDAMN MILESTONE! Put it all up in your ears and soak your whole brain in it!

    Email us!: kooksandcranks@gmail.com

    Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves, also featuring "Great Things" (instrumental version) by Nehruvian DOOM, as well as a quick snippet of "4th Chamber" (instrumental version) from the album "Liquid Swords" by The GZA of Wu-Tang Clan

    SOURCES: "Da Bible" by "Misc.", "The Jew A Negro: Being a Study of The Jewish Ancestry From An Impartial Standpoint" by Arthur Talmadge Abernathy, PhD, "The Time Suck Podcast" w/ Dan Cummins, specifically... 182 - Nation of Yahweh Cult: Murder, Manipulation, and Black Supremacy, 252 - Aliens, Sexual Abuse, Disco, Racism, and ... Egyptians? The Nuwaubian Nation of Moors Cult

    Check out The Nuwaubian Nation's Tama-Re Compound!: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tama-Re

    Alleged Detroit "voodoo cult" erroneously conflated with Nation of Islam & other early 20th Century American black religious movements: https://www.newspapers.com/article/detroit-free-press-voodoo-cult-history-i/33095627/

    ALSO, JUST WHAT IN DA FUCK IS A "SHIN SHUKYO"?: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_new_religions

    (It's just a lot quicker/easier/cooler sounding than saying "New Religious Movement" all the time. Go ahead, try saying it loud right now! YUM! And speaking of "YUM!"...)

    Here's a nifty NOI inspired bean pie recipe we found! IT'S DELICIOUS! NUTRICIOUS! & SO DAMN RIGHTEOUS!: https://marielacampbellphotography.wordpress.com/2012/08/08/sweet-bean-pie-from-the-nation-of-islam/

    W.W.T.W.? Article Sources:




    If you are struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues, please dial 988.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mike-lucht/support
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    2 hrs and 27 mins
    Jul 4 2024
    ...or if you're a stickler who's not into the whole brevity thing, then "Always Remember To Eat, Meditate, Love, Exhale, Get Your Groove Back Into Traveling Ya-Ya Pants Sisterhood, Etc." We're back from a much needed break which included a short period of mourning for the dearly beloved feline AIDs casualty, Reginald Van Buren (R.I.P. Buddy...XOXO). This week we be gettin' kooky all the way to Tibet, as we discuss the famous explorer, adventurer, anarchist, & spiritual seeker of Truths[TM], Madame Alexandra David-Neel! She's the woman who essentially introduced the entire western world to the mystical/magical/esoteric practices & concepts of Tibetan Buddhism a.k.a. "Vajrayana Buddhism". We're talking tulpas, zombies, demon feast rituals, and even a bit of David Lynch's enigmatic television classic, "Twin Peaks"! All this & more, including our (un)usual round of "What's Weird This Week?" GIVE IT A LISTEN & LEARN TO FEED YOUR DEMONS! Sure, you'll be traumatized...but better for it in the end. Email us!: kooksandcranks@gmail.com Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves, as well as "Ghost Town" (instrumental version) by The Specials, and "I Go Meow (Singing Cat)" by The Kiffness & Cala (R.I.P.) *watch it & feel overcome with happiness/sadness here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7WI4A8N8dA&t=26s SOURCES: "Magic and Mystery In Tibet" by Alexandra David-Neel, for tons of badass Tibetan art/iconography, go here: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=0c6f1460494bfe96&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1SJWC_enUS1101US1102&sxsrf=ADLYWIJt8B1YmcYbMFWkpem0ChPhLdAzIw:1720072413430&q=tibetan+deity+art&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0AVbySjNxIXoj6bNaq7uSpw-2eW7KIQ8H4T_tEPJYsPzOi5GKsV0RKGmy84LfyUxrl-4_0AusV0IdjeUAdX2KBg7BmnGLOak5d-z-_u-BD5mN13FgBnNWDvju7R9DTlWNidOrJflM1JuVtiWYZDkHFOJzhjFWWukocdFSx3yN5TzfLggWRnI4Aa-8EhEIZUfHR_WMFwmbeNhwTWDi8XltL7qhh3uw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiU1MKJ2YyHAxXqSjABHZ49CdIQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=1536&bih=730&dpr=1.25 For a good primer on the beliefs/teachings of Vajrayana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep3rXBRdPl4 For those with short attention spans seeking a simplified summary of Tibetan/India/Chinese relations & how America has recently become involved, try these: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXTYPIbA-mM&t=13s *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMm6WZHtP1E *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FhPL5xWmH0 W.W.T.W.? Articles: *https://uk.news.yahoo.com/scientists-attached-living-lab-grown-130112808.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMr6LuyGDIrdhpx_RB8pi4ZDkVaLlE31aFsVQbDMVxhRXk2IEd_v1CJr0YDX1V94Sc3T_pRFZ3cptbf9c2sgGX1qDwiCeMo5CdA_R6F9gDQkobZLeHMEre4BZyzrltbeoilKILoJMff_KMNl-Xelj_uDCkWk2mFupEPEjITQB-vX *https://brobible.com/culture/article/tennessee-police-seize-drug-stash-hidden-taco-bell-burrito-wrappers/ *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f13NkUOd6w (check out Paranormal Researcher Paul Stonehill's YouTube channel for tons more well researched high strangeness with a Soviet/Eurasian twist!) If you are struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues, please dial 988. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mike-lucht/support
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    1 hr and 35 mins
    Jun 16 2024

    HEYYOOO! What's up you beautiful kooks! Sorry for the (re)tardy release of this new episode but there's recently been an inexplicable rise in the number of enigmatically exploding toilets in our lives. (Specifically, an increase in total overall quantities from zero to one, so things have escalated quite quickly.) Despite these developments, we

    bring you an all new Kooks & Cranks joint where the topic of discussion is "The Stargate Conspiracy" (written by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince) outlining a

    potentially insidious plot that's already gotten us all into watching "Ancient Aliens" then saying things to ourselves and/or others such as: "Well obviously!" or "I always knew something was up wit dat shit!" & other statements of this nature. (Hey, we've all done it.) But what if there exists a hidden, intentional push by forces unseen or even from beyond, overseen by secretive elites of academia, media, & the military-industrial complex, that are largely the same individuals involved with top secret psychic spy programs, defense/aerospace, or various archaeological expeditions around the world in search of what could very well be our amazing otherworldly origins! Do you trust the people in charge of making such discoveries? If you answered "yes" then be sure to contact us about our limited time offer on credit & debit card number based BINGO! game played over the phone, giving away numerous opportunities to win extended stay timeshares and/or zipline sky miles! Or, WE come to YOU to remove every pesky bit of cluttered copper pipes inside your walls, all while you're away at work, to ensure the utmost efficiency! AHHHHHH! We know y'all are too darn smart to fall for all that! But is any of that other stuff up above actually true? Do the sensible thing and listen as we put you up on the scoop! DEUCES!!

    Email us!: kooksandcranks@gmail.com

    Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves, as well as "Funkytown" (instrumental version) by Lipps Inc.

    SOURCE: see above, also...BUY THE BOOK!


    W.W.T.W.? Article Sources:




    If you are struggling with addiction/mental health issues, please dial 988.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mike-lucht/support
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    1 hr and 58 mins
    Jun 5 2024

    What's up all you beautiful kooks! This week the fellas are discussing schizophrenia from some fringe theoretical angles, largely either a "supernatch" (or "snatch" if you're trying to save time) and/or psychotronic conspiracy angle. This one's got a whole lotta everything: psychosis, history, religion, spirituality, science, technology, lively debate, &

    a reasonable dose of righteous anger at just how fucked up medicine and healthcare is in contemporary America! This week we also issue a challenge to all our listeners to "hex" Chris...let's make it happen people! All this plus one particularly erotic/disturbing (Y.M.M.V.-your mileage may vary!) politically charged edition of "W.W.T.W.?" Another spicy knowledge suppository for the brain coming in hot!

    Email us!: kooksandcranks@gmail.com

    Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves

    SOURCES: "Operators and Things" by Barbara O'Brien, "The Technical Delusion" by Jeffrey Sconce, as well as...








    W.W.T.W.? Articles:





    If you are struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues please dial 988.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mike-lucht/support
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    2 hrs and 20 mins
  • MINISODE-"Schizoterrestrial lumberjackin'!"
    May 30 2024

    HEYYOOO! Wassup ya beautiful kooks! Mike is flying solo in this week's mini-episode (or "minisode", if you're trying to save time). Next week we'll be back to our usual antics but due to the storms and a fiendishly shitty Dallas electricity monopoly, we've all been recovering from the damages with Chris & Spencer currently left without power, so send your air conditioning, cool breeze like mind-vibes their way! This week Mike's jive talking on a wide range of "ultra-terrestrial" topics ranging from all kinds of matters like: "tulpatronics" (TM), thoughtforms, folklore, aliens/UFOs, schizophrenia, shamanism, the "quantums", etc. He'll also be dropping a few hints of Chris & Spencer's upcoming topics of choice & thanking you all from the bottom of his heart & the heart of his bottom for not only being listeners but subscribers as well! That's because all of our listeners/subscribers are undoubtedly the smartest, sexiest, best types of folks there is out there!

    Thanks again to each and every one of you! The boys will be back next week so stay tuned everybody! P.E.A.C.E.!

    Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves, additional music includes "Vomitspit" (extended instrumental) by the incomparable M.F. DOOM!


    -"UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse" by John Keel https://www.amazon.com/OPERATION-TROJAN-HORSE-Classic-Breakthrough/dp/1938398378

    -"Passport to Magonia" by Jacques Vallee https://www.amazon.com/Passport-Magonia-Folklore-Flying-Saucers-ebook/dp/B00TU7V0XA/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1UFRZSMAGP7XM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.oiyR8ctVfXzvQpjXeF1ZC7-ZjUfmwCQ0pDoB3hFDeaw.jGupHjNPBVXTNbEg5hSg_ujHwXmPGvGlAm4ETtBuwfI&dib_tag=se&keywords=passport+to+magnolia&qid=1717096840&s=books&sprefix=passport+t%2Cstripbooks%2C108&sr=1-1

    -Dr. Jerry Marzinsky interview on the "Spirit Box" podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY9W6m7gcf0

    *If you are dealing with mental health and/or substance abuse issues, please dial 988.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mike-lucht/support
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    44 mins
    May 23 2024

    Heyyyooooo! Wassup ya beautiful kooks! This week we're discussing Hollywood & mass media representations of UFOs and alien contact as well as their well established military & intelligence community ties towards the role they play in the dissemination of misinformation, disinformation, & "soft disclosure"! This is all by way of an interview by way of a book by way of a gentleman named Bruce Rux and his expansive tome "Hollywood VS. The Aliens" as well as an EXTREMELEY FASCINATING 5.5. hour interview he gave on the "Binnall of America Radio Show" back in 2009. (See the link below!) So where are we now? How far have we come? What's changed since then? We'll attempt & even slightly somewhat succeed at answering all these questions and more on today's show! ENJOY! XOXOXO!

    Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves, additional music by Harold Faultermeyer ("The Fletch Theme", from the film "Feltch"...ohhh, woopsy-poopsy, I meant "Fletch"!)

    SOURCES: the awesome as fuck website "The Secret Sun" by run by the incomparable Christopher Knowles,

    https://secretsun.blogspot.com/ as well as the aforementioned 5.5. hour interview with the man himself, Mr. Bruce Rux on "Binnall of America Radio", which is also very highly recommended & definitely worth checking out across the board! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7CvFvWDuGU&t=11933s

    *BUY THE BOOK!: https://www.amazon.com/Hollywood-vs-Aliens-Participation-Disinformation/dp/1883319617

    *W.W.T.W.? Articles Sources listed in episode!

    *If you are struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues please dial 988.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mike-lucht/support
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    1 hr and 43 mins
    May 16 2024

    A day late and an hour short! In this "mini-episode" we'll be discussing former occultists turned more righteous than thee total bullshit artist Bill Schnoebelen. Bill was once upon a time just so utterly badass that not only was he a Wiccan, a Druid, a Satanist, a "Hardcore Satanist" (see what what we mean?), a Mormon, a Mason, a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker, etc. (No but seriously, he seems to have never had a REAL job anywhere at all in there, hmmm?) Then one fateful day a clerical error at the bank brought him to the light ya boy J. Christo! Now he travels to various churches and lecture halls & speechifying on his monumental bullshit achievements! We all disliked the guy so much we just had to cut this episode short! But fear not you beautiful kooks, we'll be back next week with something far more akin to our usual high concept, thought provoking palaver! ENJOY!

    Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves, also including "Harlem Hindoo" by Al Hirt

    SOURCES: a bunch of mind numbingly awful books written by "The Schneebs" as well as this handy dandy timeline chart of his time spent accumulating occult power! https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZAQVVSy3Z60/ThNPmIc5S6I/AAAAAAAACWw/lL4ewu4fsxk/s1600/bill-schnoebelen-time-line.jpg

    W.W.T.W.? Articles:




    *If you are experiencing mental health and/or substance abuse issues please dial 988.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mike-lucht/support
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    1 hr
  • EMPEROR NORTON-"THE BIG DOG CANDY MOUNTAIN" (fixed audio/mulligan stew)
    May 9 2024

    Howdy Kooks! This week we're covering the one and only Joshua Abraham Norton I, Emperor of America, Protector of Mexico, Discordian Saint, & King of The Hobos! This here's an episode that's straight up chock full of old timey frontier weirdness! And speaking of weirdness, we've also got our "WWTW?" segment that all adds together for an episode to shonuff raise some questions. Will Spencer ever time travel? Will Mike ever be considered an actual "intergalactivist"? Will Chris feel the repercussions of free speech? TRAVEL THROUGH TIME WITH US! (WARNING! We're not held liable for any form of quantum chicanery however, just FYI.) XOXOXO!

    *Email us!: kooksandcranks@gmail.com

    *Opening/closing theme: "Ghost Town" by Aves

    *SOURCES: "Norton I, Emperor of The United States" by William Drury (1986), "Hobo Hieroglyphics" can be checked out at: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8c425ed6a905ffa8&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1JSBI_enUS1062US1064&sxsrf=ADLYWIIv-bXqXI7l-XDKxm8WFLB9UgGltA:1715233501682&q=hobo+codes&uds=ADvngMgn6u88pMcvYkpjHs7F8jnlN1h91N8NXgSH89UEelh1m28YmQ4597FbHuQSZhbIGSTNSXGhgtpkwwKVhpDEsTDiEwPtMvu-ZnV_OTHMKTiLWk03PdpnyxPoMmj3RJf879HK_3iIDoVNIDPhersXfm7rnHSHzCo9F3mbiYIrmeqJ8uiM5NzUMtuV-dX5MOtLxrRfGNGS8XX1T-rSsa76bShUnA7MpuPy0Ry9g9h7gLyLCC8gISzeG1B-DuK3q2COItFeRv3Jv2M7YTWRs5DkRYhvSnSx0SfnqaI3jAg2qwRICUUisdWHUO96_zDr8UalgofTnQLA&udm=2&prmd=ivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjiiszc7v-FAxU3fTABHQIdDLYQtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=1366&bih=679&dpr=1#vhid=7UTmqdeQTayQ0M&vssid=mosaic

    WWTW? Articles:




    *Adopt a local shelter dog or cat!: https://spca.org/

    *If you are having mental health and/or substance abuse issues please dial 988.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mike-lucht/support
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    2 hrs and 2 mins